One chilly night, Lira had a very strange dream. Only, it was too real, too vivid to be a dream. She saw herself running around a green forest, the cool wind sending tendrils of her black hair whipping behind her, her bare feet touching the moist earth. The trees rustled with delight, their leaves creating a soft music that soothed and calmed the forest. Flowers bloomed as she touched the plants; the grass glowed with radiance whenever her feet touched the ground. She gave a peal of laughter when a vine snaked itself around her waist and raised her from the ground and settled her to sit on top of a sturdy branch. She gazed on the horizon before her, the sun shining brightly beyond. The branches swayed and leaves hastily shielded her from the blaring sun. High on top of the tallest tree where she sat, she witnessed waves after waves hitting the massive boulders near the shore. The sea before her was a splendid sight; the blue water sparkled as the sunrays kissed its face. Then she saw something afloat the sea. A great ship was approaching near...
Lira suddenly woke up when she heard a loud banging sound. She jerked her head up and saw Yumi sitting on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she continued to slam her fist on the wall. Lira threw the blanket covering her and ran towards Yumi. She shook Yumi's shoulders, trying to wake her up. "Yumi! Wake up, Yumi!"
Yumi blinked several times until she finally realized Lira anxiously shaking her shoulders. "Oh Lira, I'm sorry. I was having a nightmare, I guess." She gave Lira a shaky smile. "I'm alright now."
Later that day, Mari didn't join them with their meals. She was even missing during their morning classes. When Lira and Yumi were about to check Mari in her room, they saw her walking towards them looking tired and haggard. She joined them for lunch and explained her absences. "Dysmenorrhea is killing me. I wasn't able to sleep this past few nights either. No amount of concealer can cover these eye bugs."
Ian, Lira observed, was missing too most of the times. And since they were not taking same classes, she hadn't seen him recently. She saw him later that day when she passed by the garden, sitting underneath a tree, lost in his thoughts.
"Hey there," she said as she approached him. "I haven't seen you much lately."
"Sorry, I have been busy these past few days," he said, giving her an apologetic grin. He scooted to the side and Lira sat beside him. "What brings you here?"
"Whenever I miss home, I usually come here in the garden," she answered. "It makes me feel at home. So what about you? What are you doing here?"
"I guess I miss home, too. But most of the time, whenever I feel tired or stressed out, I come here and let the trees heal me."
Lira gave Ian a quizzical look.
"All living things have energy within them. That includes trees. They can share their energy to you or absorb the negative energy from you and they release it to the earth," he explained. "Here, I'll show you." He placed Lira's palm flat on the tree's trunk. "What do you feel?"
"I feel a very faint vibration coming from the tree." She stayed quiet for a minute, her palm still pressed on the tree until she felt that soothing warm sensation spreading from the tips of her fingers towards her hands then climbing to her arm. "Hey you're right! It does make me feel better."
Lira went back to meet with Yumi a moment later for their DAVA meetings. Mari, as what Yumi informed her, was not feeling well and was in the clinic taking a rest. They were now in the open field learning about basic weaponries, and their instructors were showing them knife throwing. Lira spied Matt on the far side of the field, absent-mindedly flipping a knife in the air and easily catching the knife by its hilt. Really, he's going to get himself hurt, she thought. She made her way towards Matt, waited for him to catch the knife after which she grasped his wrist before he could throw the knife again. Matt was startled to see Lira; he looked at her face then at his wrist then back to her face. Lira briskly dropped hold of Matt's wrist and said, "Do you plan to cut yourself?"
Matt grinned. "Concerned?"
"Yes. With the knife. I don't want your blood to smear the blade. We're going to need that one 'cause we're learning knife throwing now."
"Riiight," Matt said. "You seem to be missing a member in your gang," he said looking over her shoulder.
Lira looked over her shoulder. "Oh you mean Mari? She's not feeling well lately so she's taking a rest." With a teasing smile she added, "Concerned?"
"Just wondering, that's all." He held the knife by its blade and threw it, sending it flying and hitting the middle of the target board. "So how good are you now at knife throwing?"
"Pretty bad, actually," she admitted.
