
Zayn's calm exterior never falters as he goes to care for Louis. The boy hurries to wipe his tears away, but only succeeds in smearing blood across his cheek. It's easy to put together; there's shards of glass scattered all over the floor where Louis is slouched, from the mirror Zayn guesses.

"Hey, love. That looks like it hurts," Zayn whispers gently, pulling Louis carefully away from the glass so he isn't hurt further. He hums sympathetically as Louis whimpers and whines. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" Zayn asks, noticing more blood but not the source.

He curses under his breath as Louis shrugs and curls in on himself. When subs drop it can be difficult for them to identify pain, which is why they need to cared for carefully. When they find out their classification at 16 they get extra classes to teach them little things that they may need to help them and the partner in the future. Zayn remembers how worried he'd been when the teacher stressed how dangerous an injured sub was and how they should immediately be brought to hospital for the professionals to deal with.

Louis is shivering when Zayn picks him up, carrying him to the car and carefully strapping him in. A quick text to Harry and Liam informs them of the situation and urges them to go to the sub hospital now. He glances at his pale face in the mirror and back down to Louis' clammy form before he sighs and begins a stressful and very careful drive.

Harry's breath is stolen away from him when he gets Zayn's text. He doesn't hesitate to climb behind the wheel, thoughts beating inside his head that its his fault, he left Louis when he needed him.

His hands shake where they hold the wheel, as he reaches up to frantically scrub at his eyes. He needs to find get to Louis, care for him like a good dom would. He's turning out like his dad, too focussed on himself to care for his sub . His mum would be ashamed.

He's startled out of his self-deprecating thoughts by a loud horn, the sound of metal and glass breaking and then everything goes away.

Zayn huffs as Louis' phone buzzes, rooting through the pile of his clothes to find it. The boy himself is asleep in his hospital bed, having been seen to already, due to the drip he has. It's common for ill, dropped subs to be put on a drip that makes them sleep until their dom can arrive.

He moves to the door, not closing the door so he can keep an eye on Louis as he answers the phone.
"Mr. Tomlinson?" A sharp voice demands as he holds the phone to his ear.
"It's his friend, he is currently occupied. Who is speaking?" Zayn asks, unable to stop himself glancing over at Louis every few seconds.

"This is a nurse from the Royal London hospital. Can Mr. Tomlinson come to the phone please?" She asks firmly, still polite.
"He is in the London Sub hospital at the moment and cannot answer. What is this about?"
"His dominant is in the hospital. He was involved in a car crash."

Zayn stumbles his way through he rest of the conversation, putting Louis' doctor in touch with the nurse that just called.

A few hours later and Louis is being wheeled in to Harry's hospital in his own hospital bed, moved to a room that both of the men can fit into. Their beds are placed close together, nurses rearranging their wires and and setting the room up to make their check ups easier.

Zayn watches from the armchair beside Harry's bed, leg bouncing as he sits silently. It only occurs to him that other people needed to be informed when Louis' mum shows up and Harry's sister arrives half an hour after. Zayn steps out of the room to allow them time with their loved ones, injured and weak as they lie unconscious in their hospital beds.

Zayn calls Liam, tells him that Harry and Louis have been moved to a sub and dom room, designed to encourage healing and help both calm down when they wake up. It's proven to reduce dom and sub drop, too, which Zayn is sure will be useful.

It's only when Harry has woken up, swollen eyes blurry and bloodshot, that the nurses take Louis off of his drip.

Harry is so far into his drop that nothing really registers, not the pain coursing through him, not the beeping of machines or his sister worriedly saying something as he doesn't respond, only his need to get to Louis.

His throat strains and croaks out the only word replaying over and over in his mind as the nurses file in to assess him.

They shine lights in his eyes, ask his name and if he knows where he is. An angered demand for Louis is all they get in response. Worried that he'll only hurt himself further, the nurses carefully push the beds closer together. They pull Louis' hand on top of Harry's and the taller man settles instantly.

His eyes are glossy as he stares back at the nurses, hearing clearer than before. He blinks a few times to clear the smoke from his head before he manages to answer their questions.

Gemma cradles his face gently and presses a kiss to his brow.
"Oh Haz, what've you done?" She whispers sympathetically as he groans as pain comes flooding back now he's awake.
"No! Lou," harry croaks, trying to sit up.

Zayn shuffles over from his chair and smiles down at harry.
"You're looking rough, mate," he jokes, "Lou is right here with you. He's just asleep, but you're together. You're both okay."

Harry refuses any treatment until he is fully informed of their situation, scowl carving lines into his cheeks as it deepens at the news of Louis' drop. Once Louis begins to stir, nurses crowded and ready to treat the pair, Harry sighs and settles to allow them to go to work.

