"Louis I'm really surprised at your behavior, missing my class yesterday really wasn't the best move" Professor Dean says as he leads Louis back into his office

"I was sick" Louis defends

"Seem fine to me, just because you're omega, doesn't mean you get special treatment" Professor Dean says as they make it to the office and Professor Dean closes the door behind Louis

"I didn't ask for special treatment" Louis says

Louis doesn't have time to think before he's pushed against the wall harshly, Professor Dean towers over Louis and Louis panics.

"What did you just say" Professor Dean asks angrily, his eyes turning red

"N.n.n.nothing" Louis says

Professor Dean has a harsh hold on Louis upper body as he holds him forcefully against the wall

"Do not talk back to me Louis, ever" Professor Dean says, and he brings Louis forward before he pushes him against the wall again. The hit is harder than the first one and Louis left shoulder takes the brunt of the force, it's extremely painful and Louis winces.

"If I was your alpha, you'd be black and blue by now for how disrespectful you are" Professor Dean spits

Louis is scared, his omega begins to panic, Professor Dean let's Louis go with a push and Louis tries to regain his breathing.

"Get to work, the notes are on the table" Professor Dean spits

Louis is in complete shock and just does as he's told. His adrenalin is pumping so he doesn't register the pain his body is in.

Louis tries his hardest to concentrate and complete as much as he can from the notes, but his omega is on high alert, and it's causes him a lot of distress.

When 6pm comes around Professor Dean gets up to leave, he seems to be in a calmer mood

"You can go now Louis, be here again, tomorrow at 3" Professor Dean says

Louis doesn't even respond; he packs his things and walks as quick as he can out of the classroom. He tries his hardest to calm down before he gets to the car park and into Drew's car.

"Hey bud, what's wrong? What's happened?" Drew asks.

He can smell Louis is anxious and upset

"Oh, umm nothing I'm just stressed out over a paper I have due" Louis says

Drew looks to Louis, but Louis smiles slightly back at him, so he takes his word for it.

"Well, I'm sure if you need help Harry and Scott can look over the paper for you" Drew says

"No, it's fine" is all Louis says

The whole drive home Louis is just off and Drew notices, he tries to give off his calming pheromones to Louis and it works somewhat by the time they make it home

"Come eat Lou, it's just you me, Sammy and Amy tonight" Drew says

"I'm not hungry I might get something later" Louis says

"Louis, I will tell Andy if you don't come and eat, please" Drew says as they enter the house

Louis sighs and follows Drew to the kitchen; he doesn't want a fight.

"Hiyah kiddo" Amy says smiling as she serves up dinner

"Hi" Louis says quietly

"What's wrong Hun?" Sammy asks with a worried look on her face.

"I'm just really tired and I don't want to eat" Louis says a little frustrated

"Well we've made one of your favourites, just come and eat a little hey" Amy says

Louis doesn't argue and he doesn't talk the rest of the dinner, he shrugs when he's asked a question and only eats about four mouthfuls before he thinks he might throw up.

He helps clean up and heads to his room, he goes straight for the shower and strips down. When he sees himself in the mirror he gasps, his shoulder had a big purple bruise on it and so does the top of his back. Louis didn't realise how bad he was hurt.

Omegas don't heal as quickly as alphas do, so he needs to find a way to hide the bruises from his brothers.

By the time Louis is finished his shower he is in a bit of pain, his shoulder causing him the most grief. He tries to push it aside and hopes that sleep will help and by tomorrow morning the pain will be gone.


Louis doesn't have much luck and by the time Friday comes around Professor Dean has added a fair few bruises to Louis body. His left arm is still very sore, and Louis just keeps telling himself the next year will go quickly.

He gets home by 6, completely exhausted and also extremely nervous to meet with Harry and Scott. Louis quickly showers and dresses into his black skinny jeans and his navy blue and white baseball tee, he puts his blue and white vans on, styles his hair and heads downstairs

The boys are all in the lounge catching up when Louis walks in to say goodbye.

