The Twilight||3000+ words
• Spelling errors. I'm not checking this it's 3000+ words.
Location : Twilight's Hyrule
The chain where merely fending of Bokoblins. According to local Kakariko residents, Zant had been Resurrected and the Twilight had absorbed most of Hyrule once again. Even though the Shadow clan had been Eradicated, and the Light beasts [ It's been a while since I've played TP give me a break ] Covered Hyrule with a blanket of peace.
The heroes noticed Twilight acting out of the ordinary. Sleeping more than Sky, Claming to have pounding headaches, having more nightmares and zoning out alot.
These traits where nothing like the Wolf skin clad hero. Wild and Time, whom he was closest with, also haven't got a explanation out of him for why he's acting this way. The worst was when he woke in the night, standing up straight and was sick blood all over the camp. He kept coughing up the bitter Metallic substance for hours after and still does it to the present.
After they killed the last Bokoblin, they carried on their journey. The Ordonian knew these woods by memory from playing in them as a kid. They made their way to his Homeplace, hoping it was not overrun by Monsters or secluded by Twilight.
"Hey, um, Time, Could I um talk to you for a moment?" He asked. This was the first peep he's said in days running. His voice cracked and sounded hoarse. Yes, his accent and deep voice was still present, but was pushed down by the new, smaller, shyer voice of the formally extraverted hero.
"Sure thing" Time said, speeding up his pace to get to Twilight. They where ahead of the group, out of earshot to the others.
"So, what do you need to talk about?" Time asked, a bit awkward.
"Um. These dreams" He started. Time was one of the few people he trusted fully, and one of the few people who knew the extent of his Dreams "They, um, are of a old..... Teacher I had. He used to teach me ways of the sword more in depth. He taught me the finishing blow and how to block a shield. And, he's been appearing to me in my dreams, not teaching me anything. Not saying anything at all actually. Instead he would turn to me, shoot me in the heart with a arrow and slice me head off" He said. Time winced. He did not know who his person was, but Twilight's former mentor did not seem friendly.
"Go on." Time said, gently brushing his hand against Twilight's to show some affection. Twilight grabbed Time's hand and squeezed it. Time squeezed back.
"Um. I'm not actually taking us to Ordon. Not yet at least. I'm taking us a bit of a different way. It's not too far from my village. But it's where I first encountered him. Um. I was wondering if maybe you could help me contact him? Hell, I don't even know if I will be able to see him like this again, but if I can, will you join me?" Twilight asked, Sympathetically.
Time nodded, knowing if he spoke, his words would get trampled in Twilight's mismatched mind. Twilight shot him a small smile and squeezed his hand. The pair walked in silence ahead, not talking, but the bond they shared with just the warmth of their touching hands, was enough for both men.
They eventually arrived on a sufficient path. They turned a corner to a open plain. It had High walls and only one exit. The heroes strolled through but where stopped by a weird sound echoing from abouve them. A black and red swirling portal appeared. Out from it, dropped 5 black, tentacle baring beasts. They had a shield like thing on their face and a barrier appeared around the area.
The heroes drew their swords.
"You have to defeat them all at once or they will call back the others and more." Twilight said, elevating his voice a bit. Time repeated what he said. Twilight and Time had to remove from eachother's grip to hold their sword and Shield.
The beats twitched and launched all at once at Twilight. Overwhelmed, Twilight tired to block hen with a shield bash, but his shield and sword where stolen from him. He was sent flying back into the Barrier.
The beasts paid no attention to the other Heroes, only going after Twilight. The beats ran at him, but where chucked off course by Wild and a strong swing of a Royal Claymore.
A beast managed to grab Twilight by his collar. It made no attack. Instead decided to speak.
"Πού είναι η Midna;" It spoke
" Where is Midna? "
[ note! yes I know it's greek, just pretend it's not and their speaking a made up language explained further on! ]
Twilight looked visually shocked at how the beats knew how to speak 'Twili'. Twilight had been taught some basic words from Midna and was able to decipher it and reply back in Twili.
"Έφυγε αφού έκλεισε τον καθρέφτη του Twilight. Δεν την έχω δει από τότε"
"She left after closing The mirror of Twilight. I haven't seen her since."
He said, his words only speaking truth even though they pained him to say.
"Ψεύτης. Το άρωμά της είναι βασικά δικό σου. Είναι δεμένη μαζί σου από τότε που σε έσωσε από τα μπουντρούμια στο κάστρο Hyrule. Διάλεξε πρόθυμα αυτή τη μοίρα. Παρόλο που μπορεί να έχει φύγει, τώρα που το Το λυκόφως έχει επιστρέψει, έχει επίσης επιστρέψει αναπόφευκτα μαζί του. Αυτή είναι η δουλειά της ως πριγκίπισσα του Λυκόφωτος. Καλέστε την ξανά Spirit Holder και δείτε μόνοι σας.
