Prologue-Part 2

To this day a child 17 years of age. He is not known for much, but a Shadow God Slayer. The boy's Name is Eren Caston. It was always a challenge for this boy let's start from the begining of his story.

A day in Isvan a town that was once home to the Caston's, Fullbuster's and many more families in this  town. The families were having a good day in this small town in the mountains. Sun is shining and the clouds are barely there. The town was lively,  people were talking with each other and others were walking around doing the chores that they have to do. The children playing in the streets playing catch or ball. They were having fun in the sunlight. The day was just the right amount of heat as it was not that hot and it was not to cold. It was just the right heat in the area.

"Eren!" A voice said. It was one of a mother calling to her son to wish him a well day. He goes out to play with his friends and he turned around, he waves goodbye and he headed with his friends. He was having his fun today. While they play tag and he then tripped and cut his knee. He got up and then noticed it was bleeding. He went to his friends house going in and they clean it and then put a bandaid on it to keep it clean so that it wont get dirty again. He went back out and he was having fun once again, but of course it comes to the time of supper time. He headed home, it was Spaghetti tonight one of his favorite foods.

"How was your day?" His mom asks. She heard the door open so she knew that he came in the house. The place was not that big. The front door led right to the living room, it then led to the dining room and the kitchen through another door that was right there on the other side of the room. He walks into the room with a big smile on his face.

"It was fun!" He said. He looked to his mom, just then his dad walks into the room as hugged her from behind. She jumps and the food spills slightly.

"What the heck!" She said. She set the food down and turns to see her husband. "What do you think you are doing." She said to her husband. The dad then kissed the mom.

"Greeting my wonderfully beautiful wife." The dad said and he then rubbed Eren's head ruffling the the hair. It was now messed up. Eren tries to fix it as he didn't like his dad doing that, but he usually dealt with it because he wasn't around much anymore, and who knows when they would just disappear one day.

"Hey there Sport!" He said. "How would you like coming with me to work tomorrow." He was happy and smiles. Eren heard his dad and saw that he wasn't lieing. His world had just lit up like it was dull before this. He was happy at this thought. He looked at his mom as looked for a answer as if it was okay and she just nodded.

"OMG YES!!!" He said. He got out of his seat and he jumps around excitedly. He got to go to his dad's work which was something he hadn't done yet because before his mom was really worried about what his work could do, but now that it is fixed and cleaned she was fine with it. He ran and hugged his mom by the waist as it was his turn to say thank you. "THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!" He said and he was excited a lot he couldn't wait to see his dads work. He ate the food that was on his plate, and he even asked for more. He barely ever did this he usually waited for the next day, or a few hours. Nope not today he was in a good mood for seconds today. He was talking to his dad for so long that when it got late he starts to yawn more than he did a few hours ago.

"You need to rest if you want to get up early enough to go to work with me... I don't need you falling asleep on me." He said. Eren nods and he got up and heads to his room as it was about time for him to sleep. He was extra tired, because he was hanging around with his friends today and, he then was having the fun with his dad and his mom. He looked to the family members that were on the ceiling of his room. He smiles and he saw one person he knew well. His uncle one who went missing long ago and when he was never found they put it as that he was dead. Eren had that feeling that he wasn't though.He slowly closed his eyes. He was not liking this night as he started to close his eyes. He slowly fell asleep as it slowly turned to night. The stars were shinning and everything went from crowded to little or none on the streets it was a quiet place here as at night there was not many noise maybe a few here and there, but usually there isn't much noise. There was something that was gonna change this night forever though something was on it's way. It was coming to destroy this city. It was something that was not easy to destroy or even get rid of. It will not leave unless the whole place was destroyed. This thing was a very picky demon many may know it by it's name and it will be remembered by it's name in the towns around this town. The name was Deliora. Deliora is the demon that strikes fear into the hearts of humans and animals around. This was the night that this demon was gonna attack. It stated with a big bang, all because the monster was walking to this town and he was about to destroy it. He sent an attack the city, and it was then on fire and a few houses fell apart. Even one Eren's home. He woke up barely not squashed by the walls that caved in.

"M-mom?! Dad!!??" He said. He looked around, it was destroyed. His mom and dad were squashed. When he saw them he went towards them and he tried moving the fallen walls to fail and got a whole bunch of splinters in his hand. He was not happy at all. He was sad that his parents were now dead and he had no home anymore... Where was he supposed to go. He stood up to see almost the whole town was on fire or the house was nothing, but rubble just like his house. He fell back down why does it seem that the whole world did not want him to go to his dad's work. Why me... Eren thought He looked at the place as he saw the demon that did this to his home it was really tall. It was probably as tall as a 14 story building. It was something that no one would mess with on purpose if they had a brain, but Eren was a child who wanted revenge. The people around here were gone and most people were either dead or almost there was an ambulance on its way, but of course it ain't one from this city. The ambulance show right when he fell from smelling the smoke that was around the area.

"I found a surviver!" A medic said. There was more foot steps after the words giving that there were more than one and he was going to be okay. That was all he heard and saw blackness and heard nothing. There was no color for a while in this dream. Then it was like if someone splashed a bunch of paint of different colors. It showed a guild with two words for the name. Fairy Tail... He thought. The name was implanted in his brain now and it wouldn't be hard to forget the place was tall it has a feeling like it's home, but his question was why... Was this where his dad worked? He looked around the city there was mountains all around it, yet the sun was shining bright everywhere. The sky was blue, giving it away that it was in the day time in this city. The city was full of colors as it wasn't hard to see that everyone in this town was happy and it was peaceful. He felt pain, and it disappeared he opened his eyes barely as there was a bright light.

"He is dying get defibrillator!" A nurse said. The light was bright, he wanted it gone, but. At that thought he went through. They use the defibrillator one time at first. He saw his mom and dad and started to cry.

