Chapter 1
Read the notes to understand some of the pirate lingo used in this fic.
Disclaimer: My only knowledge of pirates is from watching Pirates of Caribbean. I heavily rely on that and even watched the movie once again just to write this. I also watched some documentaries. Anyway, I'm not well-versed with Pirate vocabulary but I tried my best. Also, I didn't go all the way in as to not take away the enjoyment of reading by forcing or doing something wrong or shouldn't be used. So you'll see pirate vocabulary here and there but it's not used to the full extent. Please bear with me.
While doing my research I came across this blog, they had many interesting facts about the pirates. So, I learned that at that time it was the fashion for all men to be clean-shave. So they didn't have beards. Interesting, isn't it? There were also ship barbers. The ship's barber was also often the ship's surgeon.
Pirate Lingo:
*Scallywag - A kidding type of word that a superior pirate might call one of the rookie pirates
*Scurvy Dog - The pirate is calling you an insulting name
*Scabby sea bass - A stalwart of pirate vocabulary used to essentially to call your antagonist a rotten old fish! A funny but effective pirate insult by today's standards.
*Scourge of the 7 Seas - Pirate known as the worst kind
*Swabby – A sailor
*Addle - "insane" or "stupid".
*Cleave Him to the Brisket - An order to kill a man by cutting across his chest from the shoulders to stomach.
*Hearties - friends, crewmember
Jungkook stared at the ceiling aimlessly. His sensitive nose twitched at the stale stench that clouded his senses. He buried his nose to the collar of his tunic, cursing internally as the stench of his sweat turned his stomach. What wouldn't he give for a nice bath and a warm meal.
Loud laughter echoed through the walls of the dungeon. The guards were a bit rowdy tonight. Answering shouts echoed through the corridors. Some rattled the prison doors, shouting obscenities. His lazy gaze swept around the darkness of the room and to the dimly lit corridors.
For someone who used to rule the East Asian seas, this was certainly the worst punishment than death. Jungkook missed the wind beating on his face and the gorgeous views of the ocean from his deck. He hadn't slept a wink in the past six months without the lullaby of the ocean.
He was born on a ship, grew up in it for most of his life, and became the captain of his ship after the death of his father. Sailing was freedom. It was everything.
More laughter followed. Did they realize their days were counted too? They weren't far away from the guillotine themselves.
"You hear that, Jeon?" one of the inmates yelled from the opposite cell. "They're gonna execute you tomorrow at dawn."
Jungkook barely lifted his gaze to pay attention to that taunt. It was the beginning of the spring festival. However, this time they had another reason to celebrate.
"Not too invincible now, are you?" the same man taunted.
"The mighty Black Dragon of the sea, the most fearsome pirate who is a force to reckon with, where's your fierceness now?" another guffawed.
Jungkook didn't bother them with a response. As a captain of the most feared pirate ship, he had his fair share of adventures over the years. Met with people worse than the ones contained in these cells. Their words held no effect on him. He pitied them because this was all they could do. They were locked in this same hellhole as him. They too were counting their days just like him.
Up until six months ago, he ruled the East Asia Sea, pillaging and plundering merchant villages and vessels while setting up the sail to new places just for the fun of it. He had firmly believed he had it all, arrogant even. Until a mutiny left him marooned in a galley.
Rage tightened in his gut. He wasn't afraid of death, not in the least. His only regret was that he'd be dying here with no chance of revenge. Oh, what wouldn't he do to get his hands on his crew and the quartermaster who led the mutiny.
As minutes ticked away, the laughter died down, the guards retired, or somewhere passed out. The prisoners' chatters died down. Even the ones that were taunting him had given up, having gotten no response from him.
Jungkook jumped to his feet and began to pace the confined space. There were no windows. The only opening was the iron door that wouldn't budge that easily. He wanted to laugh at his own state. What wouldn't he give to go back to the life he once knew.
His thoughts raced, reminding him of his first sail as the captain of his ship, his first loot, his first fight, his first everything. His time was running out and there was nothing he could do.
This wasn't how he envisioned his death. He thought he would either die in a fight, most preferably by the hands of his one and only arch-nemesis Park Jimin, or go with the sea when he was old enough. Now that he thought about it, death by Jimin's hand didn't seem that bad. It was much better than the fate he was destined to have.
He missed everything, including Jimin and their useless fights over anything and everything whenever they met. His hand unconsciously rose to rub the left side of his chest where Jimin left a scar when they fought the last time. The petite pirate captain had a fiery temper that was too entertaining.
"I'll have yer head the next time we meet."
His taunt was still fresh in his mind. His sea-blue eyes seemed to glow dangerously under the dim lights of the tavern as his crew members dragged him out.
"You can have me anything, Little Mermaid!" He had called out with laughter, body raging with adrenaline that came from their fight.
Out of everything Jungkook could have missed, Jimin was the last person he thought he'd miss. But as the seconds ticked away and clouds swallowed the moon, it was all Jungkook could think about. Those were the only memories that kept him company and something he could think about without having his blood boiling.
Jungkook sighed. He missed him. He missed their meaningless fights and useless banters. And tomorrow it'd all end. He would never find out the secret about Jimin. He'd never know if he was really a siren like everyone believed. He'd never smell that fresh sea breeze on him or feel that soft press of his curves against his body whenever they fought. He'd—
"Ahoy, me Scallywag!"
Jungkook's body froze and his eyes widened as he looked around frantically. Did he imagine that?
"Missed me?"
He whirled around in the cell, coming face to face with a cocky grin that was all too familiar. Standing outside his prison cell was Park Jimin. Jungkook never once thought that name would bring a smile to his face. Before he knew what was happening, he was smiling.
"Little Mermaid!"
Instead of his usual insulting tone, it came out with a sigh of relief.
Jimin's nose scrunched in disgust. "Ye stink, scurvy dog." He lifted his sword, bringing it down to strike the chain and lock. The sound woke a few inmates who began to yell. "Out."
Jungkook didn't need to be told twice. He didn't question what Jimin was doing here even though there were several questions in his head. The first thing that dawned in his mind was that he was getting out of this wretched place.
The prisoners had woken up and began to rattle the doors while yelling at them to free them. Jimin hit his sword on the door.
"Shut up, ye Scabby sea bass!"
