The next morning Louis feels better than he has in days, he gets dressed in his skinny black jeans and green adidas hoodie with his black vans, ready to go see Kimberly. He doesn't really want to go but he wants to get back to uni and get his life back together and move on from everything. Now that he's had his heat and he's officially with Harry and Scott, his omega has relaxed somewhat, and he doesn't want to dredge up what happened.
"Ready to go?" Harry asks, he and Scott waiting for Louis near the entrance of the apartment.
"Yeah" Louis says
"Where's your jacket?" Scott asks
Scott and Harry are dressed in jeans and jumpers Harry in grey and Scott in white, they look classy and so effortlessly hot, Louis is so jealous.
"I don't need one" Louis says
"Little wolf, it's cold out, you need a coat" Scott says
"You don't have one" Louis says
"We're alphas Louis, we don't need one, we run warm" Harry says
"Well, that's not fair and I don't want to wear one, I'm not cold and I have a jumper on with a long sleeve shirt underneath" Louis argues
Scott and Harry look towards each other trying to work out if they should let it go or if they need to push the issue. Louis needs to learn that they are his alphas, and he has to respect them when they tell him to do something that's for his own Health and safety.
"Louis, we aren't going to ask you again" Scott says with authority
"Or what?" Louis challenges
Harry and Scott really don't want to punish Louis, but he needs to learn
"Do you want to go there, before we've discussed rules and punishments, because we will punish you" Scott says
"You're forgetting you're officially ours now darling" Harry says smirking a little
Louis is cranky, his omega wants the discipline and routine and to submit but Louis doesn't want to give into his omega, he wants to be able to decide if he wears a jumper or not.
Louis looks at the boys scowling, and they have to hide their fond because Louis looks absolutely adorable. He doesn't say anything and just stands their defiantly
"Okay, we'll it's your choice, don't ask us for a jumper, don't ask us to turn the heating up in the car and don't even mention that you're cold or there will be a spanking coming your way" Scott says pointedly
"Fine" Louis says, he won't, he won't even be cold, he doesn't need them or their jumpers
The boys turn around to head for the elevator and smile discreetly at each other, they know perfectly well that Louis is going to be cold and he's learning to push his own limits and Harry and Scott's
The boys make it to the lobby to see Alberto and another security guard Max, standing near a couch waiting for the boys to come down. When they look outside in the cold there are news reporters and people making a fuss just outside the doors.
"What's going on?" Harry asks concerned
Alberto and Max sigh sympathetically
"Apparently words gotten out that you're both bonded now and the media have been camped outside for the last few hours" Alberto says
Harry and Scott both look to Louis, they didn't want him to have to deal with this just yet.
"Are they here for you?" Louis asks curiously as people start to notice them and the screaming starts.
Louis steps back when they start banging on the doors of the lobby. He knew Harry and Scott were well known, famous even, but this is another level, it's like they are pop stars or something.
"It's okay Lou" Harry says as he reaches for Louis and brings him in close
"The car is outside so we can get you through" Max says
The boys knew this would happen and their only concern is Louis, they are used to this happening and the attention they receive, they aren't fazed but Louis looks scared out of his mind
"Lou darling" Scott says, and Louis looks straight at him.
"Are you okay to be escorted out? The cars right there okay" Scott says
Louis sees the car and it isn't that far away, he's worried that the people outside won't like him though and try to hurt him for taking Harry and Scott, for being their mate.
"Uhm yeah, okay" Louis says nodding as he tries to convince himself.
"Good boy" Harry says, and Louis relaxes at the praise
"I'll go first, then Scott, Louis and then Harry and Alberto last" Max instructs
The boys nod and they get ready to go out, Scott reaches behind him and grabs Louis hand, Harry has a hand on his waist as Max begins walking.
There's shouting and camera flashes everywhere, it's loud and they are being pushed from all directions. Before they make it to the car, Louis is pushed, and he loses Scott's hand. Harry steadies him with his arm around his chest and they make it to the car. Louis climbs in and sees Scott safely inside and Harry climbs in afterwards
"Jesus, are you okay" Scott asks concerned
Louis thinks Scott is talking to Harry and doesn't answer as he tries to calm down.
"Lou? Answer Scott, are you okay?" Harry asks
"Me?" Louis asks as he looks to both boys
"Yes you, did you get hurt?" Scott asks
"No, I'm fine" Louis says, trying to take it all in. He will never admit he was scared and shaking the whole time.
"We're sorry about that" Harry says
Louis shrugs
"You did warn me about your lifestyle" Louis says trying to be nonchalant, inside his omega is stressing out, that was intense
"Well now the official word is out, this is going to happen when we go places for a while, we might need to hire more security" Harry says, mostly to Scott
"Yeah, that was pretty crazy, I don't want Louis getting hurt when he's not with us" Scott says
Louis tunes out of their talking and just watches out the window. Alberto and Max get into the front seats and as they begin to drive off the car is swarmed. Someone bangs loudly on Harrys side of the car, with a camera. Harry doesn't even flinch and keeps taking to Scott but Louis scoots back further into Scott who absentmindedly snakes his arm around Louis chest in comfort and protection.
