That's not the only broomstick Harry will be riding, you know what I'm sayin' ayy (what even is my sense of humour??)
The feeling that first came to Draco was coldness, like a bucket of freezing water had been poured mercilessly over his head, drenching him in the icy coldness. The feeling was followed shortly by hot water, but it didn't supply any relief to his once cold body, it was scorching and burned. Once more he was covered in the icy feeling, it lingered in his body longer and churned his stomach. Draco could scarcely breathe from the panic [At the disco] that was taking over him. Harry looked as worrisome as he, staring at the door where Pansy was visible a moment ago. His mouth opened and closed, he looked like he was trying to form words but like Draco, he felt he shall surely vomit during the action. Though not a word was exchanged in those seconds that felt like oblivion, Draco knew both their minds were both set on the horror that Pansy Parkinson had just viewed Harry and Draco snogging in the Prefects bathroom. But soon it wouldn't just be Pansy aware of their complicated relationship, she was probably running her blasted mouth all over the school right this very second.
Draco reaped a harvest of barren regret at the thought of anyone finding out, because the word would spread and will surely reach his father and the house, where death eaters, amongst the Dark Lord himself will pay to see Draco's blood spilled.
"Draco..." Harry seemed to have regained the ability of speech as he gave Draco a look filled with utmost regret and sorrow.
"Y-yes?" Draco choked out repentantly.
"What are we going to do?" Harry cried exasperated. He looked at Draco like he was supposed to posses an idea.
"I suppose, we could wipe her memory, obliviate it?"
"You-you can do that?"
Draco stared at the ground slightly guiltily, "I haven't personally done it before but I have some idea."
Harry shook his head, "Too risky, if something went wrong..."
Draco sighed and nodded, his emotion were greatly disturbed by consternation, concern and deep fear. He will just have to face the fact that Pansy will go ratting on them and providing people believe her, he will die, maybe even at the hands of the Dark Lord himself.
"There's nothing we can do."
"Maybe we don't have to do anything," Harry said slowly, "honestly who would believe you and I, arch enemies, would snog. If someone claimed that three days ago we would laugh in their face."
Draco reviewed Harry's words, that was a fair point.
"Do you really expect so?"
Harry nodded, absent minded caressing his hands. "Some people might though, but most will think Pansy's spinning her bullshit again."
"We'll do that then, just deny anything and laugh."
"Sounds like a plan." Harry said, his face cracked into a small grin. "It'll be fine, as long as Ron doesn't hear about it."
Whilst Harry was uncomfortable by the thought of Ron finding out, the consequences Draco would suffer were much darker, an instant death being among the most humane.
Draco forced a smile, mirroring Harry, "at least Christmas is soon, we don't have to worry about anyone discovering anything."
Harry brought his hand up and ruffled Draco's touch-me-not blonde hair, "Maybe we can get you to laugh again." He laughed.
Draco patted down his messy locks with a mock scowl, "touch my hair again and you won't be laughing."
"You didn't seem to mind a few minutes ago." Harry gave him a smug smile.
Draco glared at Harry's smile, all demure and coy. "Shut up."
And suddenly Draco felt the urge to feel Harry's lips again, but he wasn't even sure if Harry liked him in that way. Of course Harry did kiss him first, and kissed back which all points to Harry liking him, but a nagging voice could never just let Draco be at peace and continued to remind him it could've been just the heat of the moment.
Harry went back to fiddling with his hands and the moment passed.
Streaks of gay sunlight darted through the open window and from the lack of Crabbe and Goyle's snores Draco could tell he had once again slept in. And as his eyes adjusted he let out a groan and buried his head back in his pillow, Pansy had made a reappearance.
"What is it this time?" He muffled into the pillow, he and Harry decided to go for the 'I have no idea what you're talking about' approach.
"You snogged Potter!" She shrieked her expression alight with glee and suppressed rage.
"What? Why would I snog Potter?" He falsely laughed and gave her a look as if to ask if she was joking.
Pansy stared at Draco lying in his bed, his covers were up but she could see underneath his chest was bare "Are you naked? Did you and Potter-"
"As if I would go around in my altogethers with you snooping around." Draco shot before she could finish. He sat up revealing that his was not in fact naked, and his bottom half was covered in the sweat pants he had hastily pulled on when he returned to the common room. He picked up his wand. "Are you going to leave?" He questioned seriously, suppressing the need to just stun her.
To his surprise, she did leave, turning around with a flick of her hair faux pas, but not before shooting, "I'm going to tell everyone."
Draco panicked slightly, they most likely would think she was lying but if they believed her...
Once he was sure that she had left he threw off his sleeping clothes and shoved on his black and green robes. He was lucky that he had a free period in the morning or he would definitely be late to his class.
