Chapter 9: Monstrosity Unleashed, Disastrous News

Lincoln stares at the large, female figure in the shadows, who is slowly and menacingly approaching him while dragging something along the way with primal glowing green eyes and a frightening predator like growl.

Lincoln narrows his eyes as the mysterious figure came into view of the red lighting with each stomp shaking the steel ground. It was a very tall woman almost as tall as Sonya, she had very pale skin with strange marks on her face, had very long dark brown hair with green & purple streaks while the left side was shaved with a red eyed, purple flaming skull tattoo on it. She possesses a very huge body in-between large muscles and thick curvy proportions, overly huge breasts, strong beefy arms with tattoos of music notes on the right arm & a skull on the left shoulder, wider hips and a huge rear end. She was wearing ear piercings, a black, silver and white skeletal mouth gas mask, a studded choker, a fishnet shirt underneath a black, white, purple, green and gray sleeveless punk designed style bodysuit with spiked shoulder armor, a tattered black & gray cape & a corset with a skull, kneepads and boots, black studded armbands/fingerless gloves and appears to be dragging what looks like a large, & bizarre chainsaw like broadsword.

Lincoln: .....

The woman let out a loud ghoulish roar under the mask, glaring ferociously at Lincoln with glowing green eyes.

Lincoln: And who are you supposed to be? The Boss of the Skull Pack, I take it?

Instead of speaking, the woman lunged at Lincoln, the chainsaw like broadsword revved up and ready to hack him to pieces. Lincoln dodged the woman's monstrous charge. She soon came back with her chainsaw like broadsword revved up to attack Lincoln again in a bizarre chains of slashes, the white haired man would avoid the attacks and leaps over the woman to get on top of her, pulling out his chained blade and wrapped the chains around her throat to choke her out.

The woman dropped her weapon and stumbled forward and backwards with grunts and roars, trying to reach for Lincoln to pull him off her, the white haired man kept his grip of the chains on her neck in trying to make the giant woman pass out but said person was moving around frantically which resulted in her bumping Lincoln back first into the walls very hard, forming a giant human shaped dent print in the steel wall with Lincoln falling to one knee as the giant woman was free and coughing roughly before turning to him with a look of primal anger.

She grabs him and begins to run through/ram him through each of the walls like a speeding train until she stops & throws him across the extra prison chambers where numerous captives of the skull pack's enemies were heard yelling, screaming, babbling unintelligibly & insanely or shrieking.

Lincoln slowly got up as the giant woman let out a horrifying wail which echoed throughout the chamber & silenced the prisoners. The white haired man sees the female monstrosity approaching fast and immediately rolled out of the way as she went face first into a vault like door.

Lincoln took this opportunity to deliver timed and hard hitting strikes to the woman while she was stun for a moment before she would regain her composure and attacks but Lincoln would evade her strong blows and attacks from different sides as she was too big to fight head on, he needed to use her size & strength against her to cause the woman to make a mistake so he can strike.

Avoiding her next attack, Lincoln decided to retreat as the giant woman roared loudly and angrily, going after him and quickly but the white haired man was luring her into a trap. Putting distance between them, Lincoln uses the shadows from the lockdown protocol as his ally, setting up his next trap. Hearing the woman's monstrous roar, Lincoln completed his trap and hid in the shadows as heavy running/stomps were heard, the giant woman was seen running through the halls in rage but when she got closer... She trips over the chains set up like wires as she fell on all fours.

Lincoln ran out of the shadows and took this time to deliver strong jabs and maui thai knee strikes to the giant woman before finishing it with a front kick to send her flat on her back. He knew that wasn't enough to stop her, this woman was as strong as he is at superhuman standards, maybe even stronger but she seems to be acting on instinct rather than brains from Lincoln's point of view. The woman slowly got up, clearly irate as Lincoln decided to run and lead her to make another mistake.

The female monster roars in rage and quickly followed Lincoln, reaching to strike him but he would avoid her grabs and attacks as he kept on running through the halls. Soon, he reached an extra lab chamber and looks around for anything to use for a distraction but noticed a strange machine emitting electricity, getting an idea. The female monster storms into the lab, breathing heavily and angrily.