Jimin looked the same as he remembered. He had a distinct bluish silver-colored hair with blue eyes that was the color of the deep ocean. Sometimes they looked like a clear sky. His hair had grown longer than the last time they met and fell in soft waves over his shoulder.
The guards were all knocked out cold on the floor. They stepped over the unconscious ones and hurried through the deserted corridors. Jimin suddenly put a hand on his chest, pushing him against the wall. Jungkook pressed his back to the wall as the sound of footsteps echoed.
"Fuck this," Jimin hissed. "Cover yer ears."
"Eh?" Jungkook blinked.
"I said cover yer ears." Jimin snatched his hand and put it on top of his ears.
Jungkook's eyes widened when he noticed the way Jimin's blue eyes glinted before brightening. So I didn't imagine this the last time. Then he turned his face away and opened his mouth. At the first note of the voice, Jungkook pressed fingers tight against his ears, blocking any type of noise.
He'd always known Jimin was different. Jimin's father was a scourge of the seven seas. Some rumors claimed he once captured a siren whose hair was as blue as the sky and voice as deadly as a venomous western taipan. Jimin also had a petite body with curves in all the right places that marveled at even the most beautiful woman's beauty.
It was why Jungkook called him a Little Mermaid the first time they met. That had resulted in Jimin calling him a scurvy dog. The enmity that began there had led to multiple squabbles whenever they ran into each other.
As he watched, the prisoners and the guards fell into a deep slumber, their heavy bodies sliding to the floor with a dull thud. Jimin snapped his fingers in front of his face.
"Are they dead?" he asked, looking around with wide eyes.
"No. Just unconscious."
They sneaked out of the dungeons easily after that, coming across more unconscious bodies. It took them a good half an hour just to escape the wretched building and slip through the crack of a heavy iron door. Then they were running through the streets Jungkook didn't recognize. He inhaled the fresh air greedily, finally rejoicing in his freedom.
They paused and hid behind a building or something else whenever someone came in their direction until they arrived at the end of the street, where Jimin led him to one of the covered merchant wagons with a donkey. Jungkook saw no one other than him and Jimin.
Did Jimin come for me?
It was unbelievable but Jungkook didn't care. He would worry about that later. They jumped into the wagon and Jimin effortlessly steered the donkey to race into the night.
Jungkook didn't know how much time had passed. The streets were mostly deserted and he was hidden inside the wagon. Jimin had thrown over a robe, covering his distinct hair with the hood.
No words were exchanged between them during the ride. The sound of the wheels moving through the cobbled path and the occasional grunt of the donkey was all he heard. The wagon was too slow for his liking but who was he to complain when he was running for his life.
He realized the wagon was changing direction and looked out to see they were approaching a river. The buildings thinned out; he could only see the dirt road as far as his eyes could see. Trees lined both sides of their path. The night wind was chilly and soothing to his warm skin.
Jimin crossed the place that was built for the townsfolk to take bath and went far. He stopped in a somewhat deserted place with no lights. With only moonlight to guide, Jungkook exited the wagon. Jimin fumbled around for a bit, firing a torch that immediately flooded their immediate surroundings with light.
"Clean up. I can smell yer stink from miles away," Jimin griped, throwing a leather satchel at him. "This place be crawlin' with people and we won't make it unnoticeable with ye lookin' like that."
Jungkook grunted, accepting the satchel. His skin was itching already and he didn't know how long he'd need to soak to wash that stench off his skin. The fucking guards only allowed him to wash once a month and it was pathetic.
He hurried to the river, dropping the satchel at the bank with a thud, and began to remove his clothes. He didn't bother if Jimin was looking at him. His nudity never bothered him. He had one hell of a body and if anything, he loved to flaunt it. His clothes fell into a heap and he waddled into the water, immersing himself with a sigh of relief.
Just being in water relaxed him, taking away the stress he was feeling since his capture. After dipping for a few minutes, he began to wash, scrubbing his skin and running his hands through his mop of dark brown hair that had now turned into a cobweb. His beard was no better. Oh, he couldn't wait to get to a barber.
As he looked down at his body, he realized he'd lost so much of his weight and grown skinny in these six months. Why wouldn't he? They barely fed meat in the prison and even the measly portion of the garbage they fed him wasn't enough to fill his belly.
"Ye forgot the soap," Jimin called from the riverbank.
Jungkook turned around to see him perched on one of the rocks, the hood was thrown back revealing his bluish silver hair that seemed to glow in the moonlight. His breath hitched. He looked ethereal and his skin had a golden glow because of the torch in his hand.
Shaking his head, he swam to the riverbank to grab the satchel. Inside were a pair of clothes, soap and iron blades that were used for shaving, and a knife. Jungkook lifted a brow in question.
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Ye be lookin' like a complete addle."
Jungkook still couldn't fathom what he was doing in the middle of nowhere with Jimin out of everyone. "Why are ye here?"
He rolled his eyes. "Arr...should have let ye die tomorrow."
"Why? How did ye know I'm here?" He grabbed the soap and sat in the water that hid his privates. Not that he minded it being on display.
Jimin shrugged, standing from the rock and planting the torch near them, before grabbing the iron blade from the satchel. He then took the soap from Jungkook, dipping it into the water, and reached for Jungkook's beard, who flinched at first but stayed put. If Jimin wanted him to die, he'd have let him be there.
Why did he come?
Jimin lathered his beard with soap, taking his time. "Ye didn't show up for our annual pirate festival. It's not the same ye know. Boring too. I asked yer folks. No one had proper answers. Yer quartermaster is the new captain," he stated matter of factly.
He grabbed the blade and carefully began to shave his beard. Jungkook hissed when the blade cut his skin, causing him to bleed. Jimin didn't seem fazed. He continued silently.
"Then how? How did ye find me? Why?"
"It didn't feel right, ye know?" Jimin's piercing blue eyes locked with his for a moment. "To see the Black Dragon without the Dragon." He frowned. "It was all wrong. They all be lookin' like they be hiding somethin'. Caught one of yer swabby and he told me they marooned ye."
Jungkook was still in disbelief that it was his rival who finally showed up to his rescue. Not the men he grew up with and spent his entire life with. The same men who had left him within the nation's boundary lines for the king's vessels to find him. They should have just killed him instead.
He let Jimin do as he pleased. His thoughts strayed to the day his crew ambushed him in his intoxicated state, throwing him in a galley and leaving him stranded. He remembered waking up with a parched throat and confused as to how he ended there in the middle of the sea with miles of nothing but blue.
