Tokio City
Niara Levanov:
So at some point, there was trouble at Tiny Orbit and THE GROUP THAT WENT TO THE INNOVATOR FACILITY GETS TO HAVE ALL THE FUN!!! Ok, I'm good. Where was I? Oh yeah!
The incident made Uzaki Takuya decide that we should move Seeker base to Tiny Orbit! How cool is that? (QUIT BREAKEING THE FOURTH WALL NIARA! I DIDN'T GAVE YOU PERMISSION AS AN AUTHOR!!)
Sorry! Ok then. Anyway, we got a call from Yagami that Crystar Ingram and Prometheus got attacked by Vectors, so us in Tiny Orbit will have to be careful and stay on high alert.
Then there was this whole problem that the core box of a normal LBX won't be able to witstand the heat and melt 'cause of the AX-000, so a small group went to China to get this kind of metal called Stanfiel Ingot. Ban, Hiro, Ran and Asuka went to China while the rest went to Country A to help with a minor problem at the transmission tower. Kirito and I were the only ones staying behind. We were sent on 'Tiny Orbit guard duty' in the survailence room. BORING! So I played Pokémon on my 3DS to waste time until trouble really did find us. Yes people, even in the year 2051, Pokémon is still trending in some parts of the world...
When they got back, they got that Otacross person with them. The first time I met him, I was surprised because he lived in Akihabara and since I'm a Pokémon-fan, I wanted to know more, but then I remembered what Eva told me about him and I kept my distance.
Now, we're all ready to begin creating the new LBX with the AX-000 data and the Stanfiel Ingot. Though, the adults say that we're allowed to do anything we want within Tokio City. I was gonna ask Eva to take me on a tour but then I remmembered she was still asleep. Really, is she sleeping or hybernating? It's already been about two days or so and she still hasn't woken up. At least, that's what Jin said when I asked.
Everyone went to do their own thing, but Kirito and I just decided to stick around. Guard duty is way better than getting lost in the middle of an LBX-less town.
Kaidou Jin:
I don't get why she's still asleep. She still hasn't come out for a while now and it was starting to get to me.
Yuuya went along with me and we went around town.
Niara Levanov:
Again, guard duty is way more fun than being in an unknown city. Kirito sat on one chair while I sat on the other. I was facing the side, playing my 3DS while he kept staring at the screen with a blank face.
I glanced at one of the screens showing outside. "Man, the town's pretty dull without the LBXs."
"Just noticed it?" Kirito commented boredly.
"Shut up. This is like you on Paradise when they took the Cylops AI-"
He grabbed my head and slammed it to the chair. "Never. Again."
"Ow... Alright..." I muttered. "How did you even get a girl in the first place...?"
"I HEARD THAT!" He growled.
Story of my life: Damn Omega Dain, Damn Kirito, Damn Paradise, Damn Mizel, Damn the world... Except maybe Eva, who is my new best friend.
((Niara: I- WE know WAY more curse words than just 'damn' but this is meant to be a childfriendly story so we're trying to keep it to a minimum))
Kaidou Jin:
We got a call from Takuya saying that they couldn't reach Ban or Hiro on their CCMs so we went looking for them. After a while, I suggested that we go to Ban's house to see if they're there.
Inside, his mom greeted us with a smile and she also served us curry to eat.
"This is so good!" Ran was saying. "I could eat this forever!"
"The curry Ban's mom makes is really something else!" Kazu stated.
"Now, Kazu, don't eat so fast." Ami said with an awkward smile.
"Delicious!" Jessica commented.
"I didn't know curry could be this good!" Yuuya said.
I nodded. I'm not surprised that you've never eaten curry before... But this is pretty good.
Then the door opened and Ban and Hiro came in.
"Why is everyone here?" Ban asked.
"More like, where have you two been?" Jessica retorted.
"Didn't Takuya-san tell you to keep your CCMs on?" Ran added.
Then they had a look on their face and looked at each other.
"I get it..." Said Hiro. "We couldn't get a signal over there."
"I'm sorry guys." Ban said.
A place where they couldn't get a signal? The only place around like that is below Blue Cat's Café, where the Angra Visdas tournament was. I guess they met up with Gouda or Sendou there then...
"We got worried and went looking for you." Ami stated.
"And then Jin said that you'd probably come here." Yuuya added.
I could only smile apologetically. "Sorry for intruding."
Kazu ate more of the curry on his plate. "I see... The secret ingredient in here is soy sauce."
"We used to use butter." Hiro stated. "Though the last time we made it was around 8 years ago."
"We put in apples and honey." Ami said.
"Ours was banana!" Jessica said.
"We had natto." Kazu stated proudly.
"Eeeeh?!" Everyone else looked at him crazily.
