Down To Earth
Why is it so blue here?All you remember was waking up in a field of blue held nothing.
"If it is sooo blue down here...a-am I a mermaid now?"You pounder, soon seeing that you still had human legs.
"Son of a m-mermaide but, what is h-h-here then-?"
"Son of a hobbit??Now what in the holy gods is a 'hobbit'???"
I jumped, quickly looking around for a person or thing, but find nothing.All I could do was know that this...person...was a female, by her smooth but whispery voice I mean.
The female voice chuckles lightly "They do not lie, you do have a shy but stainless purity of thy nature my dear."
I fiddled with my fingers a bit, flushed and confuse "T-Thank you miss.."
"Please, call me Tracer dear."
"O-Okay..." I look at my feet, feeling a bit uncomfortable "...Mrs.Tracer?..W-W-Where are you?I don't s-see you."
The voice - Tracer - laughs a little before a huge fuzzy baby blue orb came into my view.It looked like a pillow "I am amazed that a human child like you had thy mere guts to ask such a risky question...No wonder why thy Spark Giver chose you, you took risks and everything like a rookie I used to know."
I tilt my head confuse "S-Spark gutter?"
"No, Spark GIVER my dear. He is thy maine reason I lived my life like my other comrades, even in death, I live with thy soul he gave all of us.And in return, we do his bidding with our own free will."
I made a silent 'oh..' before asking another question, one that was on my mind for a little while "....Why?"
"Why did the Spark Giver..." Take big steps, I got closer to the floating ball of fuzz "...decide to choose.." I took my hands out - grabbed the ball - and weakly smile at it, my eyes directed at it with a billion emotions "...a worthless but pure bad luck charm of a human orphan girl like me??..All I will cause is pain and suffering-."
"You shouldn't say that, yes that happened to you and may scar you, but all scars can heal if you let it all go."
"N-No!" I shout, hot tears I held back behind my happy facade now breaking all at once "....They can't *sniff*...I tryed everything, I-!"
Suddenly I felt my entire body becoming cold and floatless.Tears stream more down my face as I see Tracer fading in my grip, scaring me.
"I like you to take that 'can't' and say 'I can' instead dear, he chosen you for a reason, a reason that can mean good alone..." Tracer then began to change a different color, my arms were sucking it up like a sponge "...and so my reason is to be there as your guidance, for he likes me to tell you are never alone.."
[Dream ends]
I snapped my eyes open, after her finally words.But before I could absorb the information, I find myself outside the ship......falling through thin air, fast.
"Like I said before dear (Y/N), you are never alone."
Megatron POV [Right before you wake up and stuff happening to u!]
I am devastated yes, but rather highly irritated with the mines being blown up.The cause?A idiotic cross gender Starscream who believed he can do anything better then me and others.How?He shot the last of his cannons amo right at a crystallize energon causing an explosion destroying - not just our source of life and energy - but many more Decepticons who never made it out except Knockout, Soundwave, Breakdown, and that idiot with endless daydreams of being the leader of Decepticons.Starscream.
"You are severely lucky that (Y/N) didn't offline in that explosion Starscream.." I took large angery steps towards a fear shaken Starscream, oh, he should be afraid "...And if she died, your helm will be my trophy."
Starscream gulps, shaking still "Y-Yes my lord-!"
"Lord Megatron!We have received a call from the autobots!What is your orders sure?" A femal scout, 3r1n, shouts indeed showing a call from the autobots.
But was Optimus Prime himself...just great, what else is going to make me more ferocious than I am now?
"Weeellll?...PiCk It Up AlReAdY yOu IdIoT!!!" I growled/shout, causing the femme to jump and do my bidding.
Then there he was, a cold faceplate of Optimus Prime, how bothersome.
"What do you want Prime??!" I bellowed, seeing him made me angrier then before, as I walk to my throne sitting down harshly "Do you not see the massive damage you cause to my Decipticon kin AND energon mine??!"
"Yes.But I am not here to threaten it more then it already is-."
"Then what kind of tactics are you using??I should reject this call right here and now Prime, so spill the tea Autopest!"
Optimus took a deep breath, answering my questions with high authority "We want the girl Megatron, give her to us."
.....frag, one of my evil plans now wasted.Just how evil are you Prime, to destroy my diabolical plans with that team of yours?Too many times.