"You g-guys d-died..." he said. Tears fell from his eyes.

"You have a choice to live wake up and cough the smoke out of you." His dad said. "Go to Fairy Tail give them my name." He said as showed that he was apart of Fairy Tail. He had that Insignia on his shoulder this was how he took care of us and why he would leave for a while. Eren nods and was going to he look to them giving them a hug as they had started to pack the defibrillator away and said he was gone. When he coughs and sits up as smoke come out of his mouth from his lungs. They gasped at this as it was a miracle he was alive. They looked to he boy, when it seemed he was done hooked up a oxygen breathing tube. They were trying to help him as much as could because he was the only survivor or so they thought. They didn't find the other one is all. He wanted to rest and they said he could, he was tired. Later on that day.

"He is a miracle!" The nurse said to a doctor. "He died and came back to life!" She looked to the doctor. The doctor came in the room.

"Tell me do you have any family?" The doctor said. He looked up wondering where this was going. He didn't like the sound but shook his head. "Okay." He said as he went to leave seeing he was okay. He went and called nearby Orphanages as they almost all said they were full except for one it was an hour away though. He told them they were getting a boy that had lost his family. They said okay and sent someone to get him and this was probably a long day for him, so brought a blanket and a pillow to help him sleep on the way. They get there in a hour and get him to the car and open the back door for him. He got in, but he was unsure where he was going which worried him a bit. He looked to the people in the front seat. One was driving and the other was talking to the one driving. After a few minutes he decided to get some rest. He laid his head on the pillow and covered himself in the blanket.

Later they make it to the orphanage as there was many kids in this one, while he just wanted to sit in his room and be left alone. He soon got out and he grabbed the blanket and pillow. He wanted to keep them they were comfortable for him and he didn't want to let them go. He got to his room and he sat in the room and he was sad that his parents were now gone. A few days pass and someone came into adopt a kid from the orphanage he looked through the different people and the names, when he came upon Eren. He stopped and he read over the boys past. Family lost in the devastation of Deliora. He nods at this and he wanted this kid and he was gonna train this kid the magic to slay him one day.

"May I get Eren Caston?" He said and smiles softly as was glad that there was one that seemed to have the potential.The lady nodded as she went to get him.

"Hey you are getting adopted already kid." She said to the boy the boy just looked up and he was confused on the word, but got up and walked with her to the main room. He saw the tall guy in black with big built.

"Hello I am Shade. Would you like to come live with me?" He said. He was excited, and hoped he will say yes. Eren looked at him, because he was not used to being with others than his friends and his family. He was quiet till heard his dad say. Go ahead... Be happy... He heard a voice that of his dad's. He looked sad, but he nods and he was gonna do that of his dad says. Shade smiles, he knew of his past and he was not gonna be mean he would help him if he wanted. He got the car ready and he was gonna take him home. "So I know your name and your past. What is it you like to do?" Shade finished.

"I like magic." He said as looked to Shade. "I like learning new things. I can do things with shadows." He said.

"Do you want to learn something new?" Shade said. He looked Eren and he was confused slightly at those words. "I am a Shadow God." He says. "I can teach you magic to destroy me one day."

"I will learn, but I won't kill you." Eren said. He was confused why would he kill his now step dad.

"You will see one day you will have too." He said. He looked to him and gave a soft smile. He sighed, he knew he wont be able to be himself soon. Which is why he was gonna teach someone his magic to defeat him one day. If he had to he would go after the ones he loves later on to get himself killed. He knew this would be hard for him, but he would have too.

Later that day they get to a house in the middle of no where. Eren was asleep in the back of the car, because it was late. He wondered when he will lose it but he knew in a few months he had to finish teaching him as they were gonna close the connection of the gods and the dragons from the human world. Eren will soon be alone again... Months passed as he tought him all he could. It was his time to go as he was having to go back. He left that night wanting to hear the boy cry. That morning though...

"Shade!?" Eren said and the only person that was like family is now gone also. She looked at him as wondered where he could have gone. He got up and sighed maybe he should go to Fairy Tail now. He wondered where the nearest town was as he was going to find where Fairy Tail is and head there he fallowed a road as it led to a town. The people said that it was in a town called Mongolia where he had to go and that he was not in that town. He had about a week walk they told him. They said it would be quicker by train.

"Thank you for stopping by." The owner said. He looked to the road and was gonna head to the train station.

"That will be 3,000 Jewels." The person said. He looked to the person then checked my pockets remembering he had no money.

"I am sorry sir, but I got no money...." He said and looked to the ground.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS A CHARITY TRAIN!!!" The man said. "No money. NO TICKET!" He said and he shut the window. Eren turned to start walking when a lady saw how this went and went over.

"One ticket to Mongolia please with food included." The lady said. He nodded to her and got it ring up.

"That would be 3,500 Jewels." He said and she payed for it and smiles softly. She ran to catch up to Eren.

"Here child go chase after your dreams." She said handing him the ticket. He was surprised at the act of kindness and looked at the ticket. His black coat with a grey fluff around the hood and his black jeans usually made people stay away. His messy black hair slightly blew in the wind when looked up. The lady was gone and he couldn't even thank her. His black eyes scan the area for any sign... Nothing.

"Thank you..." he said. He went back to the train station and he waited on bench and he watched waiting for the train as it was soon there. It was late at night and the people were coming off as slow as could be. When he was about to get on it was about to take off so he had to move quickly he showed his ticket and he got on he got a sleeper and he laid down and rested. He was awoken for breakfast and he had a few more days to go until he was in Mongolia. Who knew what will happen and where this will take him. He was wondering those question while he was eating his breakfast. This world was for sure full of mysteries. He hopped Fairy tail will accept him for him...

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