Twenty minutes later the doorbell rings and Drew goes to answer it, he opens the door to Harry and Scott dressed in jeans and sweaters, looking completely casual like Drew remembers them.

They hug hello and Drew leads them inside, Scott handing over an extremely expensive bottle of wine

When they make it to the kitchen, the hugs and smiles are real, the boys have missed each other and are so glad they got the chance to meet again.

When introductions are over and they've hugged the crap out of each other, they each grab a glass of wine and head into the lounge area and onto the couch.

The lounge room is big with grey carpet and a huge flatscreen TV in front of the corner couch. Edward and Scott end up on the floor and Harry, Andy, and Drew on the couch. Their snacks and drinks on the coffee table.

"We've just ordered Thai for dinner, is that okay with you guys?" Edward asks

"Still our favourite" Harry smiles

"We hoped so" Andy chuckles

"So how long have you guys lived here?" Scott asks looking around the house

"About four years, we moved Louis to a new school and moved house to be closer" Drew says

"We know it's not much, but we did our best to put Louis through school and give him a good childhood, plus I studied for years before I was making any decent money as a doctor" Andy says

"Andy, wha? The house is beautiful, we were going to say how homey and filled with love it feels" Scott says

"You guys should be proud, as soon as we walked in, we could feel how calm and full of love it is, you've created a wonderful home" Harry says sincerely

The boys smile

"Thanks guys, that means a lot to us, Louis means everything to us, and we've worked really hard to give him what he deserves" Edward says

The boys smile,

They then hear the front door open and Sammy and Amy walk in smiling and chatting. When they enter the lounge room they stop in their tracks

"Hey baby" Drew says to Amy as he comes over to kiss her

"Hi Bub" she says and kisses Drew back

Andy and Sammy share their own hello before the boys are introducing them to Scott and Harry

"It's really nice to meet you both" Sammy and Amy say

"We will leave you to it, we're going to shower and get out of these work clothes" Amy then says

"Dinner will be here soon" Edward says

"Great, we will be out soon" Amy replies

"Where's Lou?" Sammy asks as she's leaving

"In his room, he's doing an assignment" Drew says

"Okay I'll go see him when I've changed, I haven't seen him in two days, and I have something for him" Sammy says smiling

Even though Sammy and Amy are also omegas, they still treat Louis like their younger brother, they are very maternal towards him and fiercely protect him and love him.

"Don't tell me you got him red gummies again?" Andy laughs

Sammy winks at Andy

"I'm a sucker for his puppy dog eyes" Sammy laughs as she follows Amy out.

The boys continue catching up, and it's like they were never apart, they all just click back into place.

Harry and Scott can't believe they let their work get in the way of keeping in touch with the boys. They vow to never let anything like that happen again, especially now they've officially met Louis.

The Thai turns up and the boys head to the dining room to serve up.

Upstairs Louis is getting thirsty, so he decides to make his way downstairs. As he makes it to the stairs, he instantly smells Harry and Scott and he finds himself relaxing at the smell, it's a beautiful smell of vanilla and caramel mixed with cinnamon. His palms begin to sweat a little and he feels like a fever is coming on again as he makes his way downstairs.

"Heyyy there he is, how are you kiddo?" Edward says as he sees Louis and comes over to pick him up. Drew puts him over his shoulder like usual and Louis laughs.

The boys love hearing Louis laugh.

"I'm good, I'm good" Louis giggles

Edward brings Louis to the dining table and puts him down

"Good, that's what I like to hear" Edward says as he ruffles Louis hair and Louis smiles

"Lou, you remember Scott and Harry" Drew says

Louis looks towards them both, and they are already staring fondly back at Louis

"Yeah, hi" Louis says shyly and quietly

"Hello, darling" Harry says smiling fondly

Louis gets as tingle in his stomach.

The boys are all piling their plates with food when Sammy walks in

"Sammy" Louis says excitedly as he runs over and hugs her tightly

"Hello, my sweets, how are you, I've missed you the last few days" Sammy says as she hugs Louis tightly

"I've missed you too" Louis says back

"Are you feeling okay? Andy said you were a bit unwell?" Sammy asks concerned

Scott and Harry look over concerned at hearing Louis might be sick

"I'm fine" Louis smiles

Sammy smirks at Louis knowingly, he would say that no matter what

"Well here, these might make you feel better" Sammy says as she hands Louis the pack of red gummies, his smile is so wide, and the boys love it

"You're the best" Louis says

Sammy winks at Louis

"Come and eat first trouble, we need to fatten you up" Andy says fondly

Louis puts the gummies in his pocket and comes over to the table.

Louis isn't really that hungry and as omega they don't tend to eat a lot, so he grabs a plate and puts a few things on it

"Louis" Drew says warningly

"What?" Louis asks acting innocent

Everyone has made their way back into the lounge room to eat. There's just Louis, Drew, Scott and Harry at the table still getting their food

"We've been over this every mealtime for the last week. You need more on your plate please" Drew says dominantly

Scott and Harry watch on keeping quiet, Drew is right though, Louis has hardly anything on his plate.

