7 | Tar

"Ricky! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes, blinking a little as they adjusted to the light.

I saw Kuza and Chris standing over me.


"Jesus fuck. I thought you were dead." Kuza breathed.

"I don't think so." I told him, pulling myself up so that I was sitting. "What the hell happened?"

"You did a lot a fucking drugs, that's what." Chris said.


My head was fucking pounding.

The last thing I remember was Chris bringing me back upstairs.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Chris looked at his watch. "4."

"Oh shit." I said, pulling myself up to my feet.

I stumbled a little, gripping onto Kuza's arm for support. "You good?"

I nodded. "I need a fucking advil."

"We'll get you some." Kuza spoke. "Just go shower."

"I don't need to shower. I showered yesterday....I think." I muttered.

"There's a real shower in there, Ricky. Go use it."

I shook my head. "I just want advil."

"Fine. Stay here." He said, sitting me on the bed.

Chris had left at some point but I didn't see. Kuza left the room and came back a few minutes later with a bottle of pills and a glass of water. He handed it to me and I poured half of the bottle into my hand and took them with the water.

"Jesus Christ." Kuza said.

I just shrugged.

"I gotta go back to the apartment. I need clothes. And then I gotta work." I told him.

"I'll take you back there." He said.

"It's fine. I got it."

"That's a far walk. I'll borrow one of Chris's cars. Or get him to drive you."

"I'm okay." I spoke. "I'll walk."

"No. Let me take you."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

He brought me to a closed door. I watched as he knocked on it, the man who always follows Chris opening it a few seconds later. "Is Chris here?"

He nodded and opened the door.

Chris was sitting at a desk, staring at us expectantly.

"Hey, uh, can I borrow one of your cars to give him a ride home?" Kuza asked. "It's a long walk."

He stared at us for a moment. "I'll drive him home."

Kuza nodded.

"Michael, I need you to help get everything together for a shipment. Ryan will fill you in."



As much as I didn't want Chris knowing where I lived, I let him drive me home. I was in no condition to walk that far.



"I have a...proposition for you." He began.

"What is it?"

"I want you to stay with me. In my house. You'll have a bedroom all to yourself. You're free to move about the property. There will be warm showers and hot meals. You can have whatever you want."

"Mhm. What's the catch?" I asked. "What do you from me?"

"I'm under a lot of stress. I need a way to relieve that stress. I want you to be mine. No one else can have you."

"Yeah, no. I'm good."

"Just think about it."

He pulled up to the curb and stopped the car. I got out.

"Thanks." I muttered, closing the door before he could respond.

I quickly headed inside of the apartment building, wanting to get out of his sight. I really can't stand the man.

As soon as I got up to the apartment, Ashley grabbed me. "Are you okay?"

"What? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why were you with Chris Motionless?" She asked. "I saw you get out of his car."

I rolled my eyes. "It's no big deal. He irritates me."

"But why were you with him?"

"I did something for him and he let me stay in his house for the night. He keeps trying to get in my pants and I keep saying no."

"Fuck, please stay away from him Ricky. He's dangerous. Don't get involved."

"I'm not. I did one thing for him."

"Okay. Just please stay away from him. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"What could possibly happen?"

"You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" I asked.

"What happened to his last few lovers?"

"No....What happened?"

"Out of the last 10 of them; over the last year; 7 turned up dead and 3 are still missing." She told me. "One of those dead was my best friend, Nikki. I can't lose another person to him."

"Jesus christ, Ash. You won't lose me. I don't want to be with him. I don't like him."

I don't want to die. Does he kill them? I mean, he's a fucking druglord. I wouldn't be surprised if he kills the people he sleeps with. They probably know a lot of things. Or maybe he wants to get in my pants so bad because he likes to hurt people. Maybe he wants to kill me.

Even more of a reason to stay the hell away from him. He's fucking weird.

I went to my room and grabbed some random clothes. I took off what I had on and changed into the new ones. It was cold in here. I'm assuming the heat got turned off because we couldn't pay it.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. I feel like absolute shit. My head hurts still.

I had to get to work though. Rent isn't gonna pay itself. Yeah, I have the money that Chris gave me but that isn't gonna last too long. I need to pay rent, and now that I have extra my money, I have the chance to grab a new pair of boots and some new clothes. I need more drugs from Kuza, too.

I forced myself back up, leaving my room. I headed out the door and down all of the stairs.

I'm gonna have to work the streets today. I hate doing that because I never know who I'm gonna get stuck with. Also because I'm generally fucking in cars; where people can kidnap me at any time; or in shady motels, which tend to be fucking disgusting. I got kicked out of most of the clubs so I gotta wait a while before going back.

I walked down the road, stopping once I reached a busy street corner. It was the crappier side of Scranton, where a lot of sketchy people came around. Tons of people come around here looking for anonymous sex.

It's a little early though, so I'll probably be sitting here for a while before anyone notices me.

I'm hungry. I haven't eaten a real meal in fuck knows how long. I mean, there's a taco bell across the street. I could afford to spend like three bucks on a taco. I probably shouldn't eat anything though. Nobody wants to fuck a fat prostitute. Tacos aren't healthy. But I'm so fucking hungry. I don't think one taco will hurt me.

