When the boys make it to the hospital behind the ambulance, they aren't allowed through and Drew and Edward have to physically hold back Scott and Harry, they are beside themselves with worry and their alphas wants to protect Louis and be with him.

"Boys, just listen to me, I've got him, I'm his brother, I won't hurt him, I'm helping him. I need you both to calm down and trust me right now" Andy says fiercely, trying to get through to Harry and Scott so they don't turn the place upside down

"Andy, please, we need to see him" Scott says trying not to growl as he struggles in Edward's arms.

"I know, and he's going to need you too, but I need to assess him. As soon as that happens, I promise to come and get you" Andy says

"Andy, we've never felt like this before, we need him now" Harry growls, he goes to step forward and Drew pulls him back as Andy pushes him

"And I need you to relax, you can't help Louis right now, I need to do that first, if you can't let me do that, I'll get someone to come and sedate you both and that won't do Louis, or anyone any good now please listen to me" Andy says

Harry and Scott calm their breathing as best they can, they know Andy won't hurt Louis, but they can't suppress and calm their alphas.

Andy moves back from both boys when they calm down

"I'll come and get you as soon as I can" Andy says and the boys nod thankfully

Andy then heads back to Louis to assess him, he's worried and he just hopes he's okay and Andy can help him.

Drew and Edward help calm Scott and Harry down, they get them sitting against the window in the private waiting room.

"I can't believe we were so stupid" Harry says

"Boys, don't blame yourselves, Jax drugged you, that's not your fault" Drew says

"We still should have known, seen through it at least" Scott says

"Listen, all you need to do right now is be there for Louis and get him through this, then you can start your lives together" Edward says

"If you just concentrate on that then everything will be okay, we can figure the rest out later" Drew says

The boys nod, Edward and Drew are right, they can worry about finding and dealing with Jax later.

Andy finally comes back out two hours later to see the boys.

"Is he okay?" They all ask worriedly

The look on Andy's face is solemn

"He's stable" Andy says, and everyone relaxes a little.

Andy gestures for everyone to sit down, they do, and Andy sits opposite them in the chairs, he sighs before he leans forward and rests his forearms on his knees.

"What is it?" Scott asks, his voice shaky. Harry reached for his hand, and they clutch each other.

"He has suffered a few broken ribs, and it looked like his chest was stood on, the X-ray showed internal bleeding. We managed to stop it through surgery though and he's going to be okay. His kidney is damaged, he has a kidney infection and he's on antibiotics. We found old bruises and lesions on his body, and we think it's because he was being abused for a while" Andy says

"Shit" Edward says

"I can't believe we didn't know" Drew says

"By his professor? Or Jax?" Harry asks angrily

"We don't know, we won't know until he's awake" Andy says

"When will that be?" Scott asks

Andy is silent

"Andy!" Harry pleads

"He's suffering rejection" Andy says

"No, Andy no!" Scott says and he loses it

"How?" Edward asks upset

This is bad, Louis could potentially die from this, it's serious and Louis inner omega has started to shut his body down.

"We think Jax, and his professor might have said things to him, even though Harry and Scott never said they were rejecting him. Everything that's happened, his omega is feeling it and has reacted" Andy says

"But we haven't rejected him, Andy, we would never" Harry says upset

"I know, we know, that's why we think we can get Louis omega to respond to you and Scott. We will need you to be with him and try to bring him out" Andy says

"So, we can save him?" Scott asks through tears

"I think so, we've never seen this but yes. I think he just needs you both beside him right now" Andy says

"Okay, well, can we see him" Harry says as he tries to be strong and comfort Scott at the same time.

"Yeah, I've organised a whole room for you, and I think it's best you sleep next to him, surround him as much as you can with your smells" Andy says

"Okay, yeah, sure" Scott says

"You guys go in; we will go get you some clothes and food and stuff and bring it all back for you" Drew says

"Thanks boys, that would be great". Harry says

Harry gives the boys the key to their place, and they all hug tightly as they say goodbye.

Andy then leads Harry and Scott back to Louis room. The floor is private, and Louis has his own nurse and medical team, this is such a rare case, and they need to monitor him closely.

