Chapter 5: Reacquainted & Transfer

Within the old house, Maggie was cleaning up the house by throwing the corpses of the Black Skulls soldiers off the cliff with Omen's help. While the emo woman was upset that Frank Blitz escaped from Omen Scorpion, a huge part of her was glad that Omen didn't kill him... because Maggie wanted to kill the man herself.

While the emo woman can stand her ground in a fight, she'll need a lot more if Frank shows his face again more prepared. She needed more training... she needed power.


Meanwhile, Lucy was looking the blueprints she stole from Frank Blitz & his crew with Omen as said blueprints had some specs of body armor made with a mix of various strong metal to form into a suit strong enough to withstand.... pretty much everything. Missiles, Bazookas, Tanks, Warships, Grenades and this is just the start considering this is a prototype.

Omen Scorpion: Blueprints for an indestructible battle armor and this is the prototype you stole?

Lucy nods.

Omen Scorpion: And why would you put your own life at risk to attain this from The Black Skulls? You know how dangerous they are.

Lucy: Sigh... I know, I've seen what they do to people who get their bad side but we're not doing well here, the people are wasting away & even trying to steal from the other to survive. I needed something on the Black Skulls and maybe try to get something from them in exchange for a valuable possession...

Omen Scorpion: And you thought stealing this (points to the blueprint) would make them give in to your demands for survival items?

Lucy: (looks down) Sigh... I was desperate, okay? Our world is broken, people are either dead, captured or joining the ones who started this apocalypse.... I only did it to help the people of this town, I didn't mean to put them at risk...

Omen sighs as he places his hand on Lucy's head.

Omen Scorpion: it's fine luce, you made a mistake... we all do. But trying to bargain or demand with the Black Skulls or the other four organizations will be a grave mistake that'll end with someone dying....

Lucy gulps nervously under omen's icy glare.

Omen Scorpion: But I found you & I won't let anything happen to you. I'm glad you've survived all these years, surprised you aligned yourself with Maggie to do it.

Lucy: I met her down this path when I was 12, we did some bonding & had similar interests in the dark arts. She's alright when you get to know her. 

Soon, Maggie walked in.

Maggie: We need to pack up, we're leaving.

Lucy: Huh?

Maggie: It's not safe here anymore, they'll be back.

Lucy: Where will we go?

Maggie: For the rest of the people in town, they're might be another area up north the Black Skulls haven't been to, we can go there.

Lucy: What about you & me?

Maggie: We're going with your brother.

Omen Scorpion turns his gaze to Maggie.

Maggie: While Frank Blitz escaped from you, I'm glad you didn't kill him... he & I have history and I want him to die by my hands... (walking up to Omen to look him in the eyes) I need the training and power you possess to bring him down.

Omen Scorpion: Revenge... I see. Revenge sometimes leads to the person dying to the one who wronged them... I'm not gonna talk you out of it nor am I gonna help you out cause you'll end up in the grave.

Maggie: (low snarl) What...?

Omen Scorpion: What I'm saying is... You're not getting what I have for free. You need to earn your way up to what I have, fail and you die or suffer a fate worse than death.

Omen turns to walk away, leaving a glaring Maggie and a concerned Lucy behind.


After moments of packing their things, Lucy and Maggie leave their home & head into town where the people were packed up what little they have left, omen scorpion was waiting for them by the armored vehicles from the Black Skull soldiers he killed.

Omen Scorpion: You'll be using these vehicles to head up north while Maggie leads you there. I will follow to make sure you're safe from... unwanted guests.

The people nodded as they entered the armored vehicles, including Maggie and Lucy. Omen suddenly takes out his chained blade and shot it out at the crowd, who gasp in shock as the chains ensnared and pulled out a hooded figure.

Omen Scorpion: We have ourselves a stowaway.

Omen pulls the figure's hood to reveal Flip, who laughs nervously.

Flip: Eh... hello everyone.

The crowd glared at the cheapskate but Maggie and Lucy's icy glares sent chills down flip's spine.

Flip: What? You guys aren't still mad about me ratting you out & leading the Black Skulls to your doorstep, are you?

Maggie and Lucy's eyes narrowed in silent resentment.

