Chapter 8: Enter The Monstrous Rioter

The Skull Pack was seen carrying an  unconscious Lincoln who was tied up by his chained blade, through the cold, wintery path. The trio then made it to their destination; Their hideout was comprised of a massive insane asylum except it was rebuilt and equipped with enhanced means of security, an electric and barbed wired large steel fence and gates.

Reby presses a button on her cybernetic arm as the gates open, The Skull Pack passed through the gates with Lincoln over Sonya's shoulder, the gates closing behind them with a large metallic clang. Approaching the doors of their hideout, Reby brings her eye to the eye scanner as it got the right link, the doors open with the trio going inside. The inside of the former asylum looked modified and well equipped, weaponry in the vault, money in the other vault, halls full of rooms & prison doors, chains and hooks dangling from the ceiling with dead bodies of those who were sent after them wanting the money for the Skull Pack dead or alive, hanging on the hooks and so on.

Reby: Lights.

The lights came on, illuminating the hideout in bright blue lighting. The Skull Pack walk through the halls where they heard snarls, screams, yells and very unintelligible babbling from inside the concealed cell doors which contained thugs, mercenaries, mutated maniacs, psycho killers and personal hitmen the Skull Pack bested and plan on killing at a later date.

Sonya: (voice boomed) QUIET!!!!!!!!

The sounds from inside the cells ceased.

Julia: Such an annoyance, they are. The Black Skulls clearly aren't trying anymore with sending these desperate fools to take ours heads for the reward.

Sonya: Don't be so cocky, Julia. Some of these men and women put up quite a fight against us.

Julia: And yet they all came up short, just stating the truth. Soon, they'll join the other corpses hanging on hooks from the ceiling.

The Skull Pack entered the main room, Sonya approached a nearby hook on the ceiling and places Lincoln on it with the hook sinking in his chained blade, the unconscious white haired man dangling by it like a spider on it's string of web.

Julia: He's sleeping very peaceful.

Sonya: Tch. Whatever, I'm gonna go fix my baby (carries her busted m134 gatling machine gun)

Julia: Must you call the weapon "your baby?" It's just a modified large gun.

Sonya: Yeah but it's MY modified large gun and no one messes with my guns.

Sonya heads to the next room. Reby pulls up a pail of water, walking towards the unconscious Lincoln and splashing him with water, waking him up while coughing a bit.

Reby: It's about time you've woken up.

Lincoln looks up at Reby and Julia, his eyes narrowed at the skull pack leader & her partner.

Lincoln: ....

Reby: Now that I've got your attention, we can get more acquainted... (Smirks)

Lincoln: (blunt) Ain't my type, sweetheart...

Julia couldn't help but giggle while Reby got an angry look in her eye.

Reby: (angry) Not that type of acquaintance, idiot! Oh you think you're full of jokes, huh?

Lincoln: Meh, not really. I'm not my sister Luan.

Reby: Look here, snow white. I didn't bring you here to play games, now you're going to be a good lil man and give the boss what she wants.

Lincoln: And whatever your boss wants from me, I'm not giving her or you three punks anything.

Reby growls while Julia grins evilly.

Julia: Oh a stubborn guy, hmmmm? Well, let us tell you... our boss haven't been feeling like herself lately & you have something that can quell that. You have two choices, Either cooperate and give the boss what she wants or there will be chaos.

Lincoln: ...... (Blunt) I choose Chaos.

Julia: Very well, you asked for it.

Reby: Fine, I'm more than happy to torture the hell outta you anyway!

The two begin their torture on the white haired man.


Sonya was in the next room being a makeshift lab/workshop, she was working on her damaged m134 gatling gun. She groans in annoyance with the amount of damage Lincoln did to her weapon but luckily for her, the damage wasn't beyond repair.

She was so gonna make Lincoln pay for messing up her 'baby'. Then she heard a beep sound, she reaches in her pocket and pulls out her phone, looking at a text message from Julia saying to check on the boss. Sonya sighs as she puts her tools and gun down and went out to the main quarters to check on the boss.


Soon, Laine brought Stella, Renee, Molly, Girl Jordan, Kat, Cristina and Ronnie Anne to their home.

Laine: Make yourselves at home, mates.

Kat: This is a rather beautiful place, I'm surprised no one has been able to raid it.

Laine: We have tightened security in and out of the house thanks for the expertise of Beth and Priscilla. We have extra rooms downstairs but some of you will have to share the rooms with two beds.

