Different Maw Travels (2/2).

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Nightmares. I also do not own the pictures.

(This is a Little nightmares (video games) oneshot.)

(Its Eleven and Grace (OCS)-centric)

(Sorry if the characters seem OOC.)

(This takes place after the ending of Little Nightmares 2.)

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter and Mycurrentfandom And -H0RIZ0N)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes.)

(Requested by LightAndDark004 The Oc named Eleven in this oneshot belongs to them. The OC named Grace belongs to me.)

(Hope you enjoy this little chapter. 😄)

Eleven with Grace stands in a food storage room.

Grace grunts in pain.

"The last time I save you, I got stabbed."

Eleven rolls his eyes, still holding onto Grace. He peers around the area, spotting a little vent. He smirked in return.

"Sure, but I got you here."

It's Grace's turn to roll eyes.


"That's one of my traits."

Eleven merely whistles in a merry tune while walking off. Grace glares, reluctantly following behind the boy.

How does he turn from sweet to ego?

"Where are we?"

Grace looks around, taking in the surroundings. They are familiar, yet so foreign. But she knows them, like they know the girl.

"The chef's area. Avoid being caught."

Eleven nods firmly, showing he'd listen. It's wise to have those who have more knowledge close.

He grabbed Grace's hand to follow again.

She does without hesitation.

It's frightening how much she trust Eleven.

Both froze. From the doorway, Eleven's gaze couldn't leave thing cooking some type of meat. It makes him queasy.

I don't even want to know what he's cooking.

Grace nods as of hearing his thoughts. Both wait until he moves, then sneak under the table. Grace watches for Eleven as he walks upfront.

Careful. Careful.

It's like counting number when having OCD. Grace counts every step, every second, every move the chef makes.


Eleven drags Grace unwilling during his daring move. They both slid under the vents.


Only to hear the chef's angry call.

Grace growled visibly, Eleven glanced with a sheepish smile. He rubs the back of his neck.

Grace thwacks his head.



The two sneak last in the kitchen. Eleven drags Grave along under the table. Both wait in uncomfortable silence.

A hand reached under. Grace screams.

Eleven makes the choice. He dives out, running for dear life as the chef chased him around the room.


Grace looks around. She has to make a distraction.

Why did she scream?


The chef screams. He grabs Eleven, catching the boot considered a nuisance. Grace something in the distance, two little tiny white nomes.


"Help us."

Grace is begging, pleading. She needs help to save Eleven. They'd met a nome earlier, hugging, giving affection. It ran away, making the two chuckle.

Grace recognises one.

If it despised the girl, she couldn't care. The nomes look at each other, then scampered off. A single tear treks down. Grace curls up in a ball, covering her eyes.

This is all my fault.

Grace mentally put up the walls again, preparing to never trust. Never give herself to another person.

Friendship wise.

You only lose everyone-


Grace peeked up, seeing the nomes on the kitchen table. Time went in slow motion. The tiny white thing somehow ended up on a nearby shelf.

How do they do that?

A little pot is pushed off, the chef yelling in pain. Grace guessed the goal hit its intended target.

Grace ran out, quickly grabbing the bike to throw at the nearest shelf. It helped the girl up when she grabbed it hand.

It reached up, wanting something in return.

Grace picked the nome up. Giving the thing affection. It still is akin to child.

She feel so sorry.


Grace searches the pot building. Eyes unconsciously closed, waiting to find the inevitable burned body of Eleven. Death is common on the maw.

Grace sees the drawings.

Swallowing, she looks down. The pot boils, shining, bubbling to take in its next meal. It's monster in death. Grace is internally praying.


Grace flinched, opening her eyes see Eleven holding onto dear life. He looks crazy sitting there.

The nome seems to be keeping an eye out.

Grace grabs Eleven to drag the boy along, the light no longer shining on their lives. All they know if the darkness, death, survival.

They won't allow anymore distractions.

The nome lead the duo to a white shelf. Eleven and Grace climb the object to wooden borders. Hanging above, Eleven takes the lead.

Grace follows protectively behind, falling back into the position of the shadow stalking the light. Even with good intentions to protect.

Grace's not letting anyone die again.

Eleven is in control. Walking in front of Grace, swim the chef below. His arms burns, he clutched the limb in hopes of a little comfort.

It doesn't feel like it.


