The next morning Louis wakes late, the boys leave him to sleep as much as he can, making sure they check on him through the night and all morning.
When he wakes Louis feels better than he did, he just feels tired and a little embarrassed. He wanders downstairs to the boys who are watching TV, the girls aren't home, they must be out shopping or something.
"Heya kiddo, how are you feeling?" Andy asks when he sees Louis
"I'm okay" Louis half smiles
"Yeah? you sure? come here bud" Edward says, and Louis walks over and snuggles up to Edward on his lap.
"I'm going to get you some food okay" Drew then says as he gets up
"I'm fine Drew" Louis says
"You still need to eat Louis" Drew says pointedly.
Louis sighs, he doesn't want to argue, and Edward's smell is so familiar to Louis, he just relaxes in his arms and lets the boys fuss a little.
"You still tired Lou?" Andy asks as he comes over and sits next to Edward, he reaches out and swipes Louis fringe off his forehead
"Yeah, but I feel heaps better than I did last night. I can't believe I threw up in front of them" Louis says embarrassed
The boys chuckle
"Don't worry Lou, honestly, that was the last thing either of them cared about" Andy says smiling
"They've already called twice this morning to check up on you" Drew says as he walks back in and hands Louis a piece of toast and a bottle of orange juice.
"That's so embarrassing" Louis says as he sits up and moves to sit next to Edward on the couch.
"Why Lou, there's nothing to be embarrassed about" Edward says
"Edward, I'm 18 and still haven't had a heat yet, I made a complete fool of myself in front of two of the most famous, important alphas in Britain and I vomited in front of them.... I'm pretty sure that's embarrassing" Louis says as he takes a sip of his orange juice
"Lou, there's nothing wrong with the fact you haven't had your heat yet, you know this can happen to male omegas" Andy says, trying to reassure Louis
"Yeah, and the late ones usually can't have pups, what kind of omega will I be to my mate if I can't have pups" Louis says with a sigh
"Lou, we don't know that for sure and your mate will understand, the bond between you goes further than just wanting to breed" Drew says finishing with a chuckle
"Yeah, but they could also reject me Drew if that happens......" Louis worries
"Then you will always have us kiddo, always, let's just try not to think about that hey, we will cross that bridge when you find your mate" Andy says ruffling Louis hair
Louis nods and goes back to eating his toast. He has a lot of schoolwork to finish so needs to get it done before the weekend is over, hopefully it's enough to distract him from Harry and Scott.
Harry and Scott don't get much sleep, their alphas are unsettled and it's because Louis isn't near them, they can't smell him.
They both head to the kitchen after a shower to get some coffee. Their penthouse is massive and overlooks London City, with floor to ceiling Windows in every room, it's modern yet homey and when they find their omega, they have planned to let them design and decorate the place to make them feel comfortable and at home. Omegas like to feel safe and secure and often need to make their own mark on their homes and nests.
The boys don't plan to move out, they never really entertained the idea of living in a house in the suburbs, they like their inner-city life, the busyness of business and their lifestyle. Pups has never been on their mind, and they hope that when the time comes to have that conversation with their mate, they are all in agreement and ready to move forward with whatever they decide.
"Maybe we should go into work" Scott says as he drinks his coffee, Harry starts on breakfast for them both.
"Yeah, I guess the distraction would help" Harry says sighing
"I don't want to be around other omegas though" Scott then says
"Well, we have to be, we work with a lot of them, Louis could be months off his heat, and we can't hide out until we know he's ours or not" Harry then reasons
"This is so frustrating, I hate feeling like this, I can't imagine what he feels like" Scott says
"Maybe it's best for us all if we back off a little, we don't want Louis to get sicker and I hate feeling like this too" Harry says
"Maybe you're right, we don't have dinner with the boys until next month, maybe we should just lay low until then and not see him, maybe we can just send him a text message letting him know we're thinking of him" Scott says
"I think that's best, give Louis some space from seeing us and we can see where we are at next month" Harry says
Deep down they both suppress their wolfs want and need to be near Louis, they have to, it's not doing any of them any good. Hopefully by the next time they have dinner with the boys, things have settled down. Louis could even have his heat by then which would make everything clearer.
Monday comes around fast and after Louis pulled an all-nighter to get his schoolwork done for Professor Dean's class, he's thankful he feels much better. He still can't get Harry and Scott off his mind, but he tries to just concentrate on school and his finals for this term that are coming up.
Louis interior design class ends up running overtime again and despite Louis best efforts to run as fast as possible to his next class, the doors are locked when he gets there, and he sighs defeated. He's in big trouble now and probably going to fail Professor Dean's class now.
