Louis is in and out of consciousness for three days before he feels somewhat okay to stay awake for a few hours at a time. Even though he's out of the woods with rejection taking over his body, he's still so tired and sore and confused about what happened. He's quiet and is a little closed off from everyone, especially Harry and Scott.

"Please baby, just a few more bites" Harry tries to get Louis to eat more of his sandwich

Louis sighs and tears prick his eyes, but he doesn't let them fall, he doesn't want any more food and just wants to go home. He shakes his head no

"Sweetheart, what's the matter? You can talk to us, we're here" Scott says gently as he sits on the bed facing Louis and swipes his fringe out of his eyes.

"I wanna go home" Louis says so vulnerably as a single tear slips down his cheek

"Oh baby, we wish we could take you home too" Harry says, his heart breaking for Louis

"We've spoken to Andy, and he's said if you can just hang in there for a few more days you can come home" Scott says

"We won't leave you here alone little wolf, we will be by your side the whole time" Harry says

"I don't like the smells or the other alphas and the nurses and my head hurts and everything hurts, and I don't want to hurt anymore" Louis says

"We know darling, and if we could take all your pain away for you, we would, in a second, what we can do though, is be here and help you through this. Besides, I like being able to sleep with you on our arms while we're here" Scott says smiling slightly

Louis blushes

"I still haven't had my heat you know" Louis says

"We don't care, you're ours Louis and we're never letting you out of our sight again" Harry says smirking

"What about when I go home?" Louis asks curiously, he doesn't know where they stand on that part.

Scott and Harry look at each other before they look back at Louis

"Well, we haven't really talked about that, and we don't want to pressure you into anything, and we don't want to take you away from the boys either" Scott says

"We want you to decide when you move in Louis, and if you want to wait until your heat then that's completely okay" Harry says smiling

Louis sighs

Louis is so confused, there's still something in the back of his mind, warning him not to get too close just in case but his omega is pushing him to let Harry and Scott in and he doesn't know what to do

"All I know, is that I never want to feel the way I did" Louis says sadly

"And we never want you to feel that either Louis, god, we never want to experience nearly losing you ever again" Scott says

Louis sighs

"It's all going to be okay darling, now, can you just eat another bite for us" Harry asks as he holds up the sandwich to Louis.

Louis doesn't want an argument and just sighs he takes a small bite of the sandwich and then puts it down. Harry and Scott smile warmly at him.

Louis then lies down, wincing as he does.

"Tired?" Scott asks

Louis shrugs and rolls over on his side. He pulls the blanket up and closes his eyes, he ends up falling asleep absolutely exhausted.

Harry and Scott are worried, they thought Louis would welcome them with open arms now that Jax is out of the picture. They feel so guilty for how they made Louis feel and even though it wasn't completely their fault, they wish they could go back in time. They will do everything they can to win Louis trust and heart completely back.


Four days later and Louis has had enough, he desperately needs to go home, and his emotions are getting the better of him.

"Harry please, please let me go home, I can't stand it here" Louis says, and his breathing becomes harsh

"Darling, we can't authorise that, Scott's gone to talk to Andy okay, we will see what he says" Harry says gently, trying to calm Louis

"If he says no, I don't care I'm leaving" Louis says

He's so fed up; he just wants to go back to his life. Uni starts up again in two days and he wants to be ready to go back, he can't get behind or he'll never catch up.

"Darling, as much as I want you to be able to go home. You will have to get past Scott, Andy, and me if you try to leave" Harry says pointedly

Andy and Scott come back into the room and Andy is looking concerned

"Hey kiddo, what's up, what's happened?" Andy asks, he sanitizes his hands as he walks in and sits next to Louis, facing him.

"Andy, let me out, please" Louis says on the verge of breaking

"Lou, your temperature is still a little all over the place, your kidney is still showing signs of infection and you're still on high pain doses for your ribs, I don't think it's the best idea to send you home" Andy says concerned

"Andy, I'm actually begging you here, please, uni starts back in two days, and I need to go back. I need to go home" Louis says upset

"Whoa Lou, if you think Scott and I will allow you back to university in two days, you've got another thing coming" Harry says as he crosses his arms in concern, as he stands next to Andy whose sitting on the bed.

Both boys have been working from the hospital room in sweats and T-shirts but that doesn't mean Louis finds them any less intimidating

"Harry's right kiddo, there's no way you're going back to uni yet, regardless of if I let you out or not" Andy says

"Harry and Scott aren't my alphas, even if they are, I haven't had my heat, so again, they can't control my every move yet" Louis says angrily

"Let's just back up a second Louis, Harry and I aren't going to be controlling your every move, where did that come from? Just because we want you safe and healthy before you start uni, doesn't mean we are going to be controlling you" Scott says confused

Andy, Scott, and Harry all look to each other, Louis is holding something back and is upset and agitated about something and it's clearly bothering him.