Grace narrows her eyed coldly, Eleven can tell the action even when their eyes aren't visible. The hair covers faces, hiding eyes.

Eleven never knows truth from lies.

"Can we kill a chef?"

Eleven snorted, albeit not amused. It's his turn to say the next sarcastic comment, Grace reaches her arms out, like a child wanting to be carried.

"Carry me."


Grace gave a deadpan look. Now Eleven sees.


Grace squeals, clutching his back as he climbs the fish baskets. They're really greasy, staining Eleven's hands. He nearly slipped once, but he stills.

Grace wouldn't ever let him live it down.


Eleven rolls his eyes once again. Soon, the two reached the top. Grace separates to open the vent door. She pulled Eleven inside.

It's a really dirty bathroom.

Stained everywhere, dust, slime. Dirty water, the toilets mossed. Grace froze, grabbing Eleven.


She pointed at the two. Eleven catches the message, nodding. He knows the hidden meaning.

"Two. Twins."

Grace nodded as well, travelling to a room. It has two beds. Even in the darkness, Eleven can detect the other twin.

"Ugly chef."

Grace snickered in needed amusement.

"And that's the ugly truth."

Eleven looks wide eyed, he gave a mock gasp. Grace rolled her eyes before settling under the bed to keep an eye out for anything moving.

In the darkness, Eleven reaches the cupboard's door to open. It does and he climbs up to reach a potted shelf. Something is needed to make the second one go.


Grace has anxiety issues sometimes. She got stressed, anxiety attacks when thinking about losing the ones she loves.

"I got this."

Eleven pushed a brown pot off the shelf, the crashing spike coming immediately. The chef woke up, got up. looked around. Grace's breathed hitched.

The light turned.

With luck, the chef walked away.

She released a nervous held breath. Eleven climbed down the cupboard, signalling it is safe to come out.

Grace reluctantly boosted Eleven on the radiator's shelf. Eleven held the key, swinging until the object hit the floor. Grace picked the key up.

Eleven dropped down. Grace followed him to the elevator. He jumped to make the switch work.

"His dump stinks."

Both bursted out laughing. It's the joke of the hour, jokes were needed to keep the hope up of escaping.

"Did them nomes help earlier?"


Eleven notices Grace's new distant nature. Usually, she'd be trying to chatter away. Now, she seemed like a buzzkill.

"Are you okay?"

Grace shrugged, now even knowing the answer at this point. All she knows is the thought to not die.

"Don't die."

Grace broke down. Eleven reached out, Grace accepting the inevitable hug. A few tears tracked down his face to. He kissed the crown of her head.

"Don't die as well."

He assured, trying to grin. Grace hugged him close.

"We hadn't been that close to dying, or boiled."

Eleven looked unamused. Grace internally cringed.


"It's fine."

She sighed, leaning her head onto his chest. Eleven's heartbeat calmed Grace down. It indicates he's still alive and kicking by the other's side.

Grace won't let him down.

"I love you."

Not romantic, she grew to like him akin to something of an older brother. Eleven smiles, feeling the same.

"Love you to."

The lift finally closed its doors.


After sneaking around the chef again, Grace and Eleven unlock the massive door to travel down.

They arrive at a really weird room.

"...What the hell?"

Grace feels the edge of the table, no splinters bothered hands that are used to moving heavy objects to avoid death.


Eleven looked at the machine. He figures it to be a cooking kind, one to make sausages. He can smell the meat coming from upstairs.

"Sausage grinder."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"There aren't many at his point."

Grace walks around as well. Spotting every nook and cranny the walls and floors offered in sight. She spots their way out.

"A vent."

"Boost me?"

Grace steps in front of the wall, Eleven stepping on cupped hands. Eleven jumps, aiming to reach the vent. Eleven misses. Growling, he tried again.

And again and again and again.


Grace flinched back. Eleven in a rage puts her mood off. She'd never want to see someone in a rage.

It reminds Grace of a not so pleasant time with her dad. When he forced his daughter to call him, actually call him, 'daddy.'

It reminds the child now.


Grace's eyes are glazed. Hands feel down thighs, going a place uncomfortable. Adults in the world of kids' eyes are always evil.

Some even act the stereotype developed.


What's Eleven supposed to do?

What the heck's a, 'daddy?'

Is he meant to comfort the girl? He hasn't known Grave very long. Days at most, hours at least.