He was almost dying of dehydration when the ship of Silla showed up. The rest was history. He was half-dead when they dragged him to the king's court.
Jungkook hissed when Jimin began to tug at his long hair, chopping it carelessly. But he said nothing as the dark locks began to fall into the water. He silently watched the water carrying away the pieces of hair and disappearing into the darkness of the night.
He still didn't understand what Jimin was doing here and why he'd take such pain to rescue someone like him.
"There ye go," Jimin announced, pulling him away from his thoughts. "Clean faster. We have to be in the inn before dawn."
Jungkook nodded and proceeded to wash the grime that was built in his skin for months, mentally thanking Jimin. They weren't still out of danger. But this was as better as it could get at the moment given everything he had gone through in the past six months.
After bathing, he noticed the clothes Jimin packed were similar to what the town's folk wore. Even Jimin had similar clothing instead of his usual pants and oversized tunic.
"I owe ye," he said, changing into a fresh pair of clothes, feeling cleaner than ever and that alone was liberating.
Jimin waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Just cleave him to the brisket."
Jungkook frowned at that. "Minhyuk?"
Kang Minhyuk was the quartermaster who led the mutiny against Jungkook. It was the same man who taught him sword fighting like a little boy and stood by his side after his father's death.
"Ye, that scabby sea bass," Jimin hissed. "Grabbed me butt and called me a wench, then tried to plunder me booty."
Jimin scrunched his nose in disgust. He waved his hands in the air dramatically as he talked. Something that he always viewed as an unwanted exaggeration but now as he watched, he couldn't help the small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"Ye hearties be violatin' our code. Pickin' up fights."
Jungkook's fist clenched at that. They were sullying his father's ship and his principles. "Not me hearties. Not anymore."
Jimin shrugged. He threw Jungkook's old clothes on the land, burning them. His blue gaze scanned their surroundings as the clothes soon became nothing but ashes. He then ushered Jungkook to the wagon.
"Get in."
Like that, they resumed the trip.
"What happened when I was gone?"
A fresh night breeze caressed his face and his still wet hair caused him to shiver. Jungkook welcomed it with a soft smile. It was nothing like being in the sea, but this was so much better.
"Dunno." Jimin shrugged again. "After the moon festival, yer ship be attackin' us outta nowhere. Been tryin' to chase us out of the East Sea," he scoffed. "It's me mother's land. M' going nowhere."
"Water, ye mean?"
Jimin narrowed his blue eyes at him with a scowl. His hair whipped around him. "Don't make me dump ye here."
Jungkook chuckled. It felt good to bicker with someone he knew after so long. They weren't friends. Rivals? Yes.
This was the first decent conversation they have had the first time without going for each other's throats. While he didn't know what Jimin's real intentions behind this rescue were, he didn't bother asking him that. With a smile, he looked into the night just relishing the feel of the air on his face.
After what felt like hours later, they reached the edge of the town. Jimin stopped the wagon behind a shack and beckoned him to get down. Jungkook obeyed without another word donning the robe Jimin threw at him, throwing the hood over his head just like Jimin.
Jimin led him through the dark alleys that zigzagged through the town. The townsfolk walked past them, chattering among themselves. No one paid them any heed. As he followed Jimin, he noticed the decorations that adorned the town. He didn't remember being here when he was first brought here to the heart of the kingdom.
When the king's men had found him in the galley, they'd gone through greater pains to restrain him and bring him in front of the court, where he was charged for piracy and sentenced to death at the beginning of the spring festival. He remembered the journey taking several days.
While he was lost in his thoughts, they had reached an inn. It looked somewhat moderate and clean-looking. He entered after Jimin, feeling a little wary but he had no option. He didn't know this place or the people.
The place was crowded and Jungkook guessed they must be people from the surrounding towns coming here for the festival. There were both men and women. Mostly families with children. It was all different for Jungkook. He had always been among the rowdy folks.
Soon they were climbing stairs, avoiding the fellow patrons, and to the last room at the end of the corridor that overlooked the town. It was a decent place. Jimin opened the door and motioned him to enter first.
Jungkook went inside without further question. The room was small with only one bed that was spacious enough for two people to sleep. It had a small table and a chair by the corner and a window.
The other pirate closed the door behind him. With a sigh, he walked past Jungkook, shrugging off the robe that left him in his tunic and pants. He removed the boots and plopped on the bed before looking up at Jungkook who stood in the middle of the room looking everywhere.
"What ye be lookin' at?" Jimin cocked a brow. "Don't ye wanna sleep?"
"Sleep?" Jungkook frowned, having gotten a good look around. It wasn't even a proper hiding place for someone like him. "I thought we be leavin'."
Jimin scoffed as he secured his sword by his side of the bed. "This place be crawlin' with people for the Spring festival. The town is closed for a week."
"What?" Jungkook's eyes widened.
The other shrugged nonchalantly and lay down. "It's risky to leave," he said as he stared at the ceiling. "The guards be findin' yer gone now. They be searchin' every part of this town and tighten security around the borders. We be signin' death warrant if tried leaving."
Jungkook nodded with the same frown. It made sense. Did Jimin plan to stay low for a week? Before he could ask, his stomach rumbled loudly.
"There's food in that satchel." Jimin pointed at the satchel sitting on top of the table. Something Jungkook didn't pay attention to earlier.
Jungkook once again didn't question him and decided to take it in the stride. Jimin had come this far, risking everything when he didn't have to. It was the least Jungkook could do. He found a loaf of bread and a slab of cheese along with some dried meat and fruits.
His stomach growled at the sight of such a simple meal and he devoured it in a few bites, chugging down the water that was left on the table. Jimin was seemingly asleep when he was done. Jungkook wiped his mouth, removed the robe, and went to lie down on his side of the bed, drifting off to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Jimin was an enigma. Jungkook realized soon enough that the man had so many layers and he was intrigued with everything. First, he was in awe of Jimin's intelligent planning. He was amazing. That was the first thought in his mind.
Jimin even went as far as to procure some goods they could sell and it didn't draw attention. Jungkook realized some of the things were already inside the wagon last night but he hadn't paid attention to it. It was so unlike Jungkook, but the months of imprisonment must have messed with his mind. He was only focusing on getting away from the prison.