"Here, let me show you," he offered, to which she gave an eager nod. He was teaching her the proper way of gripping a knife when a light bulbs lit her mind. She wasn't sure if it would work or if Matt would see right through her, but it was worth a shot. "Hey Matt," she started as she weighed the knife in her grip. "Since we mentioned about Mari earlier... uhm..." Lira started blabbing about Mari's finer qualities with some verging on exaggeration. "Did you know she's a great cook? And she's into baking. You haven't had her blueberry cheesecake yet. It's divine and I'm not exaggerating." She sneaked a glance out of the corner of her eye at Matt, who was eyeing her suspiciously, his hands on his hips.
"And you're telling me all these because?"
She shrugged her shoulders and said innocently, "To engage a conversation with you?"
Matt raised his brows, clearly not buying her reason, grabbed a knife by its hilt this time and threw it towards the target. "Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do here."
Lira placed her palms on her chest and tried her very best to look innocent. "And what do you think I'm doing?"
"You're trying to make me like your friend."
"And what is there not to like about Mari? She's gorgeous, intelligent, nice..."
Matt turned to face her and gave her a hard look. "Because she's not..."
"She's not what?"
"Never mind," Matt said looking a bit frustrated, Lira observed. Frustrated with what? He turned back to throw another knife. "Did she send you here to say all those things?"
Lira waved her hands in defense. "Of course not! And don't go accuse her of what I did. She's already having a hard time now."
Matt seemed to be weighing his thoughts for a moment, then he faced Lira again. "Okay, let's say I'm buying all those you're saying. What do you plan to do next?"
Lira tapped her finger on her cheek. "Hmm. Let's see. Well, I was planning to change the way you see her. Then, I'll try to subtly convince you to get to know her a little better. Along the way, I'll pick some clues here and there on what exactly you like in a girl and of course, I'll tell those things to Mari. Then I was hoping for you to fall for Mari, and I'll be right there helping you realize what a great person Mari is since you're so dense you don't even know what something wonderful is even if it went smack right at your face."
Matt looked at her with an appraising eye. "Well, that was an interesting plan. But I doubt it'll turn out the way you wanted it to be. It's a hard feat, you playing like cupid with bows and arrows making people fall in love."
Lira placed a hand on her hip and raised her brows. "Is that a challenge I hear, Matt?"
Matt smiled at her smugly. "What if it is?"
Lira crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a determined smile. "Well you better prepare yourself. Because I'm going to make you fall head over heels in love with my friend."
Lira left Matt shaking his head in disbelief and looking a bit amused with her absurd determination.
After their lessons, Lira and Yumi met Mari in the mess hall that evening. Mari looked even paler than before and the shadows under her eyes were more prominent. "I so wanted to eat some steak, medium rare. If only I'm not feeling nauseated right now. I seem to be throwing up whatever food I managed to force feed myself with lately," she grumbled. "So what did I miss today?"
Lira began telling her what she and Matt spoke earlier and a plan of her own to help her friend.
"Oh Lira, normally, I'd kill you," Mari said. "But I do so love you for trying to help me. You proceed with your plan and I'll pretend to be oblivious about it while I try to make him jealous. Oh! He's so going to be mine."
After dinner, they headed for the rec room. Thank God the Elites decided to seek solace in their elegant sitting room. Lira was not ready to face any of them yet. She was immersed with her book when a group of girls stood behind her. She tried to ignore them when they began whispering.
"Hey, you know what happened earlier?" one girl asked.
"Oh you mean about Clarisse?" another girl answered.
"What is it? What happened?" a third girl probed.
Lira didn't like eavesdropping, but since the girls were talking a little bit louder than what a standard whisper should be...
"Well, seems like Miss Prim and Proper Clarisse is not the demure miss that she wanted others to believe her to be."
"What do you mean?"
Lira pressed her back further on the couch and pretended to be absorbed reading a book.
"There's this vampire girl, who's wearing red pumps I absolutely adore by the way, she was telling Clarisse something that made Clarisse look furious. I think whatever that vampire girl said pulled the trigger 'cause Clarisse jabbed the vamp right in the face!"
"Oh! No way!"
"Yes way. Not only that. So the vamp was about to retaliate but Clarisse backhanded her so hard, sending the vamp straight across the other side of the room hitting the wall."
"Wow! I should have signed up for DAVA lessons. I bet they taught her those moves."