Lincoln: Hey Riot-zilla, over here!!

The giant woman turn to see Lincoln gesturing her to bring it on, she roars underneath her mask and charges like a raging rhino towards Lincoln with the intent of running through him. Lincoln smirks as she got closer to reel her left arm back with her hand forming into a fist to ram it into the white haired man's skull only for him to move out of the way and instead, the female monster's punch went through that strange machine which started to malfunction upon damage and send an immense stream of electricity through the woman's body.


The female monster's shrieks echoed throughout the lab as she was being heavily electrocuted, the damaged machine exploded and sent the woman flying across the lab, crashing into one of the tables. She groans with a twitch as slowly got up despite the pain to stomp forward only for linc to run up and delivered a flying bicycle kick to her face, making her stumble back a bit.

The female monster was breathing heavily as her green eyes glowed further with a snarl, green glowing vein appearing as she let out a guttural roar, growing a bit bigger and stronger, giving Lincoln a murderous glare before charging for him. Lincoln immediately avoided her and ran out of the lab with the giant woman giving chase again.

Lincoln: (in his mind) She just won't stay down and she got bigger. What kind of mutation experiment has this insane rioter gone through? No matter, I got something just for her.

While running, Lincoln pulls out black/silver/glowing blue grenades and does aerial flip to throw them at the woman head on, exploding on impact. She stumbled back and clutches her head before seeing Lincoln running up to her with a flying knee strike to the face of the giant woman, knocking her mask off as she felt backwards to the ground with a large thud.

Lincoln: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Lincoln then heard another large sets of footsteps running, he looks forward to see Sonya running towards him & the female monster, who was getting up and turns to attack Lincoln in a ballistic rage but Sonya got the woman in a full nelson from behind to hold her down as she was struggling like a mad dog.

Sonya: Ngh! Moon Rioter, Boss! You have to calm down! We need the guy alive for you!

The female monster known as Moon Rioter was struggling to get out of the brute of the skull pack's grip but Sonya wasn't going to let the behemoth escape, the boss of the skull pack having an crazed look in her eyes. Lincoln was about to escape but his path was blocked by Julia.

Julia: (glares) Going somewhere...?

Lincoln growls and got into fighting stance.

Sonya: Look, you're not in your right mind now. You gotta calm down! CALM DOWN LUNA!!

Lincoln turns back to Sonya holding Moon Rioter, he got a good look at the woman without her mask, at first he didn't believe it as anyone could have that name Sonya yelled out but looking closely... He recognized the woman right away, the boss of the skull pack was one of his older sisters, Luna Loud.

Lincoln then felt a hook sword near his throat, turning to Julia.

Julia: Don't ignore me when I'm about to gut you like a fish.

Lincoln glares at her.

Lincoln: (cold tone) What did you do to her...?

Julia: Hmm?

Lincoln: What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Sister?

Julia: Sister? I don't remember any of us attacking any girls with white hair so you're kinda out of luck there.

Lincoln facepalms in annoyance and simply pointed to Luna, who was still struggling to get out of Sonya's hold.

Julia: Wait, you're... Boss is your... You're both related?

Lincoln: (sarcastic) Oh no... the Omen Scorpion couldn't possibly be related to a monstrous Rioter of the Skull Pack. She's related to Sh*t Sherlock, First name No.

Julia: I don't need your sarcastic smartass remarks!

Lincoln: And I need to know what you skull packs did to her!

Julia: We didn't do anything to her-

She was cut off when Luna let out a blood curdling roar as she jumps up a bit and flips Sonya forward to Lincoln who jumps out of the way with Sonya instead being into Julia, both women groaning.

Julia: Gah... Get off... Me...!

Sonya slowly got up off Julia, both getting to her feet. Lincoln sees Luna glaring ferociously at them all with a low snarl as the line mark on her mouth down her chin started to split open, her teeth becoming more sharp and jagged with her lower jaw opening up unhinged & extending further, a long sharp tongue (like venom) coming out with green slime & releases a loud roar.

Lincoln: ......?!

