Chapter 4 - Pappiliodya

(Opening Theme - Smile Bomb)


Shikki: Not to sound like an complete ass, but this is none of their business. So, why is everyone worrying about what is going on?

The red head found himself standing outside in the courtyard with his friends and everyone else. And by everyone, that meant every student in the school. It seemed word got out about the Shiny Rod and spread like wildfire.

Lotte: Diana is the most popular and greatest witch here. Everyone wants to get on her good side

Akko then showed the Shiny Rod to Diana who came close to observe it.

Diana: It's just an imitation, they are everywhere.

Akko: No, this is the real deal. Shikki can vouch for me!

The girls with Diana, who came to be known as Hannah and Barbara, spoke up

Barbara: Oh, did you bring this toy for show and tell?

Hannah: Did you spend your allowance on it?

Akko: You don't believe me? Well, I'll prove it!

She walks up to the statue in the center of the courtyard and aims the Rod at it.

Akko: Pay attention.

Lotte: Are you sure about this?

Akko: Yes, I'm sure. Whether you believe me or not. Please Shiny Rod, perform a miracle like you did the other day

Shikki: Akko...

Akko: Move, stone statue!




Nothing. Not even a small twitch. Akko kept trying, while everyone else was laughing at her. It got to the point where Akko started tearing up in mere frustration. Seeing this, Shikki began to clench his fist in anger.

Shikki: Shu-

He was then cut off when he hear Diana chant an incantation.

Diana: Anslow Airo!

The statue began to move and scared Akko. A hand moved above her and plucked the small leaf off her head.

Barbara: That was an advanced spell that brings statues to life!

Hannah: Diana is miraculous!

Diana held up her hand, signaling her friend to cease their fan-girling. Shikki, Lotte and Sucy walked over and knelt over to Akko.

Lotte: Hey, are you okay?

Akko seemed to be in shock as she held a blank expression.

Shikki: Akko?

Diana: Real magic comes from tradition, and constant studying. It isn't something that someone intrigued by a fad can ever hope to learn.

Barbara: The Canvendish family is well renowned for their rich history in magic.

Hannah: Diana's much better than some dumb show magician.

Diana then looked over at the only boy in the group.

Diana: You see, Shikki? If you want to become a powerful wizard, you must work hard.

With that, she and her friends walked away. Gritting his teeth, Shikki stood up and pulled out his wand. Diana and the other girls stopped as they felt an increase of magic power from Shikki. Akko, Lotte and Sucy all looked at the boy as they felt the familiar sensation back in the forest.

At that moment, four familiar star-like clusters burst into existence around him as Shikki raised his wand into the air, causing the clusters to float above him. A line of starlight extended from his wand and connected with the clusters.

Shikki: Quartile Flagellum!

He then swung the line like a whip towards the statue. The whip then slashed through stone figure like a knife through butter as the statue split right down the middle before both halves broke apart and crashed to the ground.

Diana's eyes widened at the boy's show of magic. He seemed that there was more to him than she thought.

Shikki: And if you want to become the top witch, you need to humble yourself and stop looking down on people. Because even a newbie will surpass an elite.

And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving mostly everyone in shock.

Akko looked at the broken statue in amazement.

Akko: Woah...

She then turned back and noticed Shikki walking away.

Akko: Shikki, wait up!

She grabbed the Shiny Rod from the ground and ran after ther boy, followed by Lotte and Sucy.

As Shikki walked away, Ursula watched from one of the windows above the courtyard with a proud expression on her face.


After the group left the courtyard, they went to a more open field to get some quiet time.

Sucy: Well, today was surely eventful

Lotte: I'll say...

Akko: Shikki!

The two girls looked over to see Akko shaking Shikki by the shoulders with stars in her eyes.

Akko: What was that spell you did!? You used it like a whip and sliced that statue in half!? It was so cool! Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!!!

Shikki: Okay, just stop shaking me! I'm getting whiplash!

Akko: Oh, sorry

She then lets him go as the redhead shakes his head to get his senses back.

Shikki: Anyway, that spell I used was called 'Quartile Flagellum'. It's another Star magic spell that allows me to use the stars as a whip, which can cut through anything.

Akko: Whoa, that's so awesome!

Sucy: Huh, I guess this Star magic you have is more versatile than I thought.

Lotte: I agree. Back in the forest, you used it in so many ways against that monster, I'd say you were a strong wizard in your own right.

Shikki: Maybe, but I have a long way to go before reaching that goal. Honestly, one of the reasons I came to Luna Nova was to get to research on my magic. Considering Chariot's magic was kinda like mine, I figure I could learn something here that might give me some pointers.

Akko: Ah, now that I think about it...

She leaned in close to Shikki who was taken back by her closeness.

Shikki: Uhh, what?

Akko: I didn't notice before, but your hair and eyes...really remind me of Shiny Chariot.

Shikki rubbed his head as he grinned a little.