They left the room the next day and kept traveling in the wagon Jimin had used the day before. Jungkook felt well rested after several months and still felt sleepy. They traveled during the day posing as two merchants, selling goods and stopping only for food and rest. At night, they camped in the outskirts of the town or rented a room in an inn.
They ran into guards occasionally but so far, none paid much attention to them. They managed to make it out without being caught. Their days passed like this. Jungkook enjoyed the change of scenery.
It was nightfall when Jimin stopped the wagon in front of a clothing shop to buy something. He emerged after a couple of minutes and drove the wagon to the less crowded part of the town. They barely exchanged a word throughout the day. It was mostly because Jungkook was exhausted and was sleeping throughout their trip.
Jimin could be leading him to another danger for all he knows but Jungkook couldn't care less. He could have killed him at any point in time. In fact, with a power like that Jimin didn't even need a sword. But it didn't make sense why he never followed through with his threats of killing Jungkook. For some reason, he didn't. Just like how Jungkook didn't kill him even when opportunity presented itself. He never fathomed why.
The man had bought him food, a platter of grilled meat along with fresh bread and cheese before they took off again. He also kept Jungkook hidden from public view for the majority of the trip.
The pirate captain didn't have many reasons to suspect Jimin's reasoning to help him. In fact, Jimin didn't owe him a thing. They were enemies with ships and crew of their own. Well, Jungkook did not have a ship anymore.
When Jimin emerged five minutes later and led the wagon to a riverbank, Jungkook was excited to get cleaned after going long without a proper bath in prison and then during their travel. He hurried to wash himself with the spare clothes Jimin gave him.
Both were silent once again, washing their clothes and then rinsing their hair. Jungkook was just happy to be able to breathe the fresh air and be in fresh water once again. He soaked as long as he could and until his skin was pruned. He played with the water and swam until his limbs ached.
The village was beautiful with green landscapes and towering trees on both sides of the road. Something they didn't get to witness when they were traveling through the vast ocean. It was such a nice contrast to the familiar blue.
Though he enjoyed the surroundings, it still didn't feel at home. The sea was his home. He missed the smell of salt and the ocean. He missed the crashing sounds of the waves. He missed the night sky that was full of stars. In the middle of the night, when the entire world slept, he'd just lay there in his special place in the upper deck of his ship, stargazing as he listened to the lulling sound of the ocean. He missed those nights.
"Time to go," Jimin announced and went behind a tree to get changed.
Jungkook lifted a brow, realizing Jimin had even bathed with a thin robe on and didn't remove his clothes in entirety like Jungkook. He shook his head as he dried himself quickly and dressed up. Then he waited for Jimin, growing impatient as it took longer than expected. He was about to yell when a beautiful woman stepped out of the shadows of the tree line.
He felt his breath hitch and eyes going wide as he took in the stunning beauty in front of him. Dressed in a simple royal blue dress was Jimin. His skin glowed in the backdrop of the setting sun. The dress contrasted so well with his striking blue eyes and hair color.
He had his shoulder-long hair combed back and braided like a woman. Long dangly, earrings adorned his ears and a small necklace with a heart pendant lay across the valley of his chest. A chest that now looked well-endowed like that of a woman. No doubt he used something there but still...Jungkook felt like he hadn't seen such beauty in his life.
He whistled low under his breath and gave him a once over. "Ye look stunnin'. Where ye goin' like this?"
Jimin huffed, but obviously relaxed and looked relieved as he pulled the hood of the robe over his head. "The town we be goin' next is full of rich people. It's safer to travel as a couple than as two men. And you better be talkin' like townsfolk. Do ye know their tongue?"
"Aye." Jungkook smirked. "Couple you said. So...My wife, eh?" he teased.
Talking like the townsfolk felt weird, but he was no stranger to the tongue.
Jimin smacked at his chest. "Don't push your luck, Jeon. Be grateful I'm even doing this for you."
His language was fluent with no hint of pirate lingo and Jungkook was amused once again. He didn't know Jimin could pull it off effortlessly. Then there were so many things he didn't know about Jimin.
"Go on. It's your turn to drive the wagon." Jimin climbed into the back like an elegant woman. "Don't make your wife wait."
There was a teasing lilt to Jimin's voice and Jungkook didn't expect his heart to skip a beat at that.
That night when they rented a room in an inn, Jungkook could feel stares on his back the entire time. Mostly because of how envious they were. Jimin's unnatural beauty caught eyes and it took a great deal of effort to get going while staying low. He held him by his waist and pulled him closer, keeping an eye on others as they walked past them.
When they went down for dinner, which was a casual event of sorts, women came to talk to Jimin casually, who answered their questions elegantly and he'd even changed his voice so it sounded like a woman. They learned that these people were also traveling from neighboring cities for the Spring festival. Jungkook was amused nonetheless.
As the night progressed, he realized he didn't really mind pretending to be Jimin's husband.
It wasn't the only time they pretended to be a couple. They traveled in disguise the entire time to avoid trouble. He loved having a hand wrapped around his waist all the time they were in company and after a while it had become a habit.
Jungkook began to wrap his hand around his waist as soon as Jimin was in his arm's reach. A few times, he removed the hand consciously but later on, he didn't bother. Jimin didn't comment on it either. If anything, he leaned more into his embrace and Jungkook sure didn't imagine that.
Several things changed between them during this time. It started with simple civil conversations to deep meaningful conversations when they traveled alone for hours in the end. It started as a means to kill the maddening silence, but Jungkook didn't expect it to turn into something good.
Soon they were falling into a rhythm of casual conversations and something changed in the way they were behaving around each other. If anything, Jungkook was more comfortable with Jimin. Sometimes, Jungkook found himself staring at Jimin longer than it was deemed appropriate.
Though Jimin noticed at times, he said nothing. His lips would often twitch as if he was trying to hide a smile and Jungkook would avert his gaze, realizing what he was doing. Both never talked about it and Jungkook was glad.
It was after two weeks they managed to cross the walls of the country. Once again, Jimin pretended to be his wife. Jungkook's heart was in his throat the entire time. His grip around Jimin's shoulder was a bit too tight. The other man didn't comment on it.
They'd gotten past the security guards without much of a fuss and Jungkook released a breath he didn't realize he was holding once the walls grew distant. They didn't stop anywhere. Jimin raced the wagon into the night, stopping only once to water the donkeys but kept going.