Renee: Okay.

Laine heads upstairs to her and Lincoln's room and later comes back with her twin sais, holster of shurikens and short sword.

Molly: Whoa there, packing heat there.

Stella: Where are you going?

Laine: I'm going to help linc out, you seven are staying here for the time being. My three friends should be back shortly, once they see you just tell them linc and I brought you here.

Girl Jordan: But it's not safe out there.

Kat: Yeah. And these three women are not your every day civilians. They're rioters, mercenaries and absolute killers!

Laine: And?

Renee: And? How are you not scared of them?

Laine: Because ya can't let fear rule your lives. Sure, it's okay to be scared but at times, ya gotta learn to step up to fear head on and kick fear straight in the face. Linc's my love and I ain't gonna leave him for the wolves.

Laine then takes her leave as Ronnie Anne, Stella, Girl Jordan, Kat, Cristina, Molly and Renee had mixed expressions about this.


Back at the skull pack hideout, Reby and Julia was seen breathing heavily while holding various weapons with a pile of weapons next to them. The two were beating, cutting, shooting and torturing Lincoln for hours but the white haired man showed no signs of breaking down or complying with the two demands.

He wasn't the Omen Scorpion for nothing, given that he's not immortal & he can take the pain but it'll take more than bullets, blades or even an explosion to maim or kill him. However, the two women weren't trying to kill him as he was needed alive for their boss but their torture methods were making little progress.

Julia: He's... really resilient...

Lincoln: Are you finished?

Ruby: Grrrr...

Lincoln: Well? Are you?

Reby: Shut the hell up! You are wasting our time with your defiance!

Lincoln: And what exactly do you want from me so badly? The bounty on my head? Wanting me to be a loyal asset to your boss? To steal advanced tech or valuables for you? I can tell you two one thing... (Cold stare) You're not getting jack from me...

Reby was reaching her boiling point, her left cybernetic arm morphing into a disintegrator cannon, aiming it at Lincoln. Before she could pull the trigger, Julia stops her.

Julia: Now, now Reby. None of that, he's just trying to get under your skin is all. He's no use to us or the boss dead.

Reby glares at her then at Lincoln before sighing in annoyance, disengaging her disintegrator cannon.

Reby: Fine...

Julia: Just think of the boss, one way or another, he will break and cooperate. It's not a matter of if, it's when...

Reby nods.

Lincoln: You're really that desperate to please your boss that much? How do you know that once you fail or outlive your usefulness, she'll just dispose of you like common trash.

Julia: Don't talk about us or our boss like you know us.

Reby: Yeah, we're a pack through & through. We don't turn our backs or get rid of one another like some common mob boss throwing away his expendables!

Lincoln: Could've fooled me.

Reby: And what are you, smartass?! The hero?! A savior trying to save everyone and fix this world so everyone will be fine and dandy for the rest of their lives! Ha! Cut the fantasy sh*t! Here's a little dose of reality for you, this world is broken, there ain't no caped Superman like son of b***h coming to undo what the five organizations did, it's survival for all, the weak die and the strong survive! The normal world you once knew is gone!

Lincoln stares darkly at Reby.

Lincoln: .... And who said that I wanted to be the hero? (Chuckles coldly) That job is way overrated and I'm not trying to change the world back to normal, even I can't bring it back. In reality, one of the painful truths is in the apocalypse, can break apart families and sever all ties with long time friends... as well as not being able to save everyone.

Reby and Julia stare at him.

Lincoln: (calm tone) But I do plan on saving those I can that are still trying to survive this world... I plan to find my family and friends in this madness if they're still alive that is. I'm not a God and I'm not a Hero, I can't bring the world I once knew... the world you all once knew back & I can't save EVERYONE but I won't rest until the five organizations who started this are all in the grave.

Reby: Tch! Easier said than done and you think you can take on everyone?

Lincoln: (cold tone) I don't care... I don't care if I have to go through those who aren't loyal to them, I don't care if I have to go through you three or your boss, I don't care if I have to go through anyone loyal to the Black Skulls, Blood Rain Riders, the Sun Scorchers, the Plague Dragon Clan or the Grave Leviathans... I will end them all...

Reby got in his face.

Reby: (glares) Oh really? You must have a real huge set down there to make that claim in taking on the ruined world. You're either brave, foolish, stupid, really crazy or all of the above. But don't forget you're our prisoner and until our boss gets what she wants from you... You. Ain't. Leaving.

