Nina and Eren walk in, it was then quiet. She looked up and everyone was staring at them and she was surprised as looked around.
"Why is everyone staring at us?" Eren said and he looked around the guild to everyone was staring and a certain two stuck out the most. Their angry faces show they do not approve. They start to walk in their direction.
"Nina, can we talk to you?" Mira said.
"Um Yeah." She said. Mina and Elfman walk towards a room as Eren followed.
"Only Nina," Mira said. Eren nods as he was going to listen in there in a shadow. He becomes a shadow sneaking in and hid in the shadows.
"We let you go on a job to try it not get a boyfriend!" Mira said. Nina knew this was going to happen.
"We know nothing about this kid," Elfman said. Nina felt ganged up on and betrayed.
"I do know him... I thought you trusted me! Or is it him you don't trust!?" She said. Tears ran down her face. She went to the demonic form with wings and she then flew out the window and went to the spot on the roof Fairy Tail that looked like a balcony around the bell. She cried as she sat there, she hated this right now. Eren saw this and he then went to Nina. He then sat right by her and rubs her back.
"To be honest I was in there... Do you want me to tell them." He said. He looked to her while he saw tears rolling down her face cheek red and puffy from crying. Nina then nodded as she then glowed and went her normal self. Eren then went to the room.
"Not right now we may have just messed up big," Mira said. She looked at him glaring at him.
"I know what happened and was in here." He said. She then got mad at him.
"What?! I said only her!" Mira said. Eren sighed.
"What do you want to know," Eren said.
"About you and your magic," Mira said. Eren told the story of his past and about wanting to pay back the lady that helped him here. He then also about the revenge for Deliora. He paused on the magic and sighed.
"You know there are different kinds of magic like Dragon Slayer there is a forgotten one God Slayer and I am a. Shadow God Slayer." He said and he looked to them. They nod understanding. "Don't tell the others my kind is wanted..." He said.
"So is Nina she has angelic and demonic usually a holder with both could die from which one wants to take over, but she tamed them all which is why," Mira said.
"God Slayer magic is a rare magic wanted by dark Guilds," Eren said. They nod as sighed softly. She wondered slightly. "That all?" They nod and now feel bad. Eren then went to Nina but on the way the bell rang. Nina covered her ears in pain. She was right by the bell so it run right in her ear.
"Are you okay?" Eren said. She looked at him and shook her head.
"No the Bell..." She said. He looked at her.
"Let's go to the ground." He said. She nods as then went the demonic one with wings and flew off the roof and lands. Eren went to a shadow and showed up right by her and he worried. "Let's go in." He said. Nina shook her head and stood there. "They aren't mad at you anymore they probably want to say they are sorry." He finishes. She looked to him and wasn't sure if he was right or not, but she followed him in. When she was inside Mira and Elfman said that they were sorry about overreacting. Nina just looked down there was then a mission about taking down a Monster near a town. The town was the town that Eren knew and he wasn't going to let it fall.
"What are you doing?" She said. She was curious looking at the flyer he just grabbed.
"A monster close to a town lets go." He said. She nods. They head out and get on the train it was another 3-day train ride. Days later they get there and learn more than it was on its way and they want it gone or off their tail. They head to the forest they reach right before they go in the person asked if we were going for the monster.
"Yeah," Nina said. The person looked to her it was a man and he sighed.
"I cannot let you go it is too dangerous ma'am." The man said.
"She is strong," Eren said he was trying to let her come with when it was almost inevitable.
"She is strong trust me." A voice said. The voice that was known to Eren the one from long ago... Eren turned to her. "Nice to see you followed your dreams." She said. Eren paid her back for the tickets. "That was not necessary it was a gift."
"Let's go," Eren said. Nina nods as she got up and she went to the angelic one as picked up Eren and they flew to the trees that were falling but before that there was a clearing they stop and she set him down, then went the one with bubbles. The problem was what came out...
Eren looked as he froze. Nina got Eren out of the way and he wasn't about to dodge an attack. She then sent bubbles, it did nothing. It attacked her, she went the demonic flying one as flew up and dodges.