It was nightfall the next day when they finally stopped to rest in another inn. This one was run down, lacking the finesse of the inns he saw in the capital. There were cobwebs and the floor was dusty. But it was well lived in, holding different scents.
At least the food smelled delicious and they had good beer. They had a quick dinner while waiting for their room. The place was crawling with all sorts of people and he almost berated Jimin for choosing this place to stay before he remembered who they were. They were both cutthroat pirates who terrorized the sea. When did he turn civil? He scoffed internally.
They requested clean sheets, which Jungkook wouldn't call too clean, but it at least didn't smell of sweat and dust. Once again, there were eyes on Jimin and Jungkook wanted to claw them out. He pulled Jimin closer and sent death glares at anyone who dared to look at him as if he was their next meal.
Jimin, that little fox was smiling through it all, and Jungkook couldn't give a fuck. He didn't like the others looking at Jimin and that was it. It was when they finally retired to their room after their dinner Jimin cornered him. He dropped their luggage at the foot of their bed, meeting Jimin's stare with an annoyed look.
"Didn't know ye can be jealous," he whispered but there was no bite behind his words.
He looked pleased and there was something different in his expression. Jungkook couldn't stop staring at his beautiful features and their proximity didn't help. Jimin's tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.
"Wasn't jealous," Jungkook murmured. His gaze followed the movement of Jimin's tongue and he swallowed. "Just don't like others lookin' at ye."
"Why?" Jimin stepped closer, his voice lowering.
Jungkook's hand rose to grip Jimin's waist as if it was a natural thing to do. "Don't know."
He trailed a finger over his chest, playing with his tunic button. "Ye sure?" Jimin's tone was suggestive and Jungkook lost it when his chest pressed against his.
He swooped in to capture the tempting lips that had been driving him crazy for a while now. Jimin tilted his head, allowing him to kiss better, and moaned softly into his mouth. Jimin's tongue coaxed his lips open, slipping into his mouth and tasting him.
Even his moaning was like music. Jungkook was a goner by then. His hands trailed down Jimin's waist to the curve of his ass before grabbing the firm flesh.
Jungkook groaned, kneading the round globes of his ass. Never in his life had he had the pleasure of touching such fine ass. Jimin licked into his mouth right that moment and Jungkook felt his eyes roll back into his head with pleasure.
He didn't know everything was so different with Jimin. It wasn't like he lacked in the sexual part of his life. He'd had his fair share of pleasure-filled nights with both men and women whenever he was in the land. But this kiss with Jimin was intense.
Jimin tasted like sin and Jungkook was growing addicted with every lick and tug of his lips. He never thought kissing could be such a pleasurable experience. Well, he did like kissing but never took his time to do it like Jimin was doing with him.
From there everything was a blur. The kiss was slow one moment but grew heated in the next. They were tugging at each other's clothes and tumbled over them as they removed them. There was a ripping sound and Jungkook didn't care to see if he ripped something.
They stumbled to the bed. Jimin pushed him onto his back and climbed over him. Jungkook took a moment to admire the naked male hovering above him.
Jimin was a sight to the sore eyes. He was just so beautiful. With the small oil lamp as the only source of light, it should have been dim but he thought Jimin was glowing. His skin was the most beautiful shade of gold illuminated by the light and the blue color of his hair and eyes stood out.
"Ye're so beautiful," he whispered, tracing a hand down his thighs.
Once again, he groaned when he noticed how firm and thick his thighs were. Years of training must have caused this. He rubbed his thumbs over the firm muscles, admiring how they flexed under his touch.
"Took ye long enough."
Jimin straddled his hips, bending down to kiss his neck and collarbones. Jungkook sighed as he allowed Jimin to do as he pleased. His hands were on Jimin's sides; over his thighs and everything he could reach. He traced the smooth skin, relishing how soft it was. The other man took his time and Jungkook had no doubt those harsh sucks would definitely leave a mark. He welcomed it.
He hissed when Jimin moved to wrap his lips around his small, perky nipple. His teeth grazed at the bud and he licked at it before sucking. Fuck. Jungkook arched his back.
No one had ever taken their time with him before. There was nothing slow about his past experiences. It was always urgent and quick. Also most of the time he was drunk and impatient. He panted slightly as Jimin moved to his other nipple. Jimin's hands were roaming all over his chest.
Jungkook grabbed his ass again, playing with the flesh as Jimin continued his assault over every inch of his taut muscles. Jimin had fed him so much meat and eggs that he'd once again begun to fill out. Now he couldn't feel his ribs or bones just by touching. He even began to work out whenever he could and practice the sword.
Jimin lowered further sucking bruises over his hip bone and Jungkook held his breath in anticipation. Jimin didn't make him wait for so long though. He grabbed the base of his erect length, sucking the tip earnestly. His fingers played with his pubic hair.
Jungkook moaned unabashedly as he watched those plump lips stretch around his length. Jimin looked so sinful and his cock twitched. Jimin smirked as he took him fully down his throat.
"Fuck!" Jungkook cursed. "So good." He lifted his hips helplessly, thrusting into Jimin's mouth. "Feels so good."
He gripped Jimin's hair, holding him there as he began to thrust up. Jimin didn't seem to mind. If anything, he sucked even harder. He hollowed his mouth and twirled his tongue around his head. He didn't so much as gag when his cock hit the back of his throat. Jungkook felt as if his soul was about to leave his body.
Jimin was absolutely relentless with his mouth and tongue. Heat coiled in his belly and his abdominal muscles contracted. He'd gone so long without sex that he didn't think he'd be able to hold on any longer.
"I'm close," he warned. "S-So close."
Jimin only quickened his pace. It didn't take long for Jungkook to come down his throat. Jimin swallowed it all without any complaint. He continued to lick him clean and let his cock go with a wet popping sound.
He pulled Jimin kissing him earnestly. "Wanna be inside ye." He breathed harder. "Please..."
"Didn't know ye could be so polite."
Jimin smiled, stretching over him to grab the satchel they carelessly left on the floor and pulling a small bottle from it. He poured the oil into his hand and spread it around his fingers before reaching behind him.
"For ye, I'd be anything."
Jungkook watched as Jimin inserted a finger inside him with an appreciative hum. His teeth sank into his bottom lip and he threw his head back and ground his hips as he began to move his finger in and out.
"Ye look so hot."
"Yeah?" Jimin panted.
"Look at ye, so stunnin'. Never seen anyone as beautiful as ye."