"You sure you're okay to go? I can drive you if you like?" Andy says

"I'm fine, it's Friday night, you don't want to be driving me around" Louis smiles slightly

"I really don't mind Lou" Andy says

"No, honestly it's fine, I probably won't be there long anyway" Louis says

"Well, let us know and keep us updated okay" Edward says and Louis nods

"If you need us at any point, if it gets too much, we can come get you" Drew says

"I know, I'll be fine, promise" Louis says

The boys all agree and as much as they don't want to let Louis go and want to keep him their little brother forever, they know they need to let him figure this out with Harry and Scott.

"Let us know when you'll be home okay" Edward says

Louis nods, the boys all go to hug him goodbye, and Louis has to hold in several winces as his breathing picks up at the pain his bruises cause him.

Drew picks up on it though.

"Louis, are you okay, are you hurt?" Drew asks concerned

"What? oh um, no I'm fine" Louis says not looking him in the eyes

"No, you're not, I hurt you when I hugged you, is it your shoulder?" Drew says

"No, it's nothing I promise" Louis says

"Louis, let us see" Andy says

Louis steps back but he backs into Edward's who wraps his arm around Louis chest

"Is it your shoulder?" Edward asks gently as he holds Louis in place

Louis sighs.

"I just fell the wrong way at uni and landed on my shoulder, it was embarrassing, I didn't want to say anything" Louis lies ashamed

"Lou, if you're hurt you need to tell us" Edward says as he pulls Louis shirt off his shoulder and sees a purple bruise.

"That's bad Lou, let me fix you up" Andy says

"No Andy it's fine, it looks worse than it is, please and I'm late, please just...I promise I'm fine" Louis says urgently

The boys look at each other and back to Louis, they can't help the feeling he's hiding something from them, but they trust Louis to tell them if it was anything more than what he's saying, so they let it go.

"Okay, we believe you, I might just call Harry and Scott just to let them know" Andy says

Louis sighs, it's the best he's going to get, and he can play it off with Harry and Scott too, Louis just nods, and Edward let's him go and kisses him on the head

"Have fun bud" they all say

"Bye" Louis says, and he is quickly out the door, that was close he thinks, he needs to get better at hiding things.

When he gets to the driveway, he sees a black Bentley waiting, with a driver out the front of the car

"Good evening Mr. Tomlinson" the man greets as Louis walks towards the car

"Hello" Louis says shyly

The man opens the back door for Louis, and he climbs in the car.

There is a partition up and Louis can't see the driver so it's a little uncomfortable and quiet in the back of the car.

The drive isn't long, around 15 minutes and when they pull up, Louis door is opened and he steps out onto the sidewalk, in front of a huge apartment building in the middle of the city. It's extremely expensive and Louis feels completely out of place and uncomfortable

Louis is guided inside to a beautiful marble entryway, and he's greeted by one of Harry and Scott's security men

"Evening Louis, my name is Alberto, it's nice to meet you" he says formally but kindly with a slight smile.

Alberto is extremely muscly and tall, a huge alpha, but he gives off a kind persona to Louis.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you too" Louis says, he's so intimidated right now.

Alberto can sense Louis is uncomfortable, they are being stared at by people and Alberto ushers Louis towards the private lifts.

"Scott and Harry are expecting you; the doors will open straight to their apartment. Have a great night" Alberto says as the lift opens, Louis steps in and Alberto pushes a bunch of buttons before he is leaving and wishing Louis well.

The lift itself is impressive, with glass gold doors and buttons, Louis is so nervous, and the butterflies are tenfold as he watches the floor numbers keep going up and up. The lift reaches the 28th floor before the doors open.

Louis steps out into a beautiful wide entryway made of beautiful wood and marble, the entryway then steps down to a huge carpet area, with a winding staircase towards the back of the room. a leather couch and fireplace are also set up on the right-hand side, a bar is beside the fireplace. To the left is a sunken lounge with a massive couch with a TV in front of it. There are floor to ceiling Windows around the entire floor and the city lights glow beautifully, it feels like home and magic all in one. The smell of Harry and Scott isn't that strong in the apartment, he can smell a hint of vanilla and cinnamon and Louis has to remember to breathe, it's all just all so beautiful

Scott and Harry then walk in from the kitchen, which is off the sunken lounge, they smile wide when they see Louis.

