
I was in trouble, big time.Just as soon as Mr.Birdy and I got back to.....the armageddon?...I saw Meggy on the top of the roof!And he look unhappy and very angry, but when I saw him I screamed out and said a loud 'HELLO MEEGGGYYYY!!!' his attitude change and he look happy again!Yeah!Stay happy Meggy!But as soon as I was in his reach a big robot dragon saw us, making eye contact with us both, as he lands and transformed into a bigger robot!He was taller then Meggy!Then as soon enough, right after scanning us, he left with a weird looking object on him?Before I could question Meggy about it I was snatched from his hands by Knockout, he was giving me a thousand years of lectures as he did so, but stopped to say sorry for taking me away from Meggy and he was fine with it.And soon enough here I am, stuck with a groundation due to me leaving them alot.....I was alive, what else can you guys ask for?

"Am I un-ungrounded yet?"

"Nope."They both say, Breakdown buffing Knockouts back "Not in 2 years you are not-"


Breakdown chuckles "Your fault for leaving us in deaths grip 2 times nuestra pequeña luciérnaga."

"What the pit did you just say?"

"Spanish translator, look it up."

I pout before looking around, I wanna be free!Free like a bird!CAW!CAW!

Knockout lets out a small chuckle - right after he was done with his buffing thingy - and picked me up, which caused me to squeal as I was placed on his shoulder as he fixed things up a bit. The next thing I know was that Breakdown was poking me on my back, and it made me think he wanted to hold me for a few minutes, I immediately feel straight backwards knowing that I was falling into Breakdowns hand........

I was still falling......

Son of liberty why me?!?!

"Ohsweethoneysugarsweettea!"I flapped my arms, screaming that loud enough for the two to hear me.

They both did, and BOTH caught me in the most majestic and stupidest way possible.Knockout - who was facing his tools like a doctor he is - made himself go onto his knees quickly and spin backwards like what he just saw was very shocking before trying to catch me, he only got air every time.I was only a few feet away from my doom, and at those few magical moments, Breakdown ran and dive just like a pro volleyball player and slide towards me like a penguin on ice.At the last moment Knockout caught my shirt just as Breakdown slowed down and my feet ligthly touching his....then Knockout drops me onto Breakdowns hands.

Knockout got up groaning "You could've killed yourself!" and stormed over to his work place, aggressively cleaning it all.

"What in the world were you even thinking?!"Breakdown looks at me, very concern.

I point at him "Y-You poked my b-b-back...which made me think you w-want me to f-f-fall backwards....and I d-did!"

" time, waite for me to say something before you do that again."

"Okie Dokie-!"

Soon enough, a big purple robot with one big red eye walked in.He looks like a cyclops.He looks around before looking at me, he bends down, and took me from Breakdown....what is he doing?

Shockwave POV
"So this is the human child Lord Megatron taken in?She is very small."

Breakdown stands up, nodding "I know right?She is adorable too, and a trouble maker-!"

"Like you Breakdown?"

Breakdown faceplate brightens up before Knockout came in, confuse "Why are you even here Shockwave?Last time I check, you were supposed to revive Dreadwings corps."

I nod "Yes.But it is illogical to bring back the dead sadly, we have gain many unknown but helpful information from him....If only he didn't sacrifice himself for his twin brother, he would still be alive."

The room went quite, he was a very loyal warrior and soilder to our Decepticon cause. May he rest in peace beside our other fallen comrades.

"That still does not explain why you are here, did Predaking do something stupid again?"Knockout, hissing Predaking's location the most, question.His patience running thin.

"Is it not clear?I have been ordered by Lord Megatron to make a suitable home for this human child, I made sure to get all her needs like food, water, and a warm bed.I was able to grab some human entertainment as well as a, what humans call it, a radio."

The child's eyes beamed up in happiness "R-Really!?C-C-Can I go see it!"

"The house is done, but not the rest..." I walk over to the right side of the wall, drawing a straight line to that corner to the next "I still have to make human sized tunnels for you so that - if ever needed for any reason at all - you will...." I drew a LARGE circle in the middle of the lines " able to get to them.It will be illogical to not do that if anything goes wrong."

Breakdown made a 'oh, that gonna be difficult right?' as Knockout hummed, taking in all the information I given them before making a loud tch....I will take that as a yes.

"Would you mind if I take her to see her living space?You may follow if you all like-?"

"If she goes, we both go."Knockout says, walking towards the doors "She a tricky one."

I take a long glance at him, then the child, then back at him...She may have not done it on purpose, alot has happened in one day.And she should get some sleep.It would be unhealthy for her if she didn't get any.

"Alright, follow me."

Predaking POV
I retrieved what Shockwave told me to go get...But I don't know what the pit it is?It looks like a toy a sparkling would play with, but it was more like a weapon due to all the scratches and dents on it.What on living earth and all spark combined is this thing??