Eren attacked it, it turned to him its attack breaking his arm. Nina saw and got Eren out of the way. "I'll be back." She said and grew bigger and picked Deliora up and flew it off track from the city. She went smaller and headed back without thinking it would attack until it was too late. She felt the heat, but when turned it was right there. She was hit and she went back human as hit the ground causing a big dust cloud. Eren saw this.
"Nina!!!" He said. He went to a shadow and quickly went to find Nina. "Nina where are you?!" He said
"H-Here!" She said. She was in pain. When she tried getting up she just fell back down. He found her as worried.
"What happened?!" He said. She looked down.
"I didn't think he would attack when I was facing away..." she said. He lifted her up with shadows and they then reach the edge again. People called the paramedics.
"I am going to finish it." He said. She was surprised.
"N-No!" She said. She was worried about losing him. "It said out of their direction or destroyed. It's out of their path..." She said while tears fall down her face. They then hear the ice shell spell. Eren looked the direction, he thinks as then looked back to Nina.
"I am going to see what happened." He said. Nina sighed at least he wasn't attacking it. The paramedics take her to the to the hospital they let her sleep and then put her in an ice bath to cool her down. They would then put her arm back in place. Eren saw the ice shell.
"Someone gave their life..." He said. He then went back to the town then to the hospital. "Where is Nina Strauss?" He said to a nurse who saw his arm broken and she then goes him a room so they could fix it.
"She will be fine she is cooling then her arm with being put in place, but your arm it is broken!" The nurse then said. He was taken to a room where his arm was fixed. After a few days, they were let out. Nina was the last one to due to her amount of damage. They get on the train and head back to Mongolia. They go to the guild as told them they were back and taking a break due to the last mission. They took a three-day break. After the three days, they get back to talk with everyone. Nina looked at the board while something seemed to call her one certain job. SHADE'S TEMPLE UNDER ATTACK!!! Shade was the name.
"Eren do you know the name Shade?" She said. She was confused at his as Eren was surprised at the name it was a name he knew well.
"Yes, I do. Why is it that you are asking?" He said. When he turned around he saw that she was holding a job in her hands.
"This job stuck out to me and I couldn't get it off my mind," Nina said. He looked at the job as he asked Mira and Elfman to come along also. They do as when they get to the area after a train ride no one knew where the statue was and they split up. They went searching Nina saw people around a statue and knew it had to be the place. She got back to where they were supposed to meet after 10 minutes she had three more minutes to wait. When they got back they asked if she found it and she nods.
"Yeah, this way," she said as she leads them to the area that she had seen them, but they were now gone. "That is odd I swear there were people..." She said, there was now no one. They walk out and there was still nothing. They find an area that had a lock that only Eren could unlock. which he did and they go in only to be ambushed as the dark guild ran down the stairs as they fight. She was fighting hand to hand combat so she wouldn't give who she was but when she saw Jose she back up the stairs and ran outside. She saw more of the guild and she was starting to get nervous and scared. She then went the bubble on and a big wall of bubbles was sent at them as they dodge. She was shaking and losing it because of being scared, but that was then Eren hugged her close.
"U-Uh..." She said. She started to calm down as she looked at him softly.
"It's okay..." he said and all she did was smile softly. She then nods as they fight, but in the end, they were losing. Mina was low on magic as she was breathing heavy and she went normal. They all got separated as she was surrounded by the dark guild. Eren saw this as wanted to go help.
"Eren... we can't do anything..." Mira said. "If we go in all it will do is get us killed..." Eren struggled.
"I won't leave her behind!" Eren said. She was the first he let in ever since he lost everyone. He wasn't going to lose her too.
"They want you to try to save her we need to rest then come back," Mira said.
"No, I want to save her now!!!" He said.
"If you go in you can die and Nina doesn't want that does she we need you to save her so no," Mira said as she pulled him away. He struggles, but sees couldn't get free he then saw them inject something into her. They get to the hotel as he was with Elfman and Mira was by herself. There was then a voice.
"Hello." The voice said.
"Who is there?" Mira said. The voice then said their name was shade and explained Eren out and then gave her a book for him and then a book on finding magic. Mira nods as she read about the tracking one as she then went to sleep, when she got up she went into the room with Eren and handed him the book. "Here," she said.
"Where did you get this." He said.