"It was a good thing Prince Nicholas showed up and managed to end the fight before it went out of hand."
"He is truly a valiant prince through and through," someone said with a sigh.
"Well, I think she should be careful. The vamp girl might get back on her..." their voices trailing off as they moved towards the nearby couch.
"Eavesdropping, are we?" someone said near Lira's ear that startled her, causing her to shriek and dropping her book. Nicholas picked the book up and handed it back to her.
"I wasn't eavesdropping," she defended herself. Nicholas merely raised a brow, clearly not believing her. "They were talking aloud," she added lamely. "What are you doing here anyway?"
Nicholas sat on the couch beside her and stretched his legs. "I missed our vampirism lessons." Then he looked at Lira and gave her one of his seductive smile. "And I missed you."
"Riiight," she said, rolling her eyes. "I shouldn't be caught talking with you, you know. So I guess we should stop the lessons."
"And why is that?"
"Lavinia was quite jealous about the idea of you talking to me. I mean, not that she has something to get jealous about. But who knows what's floating in her insipid mind."
"Of course, there is nothing for her to be jealous of—considering it's you she's jealous of." Nicholas was awarded with Lira's most withering look. "But who could blame her? After all, with so many of my manly qualities..."
"And I bet you consider arrogance as one of them," Lira supplied causing Nicholas to smirk. "I don't even know why I'm still talking to you—considering it's you," she mocked.
"Very well," Nicholas said, standing up. He extended his hand towards Lira. "Come, I want to show you something."
Lira eyed him suspiciously. "And why would I go with you?"
Nicholas shoved his fingers in his hair and sighed exasperatingly. "Lira, haven't you given me your friendship already? Haven't I promised you'll be safe from other vampires? Why do you still doubt me?"
Because you're a vampire with fangs who feeds on blood for dinner? Nicholas gave her a frown. He probably heard her thoughts again. Great. When would she ever learn to block her mind? "Oh alright," Lira gave up. "It'll better be worth my while."
Nicholas merely grinned as if he was excited about something.
After walking along a bending lane leading to the woods, Lira found herself standing in front of a colossal mansion near the entrance of the woods. The entire range surrounding the mansion was only illuminated by the lights coming out of the mansion's windows. Other than that, the whole area looked eerily dark. It then occurred to Lira that she might have made a huge mistake coming over here with a vampire for a companion. She gazed at Nicholas, who was wearing a goofy smile on his face. He usually wore a stiff and cold regal demeanor, at times a predatory stance. Really now, since when did Nicholas start sporting a goofy grin? It made him almost... human. Maybe that was why (although, really, she would never admit it) she was starting to trust him. And because it just felt so normal to be around him lately. Even though his arrogance has no boundaries, she still found him amusing. She almost forgot he was a vampire, a blood-fiend.
Nicholas turned his gaze on her, his grin suddenly changed into a sultry smile. "Why Lira, that expression of yours, it looked as if you're starting to like me."
She felt her cheeks flamed red and she hastily averted her eyes. "You wish."
"I very much do so."
"Whatever. Where are we anyway?" she asked, deciding to change the topic.
"This, my dear, is where I live. For the moment."
"Where you—?" Lira suddenly took a step back and clutched the front of her clothes over her chest. "Why did you bring me here? Are you expecting me to sleep with you? You know I will not give it to you that easily. I know arnis and knife throwing."
Nicholas gave her an incredulous look before bursting into series of guffaws. And as if it wasn't enough he started hugging his middle and stomping his foot. "That was too funny! You're killing me!" Then his guffaws were followed by a chortle.
"So this is what a vampire looks like when he's over reacting," she said, sounding offended.
Nicholas was still shaking his head and chuckling to himself.
"Cut it out already! You're starting to annoy me," she said, slapping Nicholas' arm.
Nicholas cleared his throat and tried his very best to compose himself. "I never laughed so hard like that before. But just to make things clear. Really, Lira. We are friends now, and friends are honest with each other. So I'll be blunt with you. You're not exactly my type. Skin and bones isn't really appealing to me. I like women who has curves on the right places—"
"Okay! Okay! I get it. Jeez. Enough already."
"Then let's go inside. My surprise awaits you there."