"Help yourselves and eat!" Mrs. Yamano called out.
"I want seconds!" Asuka suddenly called out.
"What?! Then I'll have seconds too!" Kazu yelled.
They all fought over second platings and once again, a course of complements fill the air.
"Hey Jin," Jessica called from beside me. "What kind of curry do your parents make?" Everyone else, other than Ban and his mom, kept silent and their faces were getting closer to mine by the minute.
I looked at the ceiling in thought then shook my head. "Can't say I remember..."
"Eh?! How so?" Asuka asked. "But nevermind that! If not your parents then... What about your grandfather? Even though he's evil, he still has good taste in food, right?"
I sweatdropped. "Back then, the one who served all the food were the maids and butlers..." I muttered.
"Maids and butlers?!" Ran exclaimed. "You must be rich!"
"I guess you could put it that way..." I kept eating little by little, trying to ignore their awkward glances.
"You're right." Kazu spoke up. "Jin's rich alright. He's just being humble about it."
"Oi! Kazu. It's not nice to talk about other people's personal lives." Ami scolded.
"I'm just telling them about Kaidou's fortress!" Kazu defended.
"FORTRESS?!" Everyone's eyes landed back on me.
I sighed in annoyance. This is why people like me keep their lives a secret...
"You live in a fortress?!" Asuka asked excitedly.
"Used to. Not anymore." I replied as calmly as I could manage.
"Why not?" Ran asked.
"Because his geandfather is evil while Jin turned good." Kazu replied.
"But what about your paren-" Jessica was cut off by Asuka who raised her plate up.
"More!" She called out.
"Eh? How many plates have you had?" Jessica averted her eyes from me and to Asuka. I am silently grateful that they've forgotten about the recent topic regarding my private life.
"This is my fourth..." She replied. "No, my fifth?"
Kazu started eating faster. "I won't lose!"
"I'd like more too please!" Yuuya called out. I stared at him with a small smile. I'm glad he's able to fit in so well within a short amount of time.
"I can't lose to them either!" Ran said.
"What sort of contest is this?" Jessica muttered with a sweatdrop. One that I won't get involved with. We all shared a laugh at our childishness. Then the lights turned off.
Mrs. Yamano stated that it's been happening a lot recently since the Vectors took control the power plant.
"So it's because of Mizel." Ban muttered.
"I wonder if this is another part of his 'improvement'." I said.
That night, we stayed over at Ban's place. The boys stayed in Ban's room while the girls slept on the living room, all of us in a futon each.
Niara Levanov:
"The process is going well..." I muttered. I sat upside down on the chair and looked at the 'flamethrower' next to me. He looked like he was half-asleep, CCM in hand and the other was dangling down the chair. I would draw on his face, but I don't want to die at such a young age... Who cares! YOLO right? I grabbed a marker from my pocket and creept towards him. Closer... Closer... Clossseeerrrrrrr....
Then something grabbed my arm and I started screaming. When I stopped flailing my other arm, I scanned the grabbed one blankly.
"Nice try." Kirito muttered, eyes wide open, but still with a blank look.
Whack! "Shut your trap. It's midnight, idiot." He slapped me and then muttered those words before drinking a bit of coke from the bottle on the table and slumping back on his chair, watching the monitor.
Only one thought replayed in my mind. What the heck... just happened?
Kaidou Jin:
I kept my eyes closed, trying to sleep while ignoring the thoughts of what might have happened to Eva considering there's no new news about her and also about Mizel's intentions. I heard Ban got up from his bed and I sat up on my futon next to him.
"Can't sleep?" I asked, getting his attention.
"After seeing the town, I thought..." He trailled. "This isn't the town I know..."
"I could feel how much the people feared Vector." I replied.
"You didn't see any kids having LBX battles either, right?"
"Before, they'd play with LBXs like it was normal..."
"Nobody will bring them out now, because they're afraid of ghostjacking."
"Even Gouda and the others had to move underground to battle. It's like something very important to us disappeared."
"Something important?"
"Our freedom. Like Hiro said earlier, it's like this town is trapped in a cage that Mizel created."
"In a cage..."
"We need to finish the new LBX, and take our freedom back as soon as we can."
"Let's wait and believe in the professors."
The next morning, we all got ready to leave and Mrs. Yamano served us breakfast too. Now, we're all outside, about to head back to Tiny Orbit.
"Take care, everyone. Ban, tell your father to work hard for me." Mrs. Yamano said.
"Okay, I will." Ban replied.
"Let's go back now." Hiro said.
"Right!" Then, Ban got a call from Cobra, saying that Tiny Orbit is under attack.
Mizel Trouzer was there sending out Vectors and other LBXs into the building. As of now, Niara and Kirito are fighting to keep them occupied. Mizel is aiming for the new LBX.
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