Eleven hopes the latter.

Grace shakes her head, clearing her throat to seem better. Damnit, she'd shown weakness. Eleven is taller by inches, towering over and could very well take Grace out if he wanted in a fight.


Grace's eyes travel to the shaft. The wooden lift.


Grace ran away. A coward's move, yes, but it gets Grace out of explaining to Eleven the past.

It's a win.

The shaft travels up, Eleven's enraged screams ringing throughout the rooms. He really is possessive sometimes.

And to Grace running away, she's leaving Eleven.

The shaft open up, Grace rushing out. She has around a minute before a raging Eleven comes back up to yell, beg, or even force her to come back.

Well, that's a minute of peace.

That's fine.

She explores the freezer room. It's freezing, of course. Grace's eyes droop a little.


Blood torn through the wound attained previously.


If Grace gets meat in, then the machine will activate.

Climbing the white shelf, Grace leaps into the hooks. The second contains the meat, it dropping down to the floor the time as Grace.

She pushed it into the metal door. Grace spotted another piece on the shelf next to the shaft. She climbed, pushed, and it landed.

Grace travelled back to the shaft, then let it take her back down to the probably enraged Eleven waiting to take Grace back by force if necessary.

Grace doubted he's ever gonna let her leave.



The sound perks Eleven out of a light nap. He's decided to leave Grace alone, he's been working on his anger issues. If only to stop Grace thinking.

He's isn't letting the other leave him.

Eleven's been lonely long enough. If something helps, saves, even travels with the boy. They're there to stay. They aren't leaving.

"I'm not the only possessive one."

Grace snorts, smirking as she leaves the elevator.

"I'd be a hypocrite to deny. Your just more obvious."

Eleven laughed, placing an arm around Grace's shoulders. He nuzzled her nose, causing a little sneezes. The girl blushed, glaring at the boy.


Grace pointed to the machine, then the lever. Eleven understood message. They both climbed on, Eleven working the lever to tune the meat into sausages.

They now have a sausage hook line.

Grace chuckled, jumping first. She grabbed along the line, managing a hand on the vent. She climbed through the the entrance.


Eleven smiled, doing the same. He grabbed the line and swung until he grabbed the vent as well. He mentally cheered at no humiliation.

The vent takes the duo down to another room. Grace crawls inside a box. She wants to sleep.

"Can't we take a nap?"

"We'll freeze to death. But we can when we're safe."

"When are we ever safe?"

Grace whispers mostly to herself. But Eleven heard, causing a flinch. She's right, when are they safe?

Eleven doesn't ask out loud.



The chef unknowingly chasing Eleven and Grace goes out the elevator. He walks around, searching so the two he'd spotted before.

Eleven watched the chef leave. Protective with a hand in front of Grace, the unconscious growling eventually calmed down.

Grace feels slightly flattered.



Eleven had helped inside the vent. Her injuries prevented a proper way to climb in. She laid down in the small, cramped space.

"Can I sleep now?"

"Yes. Don't die."

Grace snorted in response. Eleven grinned as he started climbing. An uneasy feeling made him go back a second.

He took his jacket off and placed it on Grace to be warm. Eleven tucks it over the girl, pretending not feel great about doing a good deed.


Grace mumbled, falling into a deeper sleep.

It's the right thing to do.

Eleven feels normal as he climbs out completely.

Well, as normal a frightened child can be.

Eleven crouched under the table.

Keeping an eye of the chef, Eleven moves quietly under the longer desk. Why is it so long?

In the middle, Eleven freezes. The chef decided to move then, just then. He quickly crawls away to not at himself in fright.

Yes, Eleven nearly wet himself. He's still a child.

He managed to get vent, climbing through to another room with a large bath tub like machine.

Eleven looks around, seeing a button.

He knows his the button with the shoe.


Eleven sprints towards the buckets, managing to hide behind the disgusting good. The chef sprints into the room.

Eleven takes the chance of distraction to flee.

Leaping on the table, he spots the key. Right next to the meat, he picks up the heavy object. Why is everything so big in the same ship?

Arriving outside the door, Eleven enters the nearby vent to wake Grace. He placed the key down and shakes her shoulder gently.


She grumbled. Opening her eyes, Grace peered up with a cute yawn. She stifled the noise as to be quiet.