"Okay?" Scott checks
"Yeah" Louis says
Scott and Harry can sense Louis is uneasy, but they don't make a fuss they just subtly reassure him with soft touches and comfort.
The drive isn't that long but once the adrenaline has worn off, Louis much to his annoyance becomes cold. He tries to hide it and subtly pulls his hands inside his number creating sweater paws.
When they get to Kimberly's practice they get out and make it to her rooms with no incident. Harry and Scott check in with the receptionist and they go to sit down and wait. The entire practice is beautiful and homely, it's very comforting to Louis omega and thankfully it's warm inside.
When Kimberly comes out to greet them Louis is instantly put at ease, she's omega, tall and slender with long black hair and the kindest eyes and demeanor
"Hi there, you must be Louis, it's lovely to meet you" Kimberly says as she greets Louis first
"Hi" Louis says shyly
Kimberly smiles and then turns to Harry and Scott
"And you must be Harry and Scott, Andy has told me lots about you" she says smiling as she shakes their hands
"It's nice to meet you" they reply kindly
"Well, Louis if you'd like to come in, we can get started" Kimberly says
Louis nods
"We should be about an hour, if it's okay with you, I usually like to chat after the session with just yourselves" Kimberly says
"Oh, of course, we will be here, we aren't going anywhere" Harry says
Kimberly smiles knowingly
"Well make yourselves at home, there's Tea, coffee, soft drinks, whatever you'd like over to the side" she says pointing to a large kitchenette with snacks and a fridge full of drinks.
"Thank you" Scott says, and he and Harry watch Louis enter the room with Kimberly
"Take a seat Louis" Kimberly smiles
Louis looks around the room, it's big with a sofa and two smaller chairs that look really comfy, there's a desk and a bookshelf filled with books in the opposite corner near a window
Louis looks to Kimberly unsure of where to sit
"Anywhere you'd like sweetheart" she says
Louis walks over to one of the single chairs and brings his legs up, he crosses his legs and still has a lot of room on the chair.
Kimberly then takes the single chair opposite him and looks to Louis. She doesn't have a clipboard or notepad or anything and Louis is kind of thankful it feels informal.
"So, kiddo, Andy has told me a lot about you and a little bit about what happened, and I just want you to know, I'm here to talk about whatever you like, I'm not here to push you to talk or anything like that. You have all the control here" Kimberly says, and Louis is a little taken back and so thankful
"So, we can sit here in silence for an hour?" Louis asks a little cheekily
Kimberly laughs
"Andy told me you're a little cheeky sometimes, but yes, we don't have to talk, but that just means you'll have to come back" Kimberly says smirking
Louis sighs.
"Andy and the boys have told me that they just want you to talk through a few things, they want you to be okay going back to uni after everything" Kimberly starts
"Yeah, but I'm fine to go back, they just worry too much" Louis says, he may as well talk now that he's here and Kimberly seems completely trustworthy and kind
"Well, I guess it's their job to worry about you, and of course they want you to be okay. I've seen plenty of omegas go through much less than what you've endured, and they needed time and guidance to get through" Kimberly says
Louis sighs
"You don't want to admit you're struggling? Because you're omega?" She then asks
Louis gets tears in his eyes from that statement
Louis just nods
"I understand sweetheart, and I was just like you when I first met my mates, most omegas can't wait to settle down, can't wait to have that bond and the need to submit, but there are some omegas who struggle with handing over control and see it as a weakness" Kimberly says
"I.... don't...I don't want to lose my control" Louis whispers
"I know and we will work on that, because there is no reason to lose it, there's total alpha control which is borderline abuse and theirs compromised control and your omega needs that compromised control, even though you don't see it yet, it does crave some sort of control from your alphas" Kimberly says
"So, you have two mates too?" Louis asks
"I do, so I understand, and it's harder to submit to two, because it can sometimes feel like they are ganging up on you, can't it" she says
"Yeah, it's like I want to be a good omega and want their love and attention, but I don't want them to control me and tell me what I can and can't do" Louis says
"Have Harry and Scott ever tried to control you, in a dangerous or abusive way?" Kimberly asks gently
"No never.... but" Louis starts before he stops himself
"It's okay Louis, it's a safe space here, I'm not going to share what we talk about with Harry and Scott, unless I feel like I need to in order to keep you safe" Kimberly says
Louis looks at his hands and starts playing with his fingers anxiously
"He told me I was his pet and he'd keep me forever and I couldn't do or say anything that would make him stop because we'd be mated, and I'd have no say" Louis says as his breathing picks up
"And now you're scared Harry and Scott will do the same" Kimberly says
Louis nods his head
"And if I told you they won't" Kimberly says
"I think I know they won't, but it doesn't help" Louis says
"I know it's our first session but if you're comfortable with going over what happened, in your words, we can then work through the feelings little by little without having to re talk about the whole situation every-time. Does that sound good?" Kimberly asks
Louis looks at her in the eyes, it does sound good
"Yes, because I don't want to keep talking about it, I just want to move on" Louis says
"And I will help you do that if you let me Louis" Kimberly says
Louis sighs, he feels a lot better talking about this to Kimberly than any of the boys.
