Chapter 30

"Lupus pilum mutat non mentem"

When you are going on the trip that will take just two days and three hours, you actually don't know what to pack.

I didn't want that rubbish dresses, corsets or heels.

I wanted something comfy, warm and cotton.

I packed my pyjama, the only pyjama I had, with some lines with nice silk, yes everything was from silk, and my pants and shirt.

I asked for more pairs that same outfit because I liked to move freely. I didn't like being tied with that corset, skirts and heels.

All of my energy was pointed toward the packing. The kiss, Danniel, denial of the love and everything I felt with Prince I pushed back.

The shirt had to be packed this way, pants another. Pack other boots. A bigger jacket. Maybe even a hat.

So that is what I did. The whole day I avoided thinking about anything else. It was forbidden. The Prince is an enemy and he will stay the one.

Somehow, I'm not sure but sleep sneaked up and before I knew I was in it.

This time I was in some cottage. Everything around me was black because all light was confronted on. She was laying on the big bed, crying.

Little too late I realised that she is having a birth.

The baby is finally getting out.

I got excited. I wanted to see the baby. How she or he will look. Are they going to be tiny like babies in my village or it will be a healthy baby with 3kg?

Babies in our village were around 2kg heavy when they were born. People didn't have enough to eat so pregnant women don't have enough food for their babies.

I hated that. That was one part I didn't want babies. I mean I would have them in one point in life, but I never thought how it would be to hold your baby in arms, your flesh and blood, to look at eyes same like yours.

I never liked that. Call me cold but I wanted something more except babies.

And how it looks I will never have that baby.

I shook my head and focused on the picture in front of me.

This couldn't be a dream. I was too conscious.

This is not a dream.

She was crying, not looking. She looked at the wall while sweat came down her face in the collar. She looked at nothing.

She pushed.

"Come on, honey doesn't leave me." Said Anakin and I instantly smiled.

He is so nice to her. Their love it too obvious.

They love each other.

For three-time, I heard hard breathing and I finally head baby cry.

"It's a girl." Someone's voice said, and I looked at it.

That voice was familiar.

I didn't see a face but I was pretty sure that is Cain's voice.

"Little Princess." Said and smiled.

He touched the baby on the head while she laid on the bed with her eyes closed. But when the baby cried again her eyes opened, almost instantly, and she looked up.

"Give me my baby." She commanded, with a cold voice, and I looked up.

That is Cain.

The same doctor that stitched my wound.

I touched my neck, and there was nothing. Not a single scar. It was just clear skin.

Weird. Last time my neck was an open wound and now I didn't even have a scar.

There is something wrong with that.

Like this is manipulation. Someone is controlling this situation.

But that can't be true. I would know, right?

I shook my head, again and came closer.

I stood almost too close and looked at the baby. She looked up, at the place where I was standing and instantly I lost my breath. She can't see me right? I looked into her eyes and smiled. She has some nice eyes. Like mine.

There are so many people that have the same eyes like me, but every time I see someone's eyes I get lost. Like they say.

Eyes are windows of your soul.

Anakin frowned but looked away.

He raised his hand and cuddle Teyla again.

She looked up and smiled. Then she looked at the place where I was standing and frowned too.

Okay, this is weird.

I looked down at the baby.

She was still red from the blood but it was beautiful. She had a little dark hair, and it looked like she is sleeping so comfy in her mother's hug.

This is one happy baby.

"What name we should give her?" Asked Teyla, and I looked at him.

He thought for a second and said.

"Amethyst." He said smiling.

She smiled too, and he kissed her.

His lips slowly touched hers like he is thanking her for giving birth to that baby.


I was woken up at 6 a.m. I couldn't leave my bed, but somehow it was expected for me to get up, get ready, and go with the Prince.

I did nothing. I just five more minutes and closed my eyes.

I was expecting something bad to happen but it didn't.

Alicia woke me up five minutes later telling me that I need to get up immediately. Prince is ready.

I opened my eyes. For a change it was sunny. I saw a clear sky and a little fog.

It must be cold.

I got up and somehow get dressed. They gave me black pants and white shirt. I get dressed and Olivia gave me some black boots.

"They are for horse riding." She explained, and a second later my feet were in soft skin and wool.

I smiled at them and hugging them all.

I was excited. I didn't get out after that adventure with Danniel.

My smile dropped when I remembered his name.

I'm such a bitch. He didn't even know I was leaving. And I never thought to tell him. I could send a letter, or a maid maybe. But no.

As Alicia once again repeated I have to go I walked out following a guard to the stairs and down to the main exit. When we came to the doors butler gave me a big black coat with fur on edges. It was warm, heavy and too much. I hated it.

Someone lead me to some exit and in next moments I was looking at Prince's cold eyes.

I didn't know how to act. I froze there and looked at him.

Great. Frozen again.

"You are late." He said coldly like we didn't have that kiss.

Oh, that is how we act.

"I did not know I have a timeline," I answered the same.

"You always have a deadline." He said, and the smile crossed his face.

He is playing with me.

I ignored his face and looked around.

There were two horses in front of us, and much more guards.

They were all here to keep Prince safe. Great.

I rolled my eyes, but I caught a moment when he climbed up on the horse.

That was just one moment, and he did it without thinking. While he did that he looked around, checking everything.

With me, that was a little harder. I never rid a horse in my life, so I didn't know how to get on that horse. And no one helped me. Prince just looked at me and smiled.

"Very nice, Prince," I said when I finally hit the spur.

Somehow I climbed and looked at him.

"It is, indeed." He said looking at the army.

"Ready?" He turned and looked at me.

I nodded, and we moved.

That horse is sensitive. He said something about controlling that horse, his name, and something, but I didn't listen. I just cared about how to stay on his back. I don't want to fall and break my neck.

