Chapter 9
Chapter 9!
Let's begin!
A lot of situations/episodes going to be thrown at your way. So, it's going to be very long. But hey will get back to normal in the chapter...maybe.
Warning: Curses, OOC, abuse, and sad story.
Error Speaking
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Usagi grinned weakly at her three friend who surrounded her. They didn't look pleased at the moment. Molly giggling in the back ground while her Mada just amused holding a fat cat and Luna. Traitors! Come save me!
Oh! You're probably wondering what happen. Well first let's look back what happen the first few months. Besides the usual like spend time with Mada, with her friends, the dreaded school work, training, drawing for future clothes ideas and being Sailor Scouts. A lot of other stuff too but hey let's start here first.
First was Ryo who had the Yellow Crystal.
Ryo was a boy who recently went to the same school as Usagi. Ami was able to tell them immediately her bracelet string reacted around him. Right. Ryo was very smart and top of the class. Oh! Who also had the cutest crush on Ami for her intelligence. Was a little weird he got a close up picture of her eating a burger. Anyway Usagi found out on accident and thought you know what. Why not help the boy a bit? Like some advice to at least talk to her. Plus, she can keep an eye on him. Also saw Rei with Darien on another date. Oh yeah the two are dating. Usagi thinks Rei can do better. Anyway back to helping with Ryo and protect him. Then immediately forgot to call her Mada and pleaded for him to stay. Well Mada understood and look at that ran into Ami. Then they came back at the moment Zoisite arrived. Usagi was so mad, but also at herself leaving im alone, and the two girls transformed.
"How dare you girls interfere?"
"Cry me a river! Mercury get him out of here!"
"You're not going anywhere- "Zoisite brought his arms up and ouch she can kick hard. At least not a fire extinguisher.
After that the jerk used flower petals to escape! Ran off to go find the two quickly.
When she did find them Ryo already transform to Bunbo who was a large Swiss army knife-themed lizard being. Okay seriously swiss army hands! Well took him down, as Lita and Rei arrived, and turn back to Ryo. Also learned he could read the future! But found it odd and surprising he couldn't read her, and Sailor Moon, future. Kind of glad he couldn't. He will be keeping Ami identity as Sailor Mercury a secret. He better. Last thing she wants to do is ask Mada to make sure he forgets. Ryo a good guy but Ami friendship first! Also they finally got a crystal!
Next,was Yumemiwho had the Green Crystal.
Usagi and Molly that day were going to the art gallery that day.
Usagi had a hectic morning almost lost the moon stick in the pond when she was talking to Luna. Defiantly going to ask Mada when he comes back from his three-day trip to client to bring the clothes they requested. Maybe see about having a magnetic or something added to this thing. Like respawn to her if it's far. Like if she did lose it and comes back instantly. She could try but want to not mess up.
Anyway went to the art gallery, Melvin was there too, and they had a great time. She wish she could draw and paint how , the mysterious artist, can. But these kind of drawing styles wouldn't be helpful for clothing designs and such that she does. Same with Mada. Still, very pretty and like her style so much! Oh then something about buy one of the painting and posters of your dream coming true. Especially the couples. Tempting but she good. Still have many years in her skin of hers! There was also a painting she almost wish could have destroyed.
"Usagi don't!"
"Never in a million year with him!"
A picture of a couple that was a man in a tuxedo and a girl with long pigtail hair. Look alright maybe she judge a bit too quickly. Yes, it's a pretty picture but why those two! Anyway! Usagi then had to leave a little early, sadly, and told the two good bye. Next, thing she knows some girl who Darien accidentally walk into, was asking her to model for her. With Darien. Usagi put her foot down. If she was using her real strength probably would have had a crack. But gah the artist was so sweet and adorable. Why couldn't she have been the Ink to her Mada universe?
So, she called Rei. Look unapproved or not she was at least going to tell her the head up so no jealousy thing could happen. Plus, well Rei could tell really tell she didn't sound too happy about modeling with him. But was alright with it. Along with giving her Mada a message.