Lincoln: (smirks) That can be arranged...

The two glare into each other's eyes with electricity sparking. Julia then heard a beep and pulls out her phone, getting a text from Sonya saying that she needs her and Reby to the boss's main chamber now!

Julia: Reby, Sonya needs us away! Something happened with the boss!

Reby: Grrr, fine! (Looks at Lincoln with a heated glare) I'll deal with you later.

Reby and Julia ran off through the main halls. Once they were out of sight, Lincoln with his hands behind his back reaches for a certain part of the chained blade where he places his hand for it, a click sound was heard as the chains loosened and he fell to his feet, getting free from the chains and reacted his chained blade from the hook.

Lincoln: You think they would've tied me up with something other than my own weapon. Hmmm, the main exit is heavily sealed so I'll have to find another way out without the skull pack knowing.

Lincoln looks at the path Reby and Julia went through and went in the opposite direction, unaware that a very large figure with glowing green eyes was watching him from the shadows and slowly & secretly follows him.


Reby: She WHAT?!

Sonya: Will you stop yelling! I just told you that she escaped!

The skull pack's boss main chamber was huge, weapons hanged on the walls, a crest with a strange menacing skull in the center of the room, the room illuminated in indigo lighting, different types of skulls mounted on the walls, a fireplace and a skullclad like throne but there appears to be chains and reinforced cuffs which were on the ground and look like they were broken and melted off with green ooze followed by giant footsteps that follows to a giant hole in the wall on the left.

Julia: Crap, Crap, Crap. The boss is loose, you know how she is right now when she gets into her condition...

Sonya: She could be wandering anywhere in this place.

Reby: Grrrrr, we gotta activate the lockdown protocol. She must not escape!

The three members leave the chambers, heading back to the main room. When they got there, the three gasped upon finding a hook dangling back and forth but no Lincoln chained to it as the white haired man was gone. Reby was seething in rage and yelled out loud, clearly pissed off.

Reby: Dammit!!!!!!!!

Sonya: Great, now that's two people gone!

Reby: (angry) He couldn't have gotten far! Julia, hunt that white haired bastard down and Sonya, locate and contain the boss! I'm going to activate the lockdown protocol, Do not let either of them leave here!!

Sonya and Julia: Got it!/Y-Yes!

The two members went down opposite paths while Reby heads down to the main control room to activate the lockdown protocol.


Lincoln was wandering around the area, looking for an exit out this place. It was like a maze to him at this point.

Lincoln: This place is like a maze. Getting out won't be easy, I'd make an exit but these walls look designed to keep certain individuals in and/or out. Sigh... Guess I'll do this the old fashioned way.

Lincoln then heard a loud alarm as the lights flickered from blue to red light and back repeatedly followed by a robotic voice.

Robotic: Lockdown protocol engage. Lockdown protocol activated.

Lincoln: ....

Every entrance/exit in the skull pack's hideout will immediately sealed up tight. The lights inside went out only for deep red lights to come back on with creepy illumination.

Lincoln: (rolls his eyes) Of course... But that won't stop me.

Lincoln then runs through the hall straight down the path, seeing steel bridge leading to the next room with the bottom level too dark to see the actual bottom like an abyss. The white haired man then runs across the bridge but didn't see hooks appearing out of the darkness and latching onto the handles followed by a railing sound. Lincoln stops and heard the sound, turning around to see Julia leap out of the darkness, landed on the bridge with hook swords in hand, grinning creepily at Lincoln.

Julia: There you are... now, are you gonna come quietly or do I have to make you scream?

Lincoln: If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I'd be a multi billionaire.

Julia: Resisting, oh I like that~ (licks her lips and readies her hook swords)

Lincoln: Ignoring that. Try to catch me then.

Lincoln runs off which makes Julia grin even more.

Julia: They always run, Hehehehe~

Julia runs after him, the chase begins straight down the next hall, a quick left turn, through the torture center, pass the extra prison chamber, pass the vehicle room, through the training center and makes a quick right turn into an open space area where Julia leaps and pounced on Lincoln, both rolling to the ground with Julia on top of the white haired man with her hook swords across his throat in an X formation.

Julia: Gotcha.

Lincoln: No, Got you.

He used his free hand to land a punch to Julia's gut, earning a pained groan as he grabs the hook swords and kick flipped her off him. Getting to his feet & dropping the hook swords, Lincoln sees Julia getting to her feet as well, turning to him with a malicious glare.

