Chapter 13

"Quot capita tot sententiae"

As the noise woke me up I wished to silence them all. My sleepy head just wanted to rest, because if night taught me something it was no matter how much I wanted to stay look at people I also needed to sleep.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a pillow. Wishing I could silence them all with it I dragged it over my head only to fail. The voices were so loud that I finally gave up and stood up.

Looking at the terrace door I saw that the sun didn't come out yet. When I saw it's half six in the morning, I wished to scream. I was awake until midnight, following the people.

When you watch people in some way you get to know them. My eyes would follow where someone is getting, how are they dressed, their talk. Nobles would usually walk with a few women always dressed like they are going on the ball, but workers had a simple shirt and pants. Some people carried a bottle or two. 

Soldiers never slept. They had two-night shifts: before midnight and after. I watched as they all submitted a report; Who acted how what they did and then they would go to say the same thing to Prince. They were loyal. A Few soldiers from Princes Silver Guard walked there and then in the twenty-minute distance. They never spoke, never looked elsewhere than right in front of them.

Everyone was different and I knew that mostly. Just because Prince locked me here it didn't mean I have to stay in. I liked to watch people and I liked to draw them.

I didn't care for these fancy things, the big rooms and nice dresses, but the food is good. Damn, the food is fantastic. They would bring me a plate with a green vegetable, best meat, a silver fork and the best fruit for dessert. The maid left some fruit on my table next to the bed, and in those late nights, I ate apple after apple, threw it on the ground just to prove that I'm not a lady.

Classes will be pointless. I will learn nothing. I will remain in my little shell hiding from this fancy person and big parties. After all, I couldn't leave my room.

But Danniel mentioned something about fights, soldiers. He asked would I like him to fight. That must be a reason for this.

When I opened terrace doors at first I was faced with so many yelling. Then with curses and after that with the whole atmosphere. People stood in groups laughing and joking. Soldiers walked around some of them warming up, some just being there with others while they waited for something.

Most of the fighters were shirtless and they had some numbers on their hands. Tracing every muscle in their body every so sharp, so implemented. As the workers walked around ignoring little groups of jokes I see them rushing from the court. It was almost like they wanted to finish something before they come back.

I felt pinches of guilt. I shouldn't be enjoying this.

"Don't even think about that." Someone said, and I jumped feeling my heart tremble. I looked in my room but there wasn't anyone. Who was that?

"Wait. Just wait." I turned my head to the right and there was him standing on a terrace next to mine looking at me. I think there were two meters between our terraces.

"And she found me," he said his voice a murmur as he put something at his belt. He was putting something on him. Some leather bags.

"About what?" I stood up and looked at him.

He wasn't looking at me. He checked something on the wall of the terrace and then put it in a leather bag. My eyes rested on his hands when he placed a gun for his belt. Another one behind his back. My whole body just trembled. I didn't enjoy being so close to the weapon.

A few wisps of his hair fell in his eyes and on his face making him look a bit more human, but when his hand pushed it behind again all the humanity was gone.

He was just in the black leather pants and a simple short-sleeved shirt. It was a little tight around his hands, but it didn't bother him.

I on the other side did. I wasn't looking how they were muscles and tanned I looked the strength in them. They could snap a neck in the second.

"Scared little rabbit?" His voice changed a smile playing on his lips. When his teeth showed up I stepped back. There weren't any traces of man from day before. 

My eyes fell down on my naked legs just covered with white shirt. It was the same one from yesterday. Everything made gave my was more dresses and this was he only normal thing in here.

My feet wanted to come down in my room, to run from him but he stopped me.

"Come. We didn't finish our conversation."

As the wind carried my hair a noise from down just melted into the air I looked at him again.

His hands carried a sword. A big embellished sword he showed me yesterday.

The cold metal shine through the air as the noice radiated from yelling into a cheering. They must have seen him.

"Scared?" He repeated while testing the sword in his hands.

I looked at my feet, again, and saw myself just stepping backward. I didn't stop until I was in the farest place from him.

"Not at all," I said and cleared my throat.

"I see that." He said not looking at me with a blank face.

He looked at that damn God's blade and polished it.

The screams became louder, and I saw that two guards are now fighting with swords.

The shiny blade was in the air, flying like a bird. In one second they were fighting on one side and the next second they were on the other side.

"Will you fight?" I said still looking at that sword.

Damn. I really need to think more. And to stop talking without thinking.

"Sure. I'm the big finale." He said and something in his voice made me look at him.

He stood next to one fancy chair looking almost normal in that combination, but something you could feel the surrounding air was electric and you could feel it.