"Now, just don't go all alpha on me and the team when you see him, he's sick and hooked up to a lot of machines. The good thing is, he's breathing on his own, we're helping him with oxygen, but at the moment he's doing well. Just be prepared, it could change, and we may need to intubate" Andy says

Scott and Harry don't know how to react and the just nod, they just look lost and Andy's heart breaks for them. It's one thing to have your brother so sick and trying to hold it together but having your mate, your soul mate this sick, he couldn't even imagine.

Harry and Scott walk in, Louis is lying so small and innocent on the bed, he has drips and lines everywhere and an oxygen mask on his face.

They look back to Andy upset.

"It's okay boys, you can touch him, I want you to scent him, let him smell you, be gentle but hold his hands, cuddle him, and talk to him. He needs to know you're near and to come back to you" Andy says

"Okay" the boys say

"I'll leave you alone for a little while just, you need to be able to control your alphas when the nurses and other doctors come in. We are helping him, and we need to access Louis, you can't keep us from doing that. Okay" Andy says, trying to explain the situation.

"We understand, we will do our best Andy, we promise" Harry says and Andy smiles slightly

Andy leaves the room and his brother alone with his mates. He takes 10 minutes to go to the break bed and call Sammy, wanting comfort from his mate and hoping he's done everything he can for Louis.


Harry and Scott compose themselves as best they can, they hug and reassure each other before they move towards Louis. They need to be strong right now.

The first thing they do is undress to their boxer shorts, then then hop in beside Louis in the bed, one on each side. It's a bigger bed and they can all fit comfortably, it also helps that Louis is so small.

They put their clothing around Louis carefully and then they scent him. Harry and Scott immediately relax when they are able to scent Louis. They've missed his smell so much.

Louis doesn't stir or move a single muscle and the boys just want to see his smile, his eyes and hear his beautiful voice. They do their best to control their emotions and they are just there for Louis. They talk to him, apologise to him, and make sure they tell him how much he means to them both.

The boys come by and drop off clothes for Harry and Scott and they make sure to put them on so their smells engulf them, and they can keep swapping them over. The boys find it so hard to see their baby brother so fragile and non-responsive, but they know he's in the best hands with Harry and Scott.

It's three days before Louis even stirs at all, Harry and Scott have just finished dinner and getting an update from Andy, they were about to hop back into bed with Louis, they haven't showered in three days, so their smell is strong for him

When Louis comes to the first thing he registers is pain, just continuous aching pain. he winces as he comes too.

"Louis, darling, it's okay, you're okay"

"Oh, thank god"

"Louis it's Andy bud, you're okay, just relax your breathing"

Louis hears, he feels so weird and sore, but he finally manages to open his eyes.

He sees Harry and Scott on his left and Andy on his right, leaning over the bed.

"Baby, we're here, relax" Harry says gently

Louis brings his hands up and removes the oxygen mask restricting his face.

Louis is so disorientated, and he has no idea where he is.

"Where am I" he panics

"In hospital bud, you're with me, I'm looking after you okay, so everything is fine" Andy smiles reassuringly

"I'm sore, Andy it hurts" Louis says, tears in his eyes

"Oh bud, I know, I'm doing my best to control your pain okay. Tell me where it hurts the most" Andy says

Louis let's a tear fall, and Scott is quick to wipe it away

"Shhhhh sweetheart, we're here, I know it's scary but you're okay and Harry and I won't leave you okay" Scott says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead

"He mated me" Louis says as he reaches for his neck and claws at it

"No darling, he didn't, we promise" Scott says

"It burns" Louis says scared

"It will burn for a little while bud, but if you're okay with-it, Harry and Scott can make it feel better" Andy says carefully

"I'm scared, everything hurts, I want my mate" Louis says upset

"Baby, we are your mates, we promise we're never leaving you again" Harry reassures Louis and kisses his forehead

"Can you let Harry and Scott help with your pain bud?" Andy asks

Louis nods and Harry and Scott make their way next to Louis on the bed. They then each take turns in licking his wound on his neck and Louis relaxes instantly

"That's it Lou, see, you'll feel much better soon" Andy says, and he slips something into Louis drip too, helping him relax further and fall asleep.

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