Jungkook's thumb massaged his hip in smooth circles while he reached his other hand to wrap around Jimin's impressive length that was red at the tip. He began to pump his cock and Jimin let out a loud moan, his hand pumping faster inside of him.
The pirate never thought he'd witnessed anything sexier than this. Gods, he must have really saved a nation in his past life. He trailed the hand that was on Jimin's hip behind him. His fingers traced his rim, feeling Jimin's finger slipping in and out.
Jungkook collected the oil there and slowly slipped his finger alongside Jimin's. Jimin moaned out and paused as he allowed himself to adjust to the intrusion. He waited for a few seconds before moving his finger.
Jimin fell over his chest. He tried to support himself by flattening his palm over it but his hand trembled. Jungkook guessed this must really feel good for him with the way his face scrunched with pleasure. Jimin pulled his finger out and Jungkook slipped another finger inside.
"Ye're so tight," he growled, lifting his head to capture Jimin's parted lips.
Jimin whimpered when Jungkook's finger brushed against the soft bundle of nerves inside him. Jungkook continued to massage his insides, occasionally scissoring him. Jimin's body tensed above him and his moans grew louder than the previous one.
Jimin positively became a wreck on top of him. Such a beautiful wreck. His hair was askew, strands of hair free from the braid and his lips were swollen and red. It didn't take long before Jimin was spilling in his hand without warning.
Jimin slumped over him and panted. Jungkook continued to pump his fingers in and out of him as he released his cock and wiped his soiled hand on the sheets.
"So beautiful," he murmured, grabbing Jimin's ass. His fingers continued to move in and out of him. "Little Mermaid, never thought I'd have you like this."
Jimin hissed, bucking his hips. "'M not a mermaid. I'll cleave ye to the brisket."
Jungkook chuckled. "No. Ye won't."
Jimin lifted his head, narrowing his blue eyes at him. "Don't be so sure."
He removed his fingers. "Ye wouldn't let me breathe for so long if that's the case," he said. "Admit it. Ye like it when I call ye that."
"'M a siren. Not a mermaid."
Jungkook perked at that. "So it's true."
Jimin smirked. "There's somethin' ye should know about the Sirens."
"What is it?" Jungkook was breathless when Jimin adjusted his position above him.
Jimin lifted his hip, aligning his entrance with his cock. "We stretch." He sank down his length, swallowing every inch until Jungkook bottomed out.
Jungkook cursed as he almost came with how tight Jimin was. He was warm, wet, and clenching around his cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head.
It was much much better than any of his previous experiences or the times he touched himself. Much better than his imagination. The pirate was well endowed in every department. His ass was marvelous. Honestly, Jungkook would wage a war against nations for that ass.
When Jimin began to move Jungkook had to stop him for a moment so he wouldn't come. "J-Just a moment."
Jimin giggled oh so beautifully. "Y'er so weak, Scallywag."
"O-only for ye." He shuddered as his fingers dug into the supple flesh of his ass. "So tight. Why did ye prep if ye stretch?"
"Because it's pleasurable." Jimin tilted his head to the side as he waited for Jungkook to catch his bearings. "I knew ye'd appreciate a good show."
"Fuck. I could fuck ye all me life."
"There's a sayin'," Jimin leaned to whisper against his lips. "Once ye lay with a Siren, ye can never look at another."
"D-Don't want another," Jungkook was quick to respond. He grabbed his hip in a tight grip as he peered into his blue eyes. "J-Just ye."
Jimin hummed appreciatively as he began to move. "Ye better not." He snaked a hand up his back to bury his fingers into his hair, tugging at it. Jungkook went willingly, the stretch strained his neck but Jimin was so close. "Sharin' isn't something I like."
Jungkook smiled. "Me Little Mermaid."
"N-Not a mermaid..." Jimin panted. "Siren. I'm half siren."
"To me ye are. Ye're me Little Mermaid." Jungkook breathed against his lips. "Me father always told me stories of mermaids and other sea creatures when I grew up. I've always dreamed of a blue-haired mermaid. Then I saw you."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "I hate it when someone calls me a mermaid. Ye...I'll allow ye. Only ye."
"And I...yer scallywag."
"Always. Now fuck me like ye mean it."
Jungkook didn't have to be told twice. He rolled them to pin Jimin underneath him. He hiked his legs to throw it over his shoulders and began to fuck into him with quick, deep thrusts. The siren keened and let out a broken moan.
"Faster." Jimin's chest heaved. "Fuck me fast and hard. Make me forget every other man I had before ye."
Spurred with his moans and pleas, Jungkook increased his pace. Their skins slapped against each other with a squelching sound that was too obscene. Jimin's legs slipped from his shoulders and both were sweating. Sweat dribbled from the side of his head falling onto Jimin's shoulder.
"Don't talk about other men in front of me," Jungkook growled.
"Eh? Are ye jealous?" Jimin teased.
Jungkook adjusted his hips until a particular movement had Jimin's hips lift off the bed. "Makes me wanna kill everyone ye ever been with."
Jimin choked out a long moan. "Don't worry. I killed them all."
Jungkook paused, eyes narrowing at him as his chest heaved. "What?"
"Told ye. They can't look at another once they lay with me," he murmured. "Had to kill them."
"Fuck," Jungkook cursed as he began to move again. "Gonna kill me too?"
Jimin shook his head. "No."
Jungkook hit the same spot over and over again. "Ye want me to believe that."
Jimin arched his back. "Wouldn't rescue ye if that was the plan. But I'll kill anyone who dares to hurt ye ever again."
Jungkook hummed before leaning forward to kiss him again.
"Oh, fuck. Just like that," Jimin babbled. "Yer so strong." He traced his broad chest and oblique.
The siren had his head thrown back on the pillow, his blue hair spread around him like a hollow. He was just so beautiful.
"Ye're so gorgeous." He leaned forward to kiss him sloppily. "Me Little Mermaid."
Jimin hummed with a small smile. "Aye."
Their orgasms washed over them like a tidal wave. Jimin's leg slipped down to bracket his hips. They panted against each other's lips, Jungkook slumping over him as their chests pressed together. Their hearts beat as one.
"So yer paps really abducted a siren," Jungkook asked as he rested his forehead against Jimin's.
The siren smiled. "That's what others believe."
"Mhmm...what's the truth then?"
