
Zayn didn't know the inner turmoil Louis was feeling. The boys conscience wanted to let go but his brain, the more rational side was telling him run, to leave zayn, away from his new daddy. He had a feeling that zayn wouldn't hurt him, after all he's been here for a month or so and zayn hadn't laid a hand on him at all. Except of course a spanking here and there but that was because his brain told him to do alot of naughty things! Look where that got him, a spanking and corner time which he grew to hate. So it was no wonder that Louis had fully slipped into his baby state. The thing about Louis is that his head space was pretty unstable unlike most other littles Zayn had encounter. So bad days are only bound to happen.

Louis wanted it to be a good day he was feeling quite little but it's just one of those days that his brain wouldn't stop telling him go to the backdoor and leave. He hated his brain for telling him what he should do! He's only been awake for a few minutes, at the crackass of dawn. He had a nightmare about his past and wanted to forget.

"Daddy?" The boy whisper but it was barley audible, he whimpered "daddehh"  He continued to call out to his beloved caretaker as he sat up in the crib. His speech was becoming more baby like as his mind went deeper into his head space, but not deep enough to be comfortable.

Louis was about to start crying when the lights turned on and there in the doorway stood his daddy. The boy let out a happy squeak, totally suprised at the fact that zayn was here at this hour to get him. Usually Louis would be left in the crib for 2 hours but no more if he woke up a bit early for zayn to retrieve him.

Zayn lifted Louis out the crib and carried the boy to the window, peeled back the curtains and showed him the how dark it was outside. The sun was barely rising and looked like a less than half an old orange to the boy "Its too early to be awake Loulou, see?"

"uh huh. bad dweam daddy" He had informed the older man why he was up so early as he hid his face in Zayns neck. He hoped Daddy could scare the monsters away 'cause Daddy is very very scary when angry and louis knows scary.

"I'm sorry to hear that bug" Zayn had carried louis to the changing table and layed the boy down. He never changed Louis' pullup in the morning simply because the boy never really wet it in his sleep but now he did and zayn knew it right when he got his boy in his arms. Zayn guessed that Louis had wet because hes getting used to the headspace zayn thought was perfect for him, a four year old . Zayn took off Louis' pajama bottoms and then the pull up,this made Louis squirm. He was upset from not only the dream but he had actually wet himself. He couldnt believe it! he was supposed to be a big boy,  meanie mummy said so!! A slap on his already red bum brought him out of his thoughts and fresh tears to his face.

"Stop squirming Louis, Daddy is trying to get you all nice and clean and doesnt want you to fall off. Lets have another good day today" After getting the boy into another pullup and dressed in some daytime clothes that consisted of a shirt with footballs on it and a pair of navy blue shorts. Zayn carried him into living room and sat him down near his toys, to which the boy whined and reached for his daddy "No. Lets have a little bit of quiet time since its still early for some breakfast"

Louis' lip started wobbling before he let out a wail. He wanted to be in daddys arms, why couldnt he? Why isnt he getting comfort? Why is he still awake? Wasnt good daddies supposed to know that their  babies had a bad dream? Specially when the little has an unbalanced headspaced?

Zayn picked Louis back up and tried to soothe the boy. See the thing was Zayn was more used to toddlers and well louis was a 4 year old this past month so his technique wasnt working well.  Alas Louis' cries started to diminish with a thumb in his mouth, tears still falling as he laid his head on daddy's shoulder, drenching his pull up again yet again.

Zayn pulled the thumb out the boys mouth as he took him back to the nursery "Remember thats icky". He changed Louis again but with a diaper this time. He had quite a few packs from before he met louis. Louis whined throughout the entire thing, he had nothing to suck or chew so he wiggled alot. he was a bit sad thinking he made dada mad.

AN- i was going to publish this at 1k words but ya waited long enough for this. I wanted to see if ya liked this way of writing better i think. so comment new or old to vote which way ya prefer. I promise to update more but this year i need to raise my average so bear with me plz. Also shoutout to the girl who rps zouis with me because i barely respond and you dont complain about it. 

Also message me if ya have any prompts!

10 votes and 6 comments for an update.

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