Chapter 20
"Mel in ore, fel in corde"
I could hear Travis's laugh hours after that meeting. The fact he knew what to say, how to use me, and all that with my agreement.
I didn't want to go to my room so I roamed in the castle. Somehow I came to the King's and Queen's bedroom.
"You can't go there." I heard someone said, and I looked up.
Two guards crossed their spears looking down at me.
"Oh, sorry." I wanted to turn, but they stopped me.
"What are you doing here?" Said one of them catching me for my shoulder.
"Nothing. I just walked." I said and pushed him to let my shoulder.
"I don't believe you." He said his hand digging deeper into my shoulder. Sparks of pain run through my hand and I raised my head pushing his hand away.
"Why? A person can't walk?" I asked my eyes facing his. Small circles of colour that are called eyes focused on me.
"People can walk, but human trash like you can't. Besides you are crazy."
"I'm not crazy!" I said sharply with a voice that Mrs Gren thought me. "And I have King's permission."
Seeing their smiles I knew I won't convince them into the truth. I rolled my eyes turning to leave but the second one stopped me.
"What now?!" I asked already frustrated.
I just wanted to be alone a little. Everything from past months just crashed into me and my mind couldn't process everything. A quiet place where I would be able to think was impossible to find in this castle.
"You have to be checked." Other said.
"You must be fucking kidding me!" I almost yelled, a curse escaping my lips. It has been quite a time since I said something like that.
"Something like that is not going to happen, and it looks like we will stand here till the morning." I narrowed my eyes looking at them.
"Why? What are you hiding?" The first one asked, and I gave him the look.
But he didn't step away. He just can't let me go.
"You need to be checked. You were too close to King's room."
"Not happening," I said and crossed my arms.
"Yes, happening." He repeated my expression to commit closer. My eyes shifted from the first one to a second one who was already too close to me.
"Step away," I said taking a step further.
"Don't be scared if the crazy person can feel that." His smile echoed in my ears and I shifted trying to find an exit.
"For the last time, I am not crazy!" I pushed him in the chest but he didn't move. The uniform he was wearing smelled like old garbage and I turned my head trying to stop him.
"I will punch you if you get a step closer," I said wanting to knock him out. This is not happening. It's impossible. People like this are not in the castle. I thought Prince knew them all.
"I'm scared!" He said with a mean smile on face pushing my hand away. With a painful grimace, I looked at them.
This is not their job. It can't be. Something like this would come from their own intentions and not commands. This is fun for them.
My stomach jumped to the ground as he took my hand pushing it away. Shivers of fear trembled on my skin and something in my soul just broke.
"Get away from me." I wiggled trying to set myself free.
"Move!" I repeated again when that did nothing. I can't surrender.
For a moment I wished I wasn't barefoot. The hill Mrs Gren gave me to walk would save me now. A pointed hill could cause some damage to them.
I turned my head when I felt two arms on my shoulders and I closed eyes. They won't do this forever.
I didn't want to look at his face. He just enjoyed this too much. His cold breath punched against my naked skin and I felt hairs on the back on my neck narrowing.
"What is happening here?" Some sharp female voice said, and he stepped from me.
Who is this?
"My Queen." They both said bowing while sharing a common look, avoiding too face The Queen.
When I met with a pair of dark eyes I quickly bowed just like Mrs Gren thought me.
"So?" She lifted an eyebrow and looked at the guard who touched me.
He looked at other guard and then at the Queen.
"Well, I was just checking her. She was too far from her room." He finally said and looked at me.
I looked at the floor not wanting to look at Queen's dark look.
"That is not how you do that job." She said sharply turning towards me.
"Apologies my Queen." He bowed again but this time he looked at me. I could recognize anger in his eyes.
Queen turned and said.
"Follow me, Dianna."
I shortly looked at them and then followed the Queen who moved so fast in her heels.
"Did he hurt you?" She said once I managed to adapt my step with her's.
"No, Queen," I said quiet watching on the floor.
I was it scared to look at her. She had that cold tone in her voice that made you check your intentions for three times.
"Hey, don't be scared." She said softer, and I looked at her.
She looked at me with the worry across her face and I repeated.
"I'm not." I somehow made myself on the smile and then looked at the floor again.
