"No way Drew.... what?" Andy asks as he looks over the information Drew is showing them.

"It's not here, he lied for some reason" Drew says

Drew finally got some of the CCTV footage through and is showing the boys, Louis was nowhere near the art block when he was beaten up nor is there any footage of it happening.

"So, what happened?" Edward asks

"I don't know, I can see him going into the building where his lecture is held and coming out, he does come out later than everyone else though" Drew says, it doesn't add up.

Scott and Harry then turn up and Drew shows them what he's found

"What about the footage from yesterday, did he come out of the classroom then?" Scott asks

"I haven't got that through yet, I'm still waiting" Drew says

"But there is something else boys" Drew then ads

"What?" They all asks worriedly

Drew plays the footage and stops it as someone heads into the same building

"That's Jax, what the hell?" Harry asks

"Yeah, and Louis comes out 30 seconds later, clearly beaten up" Drew says

"This doesn't make sense" Edward says

Scott and Harry look at each other

"What have you got on Jax?" They ask

Drew shifts uncomfortably

"Why would I have anything on Jax" Drew asks nonchalantly

"Look boys, we know you don't like him, and we respect that, but there are some red flags for us too and we know when it comes to Louis you won't back down and will do everything to keep him safe......so?" Harry asks

Drew smirks

"I haven't opened his file yet, I was looking through this first" Drew says

"Okay great let's do it then" Scott says

"Guys are you sure? This is your mate" Drew sighs

"Then why do we feel connected to Louis still? Why when you told us Louis was missing did our alphas become worried, our instincts are still leading us to Louis and protecting him" Scott says

Drew looks to Andy and the boys follow his gaze

"What? If you know something tell us" Harry says

Andy sighs, if Louis is their omega they need to know.

"I think Jax is lying to you and has brought something off the black market to drug you and make you think he's your mate" Andy says straight out

The room is completely silent.

"What...why?" Is all Harry says, his alpha trying to suppress his anger

"We don't know, but we think he has something to do with Louis going missing" Edward says

"How would he have drugged us?" Scott asks

"I don't know, did he offer you coffee, tea? Or water when you met him?" Edward asks

Harry and Scott think, they look at each other and sigh.

"He brought us coffee at the meeting, and he brings us a coffee every morning" Harry says in realisation, how could they beat stupid.

The boys look to each other, this is definitely starting to make more sense

"Can we look in Louis room?" Scott then asks

"Yeah...why?" Edward asks

"We just need to check something, please" Scott says

"Sure, maybe we can find something that will help us" Andy says

They all get up and head to Louis room and Harry and Scott look in every corner they can, even the bathroom and under the bed hoping to find what they are looking for

"What are you looking for?" Drew asks

"A nest" Scott says

Drew and the boys start helping to look around, Drew then walks over towards Louis wardrobe and opens it.

"Shit" Drew says as he turns on the light and sees Louis whole wardrobe floor covered in Harry and Scott's clothes

Harry and Scott rush over

"Well, now we know who stole your clothes" Drew says

Harry and Scott beam

"He is ours" Harry says

"Boys, we need to find him this is bad" Andy says

"But he's ours Andy, he's our mate" Harry says

"He's suffering rejection that's, he's sick, we need to find him" Andy panics a little more

The boys turn instantly concerned; they need to find Louis.

Drew's phone then rings and he answers and heads back downstairs

The boys follow as Drew brings up something new on the computer screen.

"What are we looking at?" Scott asks

"Yesterday's CCTV of the University" Drew says as he concentrates on Louis last class of the day to see if he even entered.

It takes a few agonising minutes for Drew to scan the video, Andy then gets a call that he quickly answers

"There he is!" Drew says and the boys gather around.

"So, he definitely enters class" Edward says

"Yes, that was 2:00pm" Drew replies

"Does he leave early?" Harry asks, maybe Louis went somewhere else

They watch the tape and see every single student exit apart from Louis.

"He never came out" Drew says confused

"Wait, look" Edward says, and Drew pauses the video.

They see Jax, entering the classroom as the students are exiting

"Shit" the boys say

"What time does Jax leave?" Harry asks

They watch the tape and see Jax, and Professor Dean exit at 10pm

"That's his professor, shit, he's been giving Louis a hard time for weeks" Harry says angrily

Andy then comes over

"That was work, you will never believe what I'm going to tell you" Andy says

"What?" They all ask

"Jax isn't even an omega, he's a fucking Beta" Andy says

Alphas can mate with betas there is no rule against that at all and they live perfectly happily together, some alphas soulmates are betas and that's fine, but Jax is definitely lying about who he is and trying to pass as omega.

"What the fuck is going on" Scott says upset

"I don't know but we have a 99% guarantee we know where Louis is now, so I'll get the squad together and we need to go get him.

"We want to come" Scott says

"What should we do about Jax?" Harry asks

"Well, if you don't kill him, we will" Andy growls

"Look boys, I know we are all angry and upset but we know who's behind this and where to find Louis. We will arrest Jax and Louis Professor. If we can get Jax to the school, we can get him at the same time" Drew says

"Yeah, right, let's just focus on Louis and getting him out safely, god knows what they've done to him" Edward says

Harry and Scott go to call Jax and try to get him to the school. While Drew fills his squad in, and everyone gets ready to leave

When Jax's phone rings and he sees it's Harry and Scott and he picks up.

"Hello" he says trying to sound as innocent as possible

"Hi Babe, how are you?" Harry asks trying to come across as his loving alpha, deep down he's fuming

"I'm good, just finishing my nest, ready for my heat" Jax says

Harry and Scott now know that's a lie and they are angry, Jax is not getting a real heat and omegas do not talk about their nests so outwardly, they try their hardest to keep them a secret as they are so personal, they only let their alphas see them when they are ready and it's time to have pups or mate.