"Papa fell in love with Mama when she rescued him after a severe storm that toppled his clipper." He sighed. "He kept going back to the place where he first met her; brought her nice gifts. Then Mama too began to like him because of his persistence."
Jungkook supported his weight on his elbow as he pulled out of Jimin. "She lives with you in the ship now? I thought sirens should be in the water."
Jimin chuckled again. "They can live on both land and water. They need to be closer to water though. The call of the ocean cannot be ignored for too long."
"What about ye?" Jungkook asked. "Do ye need to be near water too?"
Jimin shook his head. "Not like my Mama needs it. But I do get that urge sometimes."
Jungkook hummed in his throat. "Where are your parents now?"
"Papa retired so he can live with Mama on an island they both built for themselves, away from all this madness."
"That sounds wonderful." Jungkook sighed. A part of him wondered if he'd ever retire to live with Jimin like that. The idea didn't seem far-fetched.
"What's next?"
"We get back yer ship and kill that bastard."
Jungkook found the Black Dragon sailing through the unchartered territory of the Eastern Sea five months later. He wasn't alone. He had a beautiful siren wrapped around him.
As much as he wanted to go all guns blazing, he knew they'll be at risk since the Black Dragon was one of the finest vessels armed to teeth and fully equipped to face any kind of battle. It'd damage Jimin's ship and might even claim the lives of his crewmates.
Though Jimin didn't mind what method he chose for the battle, Jungkook didn't want to involve his crewmates in his war with Kang Minhyuk, his ex-quartermaster.
He had half the mind to blow the Black Dragon and drown her to the bottom of the sea. But she was the only thing his father left for him and something he had as his reminder. He was born in it and grew in it for the most of his life. He couldn't bear to see her drowning. There was also a vault in a secret compartment that held most precious artifacts from his plunder. It'd be such a waste to destroy her.
Then Jimin came up with an alternative plan.
Using the dark, moonless night as a cover, they approached the ship in a clipper. Jimin slipped into the water, making a series of clicking noises in his throat. Jungkook watched in awe as more sirens appeared in the water.
It wasn't the first time he witnessed Jimin turning into a siren once he was inside the water. He did look like a mermaid in water with aquamarine scales and a long tail. But Jimin claimed mermaids were different. That they couldn't sing even if their life depended on it. However, this was his first time witnessing the other Sirens.
He learned they lived together in pods and mostly lived in peace with other pods. Also, they banded together whenever one of their kind was in trouble. When Jimin went to ask for their help, they readily agreed.
As they watched with anticipated breath, they began to sing. Goosebumps erupted on his skin as he watched mesmerized. He'd only heard about a siren's song and how they lured lonely fishermen to their death. He never thought he'd live a day to witness something like that in his real life.
Well, the majority of the humans thought mermaids and sirens were a myth, but he knew differently. For he was mated to a half siren.
Jimin had assured him that a siren's song wouldn't affect him since he owned the heart of a siren himself. The attack was unexpected from Minhyuk's end.
From his position in the clipper, he watched as the sailors one by one walked to their death. No mercy was shown to anyone. Jungkook remembered the night he was marooned away. He was a fair captain. Paid them well and treated them well. Yet, they dared to join hands with Minhyuk in mutiny. So he didn't feel any remorse.
After what felt like hours later, Jimin's head popped out of the water. "Ready, love?"
Jungkook grinned from ear to ear. "Aye."
Right on time, he saw the outline of other small clippers approaching the ship from the distance as planned. When they approached the ship, he could sense the chaos.
The crewmates on Jimin's vessel all had earplugs that restrained sounds so they wouldn't be affected by a siren's song. He spotted Minhyuk yelling orders from the captain's deck.
He kissed Jimin for good luck and climbed the stairs with his sword extended. Time for payback.
The sun had risen at the horizon when the fight was finally over. Among the chaos, they'd managed to defeat Minhyuk's men and conquer the Black Dragon with minimal damages. He watched as Jimin's crew members threw the last of the corpse into the sea and cleaned the deck off blood among other things.
He gripped the railing of the ship, staring into the vast ocean. The Black Dragon was once again his. He looked at her huge mast with a victorious grin.
"Ahoy, Scallywag..." A soft voice crooned behind him.
He whirled around to see Jimin smiling as he walked toward him with big mugs of ale.
"Look what I found in the cellar." He lifted the mugs.
He accepted one mug and grabbed Jimin with the freehand. "We did it." He claimed Jimin's lips in a deep kiss, tasting him and moaning into his mouth.
Jimin was addictive and he never planned to surface from this addiction ever. The past months had been pure bliss with him traveling with Jimin in search of the Black Dragon. They followed the clues and chased them several miles into the sea before finally finding them.
"The Dragon is back." Jimin grinned.
"This time he's with his Little Mermaid." He brushed their noses together.
"'M a siren." Jimin sighed.
"'re me Little Mermaid."
"The way I love ye." Jimin pushed at his chest with mock anger. "I'd be cleaving ye to the brisket for callin' me that."
Jungkook chuckled. "Ready to celebrate in the Black Dragon tonight?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I heard the captain's room is luxurious and is blue like one Little Mermaid."
Jimin scoffed. "Ye better be fuckin' me so good, Scallywag."
"I always fuck ye so good."
Jimin took a swig of his mug, savoring the drink. "Ye sure? Ye be slackin' lately."
Jungkook's eyes darkened dangerously and he narrowed them at Jimin. "Ye be eatin' those words by end of the night, ye sneaky Little Mermaid."
Jimin laughed out loud as he began to step back with a teasing smirk. "Promises. Promises...Maybe it's time I start lookin' for someone better."
Jimin took off, dropping the mug of ale on the floor, leaving a trail of tingling laughter after him. Jungkook chased after him with a huge grin.
The ship was huge. Bigger than Jimin's ship with multiple levels and long corridors. The floors were built of high-quality wood recently after his successful plunder. The walls were shining bright with varnish and several artifacts he stole over the years adorned them.
Jungkook was greatly relieved to see Minhyuk hadn't changed much of the interior and maintained it pristinely in his absence. It felt so good to be hereafter almost a year. Jimin was quick on his feet, but so was Jungkook.
Jimin didn't know where he was headed to but Jungkook did. He paused and took a right turn to take a shortcut Jimin wasn't aware of. The siren was running recklessly with a wild giggle tumbling off his lips. He never saw the other pirate captain cutting through the corridor to appear right in front of him. He crashed into his chest with a loud yelp.