"Liar. Her scent is basically yours. She's bonded with you ever since she rescued you from the dungeons in Hyrule Castle. She willingly chose this fate. Even though she may be gone, now that, the Twilight has returned, she had also inevitably returned with it. That's her job as a Twilight princess. Call her Spirit Holder again and see for yourself. "
It said before dropping Twilight, sounding a horn, and retreating with it's fellow brethren. The chain, now more confused went to Twilight.
"Oi, ranch-hand, what was that about?" Four asked
"Yeah Twilight, what where they?" Wind also asked
"Give him some space Guys, can't you see hes shocked" Wild said.
"I have a strong feeling we aren't going to Ordon Village..." Legend said
"Um, those things where 'Shadow beasts'. They used to be protectors of the Twilight. Then, when Gannondorf and Zant came to power, they had more power then the Twilight Princess. They overthrew her. Then, they invaded the light. And overran Hyrule Castle, this caused Zelda to surrender her Kingdom to the Twilight. Everyone there 'died' exept her. And now knowing Zant had returned, is bad. Before, I made sure to defeat him, though Gannondorf appeared and fought me instead. And Legend, your right. We aren't going to Ordon, not yet at least. Im going to see a old teacher first. I need to clear some stuff up with him." Twi explined.
The heroes took a moment to take in the words and process them.
"But... You mentioned before that you can't enter the Twilight Realm, it like, enters you. So how did you get to Hyrule castle?" Warriors asked
Panic settled itself on Twilight's face. Wild, Legend and Four shared this panic.
"Um. I was able to safely enter because, um. Let me just show you" He said. He took a deep shaky breath and grasped the relic hanging around his neck.
A black shadow blanketed him. He fell to his hand and knees as black rectangles flew upwards. The blanket removed and the particles ceased. The heroes visbaly gasped at the sight of the mysterious wolf that has been assisting them with battles.
"WHAAAAAAAAT?! Your the wolf?!" Wind said, dragging out the A excessively.
The other heroes where either in shock or awe at the sight.
"That's cool." Hyrule said
"On a scale from 1-10, how gross is it to maul soemthing to death?" Warriors asked
"Oh a solid 9.5, it's gross as heck, must be!" Wild answered for the wolf. The wolf gave a slight nod of its head. More black particles arose as it transformed back into a now sitting Twilight, around all standing up heroes.
"So, how would you answer?" Time asked
"Oh, want wild said. A 9.5 It's gross" He said, standing up.
"Now, could we go for my Teacher? The quicker we get to it, the quicker we get to Ordon." Twilight said, already walking onwards. There was a small shop with a squawking bird, the heroes took refuge there.
Time and Twilight walked ahead a bit, to the start of a winding tree trunk.
"He was here before, I guessed he would be here again, but I also assume he fulfilled his purpose in teaching me everything, and left." Twilight said, sadly. Time put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Just then, the bushes rustled. The heroes readied their swords, for a Beku Baba or a Bokoblin, but out fell a bettered and bruised Girl. She had orange hair, and a black cloak. She was clinging onto a golden wolf.
Twilight examined it, before dropping his sword and shield in shock. He stood still as they clattered down to the ground. The other heroes looked over to him. Time looked confused.
Before anything was said or asked, Twilight jumped forward to the people and animals on the ground. He lifted the black cloaked figure up, it seemed to recognise him. It hugged him, he hugged it back. The golden wolf also regained, though when the chain arrived over, they didn't seem to notice it unlike Twilight and Time.
The hugging pair stayed like that momentarily, till Twilight finally spoke, breaking the hug to gaze into her yellow eyes.
"How-how are you here? How is the Twilight here? Why did you break the mirror? Why did you leave me?" He said, his voice shaking and cracking.
She planted a soft kiss on his head. The heroes eyes grew wide as they realised sort of who she was. Time was still having a staring contest with the wolf.
"I'll explain it later, after you tell me who they are" She spoke in a mix of Japanese ( English ) and Twili. It was easily decipherable.
"I'm glad you back, and Shade is with you I see" Twilight said. He stood up and helped the girl. He rubbed air to the heroes, but to him and Time, he rubbed the golden wolf.