So, they arrived at the girl place and she was Yumemi! Usagi may have over whelmed the girl with many questions. Was a little sad for the girl she didn't have friends Then Darien said a rude thing. So, close to hitting him with one of the portraits. After that was time to really head off, hope to see her again and that Yumemi was great no matter what.
Then ran into Luna. Then she suddenly realizes her moon stick been beeping. She really not good at this. The time she got back Yumemi turn to an angel warrior called Veena. Seriously what with the angels! She fought while Luna called the other scouts. Look at that a fire extinguisher came back to hit Zoisite pretty face! Along with rocks to throw at him. Veena seemed amused. Oh then Tuexedo Mask arrived to just fight the general. Maybe should of save the fire extinguisher to hit him. Then the Scout arrived and Usagi asked them to keep Veena busy when she goes after Tuexdo Mask who gotten hurt a bit fighting Zoisite. She was so going to regret it but threw the tiara at Zoisite and right in the face! Got to give him credit to keep his face so pretty. Then he disappeared again!
"Sailor Moon today you save me- "
"Alright hand it over!"
"The crystal now." Usagi pulled out the star locket. "Take your locket you drop and give me the crystal. I know you have it."
"I can't do that."
"So, you're not doing this for the princess?"
"Im sorry I don't know what you mean."
"Are you an enemy?" Finds him an annoyance but gotta make sure. He is after all going against the Negaverse.
"In the case of the Rainbow Crystals, yes. But you can keep the lock-"
Locket slam to the face.
"I don't want your locket! Give me that crystal suit man!"
Tuexdo Mask was only lucky to escape from the furious soldier ready to chase him down. She almost used her scarf to choke him. Till she had to go back and help the other turns Veena back to Yumemi. Still annoyed about she was at least happy the artist was safe. Then a few days later Yumeni invited her and Darien to the gallery to show then of the work she done of the pair. Usagi hates to admit it she likes it. Look like Darien did too. She'll let this one slide. Then, Usagi notices that Yumemi's self-lustration has been taken down. She has replaced it with a more realistic one. Usagi was so happy for her! Then when everyone came to see it got a bit of teasing from the others. Usagi just smile and told them the fire extinguisher was right around the corner.
They stop.
Then there was Reika Nishimaru who had the Blue Crystal.
How that day go was actually quite funny. A few weeks ago Usagi got to meet Andrew girlfriend who he brought over to Mada house for dinner. Her name was Reika who was very smart. She like her. Reika was even glad to meet Andrew "little sister and Uncle". He never stop talking about around her apparently. She even bought a few clothes from Mada and was so shock to see him. One of her favorite designers along with plushy makers. Also bought a scarf from me too! Andrew better stay with this one! Before you ask no, the moon stick wasn't on her so she didn't know she had the gem.
Anyways a few weeks after that learned Lita ran into him and oh boy she got a crush big time. Hate to say it she may have ruined it for Lita when she told her about his girlfriend.
"Wait how you know!?"
"Andrew literally like family to Mada and me. So, he brought her over to dinner one day."
They really should tell Andrew one day. Well at least about Mada being a skeleton former monster. The Sailor Moon situation may be pushing it. Plus, really don't want to hear Luna nag about it. But maybe after all this craziness and finding the princess they will. Just got to get Mada to agree.
Yeah back to the story.
Lita looked defeated and Usagi just pat her back. Then she heard her comment about already going to cook for him this week after she cleaned his apartment the other day. Okay then how to help a friend control a boy crush. Who she kidding she doesn't know? Maybe Rei could help? No, wait with Darien. Ami? Maybe? Molly could maybe lend a word here and there. Then after school they went to game center to go see Andrew.
One, he wasn't there. Two, Darien was and said something about dropping their crushes on Andrew since he only sees them at sisters. Three, he called her meat-ball head. First, dangit. Second her crushed left long time ago! Third, here name Usagi not Meatball head! Lita had to hold her back before she strangle the guy.