"Okay. Let's see this way. Why don't you join me tomorrow at my Restroom? A few of older ladies and I rest of this weather."
My eyebrows narrowed in shock.
"Me?" I asked not believing.
"Yes. You." She smiled, and it felt like angels were playing music.
"Okay," I said and smiled too. I couldn't resist. She was beautiful.
She had dark eyes and pretty white skin. He had long black hair with bangs. She was in a deep red dress with Royal symbol on the right side.
"Also, you will join us at dinner tomorrow."
"Oh, I don't think I got that good at the table," I said worriedly.
Mrs Gren thought me, but I made fun of all that forks and knives.
"Don't worry. I will help you." She smiled again and before I realised, we were in front of my room.
"Now get some rest, Dianna."
I bowed.
"Thank you, Queen. That was.." I searched for the real word. "Uncomfortable," I said and looked at her.
"I can see that. Decius chose them for the fight, not for the manners." She rolled eyes and turned.
"Get some sleep." And she left.
I turned to the doors, and a guard opened them.
What just happened?
"You will not go to Queen's room looking like that." Said Mrs Gren and opened some closet.
"Why not? It's not bad at all." I looked at my green dress. It had some pink decorations on one side and it looked cute.
"You look like a child." She stopped searching and looked at me.
"Are you one?" She took off her glasses and gave me the look.
"No," I said quiet looking at the skirt.
"Then stop acting like one." She turned to the closet again and took some deep green dress.
It was beautiful. It looked like thousands of crystals were on it. It had thin straps and a big skirt.
"Here." She took the dress. "It will go with eyes." She said.
Something in this castle changed my eyes colour. It wasn't a slow process whey they changed its colour. No, a sudden change from brown to green.
I looked like alien because my skin got lighter and I looked like vamp half of this time.
"Okay." I got up and took the dress.
I disappeared into the bathroom wanting to get done with this. I didn't like dressing in front of those women. She would tell me that I look too skinny but I liked it. I was in good shape and I didn't want to get fat.
I took off a green- pink dress and got in that fancy nightdress.
It fitted me like a glove. Like it was made for me. Opening a bathroom door I let sun hit the skirt so I observe how little crystals in the material change colour.
"Well, that is satisfied." She gave me the gloves the same colour, and I dressed them. They were just above my elbow.
Is this necessary, I wanted to ask but I couldn't. I was scared that she would freak out.
She thought that Queen is ideal of beauty. And after last night, I thought that as well. She had style and power. But also she had natural beauty. She didn't need makeup. She was beautiful in person just like everyone in the Royal family.
That is like in genes. You have to beautiful if you are some ruler.
"Also, I'm going to the dinner tonight," I said looking at her. She was looking for something in a drawer.
"Not happening. You are not ready."
"I told her that, but Queen said she will help me."
"You are so not ready." She took some bracelet from the drawer.
"Here put this. It will look more elegant."
"Thanks." I smiled and looked at her. She was smiling too.
"I'm nervous," I said once we were in front of that room.
"There is no reason. You will be good." She looked at me and said.
"Straight up!" She pushed me in the back and instantly I straightened my back.
I waited for four guards to open my doors and slowly I get in.
Doors behind me closed and I stood frozen at them.
I looked around. I saw a few of women dressed similarly like me. They talked in small groups or they were talking to the Queen who sat on her throne.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Dianna, come closer." I bowed taking a few steps toward her. Looks of other women just stabbed me in the back.
I sat on the chair on her right after she told me that way, and I looked around.
Everything was in red and silver.
One side was completely in the glass and it looked at the river and a little on the garden. Now the rain was falling and everything was blurry.
I looked at the ceiling. The big crystal chandelier hung from the centre and a few crystals on sides. Everything was in red and it looked somehow cosy, and safe.
Instantly I liked it here.
I turned to the Queen only to see her smiling.
"You like it?"
"Oh yes, everything is beautiful. Thank you for inviting me here." I move ahead on the right a little to see Queen and I looked at another female who sat next to the Queen.
"Dianna, this is lady Mircs. Lady, this is Dianna."
I smiled at women, but she stood still. She turned to the Queen completely ignoring me.
"So what are you thinking about that?" She continued her conversation like I wasn't here.
