Confessions. . .

Disclaimer- I do own HTTYD


Hiccup's P.O.V

I heard a voice saying my name over and over, I opened my eyes and saw Toothless. "Hiccup, are you ok?" Toothless asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I questioned. "When the doctors brought you back, you didn't look so good. You were pale and was struggling to breathe." Toothless stated. "Where did they take you?" "I don't know, they sedated me, remember." I pointed it out. "Oh, yeah. I forgot." He replied sheepishly. "That's fine," I said. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's around midnight." My eyes widened in shock, "Why are you still up then?"

 Toothless gave an embarrassed smile and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I was worried for you, sorry if that seems weird." Toothless said. "No, that's not weird at all, I'm glad that you think about me. I'm flattered." I teased. Toothless had a faint blush on his cheeks, "Did I just flirt with Toothless?"I thought to myself. 

Third Person's P.O.V

"Did, Hiccup just flirt with me?"Toothless asked himself. There was an awkward pause between the two boys until Hiccup broke the silence, "So, about the reason that you're here, why did you try to kill yourself?" Hiccup asked. "Well. . . I always got bullied at school because of my name and sexuality. One student decided to prank me by pretending that he liked me, it was my crush he and his friend's somehow found out that I was gay and that I had a crush on one of them. I was so embarrassed when he revealed that I was gay to the whole cafeteria. When I got home I was hoping that everyone wouldn't make a big deal about it but someone was recording the whole scene. Then it went on for weeks, people mocking me started to physically bully me. I just couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to die. So one night I decided to go in the woods with a knife and a gun, I slit my wrists then was about to shoot a bullet through my head. But I didn't know that someone had followed me, that person's name was Fishlegs Ingerman. He shouted at me to stop, I told him to leave me alone and that I wanted to die. Before I could pull the trigger he tackled me to the ground and knocked the gun out of my hand, he told me that I shouldn't kill myself that I would be making others sad. I started to sob repeating that I just wanted to die. He called the Mental Institution so now I'm here and you pretty much know the rest. What about you, why did you try to hurt someone." Hiccup was still trying to get over the shock of what he had just heard, "I tried to hurt my cousin and before you ask why I'm going to tell you. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, my cousin Snotlot practically told everyone that I was a crazy psychopath. He told them about my disorder, I just wanted to live a life where I'm looked at as a normal teenager, not as a mental health case." Hiccup said. Toothless gave me a sympathetic look, "Looks like we've both had a dark time in our life." Toothless chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so. And Toothless." Toothless looked at Hiccup waiting for him to finish his sentence, "Yeah," Toothless asked. "I'm bisexual, so I know what it feels like to like someone and they make a joke about it. Besides your kinda cute." Hiccup complimented. Toothless felt blood rush to his cheeks from Hiccup's confession, "Th-thanks, and I think you're cute too." Toothless mentioned. Before Hiccup could say something else Doctor Evans walked in, "Boys both of you have visitors, would you like them to come in separately or together?" He asked.

 "Together," They both said in unison. Toothless and Hiccup looked at each other and giggled at the fact that they both thought of the same thing at the same time. Doctor Evans let the guests in they were Hiccup's and Toothless's parents, Toothless's mother rushed over to her son. "Oh, Toothless we're so glad that you're ok." Mrs. Fury said as she sobbed into her son's hair. "I'm ok, mom." Toothless tried to comfort his mother. Valka and Stoick went over to Hiccup's bed, "How have you been Hiccup?" Stoick asked. "I've been good, Toothless has been good company." Hiccup stated. "That's good Honey, see I told you someone special would come into your life." Valka cheered. Hiccup chuckled at his mom's excitement, "Well, Doctor Evans I that none of these boys been trouble." Mr. Fury said. "They've been wonderful, no trouble at all." Doctor Evans said.

 "That's good, well we're going to go to the cafeteria and get you, boys, some food. I hope you don't mind Doctor Evans." Doctor Evans gave a warm smile, "Of course not." As the parents left the room Doctor Evans shut the door, "Now that your parents are gone, Toothless I came here to give you your anti-depressants and Hiccup we have another visitor for you." As he let the last visitor in Hiccup made an angry face to see his one and only cousin Snotlout, "What are you doing here?" Hiccup growled. "Well, I came here so you could apologize to me." Snotlout said smugly. Hiccup scoffed at his response, "ME? Apologize to you, I wouldn't have attacked you if didn't mention anything about my disorder." Just as Snotlout was about to say anything else, Hiccup's and Toothless's parents walked in with food. "Oh, Snotlout. I wasn't expecting to see you here," exclaimed Valka. "Don't worry mom, Snotlout was just leaving." Hiccup started coldly. "Oh, Hiccup. Be nice to your cousin." Exclaimed Valka.

 "Yeah, Hiccup. Why can't you be nice to your younger cousin." Snotlout pouted. "Um, one, you're older than me. Two I wouldn't have attacked you if you hadn't had mentioned my disorder." Hiccup stated. Snotlout made an angry scowl as he was about to say something else Stoick had interrupted him, "Snotlout, I think that you should leave." Snotlout gave a huff of annoyance but listened to his uncle anyway, after Snotlout had left Hiccup gave a sigh of relief. There was an awkward silence until Toothless had broken the silence, "So. . . what are you guys going to do after you guys leave?" He asked curiously. "Well, your mother and I are going to your brother and sister's play." Mr. Fury explained. "Your father has to get back to work and I going to go run some errands," Valka replied. "Well, I think we should all go now, see you, boys, later." The parents gave their sons a hug then left the boys alone, Hiccup and Toothless decided to get some rest. 


Hey, guys, I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter and I would love if you guys give me ideas for Toothless's parent's names.-Zoey 

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