27 | Moon Dust

It's been three days since anyone's seen or heard from Chris. He hasn't left his office. I slept in his room, hoping he'd come to bed, but he still hasn't.

Kuza said he'll be fine in a few days. He just needs some space. But I feel bad for him. They said that Ryan was his best friend. He doesn't deserve that. Ryan was an asshole and he was mean to me, but I feel bad for Chris.

I knocked on the door to Chris's office. I got no answer. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked. I wanted to give him this pasta that Spencer had made. The plate was a little hard to balance on my cast while I knocked, but whatever.

"Chris?" I called.


"You gotta come out." I spoke. "Or at least let me in. You gotta eat."

Still no response.

I sighed and began to walk away when I heard the door open.

I turned back around and looked. The door was open on a crack.

I pushed the door open a little. I watched him sit down on the couch. He looked like a mess.


I closed and locked the door behind me.

I turned back to Chris. He was lying on the couch with his eyes closed.

"I brought you some food." I said.

He nodded, not saying a word.

I set it down on the desk and took a minute to look around the room.

There were papers all over the floor. It looked like he just knocked everything off of his desk.

I leaned down and started picking things up. I placed everything on top of his desk before going back over to him.

He was paler than usual. His hair was a mess. There was eyeliner smudged across his face. His shirt was hanging off of his shoulders, one sleeve rolled up while the other was still down. He had white powder around the edge of his nose.

I sat down on the edge of the couch and brushed my fingers through his hair. "How do you feel?"

He just shrugged.

"You need to eat. You haven't left this room in days." I told him.

He just shrugged again.

I guess everyone greives in their own way. I guess this is Chris's way. I don't think I've ever seen him this way.

"You look like hell..."

He didn't say anything.

"Come on. You need to shower." I said.

I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up.

I ended up falling on my ass. He's like half a foot taller than me and weighs like double my weight.

He wouldn't move.

"You can't just sit in here forever."

I tried pulling him again.

"Everyone's worried about you."

He still wouldn't talk to me.

"Please don't just ignore me..."

He rolled onto his side, his back to me.

"Fine." I said. "I'll be upstairs."

I left him where he was and went back upstairs. I decided that I wanted to take a bath. If Chris wanted to join me than he could.

I started the water and stripped my clothes off. I stepped in and relaxed a little.

I wish there was something  I could do for Chris. Everyone says to just give him space and time and he'll be okay, but I don't wanna do that. I'm bored.

I leaned over the edge and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I found Kuza's number and hit call. I put it on speaker and listened to it ring.

"I'm literally in the next room over, why are you calling me?"

"Because I'm in the bath."

He laughed. "Of course. What's up?"

"Can you take me out?" I asked. "I'm fuckin bored and I wanna go to the bar."

"Chris'll flip if I take you to a bar."

"So take me to his club."

"Fine. Get ready. Were leaving in 20 minutes."


I hung up and quickly finished in the bath. I got out and dried myself off. I went out to the bedroom and threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a black crop top. I pulled my boots on, threw some makeup on and headed out to meet Kuza.

He was waiting outside the door for me.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Alright. We're taking one of Chris's cars."


We've been here for a few hours now, and all Kuza is doing is drinking. He won't dance with me. He's boring. I wanna dance with someone. But no one here seems fun.

I want Chris. He's always fun when he's here. 

I sat down at the bar next to Kuza and ordered a drink. I pulled out my phone and texted Chris. 

'Are you feeling any better?'

I stared at my phone, hoping for a response. 

I sat there for a few minutes, just waiting. I was about to just give up and put it away, when the little read receipt popped up under the text. The little bubble with the dots that said he was typing came up, but it just went away a few seconds later. I got no message. 

I tugged on Kuza's shirt sleeve. 

He looked over to me. "What's up?'

"I wanna go home?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You wanna go home?'

I nodded. 

"That's unlike you. But okay."

"I wanna check on Chris...I feel bad being out and having fun while he's at home grieving." 

"He needs his space." He told me. 

I just rolled my eyes. I think the last thing that Chris needs is space. He can't just suffer in silence. He's obviously hurting. He needs to talk. I just have to figure out how to get through to him. 

Kuza led me out back to the car, stumbling a little along the way. 

He got in the front seat and I got in beside him. I watched as he fumbled with the keys a little before getting the car started. 

He exited the lot and drive down the road. It was too quiet, so I reached over and turned the music up. I wasn't really sure what was playing, and it wasn't that good, but it's better than complete silence.

I wish I knew how to help Chris. He seems so lost. I never picked up on the fact that Ryan was his best friend. It seemed more like Ryan served Chris; like Chris was his boss. They argued constanly and almost always disagreed with each other. I didn't know how close they were. Apparently, Chris saved Ryan from a really bad human trafficking ring and brough  they just bonded after that, according to Josh-- who apparently has been around the longest.

I wish he would just talk to me. I want to know how he feels. I want to know what's going through his head. I want to hep him. I can't help him unless I know what's going on.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the unmistakeable sound of police sirens. 

"Shit!" Kuza yelled. 

He drove a little faster, pulling shit out of his pocket. 

"Hide this." 

He shoved a whole shit ton of drugs into my lap. 

"We're fucked." 

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I have enough drugs on me for at least 3 felony charges, and I'm drunk as shit." He said. "This isn't my car, and I don't have a license."

"Oh god..."

I shoved a few of the bags in my shirt. It was a women's shirt, so it could fit it. I didn't know what to do with all of the others now. 

There were at least three cop cars behind us now and Kuza had to be going at least 90. 

I shoved a few bags in between the seat and put a few in my bag. "Why do you have so much on you?!"

"I always do! It's a habit! I'm a drug dealer!"

I pulled out my phone and dialed Chris's number. It rang and rang but he didn't pick up.

I tried twice more before attempting to text him. 

'Help! Kuza and I went to your club and on the way back some cops started tailing us. He's got a ton of drugs, he's mad drunk, and he's got no license. And I literally don't exist as far as the government is concerned. Please help.'

I stared at the screen for a minute but there was nothing. 

Kuza was going as fast as he could down the highway. I was starting to actually panic now. 

He's gonna crash. 

"Just pull over before you crash!"

"I can't! I'm not going to jail!"

I grabbed the wheel and jerked it to the side.

The car turned sideways and the last thing I saw before everything went dark was a text come across my phone screen.

'Are you fucking kidding me?'


uh oh 

comment what yall think is bouta happen


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