"Right, um" He face the group with the lady. She wore a delegate headpiece and quite a revealing outfit. She had green skin and some rectangular patterns around it. "This is Midna, the Twilight Princess I tell you about. Midna, meet the other heroes. We are, as you may guess, all called Link. So we refer to eachother as out titles, though we rarely use them to eachother, moreso nicknames" Twilight explained.
Midna sent a soft smile the heroes way. The heroes talk to eachother, giving Midna a opportunity to explain.
"Heroes Shade is here. I understand he is talking to you Via dreams. He is warning you of your impending fate. He also has seemed to take a liking to your Knight friend" She explained.
Twilight glanced over at Time, his eyes transfixed on the Golden wolf.
"Right um, I need to talk with Old man and Shade. They are... Sort of the same person. I'll explain more later I promise, Kay? Just, try to distract the heroes while I go trance" Twilight responded, giving her a kiss, though she was much taller than him.
She walked closer to the loud Links as Twilight went with Time, Heroes Shade following him close.
"Right. I understand you want to know what's going on? Just, with me, touch the wolf with the hand your triforce is in, he is too weak to do it himself or he would have already. Kay?" Twilight outstretched his left hand, Time aswell, the courage fragment glowed as they touched the wolf.
All time slowed as they where transported to a white room, water on the floor, perfectly clear, reflecting eveything. A figure seemed to stand across from them.
"Heroes Shade" Twi bowed "Pleasure to meet you again."
The figure changed its stance, acknowledging his acquaintance.
"Who have you brought with you pup? He also possessed the Triforce I see, however he is not from our world." The echoing voice responded.
"Oh, yes. His name is..." Twilight nudged him a bit, as to introduce himself.
"My names Link. I am the former Hero of Hyrule, hero of Time." He said
The figure out a hand on his sword and turned, appearing right Infront of Time.
"Well well well, look here Hero. This is how We end up!" He said, sort of mockingly.
"We? Twilight what does he mean?" Time asked, agitated.
"Ah, you see, he is you. In the future. He's called 'Heroes shade'." Twilight briefly explained.
Shade backed away from Time.
Time was in utter shock. How? How could this happen to him?
"How... How did we die?" He asked
Twilight looked a bit shocked, facing Time with a hand slicing his throat saying 'cut it out'.
Shade looked at the pair again.
"Gannondorf killed us. We where able to communicate with him again, then, in an area of the woods. We fought. I was able to send a message to the spirit gods, who trapped him. But it cost me my life." He explained.
"But... What about Malon?" He asked, feeling sad
"Hmmph. Why she.... She found out body, flowers growing out of it. Filled with sadness, she never left the spot. Sitting with us, as I lay dead on a tree stump, until she died of heartbreak. At least Keaton was able to live" He said, explaining his memories.
"Keaton? Who's Keaton?" Time asked, as a tear dropped down his face. Twi held his hand and squeezed it.
"Keaton, my boy, is our Son. He grew up in Gerudo Town, and married one of the ladies. His two friends, Zelda and Vridi, also married. They both had kids, and those kids married and had kids, and so on. Until one of said kids was a Male. That kid got thrown out the town into a small village, called Ordon Village." Both of the Links gasped.
"I assume that was me?" Twi asked
The skeletal man nodded.
"You should go. Your friends are worried and Midna can't keep control of them. I'll speak to you again Link, farewell"
The pair of heros started to fade away.
When they came to their senses, Time had tears running down his face, and didint stop staring forward.
"Finally your back. You can tell me later, Kay? But for now what's up with him." Midna asked
"He just found out he's dead, his wife is dead, he has a son who ran away and married a Gerudo, then that I was kicked out of Gerudo town after 500 years and now I'm here." Two briefly explained.
Midna shrunk down a bit so she could rest in Links shoulder, missing him and his touch dearly.
"Right! Enough lovey-dovey shit, now we must get to Ordon village!" Wars complained.
"Your just jealous he actually pulled someone, Captain" Wild teased.
Wars groaned and crossed his arms angrily.
Twi tapped time on his shoulder, removing him from his trance. They started moving again.
Eventually they arrived at Ordon Village. Twi introduced everyone, and everyone in the village introduced themselves.
"Link? Link is that you link?" Every hero turner their head to the source of the voice, then everyone but Twilight turned their head back to the introductions.
"Ilia? Is that you.." Twi said, walking towards the chicken pen, which didint work very well as the chickens where roamers.
Ilia appeared, holding a white chicken before dropping it, it clucking angrily before she ran over and hugged link tight.
He hugged back. Minda scowled, but knew Ilia's feelings for link had diminished and that they where just as close as Siblings.
An energetic kid, around 14 had run up, dragging what looked like a petty 13 year old girl with him, but she was quite the opposite.