"Gotcha." Jungkook grinned, hoisting Jimin over his shoulder.
"Lemme go, ye stupid Scallywag." Jimin thrashed in his strong arms. "Ye be cheatin'. Lemme down."
Jungkook spanked his ass in return. "All is fair in love and war."
He had grown bulkier and gained more muscles in the past months. Jimin's hits on his back held no force behind them and he could almost hear a soft whine in the back of his throat. He'd discovered Jimin's strength kink long back and didn't hesitate to use it whenever he wanted.
When he let Jimin slip off his shoulder, Jimin was already panting, his eyes glossed over with desire. He could now read the siren like the back of his hand. He noticed the way Jimin's breath was already coming out in short pants and he was slightly biting into his bottom lips.
He captured his lips in a smoldering kiss, pushing him against the door. He kissed him with a purpose, licking into his mouth and sucking on his tongue. Jimin was gyrating his hips against him already, fingers tugging at the front of his shirt.
They were in the captain's deck, one of Jungkook's favorite places on the ship. It still looked the same, except for Minhyuk's cap and a few other items. He would have to take care of it later. For now, he had a siren writhing in his arms to be taken care of.
He turned Jimin around to press his front to the door as he began to work on his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear.
He used his thumbs to part Jimin's ass cheeks, dipping his fingers down the crevice to find it dripping with Jimin's favorite scented oil. This little minx. He will be the death of him.
As a siren, Jimin's body stretched naturally to accommodate his length but as a male, his body lacked natural lubrication. He freed his painfully erect cock. Jimin was already pushing his ass back, growing impatient.
"Just fuck me already."
He slid inside, the stretch was tight, and Jimin clenched around him before relaxing and accommodating his length. He was warm, tight, and welcoming.
"Oh, God! I love yer cock."
"Just me cock?"
"Shut up and fuck me," Jimin hissed.
He waited for a few moments, kissing the sensitive spot on his neck, shutting him up for the moment. "Finally I get to experience what celebratory sex feels like."
Jimin laughed. "Ye get to feel everything with me." His words turned into a moan as Jungkook began to move.
"Mhmm...aye. Want it only with ye."
Jimin brought his right arm to wrap around Jungkook's neck, left hand pressed flat on the door as he arched his ass back to meet every thrust.
"What are yer plans for the ship?"
Jungkook moaned, taking a moment to relish the pleasure pulsing through his cock.
"Don't know. I don't have a crew anymore." He paused for a moment. "I see no point in holding on to it now that I have it. Maybe I'll sell it once we hit the shore."
His life was with Jimin now. Though he had several memories associated with this ship, now that he had it back he couldn't imagine a life in it. His crew as he knew it was gone. With Jimin, he felt like he had everything. He didn't think he could lead a life without Jimin in it.
Jimin turned his head toward him. "Or I can just sell mine and we can use this."
Jungkook's eyes widened. "Ye'd do that?"
Jimin shrugged. "Yer ship is bigger, faster and studier than mine. It's better than mine. Got better cannons than mine. So why not?"
Jungkook's throat constricted.
"Besides I stole that ship from a pirate who been messin' with me. I don't have any sentimental connection with it as ye have with her."
Jungkook understood. "I'd love that. This be yer's as much as it's mine."
"Now move." He slapped a hand on Jungkook's thigh.
Jungkook began to move again, gripping his hip and kissing him senselessly. Jimin pulled at his hair and Jungkook welcomed the sting. He bit Jimin's lip, drawing it into his mouth.
The siren moaned without any control. "Faster, Jungkook. Faster."
Since when did Jungkook ever say no to his siren. He quickened his thrusts, releasing his lips to bury his face into his neck.
"Me Little Mermaid."
He felt Jimin smile against his forehead. "Me Scallywag."
"Fuck! Ye're so incredible," he moaned. "So tight and I'm so close already."
Jimin clenched around him purposefully. "Me too. Me too. Harder, Jungkook. Wanna feel ye whenever I move."
He began to fuck him so hard that his body was trembling and it took all his effort to not come then and there. It was just so good. Sex was always intense with Jimin.
"Gonna cum," Jimin cried out. "C-Close. So close..."
Jungkook circled his hand around him to jerk him off. "Cum for me, Little Mermaid."
It took only a few more thrusts for Jungkook to tip over the edge and Jimin was already spilling in his hand. They panted against each other. Jimin's legs almost gave out and Jungkook held him upright.
"Ye said the captain's room is luxurious," Jimin said, his chest still heaving as they both came down from the blissful high.
"And blue," Jungkook murmured, pulling out. "But I don't think I should take ye there yet. Ye been so bad."
"Yeah?" Jimin turned around in his arms. "Who else ye be takin' then?"
"Someone better."
Jimin scowled. "Ye better take yer words back." He grabbed the front of Jungkook's shirt. "I'll cleave ye and them to the brisket, drown them in the sea and bury them under the coral rocks."
Jungkook laughed at his possessiveness. "Why would I take it back when I already have someone better?" he teased. "Someone called Park Jimin."
"I hate ye, Scallywag."
"No, ye don't." He cupped Jimin's face, producing a blue gem ring from his pocket. Something he retrieved from the Black Dragon after conquering her. "Go on an adventure with me," he asked.
Jimin's smile was so bright that his eyes began to glow. "Just one?"
"Ye know one would never be enough."
" many do ye have in mind?"
Jungkook smiled. "Maybe forever...till me last breath."
Jimin's eyes were filled with tears and he cursed under his breath. "Aye, ye stupid Scallywag." He threw his hands around his neck. "I'll go with ye."
"Love ye, me Little Mermaid."
"Love ye too."
When their lips met, they smiled at each other. Jungkook's life might not have turned into something he expected, but whatever happened brought Jimin to him. So he wouldn't change a thing. He couldn't wait to go on countless adventures with his Little Mermaid on his Black Dragon. Two most feared pirates in one ship.
As he helped Jimin dress, his heart was content. He turned around to eye his deck, a soft smile playing in his lips as he led Jimin to the map. "Where to?"
"How about here?" Jimin pointed to a place where no one had gone before.
"Anything for ye, Little Mermaid."
Some Visuals:
Jungkook's flag:
These are the types of blades pirates used once to shave:
Their Wagon:
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