Julia: Hit the deck!

Luna fired a large stream of green slime as Lincoln, Sonya and Julia dodged it, the slime hit the wall... which begins to melt rapidly.

Lincoln: (glares at Sonya and Julia) She has an elongated, sharp tooth, unhinged jaw with a tongue like Venom and can shoot acid...?

Julia: Hey, Don't get angry at us. We didn't make her like this!

Lincoln: Then what happened to her and why is she acting like an escaped rabid animal?!

Sonya: Look, we don't have time to explain everything right now. Right now, the boss is in a PTSD like state ten times worse through her mutation in a delusional rage. We need to get her to Reby and fast!

Julia: If you're really the boss's brother, help us lure her there! 

Lincoln: Fine. Lead the way cuz here she comes!

Lincoln, Sonya and Julia turn to run as the Ballistic Luna gave chase while shooting beams of acid at them. Lincoln followed Julia and Sonya through the halls, passageways and levels of each chamber. Luna was gaining on them and fast, trying to decimate the three.

Julia: (talking on her earpiece communicator) Reby! Where are you right now?!

Reby: (voice heard via communication) In the main med lab, you find the white haired bastard yet?

Julia: Well yeah but we also found the boss and she's in that ballistic mood again!!!

Sonya: We're heading to you now and closely too, get the med tranquilizers ready!!

Reby: Got it!

The three continued to run while avoiding Luna's charges, grabs and acid beams which only infuriated the berserker even more in trying to kill them. In the med lab, Reby was seen readying an enhanced shotgun filling it with glowing violet vile needles in it, locking and loading it up.

Reby: (talking on her ear communicator) Julia, Sonya! Are you almost there-


Reby turns to see Sonya ran through the entrance way while carrying Julia and Lincoln.

Reby: What the f***, Sonya?! I could've opened the door for you rather than you ramming through it, ya know?!

Sonya: We'll get that fixed later?! Do you have Luna's medicine ready?!

Reby: (holds up the shotgun) Lock and Loaded in this gun.

Reby heard a loud roar as Luna entered the room with a primal glare, spotting Lincoln and the skull pack as her prey. She begins to run towards the four in a rabid intent of maiming them.

Julia: Shoot her! Shoot her! Shoot her!

Reby aims the high advanced shotgun and fired at the approaching Luna, who stopped for a moment with the vile needles containing the glowing violet meds hit her gut. She growls furiously as she tries to reach for them but Reby aimed and fired the shotgun again & again & again as Luna was hit repeatedly with the serums sinking into her, feeling very sluggish & groans tiredly. She struggled to stand with her vision blurring and immediately fell on her back with a loud thud.

Reby was breathing heavily while Sonya and Julia sighed in relief. Lincoln was silent upon seeing the fallen form of his older sister & the monster she became, he needed answers for this.



Luna was seen on large medical table hooked up to a breathing mask & tubes linked to machinery as Reby was working the control panel and scanning Luna's body. Sonya and Julia watching over her as was Lincoln, who noticed Luna was sickly paler than usual, green veins were visible and she was mumbling in her sleep with a pained expression.

Reby: Damn. She's getting worse...

Julia: .....

Sonya: C'mon, Rebs. She's not out yet. We still have time-

Reby: 1 or 2 hours is still not enough!

Lincoln: Whatta you mean? What happens to Luna after 1 or 2 hours?

The skull pack turn to Lincoln.

Reby: (glares) She expires. Doesn't wake up again. Takes a Dirt Nap. Dies. Simple enough for ya?

Lincoln brings out his chained blade while Reby aimed a pulsar gun at him.

Lincoln: I want an answer right now, you skull packs abducted me for a reason on your boss's behalf, is this it? Start talking.

Reby: You don't make the orders, here! You didn't want to know what our boss wanted from you nor did you want to cooperate, not to mention that you were going to try to kill us & her the moment you escaped.

Lincoln: That was before I found out your boss was my sister.

Reby's left eye widened.

Julia: He did say that he was related to her.