After, that probably not too much happen the next few days. Till last night, Lita called her that she meet Reika. Well one whatever Lita planned backfire. Two, Reika had a gem! They were planning what to do and called the girls. Lita mention how she cooking for Andrew the next day and possible Reika come over. Usagi was going to go with Lita. While Ami and Rei go track Reika who should be at her university tomorrow. Keep an eye on her and protect her. Error will stay back if they need him to come in.
So, Usagi and Lita went to go cook at Andrew house. Wow Lita did a good job cleaning up. Some point Andrew actually had to leave to go see Reika after she called him. The waited and followed but gave the others heads up. Arrived but too late. Ami and Rei did followed but lost the trail at some point following Reika. Zoisite knock out Andrew while he was trying to protect Reika. Then she transformed to Techniclon and wow that was not a pretty scientist. The hair was kind of cool but no. They all had to fight her and Tuexdo mask was there. But only to fight Zoisite for the gem of course. Well, good news finally stop her and got her back to normal. Bad news could say whoever got the gem.
Got to say goodbye to Reika when she headed off to study to Africa. The couple going to stay in touch. Hope it still turns out well
After that was Grandpa Hino with the Indigo Crystal.
Alright this one was a little sad when Rei told us what happen. Rei kind of, she did, forgot to not wear her bracelet for a while. So she never realized her grandpa had. She was very disappointed in herself that night since her grandpa got attack but able to fight off to will to not turn. Plus, Rei crows help by attacking Zoisite. Oh they also got a new shrine worker name Chad, who was a musician, to be Hino apprentice. To say the least Usagi was a bit angry. Same with the others but they can tell Rei was already disappointed at herself. They drop it as it seem like a lesson enough. But they can now be ready.
Oh Hino mood was very different too. Very Weird.
Like they literally watch him swing from a rope like he was Tarzan! He did so well.
Chad other hand didn't. But could they blame him? Plus, how was this shrine work.
Oh and also Chad definitely likes Rei. Seriously is this some love/crush trend or something happening after they meet someone who has a crystal? But Rei had to tell him she was dating already. He was bummed about it. But didn't seem to push her about it.
Usagi was actually getting food and talking to Mada on the communicator. Maybe ideas how to pull the gem out. Then was called back immediately to the shrine. Ran quickly and transformed. When she arrived Chad was passed out and Rei was fighting her grandpa. Why the heck his eyes cross eyed like that? Wow he can throw very far! Finally, Rei stunned him with a talisman and Usagi healed him back to normal. Yet, the crystal got away. Again!
Well, Error arrived and brought some cupcakes. Error some excuse if was an offering but really to make sure everyone good. They were all seated inside and talking happily eating the cupcakes. Rei told Chad she was impressed what he done and thanks him again. But told him to not get it in his head since she dating Darien.
"What? My granddaughter you are not to date till your 16!"
"Same with you Usagi."
Chad laughing and singing away.
Lastly, and this happen today, was Hercules with the Purple Crystal.
Really not much happen that morning. Well, besides her and Error learned Luna was being chases by alley cats till some fat cat save her. Aww her kitty knight! Error left to go delivered some packages and would see them when they get back. So, after that meet at the park with the other. Were just going walk around a bit and maybe lucky to find a crystal. It was her, Molly, Luna, Ami and Lita. Rei was meeting to go on a date with Darien but was going to patrol tonight. So, let that past.
They walked for a while till Ami communicator was reacting at the fancy house. All of their bracelets and the wand reacted immediately. Yes, finally! Oh look a fat cat too! Aww Luna recognize him. Must been her kitty knight. So, then Luna for some reason ran off and the cat, who they from a little girl coming out the door called Hercules, was chasing her cat. So, they quickly chased after her and Zoisite attacked her...But no crystal.
So, they tried to stop him before he got away. But were in a tight situation trying to get in the alleyway. They then bring the knock out girl inside and not sure what to do. Then an hour passed and got a call from Error to come to his coordinates. As he tied up a catlike beast. Or who he was refereeing to as Luna boyfriend. That she was denying very loudly from the communicator. Along with Zoisite got the crystal. Great
They all transformed, besides Molly, and head that way. The neighbor was watching the girl. Arrived and Rei was there too. Well didn't look like the beast put up much a fight. Heck was just sitting on the ground with Error right by just scratching the ears. Usagi then use the moon stick and healed him. Turning the beast back to Hercules. Luna kind of seem sad.
