Sweet Dreams || Horror
I'm lovin
g my horror omlll. Thanks for all requests!
Tw! Horror, Nightmares, Creepy, Spelling errors.
"Sky... Sky.." Time shook me awake.
I opened my eyes, seeing the moonlight illuminating his face. I groaned.
"My watch?" I said. God I hate being the sleepyhead.
"Yeah. It's not very active but we don't have much protection here. Rancher said he would wake an hour after you as he knows you don't like staying up. He has a mental alarm clock, no need to wake him" Time explained, in a hushed voice. I stood up, grabbing an apple before smiling at him and going to the watch-spot.
I stood around for a moment. There weren't many trees or bushes. We camped really out in the open.
I decided to wonder around a bit.
I came across a flower, glowing into the floor. I stumbled backwards.
It was the same as the ones that lead me.all this eyes back to the silent realms.
I felt panicked, ready to turn away. I froze. Infront of me was one of them.
A Guardian.
I ran backwards, standing on the flower.
It awoke. I felt my mind blank as I ran straight. There weren't any sacred tears to stop them so I ran. I knew I couldn't outrun them in the shrubbery.
I ran to the field, seeing base.
I turned back, three of them where right behind me. A ring of that cursed water surrounded camp.
I wasent a runner, so I was exhausted, my legs wobbling and I ran to camp, jumping over the water.
Twilight was awake, I ran towards him, seeing the Guardians behind me still.
He looked at my running, confused. I grabbed my sword and shield. I unsheathed my Goddess sword, it was glowing a bright blue.
"Sky? What's wrong? Is there monsters?" He asked, confused, but he could hear that something was there.
"Guardians. From my Hyrule. They will steal and break up your soul in one touch. You can't see them. For some reason they can't go over the water around our camp."
"Water? What water? There isint any water Sky. Are you okay?" He asked, I tunred to look at him like he was crazy.
Yet he wasent him. It was a guardian.
I shouted, falling backwards and backing up into a rock. I cowered in fear.
I'm no hero, I'm just a stupid boy in some clothes with a magic sword. A sword which doesn't even answer me anymore.
I'm so useless.
Useless. UslessUslessuslessusless.
I felt a sharp pain through my chest, the guardian had stabbed me with its sword. My skin creaked with agony as it pierced me. Blood covered my tunic.
I screamed out in pain. I looked up at it.
"Трус. За нашего хозяина, За демона, За Гирахима и Демиса, Хилия может умереть. Как и ее маленькая рабыня"
[ "You coward. For our master, For the demon, For Ghirahim and Demise, Hylia can die. Like her little slave" ]
It said in ancient Hyrulian Demon. Ghirahim taught me some when he captured me.
The second guardian raised its spear, pushing it forcefully to my head.
I cried out in pain, feeling my soul be dragged out of me.
My vision blurred.
And anger filled my veins.
I shouted once more, trying to grab my sword, and succeeding.
As these where apparently creations of Hylia, Fi burnt my hands. I pushed through it.
These where demons.
I slapped the spear away with the sword, my spirit was flowing through the spear. I needed it back, my morale was low.
The sword of the guardian had gone through me. It was a large claymore.
I managed, with my rage, to pull it out, blood seeping out my Ears, forehead, mouth and gauze. Blood coated the Claymore.
I managed to stand, holding my sword up ready to fight.
They where made of metal. Fi still burnt my hands.
I raised her skyward. The sword charging up as I slashed it down.
Blue electricity spat from it, electrifying the Demons. She shook up before going black, their last life vessel was gone.
Black mist erupted from them. The mist came onto the ground, forming the shape of my least favourite person.
"Skychild! How lovely to see you again!" He cooed.
The sky was a deep blue, everything had shades. I briefly looked over to my comrades. They where all dead. Every last one of them.
My breath hitched. All of them where mangled up, missing limbs, decapitated. It was gory.
"Ah. Now now, don't cry on me dear. I offer you a proposition. When you return home, find me in the sealed grounds. If you agree to do so, I will bring you back to Reality, and won't kill these bastards. You never killed me Love, only hurt me. But I'm back, and your either going submit to me, or die!" He accused.