Shikki: Oh that, well I think it was a mere concidence. I mean, there are many people with red hair beside me and Chariot

Lotte: He does have a point.

Akko: Yeah, I guess you're right...

Sucy: It could be just be wistful thinking

She then pulled out a collection of her Shiny Chariot cards and place them on the ground.

Shikki: Are those Shiny Chariot cards?

Akko: Mhm. They're all the cards I could gather, this is my greatest treasure...I know them all.

Lotte: Really, that's amazing!

Shikki: Must've been a pain in the ass to collect them, huh?

Akko: Yeah, it was. They were hard to come by when I was a kid. Shiny Chariot was very popular then. Unfortunately, I could never get my hands on this one premium card. I really wanted it...

Shikki looked over at the brunette's longing gaze as she stared at the empty spot of where she wanted to place the card.

Shikki: Akko...

Sucy and Lotte both picked up a card and looked at them.

Sucy: This mushroom is supposed to rekindle magic.

Lotte: And this one is a unicorn

Akko: An eternal holy creature. The Protector of Happiness

The others looked up at the girl in surprise, mainly Lotte.

Lotte: You memorized it?

Akko: Well, yeah. I mean, I hesitate a bit on the prounciation of spelling, but it's not a problem.

Shikki then picked up a card from the ground, observing a magical butterfly.

Shikki: Hey, this is Pappiliodya...

Akko looked at the boy with a large smile on her face.

Akko: You know it?

Shikki: Well, kinda. I had friend back in England who had in a trading card game. It's a butterfly that travel long distances, it hatches only once every 120 years. It gives hope to those who have the luck to see it. That's why I'm sure you're gonna be an awesome witch, Akko. As long as you continue to believe in magic, you might even outshine Chariot.

He gave the girl a toothy grin as his messy hair ruffled as a breeze picked up.

Akko stared as Shikki with growing eyes as her face began to feel extremely hot from the boy's words.

Sucy: You're sure you aren't flirting?

Akko: (blushes) S-Sucy!

Shikki: (blushes) It's not like that!!


Meanwhile, the Headmistress along with Professors Finnelan and Ursula were all checking out the status of the withering Jennfier memorial tree

Headmistress: Have you found out what's wrong with it?

Ursula: I'm doing my best to find out what's wrong, Headmistress!

At that moment, Diana entered with Hannah and Barbara.

Diana: Headmistress Holbrooke! I can't believe the memorial tree has become so weak.

The old lady sighed as she turned to her prized student.

Holbrooke: Yes, it quite sad. But we can't ignore the fact that this tree is very old. It's possible that it could just be at the end of it's time.

The three adults soon left, leaving the teenagers to observe the tree on their own.

Diana: The Jennifer Memorial Tree. It's said to have inherited the will of of the great witch, Jennifer. It's sacred to Luna Nova. Hmm...I have an idea. Would you care to help me, ladies?

Hannah and Barbara nodded and followed Diana's instructions. Laying the stones that they found all the way around the tree was the first step of Diana's plan.

Barbara: I'm done on this side!

Hannah: Same here!

Diana: Fabulous. Now step back, girls.

They did as she asked and watched the blonde pull her wan out from her waist.

Diana: I'm going to try revitalization magic. The spell will give the tree powerful nutrients that will grant it new life. It's a secret technique handed down by my family for generations.

She raised her wand and prepared the spell.

Diana: Louperial Ral!

The spell was cast and the end result impressed Diana and the two girls next to her.

Diana: It seems all the nutrients have soaked in.

Hannah: You did it Diana!

Barbara: This is why you're the best! More so than Chariot! I can't believe those two actually took her seriously!

Diana: She is a very childish idol to have...Though I can't say the same for new boy.

Hannah looked at the girl in shock.

Hannah: What are you saying, Diana!? What he did to the statue must've been a fluke!

Diana No, I don't think it was. I believe there is more to him than meets the eye

The girls looked at the girl in surprise, wondering what it was that she saw in the new boy.

Barbara: Come on, Let's head back and tell the professors.

Hannah: R-Right!

With that, they both ran outside to inform their teachers...unaware that Diana noticed something sprouting out of the ground.

Diana: Huh?


Akko: For damage to Sucy' hp and with that, I win the game. Yay! Nine in a row!

The group was now playing a card game with Akko's collection and so far...the brunette was dominating the game somehow.

Sucy: How can you be doing things that aren't on the card? I don't get it

Shikki: Huh, it feels sorta like that animated duelist card game series I used to watch...

Akko: Let's play one more!

Sucy: Huh!?

Before anything else could be said, a sudden root sprung up from the ground, knocking them and the cards back.

Akko: What's that?

Lotte: I don't know, but I think it's coming from over there!

She pointed at the building at the green house where the memorial tree was housed, which wasn't too far from them.

Shikki: Come on, let's go check it out!