"A girl?What do you so ever mean Prime?" I smirk, taking the innocent act for now, and test his true patience "I don't have a pest like YOU! So why bother asking for something then-?"
"Megatron we WILL get that child, I know to well of your games. She deserves to be with her kin and away from your claws of death!"
I instantly stood up, boiling with anger, I was not teasing this time "And what?!She is going to be in your care?LikE PIT I WOULD LET YOU HAVE HER FOR YOUR SELFISHNESS PRIME!!!She is well and happy so whAT ELSE DO YOU FRAGGING WANT TO DO WITH HER YOU MOTHER FRAGER?!?!"
"Then so be it." That was the last thing Optimus Prime said before cannons began going off.
That motherfragger!.....
Shockwave & Predaking POV
"I seem to finally realize how to use this relic, Predaking, give me a energon cube."
"Predaking, get up and get me a energon-."
Suddenly Predaking got up - after transforming from his predacon form - and pulls out his claws in defense, optics at the door. It didn't take long until the sounds of cannons and blasters echoed throughout the ship hallways.
"I smell Autobot, they are coming this way!"
Shockwave nods, taking the relic and - instead of a energon cube - used his blood.All it really needed was two drops of it before glowing a blazing blue.
"What are you doing?He is dead, he is long gone-."
"I know." Shockwave states bluntly after jabbing the relic into the spark chamber of Dreadwing, leaving it there "..But this relic is not just something so illogical like the others..."
Predaking puffs out smoke, glancing at the little model Shockwave made "...I will get Dreadwing, you grab (Y/N)."
Shockwave nods, knowing he was stronger then him, and makes his way over-.
"Alright, I'm on it Bee!"
Predaking growls "BACK OFF!" before swinging on the blue femme but missing by an inch off.
But her ego got her a pound of karma-is-a-bitch after she did that.
Arcee grunts after she got hit in the head by a wrench, making her fall on her aft "That is what you get for invading my laboratory femme."
"Beep!Beeep!" Bumblebee chirps out before high ducking Predaking into the wall.Hard enough to make a crack in it.
"You broke my wall, how illogical-."
Shockwave didn't get to finish due to Arcee pushing him into that wall, causing it to get bigger and weaker "Sorry, what waAOOHHH!"
Arcee backs up after seeing a blast past her helm, turning to see St3v3 armed and ready.
"Get down on your afts.." He reloads his blasters, aiming it both at Bumblebee and Arcee "..before I make you."
It was very silent after that, but didn't stay like that for long until Bumblebee made a quick bee line for (Y/N) - which cause St3v3 to attach his attention on him and not Arcee - when that happened, Arcee took this advantage to grab Dreadwings body - as small as she is - picks it up and throws it at St3v3, knockin him down but shot Arcee in her right shoulderplate AND left ped at the exact same time.
"S-Scrap!Bee!..I-I'm hit!" Arcee shouts, pain clear as day.
But as Bumblebee was going to grab you and run, Predaking came in and punch him straight up in the jaw hearing a good crack sound from the impact afterwards.
"Touch my sparkling again..." Predaking gently takes your sleeping form out and close to his spark to keep you warm, he hissed the last part "...And I will make you more then a voiceless Autobot!"
Bumblebee was down and spitting out spews of energon, this made Arcee mad as hell itself. She instantly got up, tackled down Predaking, and beat his ever living spark out.She even forgot about you, and now you were crying in your much of a deep sleeper were u?!
Shockwave had enough and got a wench or two and bashed it against Arcee's head saying "Bad femme, that was very illogical of you." After she was knocked out.
"It took you...that get up and help me?!"
Shockwave shrugs "I am a scientist.I mustn't fight-."
"BS!You thrown wrenches at there helms, especially that glitch!"
Shockwave turns to Predaking, blank "My wrenches?Oh they don't bite-."
"YES THEY DO GLITCH!" Predaking points and throws ALLL his wrenches at the wall "THEY FRAGGING DO BITE-!" they messed up.The moment those wrenches hit the wall, it broke and became a vacuum cleaner, sucking everything out the lab and into thin air to which - if not crybertronians - will offline.
"You broke my wall-."
He didn't get to finish due to you - lighter then them - were sucked out of Predaking's hand like a piece of rubish.....who was a living child who was falling to their doom.And what makes it worse, there goes the dead carcass of Dreadwing.
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