"Uhm, Nicholas," Lira said nervously as he tugged her hand forward for her to follow him. "I do trust you and all, but, this is a vampire house."
"So it is."
"Uh... you said my blood smells... nice. So I'm not sure if going in there is the best thing for me to do."
Nicholas squeezed her hand, reassuring her. "Lira, I'm with you. And as long as I'm with you, no one will harm you."
"But who will protect me from you?"
Nicholas halted in his tracks and stared down at her. "You gave me your friendship. I will never do something that will break that friendship." He said it as if that alone was proof enough. And to Lira's amazement, she found herself believing him.
They passed by the great hall where a large glass chandelier was the only source of light illuminating their path. The entrance of their elegant sitting room could be seen between the grand dual stairways. They ascend the wide stairways and made their way to another hall. As they went farther, vampire gazes followed them, giving them curious looks. Some vampires gave Lira hungry looks while others were eying her with wonder. Some were even bold enough to bare their fangs for her benefit, to which Nicholas gave them his formidable glare.
Lira pressed herself near Nicholas as if for protection. This made Nicholas smile. He was never considered a protector. He was always a predator and his prey usually tried to get away from him as far as possible. His forehead creased with confusion. These strange new feelings were causing him to wonder if he was feeling unwell. He was excited to show his surprise to Lira. It also felt good having Lira near him, trusting him to protect her. He was even amused with her assumptions—he would never forget that one, of course. Surely he was just feeling this way because he wanted her to trust him so badly for him to succeed on his plans. Human emotions are contagious, indeed. With all those time he spends with Lira, not to mention with the other human students as well, he was starting to adapt their emotions and feelings.
Nicholas made a mental note to work on his plan fast. He was starting to doubt himself already. If he spent another moment with Lira, he might start acting like a human, feeling odd sentiments like love, sympathy... those emotional idealism humans have. Why, he might even forsake the call of thirst for blood someday. Then what? He will start chewing rice and vegetables for sustenance? That was a laughable notion. Not to mention ludicrous.
This web of lies he started, making Lira believe him and her trusting him somehow felt all wrong. Wrong? Ha! he was never wrong. And he never lied when he told her he would not do anything to ruin their friendship; because it would be Lira who would give her blood eagerly to him soon.
He led Lira to a wide room and waited for her reaction. He saw her whirled around, her eyes wide with amazement. "You own a huge library? Look at those books! This is so amazing!"
Nicholas tried to see the library through Lira's eyes. The entire walls were covered with shelves from floor all the way to the ceiling. Each level has platform walkways lined with elegant banister giving access to the second, third and fourth levels. Millions of books lined the shelves. The high ceiling held a majestic chandelier, though not grander than the one in the great hall, glowing softly and giving off light to the wide room. Tall windows allowed the moonlight to grace its meager light inside. Settees where placed in front of the fireplace, providing a comfortable ambiance for reading. A small stairway led to the second floor that has another set of shelves full of books as well. It was right there in the floor above where his surprise waited.
"Do you like it?" he asked, suddenly feeling anxious Lira might not like it at all.
"Like it? You're kidding me, right? I love it! The library we have in the school was not as grand as the one you have here. Not to mention the number of books you have." Lira faced Nicholas with a grateful smile, her eyes twinkling with delight. "Thank you Nicholas. This is really wonderful."
For a moment, Nicholas was captivated by Lira's smile. He was so proud of himself that he was able to make her happy; to make her smile like that at him. Her smile was for him; his alone. He shook his head to clear his mind. Why would he think like that?
"I'm glad you like it. But I know something that you will like even better." He led Lira to the stairway going to the second floor. Several arrays of shelves were lined parallel with one another. "This is Philip's own collection. The others are not allowed to come in this floor."
He heard Lira gasp. "Should we even be here? We might get into trouble."
"Whatever Philip owned, I owned it as well." He led Lira to a shelf. "Some of these books dates back pre-great world war."
Another gasp escaped Lira. "Really? No way! I thought all those books were destroyed during the war. Oh my, Nick, these are history books you have here!" Lira skimmed through the titles of books on the shelf with her finger until she found one that caught her interest. "Oh! Can I read this one; and this one, too?"