Reby wanted to yell out that he was lying but instead kept her anger in check, now wasn't the time to go irate mode. She then uses her cybernetic eye to scan Lincoln, then turns to scan Luna to see a match on the DNA scans if wonder if it was true or not. Soon, the results came and it appears to be a match, meaning that the white haired man was related to her boss.

Reby: So you were telling the truth.

Sonya: Look Reby, just tell him what happened to Luna. Maybe then he'll cooperate with us this time.

Reby: Ugh. Fine... (Turns to Lincoln) The Colossus Project.

Lincoln: The Colossus Project?

Reby: Yes. One of the Black Skulls latest projects, a bizarre experiment indeed. Scientists in their division were interested in the Omen Scorpion, how the original superhuman soldier was the ultimate weapon to stand in their way or the other four organization's way... so the Black Skulls try to replicate how the Omen Scorpion was made in finding key genetics technology and chemical ingredients for the project create soldiers like you or even stronger ones but...

Lincoln saw Reby's expression grew grim.

Reby: There were numerous failures, resulting in the test subjects expanding into exploding bombs, death by overdose of the colossus serum or they become a giant, green eyed, thoughtless and muscle bound beasts with no means of control or reason over themselves.

Lincoln: ....

Reby: Luna was the first along with a few test subjects survived the experiment, perfectly bonded with the Project-C formula but she escaped them, been hunted by them for years & Luna became a rioter of pure destruction upon the Black Skulls or anyone in her path with us at her side. She had a deep hatred for the Black Skulls, they took away her humanity, her friends & her girlfriend missing & probably dead, her boyfriend after her dead & even lost her child in an attack a few days after she was born in this world.

Lincoln's eyes widened.

Reby: She spent her life trying to survive like everyone else but... one year later up to now in 6 months, Luna showed signs of illness, she became very exhausted and sluggish, even having PTSD moments from her traumatic days with the Black Skulls, sending her into a delusional fear & rage that make her unable to tell friend from foe and would lash out ballistically.

Lincoln: I've seen that part already...

Reby: Then she grew worse... we've been taking care of her to see what was causing her illness, then found out that even though Luna bonded successfully with the Project-C formula, it wasn't fully stable... Luna was pumped up a lot with it, her blood is basically green now and it's breaking down her cells & molecular structure, slowly poisoning her system. She doesn't have that long...

Lincoln: And what about the cure?

Reby: There isn't one.

Lincoln narrowed his eyes.

Reby: Poor choice of words, ugh, what I meant to say is while we synthesized a cure, it ain't finished. It needs one more key ingredient, an absolutely strong enzyme that'll fully stabilize & save Luna's life. Without it, the cure would break down quickly.

Lincoln: And what's the missing ingredient?

Reby: The Blood of the Omen Scorpion.

Lincoln: Alright, I'll let you take my blood then.

Reby: No.

Lincoln: What do you mean No?

Reby: When I said the blood of the Omen Scorpion, I don't mean you. I meant the original.

Lincoln: Priscilla...

Reby: Yes. While you're the new Omen Scorpion, you're a mixed blood hybrid. We need Priscilla's pure blood for the cure, your blood would only disrupt it rather than help it.

Julia: We thought if we kidnap you, she'd come straight to us so we could extract her blood.

Lincoln groans.

Lincoln: And why didn't you tell me this from the beginning?

Reby: (sarcastic) Oh right, a couple of mercenaries and killers asking a killer of cruel people for help like "Excuse me, we're your new neighbors, can you spare a cup of Priscilla's blood, please?"

Lincoln: I don't need your sarcastic remarks! You could've told me Luna was your boss rather than trying to blow me up!

Reby: And I don't need your counter arguments or attitude! Plus, we didn't know you & the boss were related! F**k off!

The two glared at each other with lightning sparks in a stalemate.

Sonya: Enough you two, this is getting us nowhere!

Julia: Reby, stop being a b***h! And Lincoln, stop being a bastard and help us out by getting Priscilla here! You want your sister to live, don't you?!

Reby and Lincoln were silent for a moment before a slightly deep, raspy female voice was heard.

Luna's voice: If you dudes are gonna bicker about what to do while I'm on my death bed... then I'll decide for you... just bring me to her...