I hated the nicknames he called me. Love... Dear...
I wasent his little puppet.
But I also needed my friends back.
I had to... For them...
"Fine. I'll find you when I get back home. Just please... Don't call me thise names. I'm not yours Ghirahim, never will be. Bring me back to reality." I agreed.
"Yes but you where mine-"
"Hmm. We will fix this in person Link. For now, happy travels!" He dissapeared. I saw a ghost- like mirror of me go through me, I looked down seeing it fall into me.
I looked up, It was bright. The sunrise was in my face. All my Link friends where surrounding me.
"Sky! Oh thank god!" Four cheered.
"What happened? You just kinda, ran to me then started attacking me. Could you explain?" Twilight asked, helping Hyrule patch up my stab wound
"Woah, How'd you get that?" Wind asked.
"Give him space, he's obviously been through some stuff" Time calmed them.
"Urgh. Umm. I guess I'll have to explain." I assumed.
I sat up, somehow I was on the floor.
"So, after you woke me up Time and explained, I decided to have a wonder. I came across a flower on the floor. One I had seen before and took me to somewhere called a 'Silent Realm'." Wild interrupted.
"I've hesrd of them. They where made to prove the strength of the hero's soul. I ahve soemthing like it but that's sheika made."
"Hmm. I had to do three of them. So, I panicked and walked back, finding a guardian and freaking out, accidentally activating the realm. So I ran to camp. That's where I found you Ranch-hand and tired to explain"
"Yeah, toy said something about how they can't go past the water?" He recalled. I nodded.
"Then I turned back and you where the guardian. I tired to cower back, then it stabbed my with its sword and told me that it wasent a goddess creation, but a demonic creation. Another tried to take my soul. It got some of It, I now have it back. I grabbed my sword, batting them off. I then skyward striked them." I let out a shaky breath
"Black smoke came out of them, forming and apparition of someone I used to know. Have I told you about Ghirahim?" They nodded.
"He was there, infront of me. I looked to my side a-and all of you where dead! He told me it would happen right now if I didint find him when I got back to my Hyrule. I said I would find him, as long as he brought be back to reality and kept you from dying. Then he went away now I'm here" I looked down, ashamed.
"But didn't you say you killed the Ghirahim guy?" Legend asked
"No. I only hurt him badly"
Wars breathed out.
"I've encountered Ghirahim." He said
All heads, including mine, shot too him.
"When Cia opened the gate of souls in each Hyrule, one was Skyloft. I met him there, guarding a fragment of soul. He... Touched me up, called me weird things, he's just not a good guy, at all. I-" he took a moment " I assume you went through worse?" He asked.
I felt bad for him. Ghirahim was a shit head, and I would rather he did these things to me than to anyone else.
"Yes... He tortured me, and Manipulated me into loving him. I then became his attachment..." I said. Warriors grimanced bit, as did some more.
I removed my tunic, chainmail and undershirt. I also took of bandages that covered by back, not he ones that covered my cut.
It revealed a big diamond, bubbling and sizzling.
"Oh Hylia..." Hyrule commented. Twilight looked away.
"It hurts.... Alot. But I can't do anything to get rid of it. I've tried rituals, blessing from Hylia. I need something more powerful to get rid of it. Either that or he has to do it himself. Which he won't oblige to." I said.
All of them though for a moment.
"I could maybe help" Twilight said. "In my Hyrule we have Light Beasts. They have magical springs that regain your health and keep your mind clean. It helped me after my possession and Zelda's. It cleared us from the twilight. Yes they are different but after what you said, some of the things they do are simmilar. If you want we could find a way there and I could try help" He suggested.
"Yes, anything, please." I begged.
"Then thats next. Wars, we are in your Hyrule so you need to find the Cia or Lana girl to make a portal. And quick, we can't leave Sky like this for much longer" Time said, staring to pack up. Hyrule, wind and Wild helping.
"To the Valley of the Seers!"
Poor Sky.
His trauma is showing lol
Thanks again to G0ddessSw0rdF1
Love ya linky <33
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