"Um Usagi."
"Where the bow on the back of your skirt?"
"Hey yeah your under armor leggings even seem extra protected?"
"Heck your sleeves longer. Are those pads on your gloves?"
Oh yeah. She wanted to update the outfit a bit and Mada didn't seem to mind. Adding a bit of protection. Maybe under a jacket or something with a hoodie later on if it rains. Weather protection and such. Even eye protection gear. "Mada and I were just updating my outfit."
"You didn't know?" Molly blinked as she stared at the three. "Usagi outfit was like yours and they learn they can re-design it."
Which lead to where they are now.
"Haha oops." Usagi chuckle weakly as the three surrounded her. They didn't look quite happy. Alright to be fair they never asked! "Hey, hey so much was happening. I may have forgot here and there-"
"I'm fighting in high heels!"
"Okay ouch I get it but hey rocking them!"
"The short skirts!"
She had no comment for that as she dreaded it too. Seriously who made these outfits and thought it was a good idea. Come to think of it. How are those outfits from the Silver Millennium age? From the description and stories she learn from Luna. They would seem to fit this time period instead! Sure living on the moon and different planets were one thing. Like almost fairy tale like but still! But Earth had the prehistoric outfits? So, wait were these the actual original outfits when they transformed back then? Okay brain shutting down. Too much thinking today and have a test in two days to save what left for it.
"Come on you three we can work something out after we dropped this cat off." Error walking passed by them while Molly mouthed an "I'm sorry." to her.
"Don't know what you mean bunny."
She couldn't beat that logic!
Few hours later.
"How about this Ami?" Usagi grinned and show her the outfit.
"That's great!" Ami smile and clap her hands.
Right now all back at Error home. It became a sleepover along with a wardrobe upgrade. Error was already working on Rei sailor outfit. Rei wanted to help Error but teach immediately she not the best of sewing. But tried but left it to the professional. Was going to order Pizza for all of them and was buying.
"Lita how much stuff left back at the apartment?" Molly asked her.
"Not too much left. I can probably get the rest this week and should be all good." Lita grinned but deep down couldn't believe this was happening.
Error adopted Lita when he learned she was orphan and been living alone. It was accident really how he found out when he was stopping by at her home to drop a gift off. Well when he arrived he sees Lita outside and trying to not cry. So, he sat down to talk with her. Ready to even go hurt someone for making this strong girl become like this. That's when he learned she was an orphaned. It was news to him, along with the others when they find out later, and that she been living alone. They went inside to talk. It was hard for her to talk about it so he asked her would she'll better if he learned from a CHECK on her Soul.
At this time Error did began to show the three girls a bit more about his abilities. They were in awed when they saw their souls. A lot of question and theories that day. Ami and Rei wanted to know so much. He still was on edge about telling them his past. It just kind of scared him like when Usagi found out. Even at the end she still accepted him. Same with Molly and then Luna. Yet, the last thing he wants is something to happen to the girls. No, he is not adopting them! He is not like Nightmare!
Lita felt better if he saw from a CHECK on her soul. A green soul appeared with yellow fading in the sides around the soul like a design. Almost look like wreathes. Kindness mix with a hint of justice.
Error pressed the CHECK button.
Lita Kino Sad and Angry
Parents Anniversary Death today of the Plane crash.
Got off the phone with distant relative. (Relative doesn't want responsibility of child. Never wanted her. Wish she was in the crash. Began to leave Lita at smaller apartments when she was eight to not let her stay at the house. Lita had to take care of herself. Lita had to lie so many times if someone wanted to come over. Relative got furious one time when they learned Lita had someone over just a little bit and slap her. Wants her to be alone. Lie to school board they live at apartment too.)