They think he looks gorgeous; they've missed him this last week.

"Hi, their little wolf" Scott says as they make their way towards him.

"Hi" Louis says breathlessly

"How was the drive?" Harry asks

"Quiet" Louis chuckles a little and the boys smile widely

"Sorry we didn't pick you up ourselves, we just had some last-minute shopping to do" Scott says

"Oh, it's fine, I could have caught the bus though, you didn't have to send a car" Louis says

"Of course, we did Louis, we wouldn't ever let you take the bus" Harry says smiling

Louis blushes a little

"Come in darling, we've just set up for dinner" Harry then says

Louis walks down the three steps into the apartment and Scott and Harry lead him to the kitchen. The kitchen is beautiful, white marble and black appliances and cupboards it's amazing.

The dining room is off the kitchen to the right and it overlooks the entire city as you eat. You can then walk through to the lounge area from the dining room as well. Louis assumes all the bedrooms are upstairs

"Would you like a drink?" Scott says as they settle in the kitchen.

"Um, oh anything is fine, thanks" Louis says

"Well Scott and I are drinking a nice red, would you like some of that too?" Harry asks

The boys think Louis might be too nervous to ask for what he wants, they can tell he's a little uncomfortable

"You're offering me...... alcohol?" Louis questions, he's absolutely never allowed more than a few sips of the boy's drinks, the drinking age for an omega is also 21

Harry and Scott look towards each other with an 'oh shit' look

"Right, sorry Lou, we didn't think" Scott says

"It's fine, I... the boys don't really let me, but they let me have a few sips, I mean I can have a sip or.... something" Louis says a little awkward

"Oh no...it's fine, we just forgot you are underage, we don't.... sorry" Harry says shaking his head in apology

"It's okay Harry, I kind of figured you don't usually hang around 18-year old's, don't worry about it, an um...coke would be awesome" Louis says, trying to ease the tension a little

Harry and Scott are kicking themselves; how could they be so stupid and careless with their potential mate.

Harry grabs Louis a coke and puts it in an expensive glass with ice, when they all have their drinks, they move to the dining room to sit down.

"So how was your day, Lou?" Scott asks when they are all settled.

Louis tries not to think of how his day went, or the last week. His shoulder aches at the thought

"Yeah, fine I guess" Louis says, "how was yours?" He then asks

"Ours was busy, good now that you're here though" Harry says and Louis blushes.

"We hope you don't mind Thai for dinner. The boys said it was one of your favourites" Scott says

"Oh yeah, thanks, um I love Thai, you didn't have to go to so much trouble though" Louis says

"Honestly we should have gone to more trouble Louis, we just picked it up on the way home, you deserve to be cooked for" Harry says

"Umm, I.... I really don't and I don't expect that, I'm the omega and I will be the most terrible cook, I burn water" Louis says sheepishly

Both Scott and Harry chuckle and smile at the gorgeous omega in front of them.

"You really don't think very highly of yourself do you, not many omegas would be taking on a huge degree like yours Lou" Scott says

"Well, a lot of Omega's do, and keep house and work at the same time, and I haven't even had my heat yet, I can't cook and I really don't even have any other skills, so you should probably hope I'm not your mate" Louis says chuckling dryly

"Sweetheart, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by coming over here, we didn't want to make you feel inadequate, that really wasn't our intention" Harry says

"How about we have something to eat and then we can chat about it all hey" Scott says

Louis just nods as Harry goes to get the takeaway and brings it back to the table.

Louis looks around the space and outside to the stars and the city lights. Scott watches him as he sips his wine, taking in all of Louis' features and mannerisms.