"YOUR BACK!" He shouted at Twi the girl smiled "Took you long enough, asshole" The girl said, earning a kick in the shin from Ilia.
"Beth, language" she said
"Oh! Talo, Beth, Ilia, meet my.... Comrades.." Twi sighed, looking at the chaotic boys in front of him
"Hello Miss Ilia!" A young boy said. He looked around Talo's age, A bit taller than Beth.
"Oh, hello young Link. Whats your nickname, huh? You cant all be called Link, that would get confusing quick hehe" She joked.
"Wind! But im barely called that, more so Sailor Oh, and a heads up, your Link is called Twilight, sometimes; Moody, Rancher, Wolfie, Ordonian, TotallyNotTimesBiologicalSon, Super Strong Bitch, Angry, tall as fuck, and more you'll find out later!" He joked
"You really just used that as an opportunity to call me names, huh" Twi said, flicking winds forehead.
"Ow... and no you do actually get called those things" Wind said rubbing his forehead.
Someone came up behind Ilia, making her jump. Her reflex was to immediately kick him in the privates.
Wars toppled over in pain, holding his crotch. Those who had seen it ( Legend, Wind, Twi, Wild ) where wheezing.
"owwwwwwwwww" Warriors whined out. The laughing boys where on the floor, crying.
"Woah... what happened here?" Sky asked, cradling a Chicken.
"Ilia kicked this guy in the Balls!" Talo excalimed, pointing at Warriors and the girl, Ilia.
"Now now, as funny as that may be, that's not nice. Is it? Twilight get up now." Time scolded.
Twilight jumped up.
"Wassup" He said, still stifling giggles.
"I like your friend. Aren't you going to introduce us?" Time asked, hiding his sadness to make a good first impression
"Oh yeah, sorry Hehe" Twi said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I would if they would cooperate but... They are too.... Umm... Childish"
Midna came up behind him, trying to scare the hero, but Twi, who had gained a 6th sense, just trust fell back into Midna. ( Midna keeps autocorrecting to Kids this is annoying )
Time glared Into all the links backs, each getting up as soon as they felt a tingle.
They all obliged from then on.
"Well, This is Ilia, Midna, Talo, Malo, Beth, Colin and Jessica the moody chicken" Twilight introduced. The chicken clucked angrily seeming to understand him " Oh shaddup you prissy chicken. I'll give you treats later" Twi said, scoffing, the chicken quieted down.
He turned back, some of the boys looked shell-shocked. How. Did. He. Do. That.
They shook out of it.
"Introduce yourselves"
"I'm four. Hero of the Four sword. And before you ask, I'm not twelve."
"Legend. Hero of most Legends. Please, for the love of Hylia, don't comment on my hair" he currently had pink hair
"Wild, hero of the Wild!"
"Hyrule, hero of Hyrule"
"Sky, hero of the Skies"
"W-warriors, hero of warriors" he winced a bit, still a bit in pain.
"You know me! I'm Wind!"
"I'm Time. This guy's mentor apparently" Time said, ruffling Twilight's hair. He was still leaning against midnas chest.
"Hmm. Hero's Shade in all his former glory. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Knight." Minda applauded, bowing her head in his way "Even after death your fighting spirit and... Cold demeanor never resides" she said, formally.
"No need for Formalities Midna. He, at the moment, is no more than a ranchers husband" Twilight joked.
Time scoffed.
"Right, you got here pretty late ,stupid boy, so it's Dusk. The skull kids will come out soon so I reccomend going to sleep. Due to your victories, our town has gotten a promotion, so an Inn has been made. You copy-cat boys can go sleep here. I think you three need a talk, so you can go to Links house. Someone tell the boys. I need to get these little craps to their houses." Ilia said, turning and taking the kids to their houses.
"Right. WILD!" Twilight shouted, Wild appeared out of a tree. " Get down! And go find the others, rent out the Inn. Come get these to pay. Time, Midna and I will be in my Treehouse. Get in before Nine as you won't be seen tommorow due to the skull kids coming out. So get moving!" Twilight said, chucking down some Rupees.
The three he mentioned walked away, Wild jumped down, Grabbing the rupees and Rounding up the Links.
They all made their way too the Inn, greeting the lady at the front desk and getting 2 rooms. 4 in one, 3 in the other.
I didn't want to make a part 2 since this is so long but I've been writing this for a month straight soo.
Part 2 will be the talk with Midna, Time and Twilight.
Do you want a part 2..?
Hope you liked this haha.
I don't normally out his but...
Word count - 3532
( I'm not kidding lmao )
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