Lita just wanted to talk with them and tell her she doing well. (Said they didn't care, they'll just see her another bully tall freak. Will get kick out of school again. Only gotten in fights because kids were mean and pick on her. Decided to fight back when they wouldn't stop even when she asked her too. Should have just left her at the orphanage all those years ago. Said money wasn't even worth it raising her.)
Lita just wanted to make sure her parents graveyards taken care of. (Lita would be the only one who goes. Relative didn't care. Even told her she hope a spirit or grave robber kidnaps her.)
Lita doesn't want to be alone.
Lita wants a hug.
Error wrapped the girl up in a hug, even as his body tense up but didn't care. Lita couldn't hold it in and cried. First, time in a long time crying in front of someone with her real tears. While Error comfort the girl he began to plan.
While he was going to do this legally. He will use the codes if need be to help him out. If he doesn't forget and just go scare the living daylight out the relative. Oh the things he would do to this irresponsible pesk!
So, he told Lita and Usagi, who was a crying mess when she learn the next day and hugged her friend, about his plan. To gain legal rights and custody over Lita. Luna soon joined and horrified that a family member would do that too her. Along with agreeing with Error about him adopting her.
Lita was stunned and try to get him to not do that. He shouldn't put this amount of trouble and money on her. She wasn't worth it.
"You are worth it. I'm not saying this to be nice or anything." Error looked at Lita. "It's a new change I get it. Scary and all new. You are used to being independent. That is good but I wish not so young."
He understands.
"Lita please let Mada do this." Usagi smile at her.
"W-What if they get angry and demand me sent back." Lita whispered.
"Then I'll fly out there too and keep fighting." If it came to that Error won't mind fighting dirty.
"Yeah! Molly mom would understand and would let me stay with them." Usagi grinned.
Permission or not Error can call this is since Lita a minor. But he gave her time to have a choice on this matter...She agreed after thinking it over for three days and talking to the others as well. Along with Error lawyer what would happen.
Error and his lawyer called the relative and were both stunned after just talking to them in 15 minutes.
They asked for the paperwork, will let the lawyer look over and if all good send it right back. Didn't have to mail anything important paper wise since Lita had all of it. Besides the bank account number that Error will make sure transfer back her. Their words, "the nuisance will be his problem."
Error gritted his teeth and his lawyer took the phone before he says something that'll make them change their minds.
They just got rid of her just like that! They didn't even know him! What if he was a serial killer?! Or a sicko! Which he not! Okay the killing situation true but that was a different situation!
Then in just one day they sent the paper back they emailed, legal documents, and everything back to Error. Something like this shouldn't been so easy but it was the proof. His lawyer even called the other lawyer to make sure and other no problem. But it was all there.
Error now legal guardian over Lita.
Error almost didn't want to tell Lita how easy it was but had too.
Lita was sad. She knew they didn't care and such. But too do it that fast and easy. Was she really not worth it? They really that disrespectful to her parents? Will Error-No! Error actually cared! Usagi cared! Her new friends cared!
After that they slowly began to move stuff to Error house. They made one of the extra room be Lita new room. Had to stop now and then because of Sailor business. Error making sure paper works and such are done that Lita didn't need to worry about. But it was livable. It was going to be a new thing for all them with Lita living here but they didn't care.
"Mhmm! Once everything settle in Mada going to put a small green house in."
"That's wonderful!" Ami smile happily.
"She's probably going to take over the vegetable garden." Rei snickered.
"Oh no you found out my evil plan." Lita mocked shock.
"What you gremlins planning?" Error glance at the girls.
"Nothing Mada/Error!"
"Keep your evil teenage plans at least between legal and illegal bounds."
"Is that a thing?'
"Error don't encourage them!"
"Like how you stole the fish-"
"That was once!"
After that it calmed down a bit. Try to make plans how to get the crystals back from either sides. But will be prepared.
Well if you count Melvin accidentally found out Usagi is Sailor Moon as he was going on a first date with Molly at the Wacky World Wrestler theme park. Oh and the whole phase when he dressed up like Tuxedo Mask. At least he actually tried to fight the monster! Who decides to finally show up. Then had the nerve, along with Zoisite to demand for her crystal!