"Have you lived here for a long time?" Louis asks

The boys smile as they grab a plate and hand Louis his, they start plating up and Louis waits for them

"About three years, we designed it ourselves and it took about 18 months to build, we had to get it perfect" Harry says

"You like it?" Scott asks smiling

"Yeah, I love it, it's amazing...wait.... how did you design and build the 28th floor?" Louis asks curiously

The boys smile and chuckle

"The whole building darling, it took 2 years to build the whole building and an extra 18 months to finish off our place" Scott says winking at Louis

Louis feels so silly, of course they would own and have built the whole building

"Oh" Louis blushes cutely

The boys just want to wrap him up

"Lou, you don't have to wait for us to eat, we aren't those types of alphas" Harry then says as he notices Louis is waiting to plate his own food

Some alphas insist that omegas are the lower class, and they must wait for the alpha to be served first, omegas are usually left with the lesser options. Harry and Scott know the boys aren't those types of alphas either, Louis is just being polite.

"Oh, um, k, sure, sorry" Louis says

He grabs a few things, and they all get to eating, Harry and Scott not mentioning how little Louis eats, even for an omega.

They eat in silence for a while and its then Louis realises he isn't affected by Harry and Scott's smells, in fact he can't smell them at all.

"I can't smell you" Louis blurts out before he realises it. He's so embarrassed he said that.

Harry and Scott look to Louis and smile slightly

"We....um...we used scent blockers actually......we um thought it might make things easier for you" Harry says sheepishly

"Oh, that's nice of you I guess, sorry I'm so difficult" Louis says

"Lou, really it's fine, we just wanted you to be comfortable, this is an awkward conversation without adding the stress of our smell into it for you" Harry says

"You really don't need to go to so much trouble for me, I'm probably not even your soulmate, there is probably some way more deserving omega out there for you both who can cook, clean and who's had their heat. I can't even have pups, well my chances are low, so I guess I just really hope for your sake I'm not" Louis says

"The fact you think you're undeserving is absolute nonsense and we or anyone else, would be lucky to have you as their soulmate Louis. There is more to an omega than cooking and cleaning and raising pups" Scott says, a hint of displeasure in his voice

"This is why we need to talk this out Louis. There is a connection with you, we felt it as soon as you stepped foot in that lecture hall and you felt it too, we could tell" Harry says

"Yeah...I did but what if its nothing?" Louis asks bravely

"Regardless of whether it turns out you're our soulmate or not, you mean a lot to us and our inner alphas" Scott says

"And you don't even know if you can't have pups, you're just assuming, and we don't even know if we want pups. Look, whatever happens here, just know it's all for a reason and we are in each other's lives for a reason okay" Harry says

"We just have to help each other through this, whatever feelings we are having we should be open to each other about, we need to tell each other and communicate, this is all new to all three of us and we need to be there for each other" Scott says

Louis is taken aback; he didn't expect this from Scott and Harry at all and how much support they have for him and this situation.

"Okay" Louis smiles slightly

"Okay then" Harry says matter of fact as he nods his head

"But...what if I don't have my heat for another year, or never get it?" Louis asks scared of the answer

"Well, Andy said that's impossible, so don't worry about not ever getting it and......" Scott trails off as he looks to Harry

Harry smirks a little as he looks back at Scott

"And?" Louis asks carefully

"And Andy has said being around us, and our smells, and just being together, can actually bring on your heat, if we are your true soulmates, we should be able to bring on your heat" Scott says

Louis looks at Scott and Harry, like a deer in headlights, he's so embarrassed

"Then why did you use scent blockers?" Louis blurts out curiously, maybe they don't want him, aren't ready to settle down with an omega

"Well, we just wanted to talk first, we didn't want to catch you off guard and make you uncomfortable, especially without talking to you first" Harry says

"And we also didn't want you worrying about vomiting on us or near us, or in general really" Scott says jokingly

Louis giggles a small sound, and the boys smile so wide at each other and Louis, glad he's accepting them and slowly becoming more comfortable.

"Thank you" Louis says as he turns serious and looks at the two sincerely. It really means a lot to Louis, that they care enough about him, enough to go to this much trouble

"Of course, little wolf" Harry says smiling.

They go back to eating together and talking a little more.