Omen Scorpion: The rest of you, get in the vehicles. I'll deal with the cheapskate and traitor...

Omen drags the chained flip away.

Flip: Hey! Where are you taking me?! C'mon, don't do this, please?!?!

His pleas fell on deaf ears.


Meanwhile, Frank Blitz returned to his base where he was being treated of his injuries while facing a super computer which showed a video transmission of a shadowy silhouette of a female with menacing jade green & sapphire blue eyes sitting on a throne.

Frank Blitz was speaking with the Leader of the Black Skulls organization.

???: (Bold female voice in an Australian accent) Let me get this straight... not only did you let a measly pest from the slumps make a fool out of you to sneak in & stolen a blueprint for a value weapon but you failed to get it back? I'd love to hear this explanation.

Frank Blitz: I-I'm sorry that I failed, my leader. I-

???: I didn't ask for an apology, I asked for a damned explanation!

Frank Blitz: Look, I had the thief and the blueprint where I wanted them! I was about to come back with them if Omen Scorpion hadn't intervened and slaughtered my team!

???: And you ran away, injured and without an arm instead of finishin' the fight. You dare show your face to me like a disgrace, maybe you wouldn't be a disappointment if you were dead by omen's hand!

Frank flinched under the female leader's irate tone.

???: Within the Black Skulls, you need to either fight or die. I don't tolerate cowardice in my empire, those who ran on your watch will be hunted down & brought to me to face punishment for their failure. As for you... You're lucky I still have use for you otherwise, you'd be on a choppin' block.

Frank Blitz: (gulps nervously) Yes Ma'am... What about the blueprint?

???: F**k the blueprint. I longer need it anymore, lose something valuable in order to gain something new in return in time.

Frank Blitz: Oh ok... anything else?

???: For now, you're on standby until you await further orders from me. You better be prepared for the next task at hand because if you screwed up again, I will personally march out of my stronghold, come down to the wintery cold to your location, rip your damn head off & place it on a spear for all to see, are we clear?

Frank Blitz: C-Crystal clear....

???: Good...

The transmission ended while Frank Blitz was still getting his injuries treated.


We cut back to the group of civilians who finally made it to the next town up north. It was quite a very long and bumpy ride to leave the other city they once took refuge behind, some bandits tried to ram the vehicles to rob them but omen took care of them along the way.

The town in the north wasn't as bad as the previous one, it was... superb at best. The houses were well built, some people were living there & have an above average amount of food & water. The civilians of the northern town weren't savages as they welcomed Lucy, Maggie and their group members, giving them some places to stay.

Omen Scorpion turns to leave but was stopped by Lucy and Maggie.

Maggie: And where do you think you're going?

Omen Scorpion: I'm going back to base. Now take your hand off me or you'll lose it.

Maggie reluctantly let's go of his shoulder.

Maggie: Look, I want that power and training you received yourself. If I gotta earn it, fine. I don't care what challenge you put in front of me, I will attain that power to finish the man who took my family from me.

Omen Scorpion: ......... (cold smirk) That's the spirit.

Omen Scorpion whistled as nothing seem to be happening but Maggie and Lucy heard something coming at high speed. Seeing lights from the distance and getting closer and closer by the minute, it stopped in front of Omen, Maggie and Lucy.

It was a silver, black & white well advanced car with light but very strong durable armor, a scorpion symbol on both sides of the car and well equipped strong tires.

Lucy: Wicked ride, I love the dark designs.

Maggie: Is this the scorpion mobile? The Sting Cruiser?

Omen Scorpion: It's a car, not a pet. I don't name 'em.

Omen gets in the front seat, Maggie got in the passenger seat while Lucy got in the back seat. The goth and emo noticed the inside of the car looked more advanced on the inside than the outside, talk about state of the art.

Omen Scorpion: Buckle up & hold on to something.

The two women quickly buckled up as Omen started the car as the vehicle drove through the snow at high speed.

Maggie: Whoa... slow down, slow down, slow down!

Lucy: ....!

Omen drove out of the northern town with no signs of slowing down while Maggie slowly turns a sick pale green as she was trying to hold in her lunch.

Lucy: Brother?

Omen Scorpion: Yes?

Lucy: What happened to Flip?