She was so in love when she saw two fire extinguishers at the park.
Yeah, that day was fun. Oh yeah got the monster to turn back to a human. So, now Melvin knows. The poor boy fainted so many times seeing Luna talking, Error skeleton form, and well a lot for him to take in. But will not say a word.
Then went on Geek mode like Ami did asking Error so many questions.
So, everything went back to normal...Who she kidding normal left her and Mada a long time ago!
Usagi, Lita and Error brought the last of Lita stuff back to the house. Error told the girls to go have some fun and hang out since it was a school day off. They can finish unpacking this week. The girls head off and got some crepes.
"So, good!" Usagi munching happily as she holds her two crepes. Going back and forth eating them. One strawberry and the other kiwi.
"They are." Lita chuckles as she holding her strawberry crepe.
The two girls having so much fun and hanging out till they heard screaming. They look over and stare in horror. Two cleaning people platform rope seem to have come off and now hanging in danger. The girls were ready to find somewhere to transform quickly and save them. Till the unexpected happen as one of the man couldn't hang on and began to fall.
'Sailor Moon' comes in swinging on a rope and save the guy.
Everyone around began to cheer and clap.
Lita gapped. "T-That's not Sailor Moon!"
Some people still either clapping but then a few began to talk in confusion.
"What's with the outfit?"
"Yeah didn't she have a pretty scarf?"
"Maybe it's a new scout?"
"Could be an enemy?"
"I kind of see up her skirt-OUCH!"
The fake Sailor Moon leaves jumping on the building.
Lita look at Usagi and slowly took a side step back.
Usagi gapped and twitch at the fake Sailor Moon. One, she was never wearing that again. Two, the colors were wrong! Three, her chest isn't that flat! Four, perverts all of them besides the ones who actually have brains! "I'm about to file a law suit."
"Can you do that?"
"IM GOING TOO!" Usagi roared and squashed the rest of her crepe. You want to cosplay her and all that. Fine, but at least get the outfit right or similar! "Were calling the others!"
"Luna seem to beat you there." Lita holding her communicator that's beeping.
"Alright let's go seem them and destroy this faker!"
Lita sweat dropped.
They chase after where the faker went and gave the coordinates to the others. Soon were at a harbor.
"A impersonator?"
"Yeah it was on the news too about them stopping a bank robber."
"We saw it too." Luna declared. Remember Error expression when he saw the news. Yeah wasn't thrilled to say the least. "By the way Usagi, Lita you two better get ready."
"Is it one of Mada what if talks if were in that situation."
"Correct and that includes you two as well. Along with Molly and Melvin."
"Sounds about right."
"Well it would be beneficial if we couldn't transform."
"How about we talk about this heist talk later."
"Oh Ami never saw you as the bad guy type."
"I was joking!"
"Sure but she right. We should focus on the impersonator? Are they friend and foe?"
"They better get ready when I get a lawyer on them."
"Sailor Moon!"
"What?! Everyone would agree!"
"I say we capture and burn them."
"What? We don't know they are friend or foe?"
"So, burning the answer."
"Will have the fire extinguisher nearby."
"My fire extinguisher!"
"Seriously you gotten a bit attached to it."
"Says the one who began to use Phobos and Deimos like they were Pokemon."
"Hey! If they were Pokemon I would keep them out the Poke ball!"
"Alright. Alright look. The fire extinguisher at least one of our greatest weapon. Which the faker didn't have. Rei crows help a lot to like spy birds and peck attacks. Then the random times Ami found a computer and threw it at someone head-"
"It was just there and wasn't going to use mine!"
"Anyway. Luna could this imposter be the fifth guardian instead?"
"Im um...Maybe?"
"Either she changes the style or I go!"
"Can I have your scarf then?"
"What?! You all want it too!"
"My precious!"
"What the heck?"
"It went that way! Let's go!"
They ran and hide behind a wall with a few boxes. The impersonator hands strong up and being lifted up in the air by a crane. They also soon notice another Dark General, from the outfit, with long white hair and light tanned skin. This one was wearing a cape.