"Drew, I'm really not hungry" Louis says

"Andy won't be happy Louis" Drew says pointedly

"He won't know, I'm eating in here" Louis says sassily as he sits down

Drew sighs fondly

"You're an actual menace you know" Drew says

Louis just shrugs and smiles innocently.

"That whole plate better be gone by the time I'm finished eating" Drew says, and he walks out of the room leaving Louis alone with Scott and Harry

Louis sighs and leans his head up on the palm of his hand, elbow on the table

"You're not hungry?" Scott asks carefully

Louis looks at Scott shyly

"Um...no not really" Louis says

"Are you sick?" Harry asks concerned

"I'm okay, just felt a bit sick today but Andy said I'm fine" Louis says half smiling

"Well, that's good, don't want you getting sick" Harry says

Louis is a little taken aback, he's literally said three words to these guys.

"Would you maybe like some company?" Scott says as he gestures to the chair opposite Louis

"Oh, you don't have to eat with me, I'm okay" Louis says, worried he's making Scott and Harry sit with him because they feel sorry for him

"Is it okay if we...... want to eat with you?" Harry then says

For being big scary Alphas, Harry and Scott are acting a little vulnerable and Louis is surprised, even more so that they want anything to do with him

"Umm, sure" Louis says quietly

Harry and Scott sit down opposite Louis and begin to eat, Louis playing with his food, taking a few bites here and there, Scott and Harry take note

"So, how long have you been studying architecture for?" Harry then asks breaking the silence

"This is my second year" Louis says smiling, he loves talking about designing and drawing

"So only one year to go? we would love to see some of your designs" Scott says

"Really? I don't think they are very good... I'm still learning, but I love it and I love to draw and design" Louis says, and his eyes completely light up

Harry and Scott can't help the smiles on their faces when they see Louis talk about what he loves

"Really! we would love to see, and everyone starts somewhere, my first drawings were horrible" Scott says chuckling

Louis smiles

"Well maybe I'll show you after dinner.... if you're really interested" Louis says a little skeptically

"We'd love that" Harry says

"What kind of grades are you getting in your classes?" Scott then asks

Louis being an omega means that he's tested against alphas and betas and sometimes it's not fair when it comes to marking and omegas get the shorter end of the stick

"Oh, well Ummm I......I've topped my classes in everything except Professor Deans class" Louis says ashamed

"Wow Louis that's impressive" Harry says clearly surprised

"Why... cause I'm omega?" Louis asks with a straight face

Harry and Scott's faces drop, they didn't mean to offend Louis at all, they regret their words immediately and will do anything to get back on Louis good side, they feel like arseholes

"No, Louis, we....." Scott starts

"We didn't mean...." Harry tries

Louis then breaks into a huge grin and giggles

"You should have seen your faces" he laughs

Harry and Scott relax and laugh

"You actually are a menace aren't you" Scott says teasingly

Louis just smiles

"But really Louis, that is awesome, are you having trouble in Professor Deans class?" Harry then asks

Louis shifts uncomfortably as his smile fades

"I...didn't think so, I thought my designing was what I was best at, but I guess not, I don't think he likes me" Louis says a little upset

"Yeah, we kind of thought that with how he spoke to you today, is it because you're late a lot or something?" Scott asks

"I'm only late because I have an interior design class just before and it always runs late, I'm always five minutes late and he hates it. He tells me to just leave the other class early, but I can't. He keeps me back a lot and told me today that he will lock me out of the classroom if it happens again" Louis says defeated

"Well, that's not fair" Harry and Scott say together and angrily

Louis looks at them as their tone changes

"Sorry, we didn't mean to raise our voices. It's just unfair and completely ridiculous" Scott says

"It's okay, I know, but I can't do anything, so just have to work it out, I guess" Louis says shrugging

They go on talking and Louis asks the boys questions about their work and what they do exactly, and Louis learns a lot about them.

Out in the lounge room the boys, Sammy and Amy are chatting quietly

"So, what's going on in there then?" Sammy smiles knowingly

"We think, Louis has met his mates" Andy says

"Are you serious?" Amy asks happily

"That's amazing I can't believe he has two" Sammy says

"Well, we aren't 100% sure, we won't find out officially until his heat, but look at them" Drew says

"They are super cute together aren't they" Amy says

"I do hate to admit it, but yeah" Edward smiles

"Well all we can do is be supportive and guide Louis through all this as best we can, but we can't tell him we think they are his mates" Andy says

"Why not?" Sammy asks

"Because if they aren't then we've made a huge mistake and if we tell him before his heat and he knows himself, it could be detrimental to his health. Also, Harry and Scott won't know officially until then either, deep down I think they know, but nothing is official yet and we need to let them navigate it all" Andy says

They all agree but can't help in watching them talk from the other room. Seeing Louis smiling and laughing like Scott and Harry are making him makes their hearts warm, and hopefully Louis gets his heat soon and they can find out for sure if they are meant to be together. 

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