39 | Survivor

"I'm so confused right now." Ryan Ashley said. 

I looked over at her, before looking back to Chris. Chris didn't respond. He seemed lost in his own mind at this point. He was staring off. He'd quietly went over the story again but he seemed distant and detached, like he didn't wanna be there. 

"Chris..." Andy said. "I have good news and bad news."

Chris just looked at him.

"The good news is, Kuza is awake and he seems fine. He became stable enough to preform the operations, and he did well."

I sat up quick. "He's awake? Can I see him?"

"I'll take you later." Chris mumbled. "Bad news?"

"Cops were here. They came a little before you guys got here. They searched the house. They were looking for you." 

Chris's eyes widened. "What? Did they find anything? What were they looking for? Why did they want me?"

"We don't know. They didn't tell us anything."

"Fuck." He groaned. 

He got up and stormed out of the room. I stood up and followed after him. 

He went to his office and shut the door. I tried to open it but he locked it. 

"Chris?" I called. "Let me in."

"No." He growled. "Leave me the fuck alone. I don't wanna deal with you right now."

I let go of the door knob. Fine. If he wants to be a dick, them I'll leave him alone. 

I walked away and went upstairs. I'll just go see Kuza by myself. I don't need him. 

I went up to Chris's room and grabbed my boots and a sweatshirt. I pulled them on and went back downstairs. I got to the door before realizing that the hospital is a really long walk away. Fuck. I really don't wanna walk all the way there. 

I turned back around and went back to the meeting room to see if anyone was still in there. No one was. I sighed and made my way up all the stairs to the third floor. I usually don't venture up here, but I knew some of them hung out up here. It was one big room, kinda like a furnished attic. 

Andy was the only one up there. He was sitting on the couch smoking. He turned around to look at me as I approached. 

"What's up?" He asked. 

"Can you take me to see Kuza since Chris is being a dick?" 

He nodded and put his cigarette out in the ashtray. "Come on."

I followed him out of the house and to his car. I got in and he started it. 

"You know, Chris isn't being a dick just to be a dick, right?"

I nodded. "I know. He just pissed me off."

"He's dealing with a lot right now. He's not in a good mindset. He was raped and tortured by someone who used to be like family, he found out that the person he loved never loved him, and had faked his own death. He's facing jail time too. He's worried. He's got a lot going through his head." Andy explained. "And he never got the chance to fully process Ryan's death, either."

"I know. That's why I just let him be. If he doesn't want me around, then I won't be around."

"He needs you around. He cares about you. He listens to you. Just give him some time to calm down a little."

"Well, I'll be there when he needs me." 


I walked into the hospital room, Andy behind me. Kuza looked up from the book he was reading.

Before he could say anything, I hugged him. "Ricky? I heard- What?"

"Him and Chris made it home." Andy told him. 

"Holy shit. I thought you guys were dead." He said, pulling away from me. 

I shook my head. "Nope. We're fine. Ish. But that's not important. I'm so happy you're awake. I thought you were never gonna wake up. I thought you were gonna die. I missed you so much."

"I'm fine. I'm doing just fine." He said. "But that is important. What even happened?"

"Ricky has his first body."

Kuza looked over at Andy before looking back to me and raising an eyebrow. "You killed someone?"

"He killed him." 


"I shot him." I mumbled. "It's really not that big a deal."

"It's a huge deal, Ricky. You're becoming one of us." Kuza told me, messing up my hair. "I'm proud of you."

"Yeah, you should be proud. You killed a man that's been a thorn in everyone's side for years." 

"I still killed someone though. I only did it because he was gonna hurt Chris."

"Look at it this way: That man, he killed every single person Chris has ever cared about. You did what none of them could do. You killed him before he could kill you." Kuza explained. 

I just shrugged. I guess that's one way to look at it. I still killed someone though. 

Andy's phone rang and he picked it up. "Hello?"

I saw him become visibly annoyed by whoever was on the phone. 

"Are you fucking serious? How?"

I looked over at Kuza.

"Fuck. Fine. I'll be back in a few."

He hung up, looking to me.

"That was TJ. Cops are back. They want Chris."

"How'd they know he's there?" I asked.

"They don't." He sighed. "They said that they'll keep coming everyday until they get him."

"Wait what's going on?" Kuza asked. 

"The cops searched the house yesterday. They want Chris."

"Oh fuck. Why?" He asked.

"Don't know. It may have something to do with your accident."

He groaned. "Fuck. Of course."

"We gotta go. If we can, we'll come back later."

I got up and hugged Kuza. "I'll see you later."

I followed Andy out of the hospital. We got in the car and headed back to the house. 

When we got there, there were 3 cop cars parked outside. TJ and Spencer were standing in front of the door, 4 cops standing in front of them with their guns drawn. 

Andy barely stopped the car before jumping out. They immediately all turned their attention-- and their guns-- towards Andy.

He put his hands up. "Whats going on?"

"We need to see Chris Cerulli. These two will not let us in the house. We have a warrant for him arrest."

"Call Chris." TJ mouthed, looking at me

I grabbed Andy's phone and dialed Chris's number.


"Chris, it's me. I don't know if you're aware of what's going on, but there are cops here with a warrant to arrest you. TJ and Spencer won't let them in the house."

"What the fuck? Why did no one tell me? I'll be right out."

He hung up the phone. I dropped the phone down and watched. 

Chris opened the door, sending the two of them a very angry look. "Why didn't anyone tell me that there were fucking cops here?"

"You were dealing with stuff. We didn't want to bother you."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Chris Cerulli, you're under arrest for first degree murder and possesion of multiple illegal substances." One of the cops said, approaching him. He had his gun pointed at Chris. One of the other one's was next to him, cuffs in hand. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

Chris moved away from the one trying to restrain him. "I figured this was about the accident. I understand the drug charges. But the murder charge?"

"We are not permitted to discuss that here. Please cooperate, or we will have no other choice but to use force."

TJ had backed away and so had spencer. They were standing by Andy, who'd been pushed off to the side. 

I got out of the car and looked at Chris. He just shook his head at me. 

Chris allowed them to put the cuffs on him and pull him to the car. 

Before they could close the door I ran over. "Wait!"

The officer looked at me. 

"Can I talk to him for a moment?"

He nodded and stepped away. 

"Why did you let them just take you like that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure what they're charging me with. I'll just deal with it for now and I'll be fine."

"They just said murder and possesion."

"Yes, but for the murder of who? I make sure there's never any evidence. I have a cleaner for a reason. I know for a fact that the murder charge is bullshit. It'll fall through. And I can buy my way out of the drug charge." He explained. "Everything is gonna be fine. I'm gonna be fine."

"You weren't fine before."

"Well, I can't worry about all that shit now, can I?"


i feel like this chapter is just weird but idk why

MINI RANT: i just lost my job because of the fucking coronavirus and im pissed. everyone needs to calm down with this shit. people are overreacting. its a virus. SARS and MERS were coronavirus' and no one did this. no one did this over the bird/swine flu. no one did this over ebola. And those were all much more deadly. Now, because everyone is overreacting, i'm out of a job, and school is closed indefinitely. this is my senior year. its supposed to be fun. now i dont get to go to prom and i dont get to have a graduation, fuck i cant even go to school. i dont like school, but I hate being home with my family more. this is fucking bullshit. people are acting like its the end of the fucking world. sorry yall. i just needed to say it.


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