"Should we help?"
"It's obviously a trap."
"Gah im going to regret this. Impersonator or not gotta help them. Then will interrogate them!" Usagi turn to them.
Usagi comes out as the real Sailor Moon. "Hey you mister broody up there! Let my imposter go!"
"Sailor Moon I was expecting you and your-"He stop and notice the three guardians. Apparently Sailor Moon not the only one to finally change the scout outfit.
First, up was Ami with her new outfit. The leotard seems like a shirt or vest mix in. The bow that would in front now gone. But seem like a zipper. But could there was another shirt underneath. It looks like a high collar halt that was a mix between white and blue very light. With blue collar wrapped around the top of the halter where her choker would be at. A pair of white gloves just wrist length. The ends of the wrist gloves look bracelets. Not to wrong. They were blue but on each was a light blue gem of sorts. A skit that was a bit longer and moveable with a slit at the left side. Almost would have mistaken it for a pencil skirt at first glance. A light blue belt with a gold clip. Underneath the skirt you couldn't tell if it was high raise stockings or leggings of sorts. But we're under-armor leggings for protection. At the end where the shoes meet were two blue stripes. Her boots were platform styles that were a white and bit passed her ankles.
Next, was Rei. The sleeves were long and kimono like that stop to her wrists. While they were white like the leotard. But at the end of the sleeves we're a single red light. The sleeves had red poppies around the ends of the sleeves with little red petals flowing around the sleeve. Look like the design was on fire. The skirt was now longer to her knees The style almost looks like a hakama lantern just the length different. Underneath the skirt were a pair of dark purple biker shorts. The red on the skit that began to fade to a darker shade of red. No, bow behind her skirt. A pair of red flats instead of the heels.
Then finally was Lita outfit. It was still green and white. Barely see any pink like before besides her signature Rose earrings. Her arms had separated white open sleeves with green bands material that wrapping up her arms. Could see a pair of black fingerless gloves underneath with the green dot in the middle. A light gray corset wrapped around her white leotard body. A gray and green belt could be seen underneath a white jacket. Green could be seen around the cuffs and bottom hem of the jacket. Then see a green skirt that was a bit longer with gray at the bottom end. Underneath the skirt look mix between torn leggings that show fishnet in the open areas. A pair of green and white boot. Around her neck look like an open up gray collar connected to the leotard. The choker was now replacing with a ribbon choker instead. Her green hair tie replaced with light green petals that almost look like from a wreath.
"My, my somebody updated the wardrobe."
"Maybe the impersonator should keep notes about that."
Yeah wasn't smart part on their end. But hey many felled for it. "Im Kunzite, one of the four dark generals for the Dark Kingdom-"
"Yall suck at names."
"Seriously. Like why everything had to be called dark! Dark this! Dark that! Almost bad then the names we have to say for attacks and such!"
"This is coming from the girl who uses a fire extinguisher."
"At least is effective unlike the ones who wear capes!" Rei shot back.
Kunzite traps them in his dark energy shield. "Never mock the capes!"
Well applesauce.
"Behold I bring darkness-"
"It's not even dark in here! We can still see you!"
"Give me the crystal and maybe I'll end your lives quickly."
"Not happening."
"Were not stupid."
Plus, it's not on them at the moment.
"Then ill tear it out of your corpses." Began to shrink the energy shield.
The girls see if their attacks could get them out but so far no.
"Were in trouble."
"A bit."
"A lot.... Did you three see that two."
"That Tuxedo Mask save the faker."
"Sadly yes."
"I don't know what worse that or this guy didn't notice it."
"We did fall for the trap."
"Don't remind me!"
The trap was coming in closer and closer. It was not good and Usagi ready to call Error when they were about to lose some air. Then behold Zoisite appeared.
"Kunzite we have a problem. I had Tuxedo mask but he got away. But there another enemy as well."
"Zoisite you let Tuxedo Mask escape?"
"You were the one dress up like me!? Huh not bad. I would clap but that be giving to much credit too you all. By the way great job keeping your face pretty."