"Shade." She said as he started to protest till she explained to him. Eren shut up after that and looked into the book. They soon head back out. They get there only to be attacked by people and even made them sink, but they were soon then free. They were confused, but soon found someone was in the trees. Eren made a big scythe out of the shadows as he cut down the trees yet they still seem to hide in the trees. Mira then sent a fire as it burned the trees away, but shows where the person is as it circled around them.
It showed a girl that was different long white hair ponytails floating red eyes glowing as she then lifted trees nearby. She then threw it at them. Eren put a shadow wall up the trees hit it and they fall to the ground. Eren then thought of a way to get her back.
"Mira I know how to get her back to normal, but you may not like the idea," Eren said. His words made Mira confused, she then looked at Eren as he then disappears and showed up in front of Nina. Eren then kissed Nina. Nina's eyes then widened and then closed as she was surprised, but is now kissing back. She was then herself, she looked at Eren as tears run down her face and she hugged him. She then learns to control this magic she has now and she made them freeze and they were taken away. They head back to Fairy Tail and take a break for a while that was until the beauty pageant she wore a floral dress. She was waiting behind the curtains with everyone else when she was made stone everyone was as then Laxus announced the Fairy War. Everyone went to fight, but Macorav, Natsu, and Gajeel couldn't leave for some odd reason. Later on, Eren was fighting Laxus as he then used a spell in the book he found that was like Fairy Law, but he had to give something in the process. He did the spell it taking his arm.
"Eren!!!" She said as saw this. One problem it did nothing to Laxus he stood there as if he wasn't his enemy. Eren hears Nina's voice and turned.
"N-Nina I am sorry..." He said. She ran over as changed to the one with healing as got him away from the blast and started to heal his arm well all she could do is close the wounds. Natsu and Erza told her to take him somewhere safe. She took him outside and when was done she looked at the time and then at the things in the sky...
"We don't have enough time," Nina said as she was thinking. Eren then looked to her.
"What do you mean?" he said as looks at Nina.
"There is not enough time to stop him. I am going to destroy the things in the sky..." she said.
"Won't that hurt?" Eren said.
"To be honest I don't know, but it needs to be done or everyone will get shocked or worse die..." she said as she then headed to the middle of town.
"Be careful!" He said. Nina got to the middle of town she went to the one with bubbles as she started to create a bubble. She closed her eyes as she was thinking about everyone she cared about while making every bubble everyone she was going to save she looked to the sky she was still missing 10. She watched the clouds pass through the blue sky. She looked at Eren by the place they were fighting Laxus as there were flashes of light through the windows of the place. She then knew there wasn't much time as there were little shocks coming from each one. She closed her eyes slowly making each of the last 10, but she could not make them fast being low on magic energy slightly. While during the fight.
"Erza I told you I would be the one to bring him down!!!" Natsu yelled. Erza looked from Laxus to Natsu, she then smiles.
"I then leave him to you." She said. Laxus looked to Erza.
"What are you doing?" Laxus said. "If you are going to try to take each one of them down on your own you are a fool. One of those has enough magic energy to kill one person! If you go you must have a death wish!!!" He said. He looked to Erza. Erza had turned to face him.
"I guess I do then." She said but right. She turned around Nina was ready.
"Nina!!! Stop!!!" Eren said, but as that was said Nina had sent them out. Each was destroyed and the sky became cloudy. There was then a flash of a lightning bolt that went at the middle of town. Nina felt immense pain as screamed. Eren then ran towards the middle of town as fast as he could. He got to the middle of the town only to find Nina on the ground laying there burned here and there, but she was glowing. "NINA!!!" Eren said. He looked at her and he ran to her and lifted her head and put it on his lap.
"I-I am so s-sorry..." Nina said. Eren looked at her as tears fall down his face.
"D-Don't talk that w-way!" Eren said. He was scared of losing someone he loved.
"I-I was stupid..." Nina said. Eren was mad at this.
"No, you weren't." He said and held her close tears falling. Nina reached up and put her hand on his cheek wiping away the tears that rolled down his cheek.
"Tell the others I am s-sorry I was stupid..." Nina said.
"You were not stupid!!!" He said. I won't tell them that!!!"
"I am sorry," she said, she then disappeared.
"N-No!!!" He said. "Is it because I did that spell!?" He then fell silent sitting there in sadness...
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