"No, leave it alone.You got it, now leave it." I groan, walking over to the far cage was there afterall.

Taking a deep breath, I transformed into my predacon self.Walking inside, I take my seat and watch the dead scrape metal carcass on Shockwaves testing table....Dreadwing. I never had the chance to know the mech, though he been offline to save his twins life in the process, he sounds like a loyal mech to this place. To bad I didn't get to know him, could've been friends with him.

"Predaking?You came back rather quickly?" It was no doubt, this was Shockwaves voice.

I nod, optics on him now "Yes, it was yet another simple task I can handle." A fimialer sense was in the air, coming right from Shockwave "...You have guests?"

"Indeed.Only the human child will be with us, for now, and I'll fix her habitat in her gardians room later."

Oh?So the little human is staying with us, may give me time to get to know her a little more.Better then her horrific history background-.

"H-Hello!Why are y-y-you in a cage??" She was stuttering, that's cute.

Getting up, I made my way over to Shockwave.He knew what I was doing so he put the child down on the floor, leaving me as the one who towers over her fleshy form.She - unlike her dead family members that were tortured like the animals they truly are - she was more jumping and awestruck at me, no whiff of fear in the air.That's odd?She must've been through so much and learned not be afraid, smart girl.

"I swear to primus Predaking!" Knockout growled, I figure he will be here, as he was held back by arms aroud his waist, Breakdown himself holding him back "...If you hurt our little rose, I will personally OFFLINE you!"

I tched, smoke puffing out my nostrils dangerously "I would of have done it as soon as Shockwave put her down, I am not that animalistic."

"W-Whats animeistic m-m-mean?"

Oh....she is a innocent bean.

"It's a word to describe a person, to which, acts very animal said it wrong, it's ANIMAL-IST-IC." Shovkwave points out, saying it to her possible understanding.

She took a second before tilting her head at him, so very innocently "Anime-ist-ic?"

I could only watch with a grin as Knockout and Breakdown have a massive nose bleed.They stood there for a second before Knockout fainted saying a quick 'How is this even possible?' and fell into Breakdowns which he too - by 5 seconds - fainted with a quick 'Too much cuteness!' and fell to the floor.HA!They are wrapped around her little finger that quickly?Pathetic!

In a clear instant, I felt small hands touch my right was the girl.She rubbed her fingers gently on my foot, like fragil glass, before looking up at me.Her optics looks very heavy and tired looking.Soon enough a small yawn escapes her, her small happy smile not faltering from her face.

"M-M-Mr.Dragon? I'm *yawns* s-sleepy..." she soon places her helm against my ped, dozy off a little.

Okay, this is cute.

I look at Shockwave, waiting for my permission to grab her to which he accepts, and - with my snout - nudge her back softly.He was not trying to hurt you just get you to stand is all, but you did something very unexpected.Heck, not even Shockwave has the guts to do this kind of act!

As quickly as you can, you took your time to turn around and HUG the predacons snout.You snuggle into his snout more whispering a little 'S-So warm!' as you hug - with those little arms of yours - his snout close to you much as possible.









I change my mind, she is too precious!I.Must.Proctect.At.All.Cost!

"No, she requires her humanly sleep.No cuddling."

"Well, can I call her my own then?"

Shockwave shakes his head "Illogical.She is only a-."

"A pure child that is now my sparkling, thanks Shocks!" I piped up, letting the - correction, my sparkling - onto my helm.Soon walking away with her sleepy form.

Shockwave looks at me, then the child, then back at me....then he went over to his computer and types away.

I smiled inwardly as I approached the little home build for my sparkling, it was a big but friendly home, no danger whatsoever.As soon as I sat down I turn on my holoform, it felt weird to be human but seems normal, before picking her up, craddling her close as I walk through the door, up the stairs, passing her play room and bathing area, and finally finding her bedroom.

You had a rather comfy room, definitely gonna have to have sleepovers 24/7.

"...M-Mr.Dragon?..." She woke up, her little (E/C) optics watching my every move as I place her in bed, tuck in and all.

I chuckled nodding "Yes, I am here mijn kleine draak."

She takes a look at me for a small second, before closing her optics smiling "Nighty n-n-night....Mr....Dragon..." and in a instant, she was out.

I smirk leaning down to kiss her forhead, then play with her hair of beautyful (H/C) "Goodnight (Y/N).." and in a quick look at her sleeping face, I left to my own body to sleep as well.

Unknown to them, Shockwave was not typing, he was watching the whole thing between you and Predaking.As soon as he saw Predaking going back from within the little home and went to bed himself, Shockwave felt a warm feeling swell within him.

"....Looks this may be logical after all...cute."

nuestra pequeña luciérnaga》Our little firefly (In Spanish)

mijn kleine draak》My little Dragon (In Dutch)

What the inside looks like!

Playroom p.1

Washing room



Toys Shockwave got u

Your bedroom


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