"Kunzite lowered the shield down so I can kill her!" Zoisite hissed and glared at Sailor Moon. You know how fun it is to keep his appearance in check. It's horrible! Being hit in the face with a fire extinguisher again and again!
"Zoisite don't fall for her tricks- "
"I had to remove all the fire extinguisher here around here! Them together are menaces! Along with those bloody crows! Every Crow attacks me like they know to go after me! Let me have this!"
Yep Zoisite losing it. Now he knows how Jedite feels. At least Nephrite didn't have to deal with it but warned him. Oh he should have warned him better. This girl is a pure menace! All them! Include that Molly brat! Oh and don't get him started on Tuexedo Mask who have the other half the crystals!
"Try not to keep your face like that. Wouldn't want a sneer to stay on that pretty face of yours!"
They all turn and see him coming out. Yep, he didn't seem that good clutching his left shoulder.
"See luck seem to be on our side. Now time to give up."
"You must never give up!"
Who said that?
Then everyone looked up and stared in surprise who was a rooftop.
It was a girl who was wearing a sailor scout out. The dominate color being orange. But her bow on the chest was navy blue. While the bow behind the skirt was yellow. Wore a pair of orange heels with an ankle strap. Her earrings were orange. Long blonde hair with a big red bow. Her tiara has an orange stone instead. Was wearing red mask that covered her eyes.
"A sailor guardian!"
"Im the fifth sailor scout! Im Sailor Venus!" She removes the mask and see a pair of sapphire blue eyes. "CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!"
A bright light comes toward the dark, like a laser bullet, and hits Kunzite hands. He lost control and the shield was destroyed.
"Your Sailor V!" Usagi runs up to her. "Normally I would have asked you how long you were up there."
"I just got here." Sailor Venus smiled.
"You are correct that's Sailor V but she really is Sailor Venus!" Another voice appeared.
"Another kitty!"
Artemis, another cat like Luna but with white fur and green eyes. A similar moon mark on his forehead. "Hey Luna! Good to see you again."
"You as well!"
"Stay back all of you!" Zoisite yelled and protecting Kunzite as he held his hands.
All them ready to fight till the two had strange looks in their eyes. Then teleported out of there.
Everyone relaxed slightly.
"Where Tuexdo Mask go?"
"He not here?''
"Mercury, Jupiter can you search around and see if you can find him. Mars and I going to talk to Venus. Meet back at Mada place." Usagi looked at the pair.
"We can do that. Will see you soon Sailor Venus!"
They head off and just them.
"Wow you lead fast." Sailor Venus look at Sailor Moon.
"Only when necessary but we usually all do it together." Usagi looked at her. "So, who are you? How long you been a scout? Were you given a choice to do this?"
Sailor Venus blinked and then face turned serious. "My name is Minako Aino. Half a year now. Well it was more like a life or death situation when Artemis came to me."
"Alright I get that." Usagi sighs and then smile. "Well Minako im Usagi Hajime it's nice to meet you."
"Rei Hino welcome to the group. Well part of it at the moment."
"Im glad to finally meet you all. You need to tell me how you got your outfits to look like this!"
"Oh we will but first you get too meet Mada!"
"Luna who Mada?"
"Be prepared."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yes, now Sailor Venus has join the group! It complete!
Did you like Lita backstory? They never did talk too much about her childhood besides her folks dying in a plane crash. Always found it a little strange she lived alone and if that was legal. Till I did some research. So, we get this instead! Oh and don't worry Error took care of those 'relatives'.
Outfit designs! They may or may not post them at this point. It was optional or not. But here are the ones who helped me out and are great!
Mercury outfit design description by SpiritBlackPaw
Mars outfit design description by 1234567aph
Jupiter outfit description along with helping me out decide on Lita soul trait by LilNevaland.
As for Usagi and Error last name. It was originally Erratum so decided to change Hajime. It means "beginning'. I thought it seem to fit since it was a like a new beginning for both of them.
I don't think I have missed anything else unless you anyone has questions.
Until next time,
Bye, bye!
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