As Draco exited his dorm he let out a deep, annoyed sigh. Pansy had gathered Crabbe, Goyle, Blaze and the fifth year Beryl Kensington whom Draco hadn't even talked to before. All of them goggled at Draco as he stood in front of them like an animal in a zoo. To Draco's relief they all had disbelief written across their faces. Pansy's face however, contained a triumphant smirk.
"What?" Draco questioned.
"Pansy said that you-" Blaise began.
"You kissed Potter!" She smirked.
"Potter, as in Harry Potter?" Draco raised his eyebrows, hoping his acting was believable.
"Of course Harry Potter," she smiled madly, "Stop pretending."
"Is this a joke?" Draco turned to the others, "You actually believe I would kiss him?"
Crabbe shuffled uncomfortably, "No, just Pansy came claiming that you did..." Draco mentally sighed in relief.
Pansy shot daggers at Crabbe and opened her mouth to speak, but Draco got there first.
"Is this some pathetic way to get back at me for ending it with you?. You're not the brightest but I would think that you could at least think up something more believable than that."
Pansy pounced forward and leaned into Draco, so close he could smell her breath that smelled curiously like moth balls. "You know I'm telling the truth Draco, and I will prove it."
Draco tried to contain it, he really did, but there's only so much of Pansy he could tolerate. Before Pansy could shriek another word, Draco's wand was out and Draco shouted the first spell that came to his head. A flash of yellow light and Pansy brang her hands up to her face, but she couldn't hide the enormous pulsing pimple on the forehead, as big as a fist and very painful looking. Pansy gasped and the pimple shot out purple pus. Tears brimmed at her dark eyes and she ran away, clutching her forehead. All of them hollered as she ran into the dorm, putting his wand away, Draco didn't feel the slightest bit pitiful.
Slowly their usual conversations resumed, Goyle was laughing at his own tale of a Gryffindor boy getting secretly cursed by him yesterday. They laughed at his story, Draco didn't find it amusing but wanted to seem the same as usual. He then realised how much he was avoiding them, this must be the first time in weeks he's talked to them.
Suddenly Beryl came up to Draco. She twirled her curiously silver hair and gave him an angelic smile. "Pansy is such a fool, I didn't believe her for a second, who would?"
Draco nodded his thanks but Beryl didn't seem to notice how much he didn't want to talk to her. "Honestly she is like obsessed with you, I'm in her astronomy class and she wouldn't stop talking about you all lesson."
"Really?" Draco commented, not caring at all.
"Mmhm," She continued on with her story about the things Pansy said. Draco's mind wandered as he occasionally would give a nod to seem like he was listening.
A few meters away, on the lawn outside Hogwarts castle, a very different conversation was taking place.
Harry's POV
"Are you sure you can't go?" Ron pleaded, a tattered letter asking whether the trio were coming for Christmas lay on the grass next to him.
"I would if I could, but Dumbledore has meetings planned, I have to stay." Harry lied.
Taking advantage of probably the last relatively nice day this year, the trio had embarked on a journey to the lawn and where half-heartedly completed homework underneath a large tree. The remaining brown leaves fluttered softly down to the earth, like the snowflakes that were soon to come.
"I just won't be the same without you..." Ron frowned, "are you sure you'll be okay?"
"Its fine, you two have fun."
Ron stared at the soft golden light dancing on the lake and Harry took this opportunity to smirk and wink unknowingly at Hermione, making her scowl and cheeks turn rosy.
"It's so nice out, you wouldn't believe that Christmas is in almost a week." Hermione sighed.
Ron nodded, "well I should write back to mum now." He said, dipping his quill into the black ink.
Harry shivered in the chilly air, the warm days a few days ago had completely vanished and now a permanent chill hung in the air. He pulled his coat closer, even the steam coming out the train couldn't warm him on a day like this.
Hermione wrapped him into a large hug. With her many layers of clothes she felt like a large pillow. "Enjoy." She whispered.
Ron hugged him next, "See you Harry, Merry Christmas." He smiled.
The train gave a loud toot and Hermione and Ron rushed on board, after another hug. Seeing them run into the train filled Harry with longing and he desperately wanted to follow them.
Leaning out the window they shouted farewells and 'Merry Christmas's' whilst the train began to move with a loud creak.
Harry waved enthusiastically until the scarlet train disappeared out of sight.
Harry felt incredibly lonely standing without Ron or Hermione. He suddenly caught sight of Draco who must've come to see of his friends. As their eyes connected Harry dramatically winked. Draco smirked with a roll of his eyes.
And that marks the end of another chapter my dear souls
BTW, note the new cover, idk I'm happy with it, what do you think
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