"We would love to maybe have dinner once a week with you Lou, if you're not too busy with school?" Scott says as they finish up eating

"Um.... yeah, I'd like that too. I just, school is really busy at the moment, and I've been staying back until 6 most nights and I have a bit to catch up with in Professor Deans class, so I can only really do Fridays if that's like okay?" Louis rambles

"Fridays are good for us too Lou" Harry smiles reassuringly

Louis relaxes a little

"So, you are falling behind in Professor Deans class?" Scott asks no judgement in his voice at all, but Louis instantly thinks he's disappointed Scott

Louis really doesn't want to tell them what's going on at all.

"It's okay if you are Louis, we can maybe help" Harry says gently

"No, it's just, he ended up locking me out of the classroom for the week and I have to catch up. It was my fault; I shouldn't have been late" Louis says his voice timid

"That's really unfair, why don't you let Harry and I talk to him? We've known him a few years, since we always talk to his senior class every year" Scott says

"No, please no, I promise I can handle it, it's fine, I really don't need you to fix anything, and I don't want special treatment" Louis says pleadingly

"Louis, if you were our omega, we wouldn't let this happen, I hope you understand that. That we wouldn't stand for this treatment of our mate" Harry says, and his alpha comes out protectively

"But I'm not your omega Harry and I don't have the safety of you and Scott to come home too, this will cause so many more problems for me right now" Louis says

"Louis, you will always have the safety of Harry and I, no matter what okay" Scott says

"But we understand where you are coming from...just...if it gets too much or he does anything to make you uncomfortable, please tell us" Harry says

Louis looks at them and his breath hitches slightly, they can't know anything, they can't know what he's hiding can they

The boys are looking at Louis with concern, waiting for him to answer, he doesn't, he just nods and looks down.

The boys don't want Louis feeling anymore upset or uncomfortable, so they try to change the subject.

"Would you like to maybe watch a movie?" Scott says trying to lighten the mood a little

"Sure" Louis says appreciating the subject change

The boys stand up and head to the lounge

"I can clean up dinner first" Louis says as he goes to grab a plate

"Nope, not happening, you're our guest and we can sort it out later" Scott says as he moves to lead Louis into the lounge room

Louis just follows along; he doesn't want to appear like a disobedient Omega and does what he's told.

Scott and Harry sit down on the couch and Louis looks around the room. He sees something on one of the bookshelves near the TV

"Oh wow, is that an old drawing set?" Louis asks in complete awe as he walks over to the shelf. He doesn't touch the set but is absolutely mesmerized by it.

Harry and Scott smile so wide, Louis is absolutely beautiful and when his face lights up they feel something in their stomachs, their alphas are so satisfied and at peace. They want to feel that feeling forever

"It is, it's actually the drawing set the sketched the plans for Buckingham Palace" Harry says as he and Scott make their way over to Louis

"No way!" Louis says in complete awe

"You can hold it if you like" Scott says smiling

"Oh, no, I could never, that's too much" Louis says

Scott and Harry just smile and shake their heads at Louis.

Louis spots a few more ancient sketches and pieces of stone and wood on the shelf and can't believe what he's seeing

"Wait! Is that one of the screws from the Eiffel Tower? And the piece of stone from the top of the Statue of Liberty. Oh my gosh no way! That's a hammer that was used when they built Big Ben!" Louis says in complete and utter awe

Scott and Harry laugh

"We like collecting things, we love architecture, as you know" Harry says

"These are incredible, I can't believe you have them, they must be so expensive. I've always wanted to see an original drawing kit, that's so awesome" Louis says

"We have a lot of cool things in the attic that we haven't put out yet, we might show you next time" Scott says, and Louis turns to him smiling.

"I'd love that, that would be amazing, thank you" Louis says excitedly

The boys smile and they then all get comfortable on the couch, they put a movie on, and Louis is so exhausted he falls asleep within 10 minutes. The boys end up calling Andy who come over to pick Louis up. Louis doesn't even stir as Andy carries him to the car and puts him in bed at home. They all had a great night and can't wait to see each other again and spend more time getting to know each other.

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