Lincoln and the skull pack turn around to find Luna awake, getting up to sit while she took off the breathing mask and remove the tubes from her arms and forehead.

Julia: Boss, you shouldn't be moving right now.

Luna then turns to Lincoln.

Luna: (coughs in her arm before speaking) Hey lil bro... Not really the reunion I was expecting but glad... you've grown into a fine young man.

Lincoln: Thanks. Sorry about the... well you know when you were in a ballistic state.

Luna: Water under the bridge, *cough!*, *cough!*, *cough!* Ugh... Sorry you had to see me like this... while I've been through near death situations before, I'm not ready to leave this world yet...

Luna's eyes widened before clutching herself, coughing roughly and loudly with some blood (which is green) spewing out of her mouth through her hand to the ground.

Julia: Lunes!

Sonya: Boss!

Luna slowly looks up at her skull pack and her little brother, trying to control her breathing.

Luna: I know... I know this apocalypse changes people for the worst hell even for the best in their favor... It changed me & it changed you as well... I can see it in your eyes, you've killed a lot for a cause but despite that... you're the little brother I still know... But I still wonder if you still see me as your big sis... despite the monster I became...

Lincoln was silent while looking into Luna's eyes while she looked back. There was only silence before Lincoln broke it.

Lincoln: I agree with on those things, I have changed and so have you like everyone in this ruined earth to survive and kill. I'm no hero, I ain't trying to save this world as it's too far gone but my goals are to put an end to the five organizations who started this and to find my friends and family who are still alive in this, that includes you too.

Luna slightly smiles. Lincoln spoke in his earpiece communicator.

Lincoln: Mother Priscilla, you get all of that?

Priscilla's voice: Yes my son... Preparations are ready. Bring them to me.

Lincoln: (to Luna & the skull pack) Alright, I know the way to our home. Let's go.

Luna: (smiles) Thanks... Dude...

Sonya: (helps Luna up, putting her arm over her shoulder) We'll take my ride. It's parked outside.

Reby then went to the main security chamber and deactivated the lockdown protocol while getting the unfinished cure as well. The four then head out with Luna to get her to Priscilla in order to finish the cure for her illness but heard a loud boom sound outside, getting their attention. Once they made it outside, Lincoln, the Skull Pack and Luna were met with an unwelcomed surprise.

The gates were blown open as a group of Black Skull soldiers appearing out of the fire, two people amongst them leading the charge was a tall man with pale skin, short black hair with a bit of gray, a big long nose, has a slightly athletic body and was wearing a black trench coat with the Black Skulls symbol on the back, an armored bodysuit with the color scheme of the Black Skulls, gloves and boots.

And the second was a slightly short woman with fair skin, long brown hair, has an athletic and curvaceous figure and wears golden hoop earrings, a sleeveless black coat with the Black Skulls symbol on the back, an armored leotard suit with the color scheme of the Black Skulls, long sleeve armbands and thigh length boots with sharp heels.

Luna narrowed her eyes in anger as she knew these people too well. They were ex music producers and judges of America's Next Hit Member but now soldiers of the Black Skulls, Doug and Michelle.

Doug: (arrogant smirk) No one's going anywhere!

Michelle: If it isn't Luna and her little roadies... (evil grin) Did ya miss us...?

To be continued...

(Chapter 9 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Also, Here's what I drew of the reboot version of Luna Loud in the Omen Scorpion Reboot.)

1. Luna Loud (All grown up/Moon Rioter/Colossal Monster).

2. Luna Loud (unmasked).

(Let me know what you think of my sketches of Luna. Anyways back on topic, Luna is the second loud sister to be found by Lincoln, revealed to be the unknown boss of the skull pack & a colossal like monster. But Luna is gravely ill and doesn't have much time to live unless Lincoln and the skull pack can get her to Priscilla to finish the cure. However, the five get an unwelcoming surprise in the form of the Black Skulls soldiers with Doug and Michelle, Luna's enemies, leading the charge. Can Lincoln and the Skull Pack get past them & bring Luna to Priscilla or will time run out for the loud rocker? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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