Lincoln: Let's dance.

Julia grins as he charges at her, spear tackling her to the ground. He delivers a couple of punches and palm attacks to Julia, who shields some of them with her forearms before rolling him around and hitting Lincoln with strikes of her own before Lincoln rolls her off of him, getting up to his feet to low sweep kick Julia to trip her only for Julia to back flips and comes back to a handstand spinning kick.

Lincoln blocks the spinning kicks of Julia, who finishes with a corkscrew kick to his neck, sending him into the walls. Julia then runs at Lincoln with a straight kick to the face but the white haired man caught the kick with his hands and flips her over and nails her with knee to the face, making Julia cough up blood to stumble back with Lincoln hitting an assortment of strikes to the skull pack psycho, finishing up with a straight fist to the face.

Julia stayed on her feet but turned away from Lincoln for a moment before slowly turning back to him with a menacing glare, pupils glowing red. With a mad yell, Julia tackled Lincoln to the ground, hammering away at the white haired man, soon she picks him up and repeatedly knees Lincoln in the gut, earning pained grunts from him as Julia added a fierce slap to the face and piercing thrust chop to the throat.

However, Julia doesn't let go of him and looks him in the eye, glowing blue eyes meeting glowing red ones.

Julia: (grins insanely) You're gonna take on the whole ruined world, eh? You're gonna try to end the 5 organizations who rule this world as well as those who aren't loyal to them, hmm? Hahahahahaha! Well... I got some bad news for ya, you're not the only one in this world who's become enhanced with superhuman capabilities.

Julia spins him around a couple of times before throwing him to the steel walls while ripping his leather jacket.

Julia: And they say I was crazy but you're a different type of crazy if you think you're going to achieve where countless rebels and wannabe heroes have failed...

Julia runs in and nails him with a leg drop to the neck, then leaps up into the air in attempt to drive her boot through Lincoln's chest but the white haired man rolls out of the way, Julia leaving a large dent in the ground. She marched over to Lincoln only for him to kick her in the gut followed by a left cross to the mouth. Julia stumbled back as Lincoln hits her a roundhouse kick, followed another & another & another until he grabs Julia's head and nailed her with a single knee facebreaker, making Julia fall to the ground clutching her face in face.

Lincoln waits for Julia for gets on all fours and runs to punt kick her head off but Julia intercepted it and reverse elbowed him in the side, the two would trade blows with each other from punches, kicks, combos and counters all together.

Julia would deliver palm shots to the face, rolling spin kick to the gut, a stomp to the foot and an uppercut to the jaw of Lincoln. But lincoln wouldn't go down in returning the favor some Maui Thai knees to the gut, boxing punches & strikes to the face & gut, a chop to the chest and a spin kick for the finish, making her stumble a little.

Julia: Agh! You little-

Lincoln: Lights out.

Lincoln lands a solid running knee to the face of Julia, knocking her right out as she hit the ground with a thud. Lincoln got to his feet, looking at the fallen skull pack member.

Lincoln: She put up one hell of a fight than how she did in town, hiding her real strength at that. Probably holding back like the other two because they want me for their boss whatever the reason... I shouldn't underestimate them-

Lincoln was cut off by a strange noise.

Lincoln: Huh?

The strange noise was heard again but louder, it sounds like a deep, guttural & ghoulish like groan. Lincoln remained silent as he heard it again followed heavy breathing and big stomps which sounded like they were coming his way. Lincoln turns around and noticed a figure making it's way through the dark halls towards him slowly and menacingly, Lincoln takes a closer look at the figure, the silhouette looked like a female and a very tall and giant one at that, looking like she was dragging something along the way via the screech sounds from the object but he couldn't make out the rest as the female figure's appearance was cloaked in darkness.

Lincoln: And who are you...?

The female figure continued her way towards Lincoln, showing primal, glowing green eyes in the shadows followed by a frightening predator like growl.

To be continued...

(Chapter 8 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The skull pack brought Lincoln to their hideout, what do they along with their unknown boss want with him? Money for his head? To make him a slave? It's anyone's guess. Laine got Ronnie Anne and the other women to their home & is going out to help Lincoln. And after Lockdown protocol of the skull pack and a fight with Julia, lincoln is approached by a large, menacing female figure in the shadows, is it the skull pack's boss or something much worse? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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