The next day Louis is relived as he makes his way from his interior design class over to Professor Deans class, he's actually thankful he has an extra 15 minutes and doesn't need to run, nor does he have to spend his afternoons in Professor Deans office

When Louis gets closer to the lecture hall though, he notices the doors are already shut and locked. He can hear the class going on behind the doors and is confused. Louis gets an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

When the class finishes Louis walks in, Professor Dean is waiting for him with his arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

"My office, move" he says with authority

Louis sighs and follows him, Louis wonders what the hell is going on.

When they make it to Professor Deans office Louis walks in and before he can even get his bearings Professor Dean pushes him harshly against that wall

"You think, I would actually believe that Scott and Harry are your alphas" he laughs evilly

Professor Dean locks the office door and moves toward Louis who's trying to get his balance back after being slammed harshly into the wall, hitting his shoulder

"I know you haven't had a heat yet Louis, I can smell it, everyone can smell it.... And if I have anything to do with it, you will not be mating with Harry Styles and Scott Wolf" Professor Dean says and it's a threat

Louis looks at him utterly scared, not understanding what he means

Professor Dean then rounds on Louis, beating him, his alpha gets a little carried away and he stops as Louis cries out when his boot collides with Louis rib

"I'm not moving my class and you'll be lucky if I pass you after the stunt you pulled" he says angrily

Louis is on the floor trying to catch his breath back, he's in so much pain

"You tell anyone what I do to you Louis and it will be so much worse for you and your family" he finishes

He then gives Louis one more swift kick to the kidney

"Now get out before I don't stop myself" he says

Louis is scared absolutely shitless, and he's hurt and upset.

He stumbles out of the office and lecture hall, not completely with it.

On his way-out Louis passes a guy, a few years older than himself, brown hair and blue eyes, omega he thinks, he can't quite tell, he's bigger than Louis though, much bigger, he smirks at Louis as he makes his way to Professor Deans office.

Louis doesn't take too much notice as he's focusing on getting to the carpark, but the guy does give off an uneasy vibe.

When he gets to the carpark, he sees none other than Scott and Harry and a bunch of Media surrounding them, they are being interviewed and there is a crowd around them. Harry and Scott are smiling at the cameras and being their charming selves. They don't notice Louis yet

Louis thinks he can sneak out of the carpark and try to walk home, he's so sore though. He hasn't messaged Drew to come and get him yet so there's no one coming to pick him up and the last thing he wants is to see Harry and Scott in this state

"Hey Lou!" Noah says as he comes up behind Louis

Louis is so relieved to see Noah

"Whoa Lou, are you okay, you look like awful" Noah says when he takes a good look at Louis.

"Noah!" Louis says relieved

"You want a lift?" Noah asks concerned

"Yes, please, thank you!" Louis says

Noah nods and they both start walking to Noah's car

"Excuse me? Are you Louis Tomlinson, Harry, and Scott's new mate?" A journalist comes over and a microphone and camera are in his face.

"Umm, Ahhhh" Louis panics,

A crowd then starts forming and Harry and Scott notice Louis and immediately become concerned

Louis looks to Noah scared and Noah helps rush Louis to his car, they are followed, and Harry and Scott try to make it as quick as they can to Louis, their omega is in danger and their senses are on full alert, but as the get to the front of the crowd Louis and Noah speed away and out the gate of the University.

Harry and Scott ignore the cameras and the questions and hurry back to their car. They didn't mean for this to happen to Louis, they often do interviews around campus as they are on the board and graduated there, people love hearing that story. They didn't realise the media had gotten hold of the fact Louis might be their mate though, and they didn't expect Louis to be out of class.

As they drive away from the University Harry tries to call Louis phone with no luck, worry sets in. They could tell something wasn't right with Louis and the thought of him being scared and the fact the media know who he is, the boys just have a bad feeling and need to talk to Louis.

Noah turns to Louis who winces when he tries to get comfortable in the car.

"Are you okay?" Noah asks concerned

"Yeah, sorry about that" Louis says shyly

"Louis, don't apologise, I just want to make sure you're okay" Noah says

Louis sighs

"Can we go to your place?" Louis asks

Noah smiles

"Of course we can" Noah says, and Louis relaxes

He loves Noah's house and hasn't been there in a while, he's had a lot going on and Noah has been busy too.