"My professor had been abusing me for a few months before he actually kidnapped me. He purposely made his class start earlier so I wouldn't make it in time, and he would have an excuse to keep me back and abuse me" Louis says, and he feels a weight lift off him just admitting that
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Louis" Kimberly says seriously
"I thought I deserved it because I'm omega and he needed to remind me that I wasn't good enough" Louis says looking down ashamed
"Those feelings are valid feelings even if they aren't true, I understand how, as the only omega doing your degree that you might feel like that" Kimberly says
"I'm not respected at all, and I love my degree I love drawing and designing and I feel like I'm not allowed to because everyone thinks omegas should be at home, I feel like I have something to prove" Louis says
"Is that why you didn't tell your brothers or Harry and Scott what was going on?" Kimberly asks
"Yes, because I was worried, they'd pull me out and not let me finish my degree" Louis says
"Times are changing Lou, and omegas are very respected in the workforce now, Andy and Drew's mates work as ambulance officers and they would have been looked down upon, just like I was but they still made it through too, they must have been supportive of you achieving your goals and your degree" Kimberly says
"Yeah, they are, they've always had my back, so have the boys and they've told me how proud they are, they always tell me but, I'm a male omega, there's not many male omegas around and I feel like I have more to prove and that if I admit slightly that I'm struggling, I'll be seen as a failure" Louis says
"There are ways to prove yourself and still know your limits and respect them sweetheart, to admit that you might need help is something most alphas see as being strong" Kimberly says
Louis takes in her words but doesn't reply
"Do you think that after what happened Harry and Scott will take away your control to keep you safe and make sure it doesn't happen again?" Kimberly asks
Louis has no idea how she knows all of this but it's so reassuring that she understands, it's like she's in his head
"Yeah, because I didn't stop it, I was too weak to fight back and I let it happen, I didn't tell anyone, and I couldn't stop it. An alpha would have stopped it and stood up to him" Louis says
"That may be true, that they could have stopped it because of they are alpha, but that doesn't mean you're weak Louis. What happened to you was unfair, it was horrible, and you did not deserve to be treated like that. It must have been so scary for you" Kimberly said
"I thought I was going to die, and I would have if he'd made me his mate, there's no way I could have survived that. I would rather suffer rejection over and over before being his mate" Louis says, and he starts to get upset.
Kimberly doesn't say anything, she sees Louis getting upset and welcomes the emotion, she wants him to keep talking and feeling
"I am still mad at Harry and Scott for rejecting me to be with Jax, I know it's not their fault, he drugged them, I know that, but they could have seen through it, why didn't they, why didn't they come for me and find me straight away. Why did they want Jax over me? I still think they will reject me at some point, I'm not good enough for them. They deserve so much better than me. I can't even cook or clean or have pups" Louis says getting more worked up.
"I can't even go one whole night without a nightmare and waking them up. The media knows about me now and I know how much hate I'm going to get for not being good enough for them. I don't want to bring them down" Louis says, crying by the time he's finished
"Louis sweetheart" Kimberly says
"I didn't know he was shot and killed I didn't want him to die, I hate him with everything in me, but I didn't want him to die" Louis says as he hiccups
"It's okay Louis, all of these emotions are valid and I'm really proud of you for sharing them with me, thank you for being brave enough to share them with me. We have a lot to work on together and we will get through these feelings together okay" Kimberly says
Louis looks at her kind face and nods
"You're a very brave omega Louis and Scott and Harry are lucky to call you there's. The first thing I want to make sure of, is that you're okay to go back to university on Monday. I want to work through everything you've just told me in time but right now, let's focus on one thing at a time" Kimberly says
"Okay" Louis says as he wipes his tears away with his sweater paws
"Can I ask why you want to go back to university so soon" Kimberly asks
"Because I want to get back to normal and I love my degree, I want to finish it" Louis says
"I understand, no one is saying you can't finish it, but it might be triggering to go back so soon, even though you have the best intentions. What would you say to doing a few weeks of online classes and doing them form home instead!" Kimberly asks
Louis never thought of that, never thought it was an option
"I can handle it though" he says
"There is no doubt Louis, I know that, we all know that, but there's a lot going on in your life right now. You're still healing, you've just been bonded after suffering rejection, you've been through some traumatic events, and you should be easing back into things" Kimberly says
"I.... I would like to do that I think but, I need them to know I could handle going back if I wanted to" Louis says
"They know that kiddo" Kimberly says
"K, yeah.... okay" Louis says sniffling
"Well guess what?" Kimberly asks
Louis looks to her
"You made that decision yourself, in complete control and you made the right one for yourself, in support of yourself" Kimberly smiles
Louis half smiles at that, that's true he did, and he feels a sense of relief.