"Go ahead," he said and watched her grabbed the book and sat on the carpeted floor between two shelves. He gave Lira a questioning look and she explained, "It's my favorite spot when reading in the library."
When he was about to sit beside her, he heard a faint sound from below: a door opening followed by footsteps almost muffled by the carpeted floor. He immediately clasped Lira's hand and placed a finger on his lips. Lira nodded and understood he wanted her to remain quiet. He brought Lira at the farthest corner of the room where they hid in the shadows. He stepped back until his back pressed the wall, pulling Lira towards him and covered her mouth with his hand when he heard her gasped.
Nicholas' arm encircled Lira's waist as he pulled her towards him, her back against his solid chest. When she heard familiar voices below, she let out a gasp and Nicholas covered her mouth to prevent her from making any further noises.
"Do you really have to follow me?" someone who sounded like Prince Philip said.
"Well I can't just sit in your office and wait for you. My time is precious, unlike yours." Was that Miss Amara?
Lira heard Philip sighed loudly followed by him muttering words that sounded like "pesky" and "throttle".
"Ha! You wouldn't even dare," Miss Amara was saying. "Oh, do hurry up and get that journal."
Miss Amara was ordering Prince Philip around? Lira heard footsteps approaching near them, with Philip muttering "...bossy woman. No wonder that harridan's a single until now..."
"Philip, this journal could give us a clue who the other Dayanghirang might be," Miss. Amara said.
"Why would you even suspect Cassandra's journal to contain such things?"
"Her mother once told us stories about the chosen princesses. We thought it was just a fairy tale; until later when my own mother was telling me about it. Imagine my shock when I found out our family was not just any slayers—we're THE slayers. I suspect Cassandra's mother might have mentioned her about a chosen one and from which faction."
"And how would you know these chosen ones are the key? And that they really do exist?"
"Believe me, when Lazarus rises, we need all the help we can get. You alone know that very well..."
Lira couldn't understand what they were talking about. Chosen princesses? Key? Were they referring to other vampire royalties? She heard the sound of footsteps approaching towards them. She sucked in her breath, afraid they would be caught, and then the footsteps halted. She was about to let out a small sigh of relief when she felt breathe on her ear. Nicholas' arm grew tighter around her waist, feeling him lowering his face to her neck. She was suddenly frozen on her spot, as if she was in a trance, anticipating his next move. His face went lower still until she felt the tip of his nose on her neck, scenting her. Her heart almost skipped a beat when his lips lightly brushed the side of her neck giving her ripples of sensation that was foreign to her yet she welcomed it. She felt shivers running down her spine as Nicholas continued to trace his lips lightly on her neck, making her knees wobble. Without Nicholas's arm around her waist, she might just collapse on the floor.
Why couldn't she even budge! Oh my, this was so wrong! And yet it felt so right. His nearness was so mesmerizing, enchanting her to feel and enjoy what was being offered. She was so lost in her own feelings that she did the most natural thing for her to do now: she closed her eyes, leaned back against his chest and tilted her head to the side, giving him more access of her neck.
Her scent was intoxicating. Being near to her like this was driving Nicholas crazy! It took every ounce of his will power not to sink his fangs in her jugular, tap those veins and sip her blood. As he scented her neck, he could feel his eyes turning black, and sensed the sudden rush of longing to taste her blood. He softly brushed his lips along lines of her neck, feeling the softness and smoothness of her skin. Ah... How he craved her blood! Just a tiny sip and he would be satisfied. Just to have a taste of her sweet, sweet blood.
Nicholas knew she wouldn't be able to resist for long. How many times had he played this game with the others? He could feel her melting in his arms already. She leaned back against him and it was all the invitation he needed. His fangs elongated in its own accord, almost grazing her neck.
The sound of a loud thud pulled him out of his folly. No, he mustn't do it now. He must learn how to control himself. Though he masked his scent and Lira's to be unnoticeable, he couldn't risk it while Philip was around. And what of Lira's trust for him? Now, why would he care about her trust?
He lifted his face away from her neck and loosened his hold on her. He felt Lira turning rigid in his arms. He heard the footsteps fading away from them and the sound of door closing. The moment he heard them leaving the library, Lira twisted her way out of Nicholas' hold and faced him with a hurt and accusing look.
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