Malfoy Mayhem
Chapter 1
Dear Journal,
This year I'm joining Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a first year. My family is quite big and one of the richest pureblood families out there. My family is complicated, well dad's side anyway. He was with this pureblood witch for three years and then they split up because of my mum; turns out he has gotten her pregnant and she didn't come back the following year.
My mum's old flame Weasley apparently had fallen for the pregnant witch and they started dating. Two months after they'd finished Hogwarts (by then they'd been dating for a year and a half) my dad proposed and of course mum said yes. After a year of being married they had William. They had a few more kids but then that brat interfered and got pregnant by a love potion and had Draco. I'm the youngest of the bunch by two minutes.
"Leigh can you stop writing in that diary and help me!" Ginny exclaimed. My quill instantly dropped as I made my way across the room. Quickly I glanced at the textbook; Charms I should've guessed. "No need to shout, I'm just on the other side of the room and why don't you go and ask Calli she's the one who's training to be a Charms teacher at Beauxbatons not me," I said impatiently. She gave me an irritated look, sighed, grabbed the textbook and ran out of the room.
Slowly I saunter back to my bed and I grab Standard Book of Spells: Grade 1 off the shelf which happens to be above my bed. Although it's annoying when I get up in the morning- I always get a bruise. I sit on the bed, and open to Chapter 7. "Alohomora" I whispered and I managed to unlock Ginny's diary that talks all about her crush Scarhead (according to Draco anyway) A.K.A - Harry Freakin' Potter. Who's a year older than us, who happens to be in the as Draco.
The problem is that Potter hangs out with that muggle-born Granger who is an insufferable know-it-all as Draco tells me. Shouldn't she be in Ravenclaw? But Ron is his best friend so he must be okay. Ron has been staying with the Weasley's all summer with Harry, and I sort of miss him. Slowly I get changed into my pyjamas and turn my lamp off. I drop the book on the floor and pull up my silk sheets and fall into a dreamless sleep. After ten hours of sleep I wake up.
I slyly sneak out of the room and close the door quietly. I scamper down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Calli," She looks up from her studies and mutters "Hi." I get some porridge oats from the cupboard and put it in a bowl, and then I get a carton of milk from the fridge and add a cup of milk and one of water. After that I mix them and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.
When the 2 minutes are up I take it out of the microwave and let it cool for a minute. Only now I see how restless Calli is, poor her. N.E.W.T.S must be hard work and she also has to make sure her CV is perfect. My porridge is cool now so I grab the golden syrup from the cupboard and squeeze it on my porridge. I sit down next to Calli- and whilst trying to not distract her from her work and sipping her orange juice and eating my porridge.
When I'm finished I put the bowl in the sink and walk up the stairs and into Ginny and I's bedroom. We have enough money for separate rooms but since we're twins we wanted the same room. I check the grandfather clock wow it's already ten o' clock. Ginny starts to stir but then falls back asleep. I grab my navy tank top, my jeans and my silver wedges from the cabinet and put them on then I apply a tiny bit of lip balm and walk out of the room.
Percy walks out of his room with his head stuck in a book and walk down the stairs. "Ginny, Harry Potter is downstairs and wants to see you!" I yell. Even though Harry is with Ron at the Weasley's house, Ginny won't remember that this early in the morning.
If that doesn't wake her I don't know what will. I try not to laugh but it's so hard not to as she rushes to make herself look perfection.
After about 30 seconds she slams open the door knocking me over onto the scarlet coloured carpet. Thanks Ginny, great way to treat your twin. By the time she realises that I'm on the floor she's halfway down the staircase. "Sorry Leigh!" she shouts. I rub my head and suddenly I start to feel a bit dizzy. "Dobby please can you fetch the owls- especially Molly, and Leo and our trunks please," I say angrily. Where is he?
A figure walks towards me and helps me up. When I regain my sight I stare into the grey pools in front of me. "Thanks Draco," I mutter. I thought the Weasley's were taking him to the platform- obviously not. I quickly turn away and walk down the marble staircase.
When I get down Dobby is standing next to our trunks, and Molly and Leo who're in their cages. Ginny, Ron, Percy, and mum and dad sit at the dinner table. I check my muggle watch- 10.45. Dobby starts to clean up whilst we grab our trunks and pets and get ready to apparate. William apparates Calli and Percy, dad takes Ron and Ginny and mum takes Draco and me.
We arrive at Kings Cross Station. The big clock says 10.55 so we walk to the platform and one by one we go through. When it's just Ginny,mum , dad and me left I whisper" You first." She grins and then runs through. I take a deep breath and run at the wall. Ginny is waiting next to me so we both hug mum and dad and mum whispers in my ear "write lots, have fun and good luck."
Dad smiles, I take Ginny's hand and board the train. I whisper to Ginny "Where's Ron? I mean I know he's with the Weasleys but they should be here by now." She looks at me blankly for a second then stops staring. "He's with the Weasley's, maybe they got here earlier?" she says calmly. I nod and follow after her.
It takes a while to find an empty compartment but we finally find one at the end of the train. We sit there awkwardly as the train starts to move until a flash of dirty blonde hair opens the compartment. "You haven't seen a toad have you? A boy named Neville has lost one," she asks. "No sorry," we reply.
She's got overgrown front teeth and bushy hair. "We can help you look if you'd like?" I ask politely. She smiles. She resembles the muggleborn girl I've heard Ron and Draco talk about what was her name?
Herm-i- one? Me and Ginny get up and leave the compartment. I quickly ask the girl "What's your name?" She replies "Hermione Granger, and you are?" So that's what she's called, Draco always says Granger or Mudblood and Ron doesn't say much.
Ginny replies "Ginny and Farleigh Malfoy, you know two of our brothers." A blush creeps across her face with a small smile and then a look of disgust. And I'm pretty sure it's not Ron who the disgust was aimed at. I smile and walk ahead. The nearby compartments aren't lucky but then I hear a shout of "Hermione I've found him!" from Ginny, I'm relieved we don't have to embarrass ourselves any more.
"I'm sorry for wasting your time," I say and then I shut the door of the compartment. Hermione walks with us back to our compartment. The rustle of the trolley and the voices of people enjoying their sweets can be heard from the next compartment.
"Do you want anything from the trolley dears?" She asks. I look at Ginny and then Hermione before I can speak Ginny takes the words right out of my mouth. "Can we have two liquorice wands please and, a packet of droobles, a box of Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans, and 1 chocolate frog." She puts 5 galleons into her hand and we grab the sweets.
"You didn't have to pay for me you know," she says whilst picking up a liquorice wand. I give her a look to say ' its fine, we have more money than we need. She looks around suddenly and asks us worriedly "You haven't seen Ron or Harry have you?" I glance at Ginny then answer "No, he's been with the Weasleys all summer, did they get through the barrier?"
She seems to be out of it for a minute then replies "I last saw them at Diagon Alley, I think Mr Weasley is taking them in his flying Ford Angela; but I've searched the whole train and can't find them."
"Oh the train has stopped," Ginny says changing the conversation. I give her a ' no, duh!' look which she returns with a glare. Hermione waves but then leaves since 2nd years ride in the carriages.
I stuff the remaining sweets in my backpack and Ginny and I walk to the end of the train. When we get out we see the most beautiful sight- Hogwarts at night.
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