"Got the key?"

Eleven nodded whilst shaking the giant key. Grace smiled. She patted his shoulder a few times.

"Good. Let's go. I feel a bit better."

Eleven is glad to hear that. They both set off down the elevator, the roar of the chef echoing throughout the rooms. Grace rushed behind Eleven.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Eleven slips the key in. The door opened and the two rushed out behind a box. The gasp just barley fitting them both. Eleven pants, catching his breath.

He feels unconscious from exhaustion.

Grace watches over Eleven whilst he sleeps.


Grace decides to wake Eleven.

He's slept long enough. We need to go.

The air is peaceful, so is Eleven. He sleeps serenely and quietly. For once, Grace doesn't feel the urge to hit the child.


Grace whispers silently. She shakes the other gently as he did to her. Eleven wakes up with a yawn.

"Yeah, let's go."

Going through the shoot, the two land in a new room. It stinks like hell.

A garbage shoot. They landed in garbage shoot.

Eleven crinkles his nose at the sight. Grabbing Grace's hand, he leads the child over to where the ladder thing is.

He allowed himself to go first incase there's danger.

Eleven doesn't like the idea of Grace getting hurt.

Landing, Eleven saw the two appearing the be in a vent. Grace sneaks in front place to spot the dangers.

She's always had a keen eye.

Eleven takes the control now, peaking out to see row chefs. Two, two twins. He internally curses.

"What do you see?"

In the vents, Eleven squeezes Grace's hand. She squeaks in mind pain. He's embarrassed.

Eleven hugged Grace close, nuzzling her hair. He can't lose the other. She's like his sister.

"Don't die on me."

Now Grace gets the implications.

Going out the vent, Eleven keeps an eye on the chef watching up. You never knew when monsters sensed a presence.

Grace sneak under a while in the table to the right. Eleven kept watch over everything else.

Grace snickered and made her way on the shelves.

She climbed up and slowly pushed heavy switch. It flipped onto life. Grace grinned, diving off the shelves once the chef came over.


Grace snickered and went under the shelves to go out the door. The shelf made its noise and walked out in a grump.

He can't catch me~

Grace smiled. Seeing Eleven, she quickly rushed out to be safe. Eleven served to be a kind of saviour Grace looked for her whole life.

He's never leaving.

Eleven isn't the only possessive one.

Grace just kept the nature more to herself. She isn't as...expressive. But a good kill is nice, now and then.

Eleven rushed Grave over the giant pile of plates. They both climbed up to the nearest hook, grabbing it just in time. Well, Eleven managed.


He clasped Grace's hand. She clung to his back, closing her eyes as to not see their heights. Grace had a fear of distances too long from view.

Eleven is glad they're gone.


The hook line ends near a room with plates.

Lots of plates.

Eleven noticed Grace dozed off a little, leaving time to contemplate on current events. Eleven's conclusion are he's glad to make it out alive.


Oh God dammit. Eleven barely has to register when he lets go of the hook accidentally, landing on a plate pile. Grace yelled in pain.

"What the hell?!"


Eleven clasps Grace's hand so they both rush as fast as possible. They could die if they slow down now.

The chefs give chase through a room full of broken plates. Everywhere, Grace and Eleven almost get pieces stuck in their feet.

"Why don't we wear shoes?!"

"Shoes make noise!"

Eleven makes a point. Grace nods.

Both slide under a table, Grace quick to pull Eleven out to get to the nearest safe spot. The chef makes his way around and so near.

"Hurry up!"

Grace runs ahead. Instinct make her run to the boxes, seeing hooks sliding in a line. Eleven makes it just behind and now in front.

He jumps and Grace clutches onto him. His back aches with the extra weight (no, he's not saying Grace is fat-). But hanging with a tired makes for a bad time for a piggy back.

They watch as the chefs disappear from sight.

Grace allowed herself to relax. She shifts until her arms are around Eleven's shoulders. Now she's feels much more safe.

"Thanks. For letting me rest."

Grace thanked reluctantly. God, admitting help is a big step. Eleven only smiled in return. It's understanding, making them both feel better.

The line reached to a more secure location.

Eleven lets go and they both drop to the ground.

"Ready to face the next danger?"

Eleven clasped Grace's hand again, grinning widely.

Every part of him is filled with adrenaline.

"Yes. Let's do it."

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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