"Dianna are we going to dinner later?" She asked me ignoring the Mircs question.
"Sure your Majesty." I smiled and looked around myself again.
In the right corner from the throne was a big library. Instantly I wanted to look at it.
"Feel free to look around," Queen said.
I smiled and look around. I went to a shelf and read titles.
They were much of every culture and genre. I saw some about cultures in soo many towns, to the culture in my town but also a romance novel and crime.
"I love all genres," Queen said next to me.
I jumped. I didn't hear her coming to me. She was moving quietly like the cat.
I looked at the floor. Rug. That is a reason.
"Yes. All are good." I said touching covers and shelf. I wish I could see more books about medicine. My father is a doctor, and I grew up listening to stories. It looked natural for me to have interests in that field.
"What do you like to read?" She asked, and I looked at her.
"Books about medicine," I said honestly and smiled.
"That is nice, but I never saw anything dangerous." She turned her head and looked out the window.
"I'm my town that is a regular thing. Mines are not safe."
"Ah. Ikhabhoni." She said and sat on the chair next to the window.
"How is there?"
She showed the opposite chair, and I sat. What she wants me to say? That things are good? That we enjoy good things and that everyone is good and safe? I couldn't lie to her.
"It's not good." I looked at my hands in my lap.
"People constantly get hurt. Mines are not safe and with too much use of dynamite, it can get worst. You know there is gold, silver and diamante mine but we see nothing from that. People get checked and they can't take anything with it. We can only have what they gave us." I looked at her eyes with anger in the chest.
Why is she asking this? This is just another way of torturing me. Whenever bad it is still it's my home. And all I want is to come back to the small things. I wasn't used to these fancy things although I lived here for two months.
"I'm sorry. I did not know." Queen said, but I didn't believe her. She must know. She is women of the most powerful person in the whole country.
"Yea right," I said under my breath not wanting to answer.
"I did not. Really. Decius doesn't let me out. He keeps repeating that my allergies are too serious. You can't go out. There is too much pollution. He would say, but I wanted to get out."
I looked at her with a surprise on my face and she nodded.
"From the place I am, I would always go for walks around my city. I would help everyone I could. Someone more and someone less. It wasn't important how I help it was important that I help."
She smiled and her eyes got blurry. She was lost in her memories.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know." I stood suddenly filled with emotions. My mind wandered from mines to the Sean and docks. The smell of pretzels in the air whenever he made them on Sunday morning.
"Excuse me; I need to see the restroom. Can I go?"
"Sure. Feel free to go whenever you want." Her smile was sad, but I left needing some space.
Letting a big doors slam behind my I rushed toward the closest bathroom. A big ball of tear formed into my throat and I was unable to swallow. Everything was too much.
I fall down the wall and cried. Why is this happening? I feel like every question here would end up pointless. You are asking but and you already know the answer. Nothing, a blank page. You will find nothing.
You could keep asking questions but you would get lost or crazy. There wasn't another solution. People were too complicated to understand. Prince is proof. One day he would be nice and another he would try to kill me
I touched my scar. It was still too sensitive, but I felt a flashback from that night.
He would kill my parents that I didn't stop him. He told me that he can't be controlled. He threatened me that day and he is threating me constantly. His cold look, his green eyes when he tried using power on me. His talk on the hill that day. When he told me something but not enough. I was kept in the dark. I didn't know why I am here.
"He wants to found out what you are and then you will be dead."
Travis's word flew through my head mixing with all the memories I had on the Prince.
He never showed compassion. He never asked I'm I okay, or did I needed anything. It was just demand after demand, and everything he wanted were answers. Answers I didn't have.
I rub my eyes and looked at the wall.
It would be easier if he just finished what he started that day. My body would be in the ground and nothing would happen.
But no. He had to bring me here. To give me a room in the castle. To make me crazy that I almost killed myself. Maybe that guard had right. Maybe I'm crazy after all. No one could stay normal knowing little pieces of Prince's complicated personality.
Not even me.
"Mel in ore, fel in corde" Honey in the mouth, bile in the heart.
Memories are sometimes the worst form of torture. And if Dianna let memories stand on her way, that won't end up well.
So to know more read and vote. I love you all.
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