Louis stays quiet until the nurses have left, hand trembling beneath Harry's. His Mum strokes his hair and kisses his head, beckoning to Gemma to come outside and give the couple some peace. Zayn nods when she whispers in his ear and smiles thankfully.

"I'll be just outside if you need me, guys. Liam's on his way, too, so when you're ready I'm sure he'd like to see you both."

He smiles sadly at Harry, who is the only one looking at him. Harry nods slightly, thumb carefully stroking Louis' hand.

"Lou," Harry says hoarsely, a wince flashing across his face. "Look at me please."

Timidly, Louis raises his head and Harry's heart begins to pound. A bandage, burgundy with blood, covers a wound near his temple. His eyes are hollow and dark, skin pale and lips cracked.

"I'm sorry," Louis whispers, clearing his throat quietly before repeating himself.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologising; I shouldn't have left you after that," Harry frowns.
"No!" Louis protests, eyes widening when he realises he's just shouted at his dom. "Wait- Why are you in the hospital?"

Harry smiles slightly then, Louis sounding more like himself.
"I crashed on the way to the sub hospital," Harry tells him. He immediately regrets it, though, as he watches Louis' eyes swell with tears.
"I'm sorry," Louis says. "It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm such a bad sub."

"Louis- Louis stop!" Harry demands when Louis' hands go up to hold his head, putting pressure on his wound. He frantically shushes Louis as he sobs and fresh blood begins to pool under the bandage.

"Louis, please, stop. I want you to hold my hand and count to ten."

Once Harry pulls Louis' hand into his Louis nods as he gulps for breath and begins to count. Harry strokes his cheek, praising him softly under his breath. Louis hiccups quietly, leaning into the palm on his cheek.

"Okay, love. That's really good. Well done, Louis. I know it's difficult to believe this but it's not your fault. I was in the wrong by driving when I knew I was dropped. It's my fault you dropped," Harry argues.
"No, it's not!" Louis insists, eyes still closed as he nuzzles into Harry's wrist. "It's my fault I dropped, I just kept overreacting an-"

"If I can't blame myself you're not allowed to blame yourself either," Harry tells him firmly, fingers wrapping beneath Louis' chin. "How about neither of us are to blame, sometimes accidents happen and we can't control it?"
"Okay," Louis mumbles, still feeling heavy with guilt, but lighter now that he knows Harry doesn't blame him.

A doctor comes in later, a lady with grey hair and glasses resting on her nose. She smiles kindly at them before clearing her throat.

"Good to have you both awake. Mr. Tomlinson, your injuries aren't severe but you have had some stitches as some of you wounds were rather deep. It is important that you keep them clean and dressed properly to prevent infection. Mr. Styles, sadly your injuries are more serious. You have broken your left collarbone. You have fractured your femur, your thigh bone, which will take a long time to heal. You of course will have bruising and aches, possibly whiplash. Luckily you sustained no serious injuries to your spine or neck. You should both make a full recovery. But I recommend you stay patient as it may take a while."

She leaves them in silence, the two men frozen.

"Wow. Fuck," Harry laughs wetly. "I need to let my family know."

Louis stays quiet while Harry calls Gemma who assured him she'll let their parents know. Louis texts his Mum, telling her that he's okay but Harry is not. When visiting hours begin the family piles in.

Anne comes in slowly, smiling shyly at Louis before she sits down next to Harry's bed. Gemma stands behind her, stroking her hair gently as they whisper quietly to each other. Des glares at all of them from the other side of the room. Louis tries not to act disappointed when his dad doesn't come through the door. Jay strokes his cheek when he frowns and nods her head in agreement.

Some very awkward introductions later and Des disturbs the quiet that had fallen over the room.
"It's you isn't it?" He questions, pointing an accusatory finger at Louis. "You're the same boy that tried to turn Harry gay when he was younger. And now look at what you've done to him!"

Louis struggles to think of an answer, stumbling over his words.
"Don't act like you care," Harry spits at his father.
"What?" Des huffs, taken aback by his sons aggression.
"Don't all of a sudden act like you've ever given a shit. You just don't like the fact I like guys. You only care about how the media will see you and me when they find out that my partner is a man."
"I don't want my business run by somebody like you. The only way this could be worse would be if you were a sub," Des tells him, disgust in his voice as he mutters the word 'sub' as if it's a slur.
"That's good because I'm not running your business. Find somebody else to follow you blindly," Harry tells him, finality in his voice that makes Louis want to kneel forever. He files that away for another time though. "Get out. Des, leave."
"I'm your father," Des laughs, flabbergasted as to when his son had really grown  into his status.
"No you're not. Get out."

Des leaves, slamming the door behind him. Anne winces.
"I'm sorry," she says quietly to the room.
"It's not your fault, Mum," Harry reassures. He reaches out to hold her hand.

A warm feeling grows in Louis after seeing Harry so assertive and immediately after so gentle and caring. Maybe this could work out after all.

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