Noah doesn't ask any questions until they are safely in his apartment. Noah lives alone, in a nice apartment in the city. His parents are very wealthy, but Noah is modest and doesn't splurge or flash his money. His apartment is nice yet feels so comfortable and homely. Louis loves that he can't smell alphas and omegas all over the place. Noah's smell is safe and comforting to Louis.

Louis toes his shoes off by the door and they head to the lounge room. Noah flops down while Louis winces as he sits

"Are you going to let me look at you?" Noah asks with a raised eyebrow

Noah is in his third year of medicine, he's training to be an ambulance officer and only has a few more credits to go before he graduates.

Louis sighs

"What happened?" Noah asks

"I got jumped by two betas behind the art block, they were saying something about being a stupid omega and that I shouldn't be allowed in the University" Louis lies

"Who were they? I'll beat the shit out of them" Noah says angrily

"I don't know" Louis shrugs

Noah sighs.

Louis phone then goes off for the fifteenth time

"Your brothers?" Noah asks

Noah and Louis have been best friends for a few years, the boys love Noah and trust him impeccably. Noah knows how overprotective they are and how much they love Louis and what he means to them. Louis has always thought Noah and Edward would be together, they share something special but neither of them has made an official move.

"Um, no it's...." Louis says shaking his head as if to say forget it

"It's Harry and Scott isn't it; they really are your soulmates aren't they" Noah says

Louis shrugs

"They think so, but I haven't had my heat yet, so I don't know" Louis says

"Wow Louis, this is huge! I'm really happy for you! They do seem like arseholes though, so they better treat you right" Noah says pointedly

Louis chuckles

"They are really nice actually, really great...it's just complicated" Louis says

Noah nods, not wanting to pressure Louis into talking.

"Well why don't you have a shower hey, get cleaned up and I'll get my kit ready and can see the damage and fix you up" Noah says

Louis nods and Noah leads Louis to the shower, it's slow going and it concerns Noah, not that he will mention it to Louis though, he doesn't want to scare him.

Louis finds it so hard to shower and ends up crying at the look of his body and the amount of pain he's in, he's been really hurt and doesn't think he can hide this from the boys.

Once he finally finishes his shower and changes into the sweats and T-shirt that are massive on him, that Noah laid out for him, he makes his way to the loungeroom where Noah is waiting for him.

Noah won't deny he's worried about Louis, he seems a little out of it and in a lot of pain. Omegas are precious and need to be protected and looked after, being hurt, or beaten up isn't just worrying physically but emotionally too.

"Come here bud, just lie down on the couch for me" Noah says, and Louis does, not without wincing and holding in his tears

"I'm going to be really gently okay, tell me to stop if you need me too" Noah says and Louis nods

When Noah lifts Louis shirt he gasps, it's bad. Louis is black and blue.

Noah makes quick work of assessing Louis as best he can, Louis holding in his tears

"Lou, it's pretty bad bud, I can't do much here though" Noah says

"That's okay, I'm okay I just need to, can I stay here for a bit" Louis asks

"Of course Lou, try and rest okay" Noah says but Louis is already passed out.

Noah grabs his phone a calls Andy

"Noah, is Louis with you?" Andy asks worriedly

"Yeah, he's safe I've got him" Noah says, and he can hear Andy sigh relieved

"Is he okay!" Andy asks

"He's okay, about the media, if that's what you mean" Noah says

"Yeah, we were worried about him, he isn't answering our calls" Andy says

"Well, there's something else, he was beat up, behind the art block by some betas, I've looked him over, but he's hurt, pretty badly" Noah's says

"Shit, okay, I'm coming to get him" Andy says

"He's asleep now but I think he needs more medical attention than I can give him" Noah says

"Does he need a hospital?" Andy asks worriedly

"No, I don't think so, I think he just needs pain killers and rest" Noah says

"Okay, Thanks Noah, thanks for looking after him" Andy says

"Of course, I'd do anything for Louis" Noah says

When Andy turns up, Edward is in tow and Andy doesn't miss the shy smiles between them. He hopes one of them decides to make a move soon.

When Andy sees Louis, he does become concerned, he picks him up bridal style and it's evident that Louis has lost some weight, he's very small.

Andy and Edward manage to get Louis home, dressed in warm pyjamas and put to bed; he doesn't even stir.

Andy meets the worried boys in the lounge when he's finished making sure Louis is okay.