Louis sighs and turns around, he slides down the wall and sits next to the door, he will now have to wait until class is over to face Professor Dean and see what he can do to catch up.
Louis can here the class going on behind the doors, and when he hears the class end, he stands up and waits patiently as everyone exits, Louis takes a deep breath when the last person has left the classroom and he walks in, he stops just inside the doorway.
"Ahh, nice of you to join the class Mr. Tomlinson" Professor Dean smirks
"I was two minutes late" Louis tries
"Two minutes is two minutes. You were warned, now, if you want to pass my class you will be staying back every time you're late and copying the notes from my lecture" Professor Dean says slyly
Louis is so uncomfortable around this man, his alpha gives off such cocky vibes and his smell unnerves Louis, even more than usual.
"Can't I......just have the notes to copy at home?" Louis asks bravely
The look Louis gets from Professor Dean is one of alpha anger and Louis nearly cowers back, but he stands his ground
"You're lucky I don't fail you on the spot right now, follow me" he says with authority and Louis does the only thing he can and follows Professor Dean to his office at the back of the lecture hall.
They walk in and Professor Dean directs Louis to a table that has three seats around it, Louis sits down uncomfortably.
Professor Dean goes to his desk and puts his briefcase on top, he takes out the class notes and places them in front of Louis. There's at least 10 pages of back-to-back notes
"I suggest you get started, you'll be here a while" he says to Louis, if Louis isn't mistaken, he sees a slight smirk
Louis sighs and gets out his laptop.
"No, you'll be handwriting Thank-you" Professor Dean says
Louis wants so badly to talk back but he's only omega and he doesn't want to upset Professor Dean any further than he already has
Louis just grabs his notebook and pen and begins writing.
"You know, I've never known an omega to be so disrespectful to an alpha" Professor Dean says after about an hour of Louis trying to copy the notes as fast as he can.
It's been an uncomfortable silence and Louis can feel Professor Deans eyes on him and it makes him very uncomfortable.
"I.... don't mean to be disrespectful" Louis says uncomfortably, he's confused at the statement if he's honest
Louis plays with his pen as he watches Professor Dean smirk at him
"You need to understand your place Louis, as an omega I would have thought you would be doing anything you can to make sure you don't fail this class" Professor Dean says slyly
"I......I didn't know I was failing?" Louis says but it's more of a question.
"So, you think it's okay to turn up to class late every lesson and not fail?" Professor Dean asks
"I.... but I've never been late handing in work, I've never missed an assignment, I've never gotten under an A- before" Louis says starting to get upset
"Ohhhhhhh Congratulations" He replies sarcastically "But In my class, being on time goes towards your grade" Professor Dean says forcefully
"I...." Louis is starting to worry, he can't fail this class
"There is of course a way you can pass, and I don't just offer this to anyone" Professor Dean says smirking crookedly
"How?" Louis asks
Professor Dean smirks and it's evil, Louis knows he isn't going to like what he hears. Instead of answering, Professor Dean gets up and walks towards Louis.
Even though Professor Dean is fairly good looking, with his short brown hair and blue eyes. His slightly muscly build is intimidating, and he gives off such an arrogant, scary vibe and Louis omega doesn't like it at all.
Professor Dean comes around and sits on the table facing Louis
"Well Louis, I'm sure you can figure that one out yourself" Professor Dean says, he then reaches out and rests his hand on Louis shoulder, his grip is firm, and it's meant to be sexual, Louis shifts uncomfortably.
"You don't have an alpha do you Louis" Professor Dean asks, and his grip tightens
Louis doesn't answer, he knows perfectly well he smells unmated, Professor Dean is playing with Louis and Louis really doesn't know what he's supposed to do.
"I didn't think so" Professor Dean says
He then stands up and moves behind Louis, Louis tenses at the movement and Professor Dean leans down to Louis ear
"Relax Louis" he says lowly as he rubs Louis shoulders
Louis is so uncomfortable, and his omega is screaming at him to get away, he knows he must smell distressed, but Louis thinks Professor Dean might enjoy that.
Louis stands up abruptly, clearly shaken, he just wants to get away.
"I'm.... I have to go" Louis says, and he grabs his things and the notes on the desk and quickly puts everything into his bag.
Professor Dean just watches on calmly, when Louis is nearly at the door he speaks
"Be here tomorrow at 3 Louis, you don't show and it's an instant fail" Professor Dean says and Louis races as best he can out of his office and the lecture hall.
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