"I'm omega, of course I'm controlled, by everyone, and I'm sick of it. Let me out now Andy" Louis yells

Louis then starts pulling his drips and oxygen out and the cords that are attached to him. Andy, Scott, and Harry try their best to stop him and Scott grabs Louis as gently as possible when he pushes his way out of the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay, you're going to hurt yourself darling just relax" Scott tries

Louis doesn't listen and he kicks and yells and tries to push Scott's arms off him with all his force

"Get off me, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving" Louis yells

The tears come then and Louis breaks, he doesn't want anyone to touch him, he doesn't want to be told what to do. Professor Dean nearly took his whole life away and he doesn't want to give anyone the power to do that to him ever. Louis is hurting badly but he doesn't give up.

Scott ends up letting Louis go in fear of him hurting himself even more.

When Louis is free, he tries to make a run for the door, but Andy stands in front of it.

"Okay, listen, just stop kiddo, just listen to me, I need you to relax" Andy says as gently as possible

"Stop telling me to relax, no one listens" Louis says defeated

"We will listen to you if you calm down, otherwise, I will have to call Dan, the other doctor in here to give you something to calm you and I know you don't want that to happen" Andy says

Louis chokes on his sobs as he tries to calm himself down. The boy's hearts break.

Louis calms down enough that Andy knows he will listen.

"Good boy, just listen to me bud. Absolutely no-one is trying to control you, not me or the boys, not Scott and not Harry. I promise" Andy says and Louis breathing starts to return to a less panicked state.

"Louis....is that what your professor tried to do to you? Did he try to control you and make you do things against your will?" Harry asks gently, he keeps his distance but gives off a calming and reassuring scent to Louis.

Louis looks Harry in the eyes and Harry just wants to make Louis pain go, he's so vulnerable and his beautiful blue eyes have so much pain behind them.

Louis doesn't understand how Harry knows that, he doesn't want to talk about it, but he doesn't want to be kept here and if he doesn't start letting the boys in a little bit, he will absolutely break

"He told me.... he told me.... Louis starts as he gets a little anxious and starts scratching his arm harshly

The boys watch him, they fear if they try to stop him, he will become hysterical again and they need Louis to talk to them right now.

"It's okay, we're here Lou, it's okay...what did he tell you?" Scott asks gently

"He.... he said that he would mate me and keep me as his pet and control me. That I'm just omega and mean nothing. That he failed me in class because I'm nothing and worthless and good for nothing. He wanted to keep me chained up in his office to please him when he wanted, and I'd have no control over anything, and neither would you or the boys and I would be stuck there forever and...and ......and" Louis starts to panic again

Scott and Harry don't hold back this time they rush straight to Louis and engulf him in their arms

"No baby, no that would never happen, and we would never let that happen" Scott says gently as Louis latches on in desperation

"We would never control you like that little wolf, ever, you're ours to protect and love and we will spend every second showing you how much" Harry promises

"He's there all the time, in my dreams, him and Jax, in my nightmares" Louis cries

"Ohh darling, we know, and we promise to be there for you and cuddle you and kiss you back to sleep when they happen, we aren't going anywhere" Harry says

Louis cries, the first one he's really let all his emotions out since he was brought in, and the boys are somewhat thankful.

Andy then comes and sits down next to the boys and Louis.

"Listen, Lou, I know how upsetting being in a hospital can be for an omega, especially and unmated one. I don't want you going backwards so If you promise to rest and take your medication, I will let you come home" Andy says

"You will?" Louis asks with a sniffle

"Yeah, although I think it might be best if you go to Harry and Scott's just so you don't have to be around our mated smells and not Have Harry and Scott's there when it's really important that you're around them at the moment" Andy says

Louis looks to Harry and Scott as if to check they are okay with it

"Is that okay with you?" Harry smiles

"Is Jax's smell there?" Louis asks and the jealousy in his voice is apparent

"No baby, we've had the place completely cleaned out but.... we may need our clothes back to make sure there's enough of our smell for you" Harry says smirking lovingly

Louis blushes

"How did you know it was me?" Louis asks

"We had been losing clothes long before Jax baby, and when we saw those clothes in your closet when you were missing, it was such a relief to know you were absolutely ours" Scott says

"I'm sorry, I just needed a nest I'm sorry" Louis says

"Don't be sorry, you can make as many nests as you like darling, and it was a beautiful nest, just for us" Scott says smiling and Louis preens at the praise and Harry and Scott can't get enough

"Well, that's settled then, let me get your discharge papers and you can get going okay" Andy says

"Andy, you and the boys, you'll come visit, won't you? And I can come to you?" Louis asks innocently, making sure

"Oh Lou, every single day buddy, I promise, and I'll be there for the next few weeks checking up on you every morning and night" Andy says as he kisses Louis forehead and ruffles his hair.

Louis smiles as Harry and Scott help him stand and get dressed in sweats and a jumper, ready to take their omega home. 

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