"Now our session for today is up, can I see you again next week? I really like chatting to you Louis and I think we can really work through a lot together" Kimberly says
"Yeah, I think I'd like that" Louis says
"Another decision controlled by you! Look at you go" Kimberly smiles in jest and Louis chuckles
They both stand up and head to the door, Harry and Scott are a little on edge as they can sense Louis is upset
"I'll see you next time Lou, you did great today, you should be proud" Kimberly says and Louis smiles
"Boys?" Kimberly says as she gestures for Harry and Scott to head into the room.
They both kiss Louis on the head as they pass and cuddle him, promising to be out soon. Louis goes to sit in the waiting room thinking over what Kimberly and he talked about.
Harry and Scott take the couch and Kimberly brings her chair over to sit in front of them. When they are all comfortable Kimberly begins
"So, Louis is a wonderful omega, he's very kind and smart and I'm looking forward to working together to get him through a few things and coping with what happened" Kimberly says
The boys smile at her thankful she's willing to work with Louis further
"Is he okay? we know you can't discuss everything you talked about, but we just want to make sure he's okay" Scott says
"He's okay, the first thing we are going to work on is the control issues he's having. I know you've all mentioned that he struggles with control after what happened and it's completely understandable considering. Louis has made his own decisions about university and wants to start classes back online and see how he goes. I let him make that decision himself and he feels empowered that he chose the best thing for him right now" Kimberly says
The boys relax
"Wow, that's amazing, we're so proud of him" Harry says, and Kimberly can see just how much these two love Louis.
"The thing we have to understand is Louis sees being told what to do as being controlled, if you ask him to do a certain thing or consider a certain thing, his omega is going to want to submit on instinct, but he doesn't want to give into his omega as it's still on high alert, it's still in flight mode, he wants to escape the situation before he gets hurt" Kimberly says
"Why is his omega on high alert? Because of what happened?" Harry asks
"Yes, because something traumatic happened and he nearly lost his life and the ability to be free, not just physically but emotionally. There's an extremely high level of trust that goes on inside your souls when you become mates and Louis needs to learn to trust not only his omega again but your alphas too" Kimberly says
"That's understandable" Scott says
"Suffering rejection means there was broken trust, obviously Jax controlling your emotions towards him is an underlying concern for him, that you were manipulated and hurt too, but also that he trusted his omega and was rejected. We know unintentionally and it was not your fault or Louis, but he needs to get that trust back within himself" Kimberly says
"So, what do we do? Can we help him with that? I know we still need to fully gain his trust again and we will do everything we can to do that" Scott says
"He knows you won't hurt him again; he does, but it's going to take time to let his guard down completely. What I need you two to do, is be his alphas, I need you to treat him like you would have if none of this had happened, he needs rules, and guidelines and consequences if he doesn't follow them" Kimberly says
Scott and Harry did not expect this, they thought they would have to go east on Louis for a while, especially with punishments. They look back at Kimberly surprised
"I know this might sound like the opposite of what you think you should do but believe me it's not. Louis omega needs to trust you completely and in order for him to do that, he needs you to create a safe environment that he knows and can rely on. Rules and punishments are an omegas safety, trusting their alphas to provide that for them is what he needs" Kimberly explains.
"So, he's not going to hate us for punishing him? He's not going to get overwhelmed and more distant and upset?" Harry asks
"At first maybe, but his omega needs these things and to trust that you know his limits, that you are safe, that he can count on you when he might not feel like he can count on himself" Kimberly says
The boys can absolutely see and understand what Kimberly is saying and are grateful to her for helping them see that.
"Well, that's reassuring to hear, we just didn't want to push him and make him go backwards" Scott says
"You absolutely won't, if you don't do these things he will go backwards I'm sure of it, and especially with Jax still on the run, he needs your alphas to step up when he pushes the lines, so he knows he's yours and nothing and no one is going to change that, we didn't really talk about Jax in depth, but I know he's concerned he could come back in your life and take you away from him again" Kimberly says
"He couldn't never" Harry says
"I know boys, but Louis and his omega need to know that too" Kimberly smiles
The boys agree and they talk a little more before they are saying goodbye with a new appointment booked for next week and the boys leading Louis out of the practice.
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