An icy grin appeared on Omen's face.


Meanwhile back at the lower east of town which was now abandoned as we moved far from the town into the wintery woods where we see Flip chained to a tree, yelling out in anger and fear, mostly fear.

Flip: Hey! Let me out of here! Let me out of here right now!!!! You face painted freak, you won't get away with this, I'll ruin you! Once the Black Skulls find me and free me, I'll tell them where you are! I'll be rich & you'll be dead, you hear me?!?! Your days are NUMBERED!!!!!!

Then flip stopped yelling and ranting when he heard a couple of growls coming from deep in the woods... and the growls were getting closer. Flip had chills running down his spine & sweat rolling down his forehead upon seeing glowing yellow eyes watching him in the shadows.

Flip: W-Who's there...?

Out of the shadows of the woods, there appeared a large pack of wolves as they had a fierce gaze in the eyes, looking very angry and very... hungry.

Flip: Uhhhhh... uhhhh...

The wolves growled as they got closer and closer to the scared flip.

Flip: N-Nice doggies... Nice doggies, l-let's not do something we'll a-all regret now!

The wolves leered at him as the entire pack swarmed flip, who screamed out of pain from the wolves sinking their fangs and claws into his flesh. He tried calling for help but that was short lived when one of the wolves sunk it's teeth into his throat to rip it out, flip felt life leaving him as the pack continues to tear him limb from limb & feast upon his corpse.


Omen made it back to base via a passageway tunnel leading down to the Scorpion's Den where Priscilla was waiting for him.

Priscilla: You took your time getting here, my son. Did something occur?

Omen Scorpion: No. Made a transfer with the other civilians to a different location. And we have two guests joining us.

Priscilla: Guests you say?

Out of the vehicle, a sick green skinned Maggie stumbled out & vomited in the nearest trash can while Lucy got out to see her brother with Priscilla.

Lucy: Hello.

Priscilla: Greetings & who might you be?

Lucy: I'm Lucy, Lincoln's sister. The one puking in the trash can is my friend, Maggie.

Priscilla: Ah, I heard of you and your 9 sisters from your brother here. He's been working hard to find you all & it seems that fate has brought him to you at last.

Lucy: Sigh... indeed. I'm glad to be reunited with my big brother for so long. Now, may I ask who you are?

Priscilla: My name is Priscilla, I am the first omen scorpion. I am also Lincoln's foster mother, caretaker & master.

Lucy: Gasp... so you made him into a superhuman assassin?

Priscilla: I trained & molded him into what he is now, A warrior determined to bring down the five organizations but even with superhuman level abilities, it won't be accomplished easily. Your brother has made new friends to follow down his path, joining him in the fight against our enemies & such despite him protesting that he doesn't want them in danger, in time he learned to accept that he can't do this alone.

Lucy: Oh...

Maggie: (finished vomiting) Ugh... I never wanna go through that ride again...

Omen Scorpion: Here's the blueprint.

Omen hands Priscilla the blueprint.

Priscilla: A prototype for indestructible armor, hmm?

Omen Scorpion: Lucy was the one who stole it from the Black Skulls.

Priscilla turns to Lucy.

Priscilla: Your brother wasn't wrong about you being stealthy one.

Lucy rubs the back of her head with a slight smile & blush. Priscilla brings out a lighter from her sleeve, lighting a fire to burn the blueprint.

Priscilla: I take it these two will be staying here, my son?

Omen Scorpion: Maggie wants to learn from you in order to settle a score. As for Lucy...

Lucy: I-I want to help out too. I understand what I did wasn't safe, a mistake that nearly got me and Maggie killed but I want to fight alongside my big brother, please take us on as your students...

Priscilla turns to Omen for a moment before bringing her gaze back to Lucy & Maggie.

Priscilla: If you're willing to learn, I'll teach you.

Lucy had a slight smile while Maggie nodded with a frown.

Priscilla: Omen, you're excused. I'll call upon you again when a task is needed for completion. I'll start these two with the three trials.

Omen Scorpion: Yes, Mother Priscilla.

Omen takes his leave.

To be continued...

(Chapter 5 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Lucy and Maggie have joined the unit, will they pass or will they fail? What else is going to happen? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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