Like you are standing next to the power electric. You know you shouldn't touch it, but you touch it anyway. Here you are sure not to touch him.

I felt that strong arms when he almost broke my hand just because I touched him. I felt them when he cut my neck. I felt their strength.

What will he do today I didn't know. Everything he did was secret and mistery.

"When all of this is finished I will take you to the doctor, and then to your classes."

Now he is in the mood to lead a normal conversations.

"I don't see a point for those classes," I said leaning on the fence.

"You don't have to see it. Just learn and be a good girl." He looked me under eyebrows. "If you can."

The smile stayed on his face.

"Really nice. If they teach me how to act like a monster you are, I will pass, thank you very much." I showed with my head no, but I head sharp breathing.

The Prince was standing next to the fence and looking at me. His hands were in the fists so squeezed that they were white.

"Watch your mouth!" He almost spit those words, his face filled with anger.

"I'm really thinking about cutting your thong. You wouldn't curse and I would have a mouthless prisoner."

"Then I couldn't say what I know," I said playing with fire. Hiding my hands in the background I tried to hide the fact I'm shaking.

Fuck all. I was playing with the fire the moment I stepped on the terrace knowing that he is on the next one.

"So now you know something?" He said that like a question but I didn't answer.

I looked into his eyes making him wonder, what I know and what I don't.

I knew nothing. Why I can resist, why am I acting like this and why, on Earth, a Prince didn't kill me.

"I know nothing," I said that, but with more questions than answers.

He just didn't want to accept that as a truth.

"You know." He said that certain in that like he knew all the secrets inside me.

"We will see," I said with a smile, surprised that I enjoyed this conversation. If you take a few threats and you are good.

"I will see everything; you are one who will not. Don't look at this." He commanded and turned.

Second, before he will get in his room I asked.


He didn't turn or looked at me. He was looking at the ground stopped in half step, but not moving.

"It can get bloody." He said finally before leaving his room.

When my eyes raised from  the terrace fence I saw the sword resting on the indenticall.


I turned and saw Olivia, Alicia and Maurecia on my doors.

"Miss, can we look from here?" Olivia asked, and I smiled.

"Sure. I was just getting to watch too."


We ended sitting on the high chairs looking at every battle.

Fist they would fight face to face. There would things get bloody. Someone would hit another one and the guard that left would cheer and whistle as they exchanged some money.

"They are even betting," Alicia said when I turned to them.

I nodded and turned to look.

The second round was swordplay.

That I wanted to see more.

Everyone had a different sowrd. With different patterns, holds, blades, but one common thing was that every single one was sharp like hell. They are sharpened special for this event.

The third round was shooting. They had to hit centre with six bullets.

That wasn't too interesting for me.

Even I slept just four hours, and I didn't have breakfast, they brought it, but I was too excited to eat I looked this without breathing.

On one side I wanted to watch this and on other, I just wanted to break command that Prince gave me.

He can't control me.

The cheering and clapping got louder and I looked down, the fight was almost over. The left one shot five bullets.

When I looked down, the sixth bullet was running through the air. He hit the black in target and the shutter celebrated. He won. Few guards around him gave money another one with a sad face, but that didn't stayed too long.

The next one was some civilian. Well-known civilian.

"Isn't that mister Danniel?" Mauricia said showing at the man.

It is. He took off his shirt, and I saw the little wound on his shoulder. There will be one pretty scar. On his tanned skin, the patch was almost unnoticeable, but it could be seen.

I was afraid that he couldn't have enough strength to the fight. After all, he did that for me.

I sat on the edge of chair moment when a battle started. I didn't want him to get hurt. I didn't want him to lose too. He can win. I saw his fights with Prince and he had amazing strength and talent.

But he was just a civilian. He wasn't guarding or even Royal soldier he was just fighting for fun.

I didn't see the first attack, but when Alicia and Mauricia took a deep breath, I looked down.

The guard hit him on the left side of the face, but he punched him back. He smiled when he turned for the full circle and he hit him again.

He fell like dead, but Danniel squatted and checked him. They talked for a few seconds and then they kicked fists. The first round was over.

After guard put some ice on head and then throw it to the girls who stood on top of a circle, the second round started.

Danniel took his sword with a crystal and a guard took a long, thin sword. It looked deadly. Like it's for cutting people.

Few sparkles ran through the air when they clashed and cheering became louder. This will be a good fight. Everyone could feel that.

They were right. Ten minutes later Danniel swung with a sword through the air, and he won. The guard was done. The second round was done.

He already won, but they did the third one.