He hopped to his feet and took off to the building, followed by the others. They arrived inside to find Diana standing in front of a tree surrounded by many roots that trapped her.

Shikki: Diana?

Diana: Don't come closer, it's dangerous!

Lotte: Look!

She pointed to a glowing parasite resting on the root of a tree while the others appeared

Akko: What is that?

Sucy: They resemble Chrysalises...

Shikki: Is that some kind of parasite?

Diana: Right. That has to be why the tree got so sick. Then all my spell did was give nutrients to these vermin instead of the tree itself. They have to be stopped! Murowa!

She pulled out her magic wand and began casting magical attack on the parasites. One closest to the group withered and died as soon as the spell hit.

Akko: Wait a second...

Shikki looked over at Akko to see that she was analysing the pararsites.

Shikki: Akko, what's up?

Diana: Murowa!

The girl targeted a parasite when Akko stepped in front of it.

Akko: Stop, Diana! These might be parasites!

Diana: Get out of my way!

Akko: Make me!

Diana became frustrated before aiming at another parasite and shooting at it. Akko tried to get in the way of the spell

Shikki: Akko!

Faster than anyone could see, the redhead dove towards the brunette and pushed her out of the way...just as the spell slammed into him.

Shikki: Ahhh!

As he was sent hurdling back across the ground, something shiny snapped off his neck and landed on the ground where Shikki laid on his side, still.

Akko: Shikki!

She and the others ran over as Diana was quick to put her wand away and cover her mouth with her hand.

Diana: Oh my God, I-I didn't mean too...

Lotte: Is he breathing?

Akko: Shikki! Get up, please!

Shikki groaned as he tried to sit up as Akko knelt beside him.

Shikki: Akko, you okay?

Akko M-Me!? I should be asking you that! Why would you do that!?

Shikki: Because you were in danger

Akko: didn't have to...

Shikki: W-We can talk about this later...right now we need to focus on saving the tree. You said that these things weren't parasites, right? What are they?

Akko: They're called chrysalises of Papylodia...

Diana: Papylodia...

Akko: They only hatch every 120 years, they travel to all five continents and give hope to all those who see them. All of a sudden, the Shiny Rod began glowing, just as it did in the forest.

Shikki: It's glowing again...

Lotte then held up the card with the butterfly picture.

Lotte: Here, try casting the spell!

Akko: The Papilioda spell? Alright!

She grabbed the wand, knowing what she had to do.

Akko: Papillio Filia...

Diana: It's Papillio Fillia Nymphodya

Akko: Thanks - Huh?

She then saw Shikki then placed his hand on the Shiny Rod with a small smile as the wand glowed even brighter.

Shikki: Let's do this

Akko: Shikki....Right!

Shikki/Akko: Papilio filia nymphodia!

A green light blasted from the Rod, as it flew towards the chrysalises which began to absorb the energy. The chrysalises began to glow, cracks spread across the surface of their cocoons before bursting and releasing beautiful butterflies of light that dazzled everyone. The butterflies began to fly away, releasing a magical golden powder that made the scene even more beautiful, a spectacle they had never seen.

Shikki: Hope to all those who see them

He then expresses and toothy grin at the sight.

Shortly afterwards, Diana stood in fron of the tree, which had regained its splendour thanks to Shikki and the others who by that point had left. She was interrupted by the arrival of the principal and other teachers accompained by the Cavendish's acolytes.

Holbrooke: The Memorial Tree! It's back to it's old self

Hannah: It's because of the spell Diana used!

Holbrooke: Thank you, Miss Cavendish

Diana: T-That's kind of you, but it wasn't me who did this

Finnelan: There's no one else here who could have done this other than you.

Diana: No...Please excuse me...

She quickly walked away, when she noticed something shiny on the ground to the side.

Diana: What's that?

She walked over the item and saw that it was a silver star-shaped pendant lying on the ground. Amazed by it's beauty, Diana picked up and looked over it.

Diana: It's so beautiful

She turned it over on the back and saw something that surprised her. On the back was Shikki's name, written in elegant penmanship.

Diana: This belongs to Shikki?...! He must've dropped this when I hit him with my spell...

/Shikki: If you want to become the top witch, you need to humble yourself and stop looking down on people. Because even a newbie will surpass an elite!/

Clenching the pendant tightly, the girl walked out off the greenhouse with a determined look on her face.


Meanwhile the four young wizards flew on their broomsticks with Akko who was sitting on Shikki's broomstick.

Shikki: Well, I'm sure we can all agree that today was pretty eventful, huh?

Akko: Yeah, it totally was.

She then looked up at the butterflies in the evening sky.

Shikki: This proves it.

Akko: Proves what?

Shikki: That you have the potential to becoming an awesome witch. Everyone else might not I see it, but I do. I'm sure Chariot will too.

With that said, he turned back to front, failing to spot the blush that formed on Akko's cheeks.

Akko: (mind) Thank you, Shikki.

(Ending Theme - Black Catcher)

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