"That's great, we can't wait to see it" Scott says

"Have you found Louis?" Jax asks and the boys notice his tone change slightly

"Not yet, we are going to have a search of the University though, and we were hoping you could come and help us. We need all the help we can get" Harry says

"Oh, um sure I'll come down now" Jax says, and Harry and Scott can hear him slightly panic

"Thanks babe, we really appreciate it" Scott says

"No problem, see you soon" Jax says, and he then hangs up.

Jax is on edge, they are so close to finding Louis if they go search the school, he panics and calls his dad straight away

"Yeah?" His dad answers

"They have a search party heading to the school, they are on to us" Jax says angrily

"Okay, you know the plan, pack and leave town now, you have the bank accounts I'll meet you soon" Professor Dean tells Jax

"Okay, yep be careful" Jax says

"I will, if I mate Louis now, it will kill him to be separated from me" Professor Dean smirks

"Dad, just leave, we can go somewhere, who gives a shit about Louis, you need to leave now" Jax says

Professor Dean is fuming and doesn't know what to do. He's so angry.

"I'll call you back soon" he tells Jax

Jax agrees and hangs up, he goes to gather his belongings and slips out of the apartment, following his dad's instructions.

Professor Dean ends the phone call and throws his phone across the room. Louis is feeling so sick the more the day drags on, he flits in and out of sleep and his body just aches

"This is all your fucking fault" Professor Dean yells at Louis,

He strides over to Louis angrily and pulls him up off the ground by his shoulder, Louis winces and stumbles on his feet.

"I should leave you here to rot, it's all you deserve" Professor Dean says

"If I mate you though, you're mine, and I can make you suffer for the rest of your life" Professor Dean says evilly with a smirk

Louis struggles as best as he can, he screams as loud as he can behind his gag, he knows he can't escape but he will fight as best as he can

Professor Dean attacks Louis, he goes full alpha mode, he throws him against the wall and the floor, he stomps on his chest and kicks him hard in the ribs. He then gets on top of Louis with intentions of mating him and claiming him when the doors to the office are broken down.

"Police! don't fucking move" Drew yells and Professor Dean stops and stares at the officers

"Come any closer and I will mate him" Professor Dean says

"I'm giving you to the count of three to move or my squad will shoot" Drew says

Louis looks at Drew with such scared eyes and Drew's heart breaks for his little brother

"One.... two" Drew says, and Professor Dean leans down and bites Louis neck.

Louis screams out in agonising pain, but it suddenly stops when there are two gunshots fired.

Louis screams behind his gag and cries as Drew rushes over and his boys take Professor Dean off him.

"Lou, bud it's okay, I'm here it's okay" Drew tries to reassure Louis

"We need medics, I also need Harry and Scott sent straight in" Drew says over his radio

Drew bends down and pulls Louis gag down

"Just relax kiddo, I have help coming, you're going to be okay" Drew tries to reassure

"Drew, he mated me he he he he get him off" Louis says and he's becoming hysterical

"It's okay, relax, relax, it's okay" Drew says

Harry and Scott, Sammy and Amy then come rushing into Louis

"Lou, Jesus" Sammy says as she kneels down next to Louis head, Amy on the other side.

"Louis, you're safe Hun, can you just relax for us" Amy tries

Louis is crying his eyes out and trying to get the metal collar off his neck.

Harry and Scott stand back near the squad, waiting for the okay to be with their omega. They are trying to suppress their growls and are clearly distraught at having to watch their omega in pain, see what was done to him.

"Louis, I'm going to cut the ties off your hands okay" Amy says as she gently grabs Louis hand and cuts them free.

Louis then tries again to get the collar off his neck, the bite on his neck is burning and it hurts

Sammy grabs the metal cutters from her kit and Drew helps Amy hold Louis still while they cut the collar off.

Louis is becoming absolutely beside himself

"Was be bitten?" Sammy asks as she sees Louis clawing at his neck

"Yeah" Drew says ashamed he even let it happen.

"It's okay, he can't be mated he's never had his heat, but it will burn and be causing a lot of pain" Sammy says

Drew relaxes a little at the fact Louis can't be mated yet, thank God

"We need to get Harry and Scott in here to calm him down so we can assess him and get him to the hospital to be checked out" Amy says

"Harry, Scott, we need you" Drew calls

They come rushing over but Sammy stands up and stops them

"I need you to listen to me" she says pointedly

The boys both nod, knowing she's serious.

"We are going to leave the room for 10 minutes, I need you to calm him down, drop him if you have too, he's hysterical and he's been bitten" Sammy says

Scott and Harry growl, they can't hold it back

"He can't be mated, he hasn't had his heat, he's still yours but he's hurt, and I need to asses him and I can't do that while he's in this state, I need your help" Sammy says

"Yeah okay, of course, we will calm him" Harry says

Sammy nods and turns to let Amy and Drew know they need to leave.

They usher the squad out and when the doors shut Scott and Harry make their way beside Louis.

"Darling you're okay, just relax for us baby" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead

"Little wolf, you're safe now" Scott says

Louis looks at Scott and Harry, so innocent

"He, he, he bit me, he bit me, it hurts" Louis says upset

"We know angel, we know, but it's okay, you're still ours" Scott says

"No, you rejected me you want Jax" Louis says a little delusional

"No darling, it's always been you, it's going to be okay" Harry says

Harry then picks Louis up and Louis wraps his legs around Harry's waist, Scott comes up behind him and cuddles Louis close and rests his hand on the back of Louis head in comfort.

"Scent us baby, scent us and everything will be okay" Harry says

They spend the next ten minutes getting Louis to scent them and he relaxes considerably. He ends up passing out and Sammy and Amy are able to transfer him easily to the hospital where Andy is waiting for him. 

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