That would make him happy and I would be dead.

Not a point for me.

I looked at him with my kill look and he just a raised an eyebrow.

He is doing that on purpose.

I looked down at the horse and talked something to him. I didn't care what. I just wanted to stay up.

"Coming today, if possible?" I head Prince's voice and I looked up.

He was far away from me and I was surrounded by an army.

Okay. I'm terrible.

"I never did this." I drawled and came to him.

He looked like some pretty handsome person on that horse. Almost from the dreams.

He had black pants, like me, and a white shirt. Nothing more. He didn't have any coat.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked when I finally realised that horse.

"No. I used to this." I looked at his arms covered with that thin material. How is he used to this? No one could use this.

I shake my head and looked up.

"So how much we have to there?"

"Eight hours." He said simply looking around.

"Great. I will sit at this animal for eight hours." I said quiet, and like horse understand that he gave himself in the sprint.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, boy!" I almost screamed but Prince came to me in a second.

"Why did I get a wild horse?" I asked angrily turning to face him.

I wanted some nice horse that could be nice and calm. This is a beast.

"This is not a wild animal. And he is she. Now I know that you don't listen to me."

I looked up.

"I want to stay alive on this thing, and you are talking to me is it a girl or boy, horse?" I shook my head.

"Boy or girl, horse?" He repeated my words and smiled.

He shook his head still with the smile.

Okay. How he is smiling.

"Do you know how it's women horse called?" He asked still smiling.

He is so nice when smile. He should do that more often.

"Women horse?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Mare." He answered and smiled.

His laugh was in the air and I closed my eyes.

I knew an answer, but I wanted to see his reaction. And for this, it's worth playing dumb.

I smiled too, showing almost all my teeth. Finally, I felt free. I was out, on this beautiful day, on this wild beast, and I was happy.

I could watch the field already yellow and forests with excitement. I never saw something like his. This is beautiful.

I wanted to lay in the grass and just to look up. In the sky, and to smile.

"This is beautiful." Is said turning my head from right to left.

"Yes, it is." He said, and I looked at him.

He looked serious, there wasn't smile anymore, he looked like a businessman and he was dressed like one.

I turned my head to look even more, and a saw a beautiful lake further from the forest.

"Is that lake?" I showed with my finger and smiled.

"Yes." He answered and looked at the place where I showed.

I smiled again, I already felt a pain in my cheeks, but he was too magical not to smile.

I wanted to see that lake, but he took reins from my horse and we went in a different direction.

Now the lake was behind us.

We were moving west.

I realised that we are going out of the borders.

"Are we getting out?" I asked already concerned.

"Yes." He said simply.

There was a great wall on the west and north part of the country. He marked the end of an inhabited place. Behind that was just forest, I think.

You could get outside that and you would be considered as an outcast. Once you run off of the country, you can't get back. That was a law.

I never knew why. I always wondered how, and why people get out.

I mean things are bad but what could get worse to make people go out of borders.

You could run in the forest, get lost or you could get killed by an animal. Or someone else.

There was a theory that even behind the border was an army. Some very special army that kept the wall from outside.

You were locked inside and locked from outside, too. Once you get out, there is no getting back.

But still. I sometimes would see people in my town that no one saw. I mean my town was on edge of inhabitations, but still, I don't know why would people get to us. We had nothing. We were in the last place in towns.

But Prince kept coming back. There is something suspicious about that thing.

"Why are we getting outside?" I asked scared.

"Doctor work outside borders. He claims that he works better outside. He got permission, but he has to come to the town whenever we call him." He shrugged and turned to look at me.

"Wonderful," I said sarcastically. I was tired.

"When is the break?" I asked wanting to get off the horse. I wanted to walk a little, to feel my legs again.

"There is no break." He said.

"What?" That can't be true.

"I need a break. I can't feel my legs. I need to feel again." I said angrily.

"You will get used to it." He answered. "There is no time."

"And we needed to get five days before the event? This couldn't wait?" I pushed my hair and took a deep breath.

It's getting cloudy.

"The rain will start soon. You don't want to catch rain in a wild. When we came to the wall we will have an hour riding to the doctor. It is not much, and maybe there would be rest."

"Great!" I looked at him but he wasn't looking at me.

He was turning around and watching something.

"Lane!" He yelled and some soldier gets out of a crowd.

"Yes, your Majesty?" He lowered his head and rid next to us.

"White soldiers. Why are they inside?"

I turned around myself to see what is he talking about. I saw nothing. Here was just a little forest and fields.

"There is no one," I said and looked at him.

He looked at me under his eyebrows and I shut up.

You didn't understand this - I had to remind myself. He is talking in codes.

That is maybe just some code, not real soldiers.

"We have none information. I don't know." He said looking down.

"You will change that. Go to the wall." He pointed at nowhere and I followed his finger.

"Yes, your Majesty. " He nodded and put the horse in the galop.

Slowly I could see just mud and grass from the horse, but as time passed, I saw nothing. He was just one dot in distance.

"What is happening?" I asked looking at him.

But he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by five soldiers, who talked something with him. Here was just one who was riding next to me.

I looked around.

This could be my chance. Maybe I could run.

Solider next to me didn't pay attention. One's behind me were focused on the Prince and Prince himself was occupied with talk.

I could run. I have a horse. I needed to get to the wall and if I succeed I may get out. I wouldn't be in Prince's power anymore.

Before I could do anything I felt a sharp squeeze on my hand and voice next to mine.

"Don't even think about that."

"Lupus pilum mutat non mentem" The wolf changes its coat, not its disposition.

People can change their actions but not their character.

Sooo what do you think?
What will happen? What will the doctor do? Who is the Hand?

As always vote and comment.

Love ya...

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