I looked down at my stomach, running my fingers over my skin. My stomach was sunken in. My ribs and hips were insanely prominent. All I could see was bones. How long has it actually been since I ate? The drugs kill my appetite. I can't actually remember the last time I ate anything at all.

I'm so fucking hungry. I sighed and headed over to the small restaurant. I decided to say fuck it and buy food.

As soon as I entered the place, I regretted it. I stared at the menu. One crunchy taco had one hundred seventy whole calories. That was way too many. Everything had way too many calories in it. I stepped up to the counter. It's been so long since I've done this. I don't know what I want.

It also just hit me that I don't have very good people skills. If I'm not trying to seduce you or buy drugs from you, I'm probably being a bitch to you.

"What can I get for you today?" The boy asked.

"Water." I said.

"Anything else?"

"Bean burrito."

He nodded.

It's okay. It's just one burrito. What's the worst that could happen?

"That'll be $4.97."

I handed him a five.

"Thank you! It'll be out in just a minute." He spoke. "And what's your name?"

What? "Uh...Ricky."

He nodded.

I went to go wait for my food. Was I nice enough? I hope.

I stood there for a few minutes, trying my best to ignore the random stares I was getting from the people in there.

The guy handed me a bag. "Thank you! Have a nice day!"

I just looked at him and walked out. I sat in an alley on an old crate and began to eat my food. The fucking thing was huge. I don't know how anyone can eat a whole one. I definitely can't.

I watched the cars go by while I slowly ate the burrito. It was still too early. I could go rest and stuff but I didn't really feel like it. I kinda just wanted some space.


I waited a while longer. A few cars had stopped but then left when they realized I was a guy.

A car pulled up, stopping right in front of me. The front window rolled down. "Get in."

I walked around and got in the passenger seat. "What can I do for you?"

He didn't say anything. He just drove. He parked behind an apartment building. Wow, this is definitely sketchy as fuck.

"Blow me." He ordered.

Well someone's in a good mood.

I licked my lips, leaning down. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down just enough so that I could get to his cock.

I reached inside his pants, pulling him out. Oh wow. It's uh, almost non existent. I suppressed a laugh and leaned down further, taking him into my mouth. I see why he uses people like me. No one in their right mind would want to fuck anyone with a dick this small.

I did what he said, knowing that I needed the money.

This is fucking boring.

It didn't take long before he finished. He handed me twenty bucks and told me to get out.

"You can't bring me back to where I was?" I asked.

He just drove off. I rolled my eyes, stuffing the money in my boot. What an asshole.

I began to walk down the street, shivering a little. It's cold as shit.

I walked for a while longer, trying to get back to where I'd been earlier. It was a ten minute drive, but an hour long walk.

A car pulled up next to me. I glanced over, trying to act like I didn't notice it.

"Get in."

It was the dealer I'd bought from for Chris.

He opened the door. "C'mon. Get in."

I got into the truck and waited for him. He drove down the road, taking a few turns. We'd passed a whole bunch of places we could've gone that'd be private enough.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere private." He said, resting his hand on my thigh. "I loved what you did for me the other day."

"I can do it all again."

He laughed. "Oh, I'd enjoy that."

He pulled into an empty parking lot. There was a big warehouse but that was it, no other cars. He got out of the car motioning for me to follow after him.

He took my hand and brought me into the building.

I watched as he closed the door. As he approached me, someone grabbed me from behind. I gasped and tried to get away. I kicked and pushed but it got me nowhere.

"Relax." He ordered.

I stared at the man in front of me. He came close to me, grabbing my chin.

"I have a few questions to ask you. If you tell me the truth, you'll walk out of here unharmed." He told me, pressing the tip of his knife into my cheek. "And I suggest telling the truth. I'd hate to have to damage that pretty little body."

The man who was holding onto me dragged me to another room. He threw me into the chair that sat there. I tried to get up but he shoved me back

"Please, let me go. I didn't do anything. I don't know anything." I begged.

The man tied my hands behind my back. No amount of fighting could do anything. They were much stronger than me.

"Well, sweetheart, I have sources that tell me very, very differently." He mused, squatting down in front of me. "You see, not long after you left me yesterday, my lab was blown up, me and my people attacked. You were the only new customer I had in the last few days. My sources tell me that you went to go see Chris Motionless directly after I saw you. Do you work for him?"

"What? No. I can't stand him." I said, my voice shaking.

"Then why did you go see him? He's the one who attacked me. Do you know what that makes me think?"

"Y-you think I gave the drugs to him and he attacked you to stop production."

Chris will kill me if I tell them. But I'm more scared of Chris than these guys. They're still dangerous, but not as much as Chris.

He nodded. "You're a smart little whore."

"Look, please just let me go. I have no idea what Chris did. I don't work for him and I can't stand him."

He stood up. Next thing I knew, he punched me.

"I told you to tell me the truth, love."


sorry this took like 47927264 years to update but like, schools been crazy and i've had some dumb family shit going on oops.


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