He let him win. Guard smiled, and they shook hands. He turned to his friend and Danniel turned.

He winked and gave a gun to one servant. The other one gave him a towel, and he rubbed his face.

He is waiting for his next opponent.

And for a second I was disgusted for myself. I enjoyed in this little too much.


The sun was really high when things got heated. There were just six of them and the grand finally was here.

They all wanted to fight with Prince which is once in a lifetime thing as Mauricia told me.

When they fought I realized that I have good maids. They were nice and little by little I started loving them.

They me what is happening when the things got heated because Prince doesn't train with everyone. He chose best of the best to train. No one could beat him.

Alicia told me that Prince is fighting since his second grade. He was 5 years old.

I thought that was disgusting, but Olivia said that he was sent to the camp during the war to be taught.

Everyone knew about the big war on the forest South edge. In the Ash Land where the big cemetery reposed. It was a place where dead Kings would go into their eternal flame. Every tomb was built from the same material as the throne, enchanted with power to keep the power.

The second Olivia pushed me I saw how Danniel lost. A pinch of sadness bit my heart but it was lost when I saw his smiling. He didn't take that too hard.

Sending a smile into my direction I smiled back to make sure he is okay. The little nod came a minute later and he mixed with all contestants.

As the time flew the best came and the grand finale could start.

Someone said something and everyone stood still. Then Prince came.

"His Majesty, the Prince." Everyone bowed as the Prince walked into the quiet circle of fighters.

Servant behind him carryied his sword and guns.

I turned to the terrace. I didn't see when he took it.

His face was a mix of joy and fun because he was finally in his natural habitat.

I smiled when he shaked hands with a finalist and he almost fell on earth.

The winner walked down to his place as the Prince made one circle.
"You have all my respect fighter number five. Coming all the way to fight with me asked for a challenge and we made sure it was fun as deadly," as his eyes shine green everyone moved a step backward on the same time their faces impressionless. He used his power.

The numb pain run through me as all my three maids sat there frozen. A big smile spread on his lips.

When cheering started again someone hit the gong and the battle started.

I didn't want to look at that. I already knew that he will win and this was just an entertainment.

Prince let him start first, and he almost hit him in the neck, but that was it. Prince was focused and nothing could change that.

His face was impossible to decode. It was blank and full of emotions at the same time, but you couldn't stop watching him. Even when he fought he was beautiful.

I shook my head to get rid of that though and when I looked again, I saw that guard was on the ground. Prince won.

How unexpected. I rolled my eyes.

He turned a few times while everybody cheered and then helped guard to get up. The guard thanked and turned to get some help.

Prince needed nothing. He didn't look tired. His breath was calm, and he took his sword.

The crystals shined and someone could live three lives with that money. It's expensive. Everything best for a Prince.

He polished that thing and then took it.

In the meantime, the guard was taking some ice and before anyone could see that guard turned with his sword in his hands. His face was a mix of hate and revenge. He wanted something. Blood.

The crowd screamed and then everything came quiet.

Guard fell on his knees and then head fell off.

I screamed when I saw that. He killed a man. Fear mixed with every emotion in my system. I couldn't think clearly.

I screamed a few times and then everything came quietly.

The Prince turned to guard's body and then to everyone who watched. Everything came quietly.

The place was all bloody and the head was still standing under Prince's feet.

I was sick. I wanted to run, but I couldn't move. He really did that. Cut someone's head, like it's nothing. Some piece of paper.

With fear running through my veins I looked at the Prince. He gave servant a sword with blood drooping on the floor.

Oh, my God. He killed someone.

His face was looking at me. It was completely blank. Nothing you could read on it.

The people run and the court was empty. The one who stood was few guards and Prince.

His shirt was bloody and probably pants, but it wouldn't be seen. They were dark.

He had some blood on his face and then someone gave him a tissue and he run it over his face.

When I looked around myself I saw that I'm alone. Olivia, Alicia and Mauricia were gone. Their chairs were missing too.

I was alone.

I looked down again.

His head was on his chest and he breathed fast. Hands were in fists and he looked up.

He looked at me and for the first time, I froze. He didn't use his power, because everyone was moving, but his eyes were green.

And then I realized. This is how he got his power.

"I told you it can get bloody." He said from his place down there, but I heard him like he is next to me.

I get up and somehow run into the bathroom to throw up.

"Quot capita tot sententiae" How many people so much temper.

Hello hello.
It's me. New chapter new love-hate relationship.

I know I know.
What will happen next? Is she be a good girl or not?

Found out on Friday.

Kisi Kisi

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