The boys just all look at each other worriedly

"Is he okay?" Drew asks

Andy sighs

"He's okay, he's tired, didn't even stir the poor kid" Andy says

"So, he got beat up by Betas?" Drew tries to confirm

"That's what Noah said Louis told him, but Louis should have been in class, so I don't know" Andy says

"Well not if they got to him before class, it's not a surprise that people are jealous of his marks and that as an omega he's even doing the degree he is. And now obviously people know he's linked to Scott and Harry" Drew says

"Which is another thing, I don't know what we're supposed to do about all this. I think we really do need to consider medically inducing his heat" Andy says

Before the boys can respond the doorbell rings.

Drew answers and finds a worried Harry and Scott

"Is he okay?" Harry asks

"Yeah, he's okay, come in" Drew says

Harry and Scott enter the house and go straight to the lounge where Andy and Edward are

"Where is he? we didn't mean for this to happen" Scott says upset

Edward and Andy look to Scott confused

"For what to happen?" Edward asks

"The media, we didn't know they knew about him yet, we're so sorry" Scott says

"Oh, no boys, it's okay, it was bound to happen, I don't think Louis is too overwhelmed about that at all, we all knew this would happen eventually" Andy says

"Is he okay? is he mad at us?" Harry asks

The boys look at each other before Drew speaks up

"Apparently Lou was beat up by betas before class today, Noah took him back to his place to make sure he was okay" Drew says

"What?" Both boys say worriedly

"He's upstairs asleep" Andy says

"But.... what? Is he okay? Does he need a hospital?" Harry asks

"I won't know the extent until he wakes up but he's okay, just needs to rest and to take some pain relief, he looks to have a few broken ribs and a lot of bruises" Andy says

"Shit" Scott says

"We didn't know, we sensed something was wrong, but we thought it was the media, we couldn't smell that he was hurt, we can't smell that he's hurt right now" Harry says upset and confused

"That can be normal, you're not mated or bonded, just relax okay. We just need to wait until he wakes up and can talk to him" Andy reassures

The boys then hear Louis come down the stairs

"Lou, are you okay?" Drew asks as he moves forward to Louis first

Louis flinches and the boys don't miss it, it's so obvious, he then steps back

"It's just me Lou, I won't hurt you" Drew says gently

Louis then launches at Drew; he wants to feel safe so badly and he needs his brothers. Wants to tell them all the truth.

"It's okay, kiddo, don't cry it's all okay, we're here" Drew says as he holds Louis tightly

Scott and Harry watch on as Louis is comforted by his brothers.

"Hey Lou, just relax" Andy says as he comes over the Louis and places his hand on the back of his head in comfort

"It hurts" Louis says and the boy's hearts break

"Lou, Harry, and I can help, would you let us help?" Scott asks carefully

Louis looks to Scott and Harry, he really does want their comfort

Louis doesn't protest when Harry moves forward and takes Louis from Drew, he latches on, and he feels like an overwhelming safe bubble has been wrapped around him.

"Louis, do you want to scent me?" Harry asks

Everyone goes quiet and waits for Louis response, he starts breathing heavily

"You're safe with Harry and Scott Lou" Edward says

"We're all here kiddo, it's okay" Drew says

"It will help with your pain Lou; it should relax you enough that I can give you pain relief and you'll be comfortable" Andy says

"I don't want to drop" Louis says upset

Omegas who drop against their will can be put at a huge risk, they need to feel safe and comfortable and are usually bonded or mated first.

"We won't let you drop darling" Scott says reassuringly

"We promise, Lou, we're here, you're safe, we won't drop you, but we will make you feel better, as much as we can okay" Harry says and

Louis take a deep breath and nods

"Good boy" Harry says

Harry moves to the couch and Louis straddles him; Scott sits next to Harry comforting Louis as best he can. The boys hang back and watch on quietly

"Okay, relax and scent me sweetheart" Harry says, and Louis does

The moment Louis scents Harry his body relaxes, and he feels amazingly safe and cocooned

"That's it" Harry says

"Scott" Louis whines

He can't smell Scott and needs his scent too

Scott moves closer so Louis can scent him too, he feels so wonderful with both their smells.

"Good boy" Scott says

The boys comfort him and Louis relaxes enough for Andy to give him some pain relief and him to fall asleep feeling safe. 

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