Chapter 4: Patrol & Reunion, The Omen Scorpion's Sting

After their three trials and earning Priscilla's training & gift of the superhuman serum, Laine, Cole, Beth, Chad and Donna went upstairs to take a well earned break while Priscilla had a mission for Lincoln.

Once Lincoln lead the five out of the Scorpion's Den back the way they came, the white haired man came back down to the lair to see Priscilla looking at the monitors.

Lincoln: You needed to see me, Mother?

Priscilla: Indeed. In the lower east regions of the city where those who chose to not join the Black Skulls organization but didn't want to challenge them went into hiding, living through any means of survival.

Lincoln: So basically, the people there have not much food, water and a roof over their heads.

Priscilla: Indeed, the monitors show a group of soldiers from the Black Skulls are heading to their location.

Lincoln: So they're planning on executing the people down there? People who barely have anything left and aren't trying to get themselves caught in the business of our enemy & want to be left alone.

Priscilla: I know but according to an source of mine, someone from the lower east regions managed to sneak into one of the bases outside the city  and take an item of value, meaning that the soldiers are going over to reclaim it along with the thief's life & will not hesitate to kill anyone there to find it. You need to head there, stop the Soldiers and secure the item from the thief.

Lincoln: Do the Soldiers of the Black Skulls have to be left alive?

Priscilla: No.

Lincoln: (smirks) Perfect.

Lincoln heads to the armory & weapons vault level, passing through the numerous weapons and armor to take a right to a dead end, placing his hand on a brick wall to his left, pressing it forward with a click sound as a passageway opens. Lincoln walks inside and within it was a human size pod as he places his hand on a scanner.

Scanner: Access Granted.

The pod opened up to reveal an attire with light but very strong durable armor.

Lincoln: Time to suit up.


Meanwhile in the lower east part of town....

It was a broken down town referred to as one of the lowest levels of the Black Skull food chain. Those who weren't joining the Black Skulls and didn't want to fight back were forced down to areas like this rather than getting imprisoned or killed. While the people here have some means of a roof over their heads, the food, water, clothes and other supplies were harder to get, especially out in the winter as the supply percentage of low as some tries to steal from the other to survive.

Some people were outside to shovel snow out of the road, sidewalks and driveways until they saw something heading right into their direction, two wide, armored trucks entered the streets as people got out of the way as they drove in, stopping in the center of the road.

The civilians of the town had worried and fearful while protecting their young children or loved ones as the doors were opening and a group of men and women dressed in black and green soldier gear with armored vests, gloves and boots, the Black Skulls symbol on their gear and carrying weapons as they were glaring at the civilians.

Man: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you-

One of the soldiers hit the man with his gun, knocking him into the snow as the civilians gasped. The Leader of the group, wearing a skull mask with stitch marks spoke in a deep voice with a sneer.

Masked man: Alright listen up you low pieces of crap! We're on the hunt for a thief who thinks it's wise to steal from us?! Well... I hope the thief proud of the luck for that little heist because the luck runs out!

The civilians shook in fear while some had glares as the soldiers aimed their guns at them.

Masked man: Seeing as you guys look like you haven't eaten in days or weeks, We should shoot all of you right now and put ya out of your misery but... I'm gonna give you one chance to save yourselves. The thief we're looking for is a woman with black and white hair, tell us where she is.

The civilians of the town was silent.

Masked man: We know she's hiding here and if you tell us where she's hiding in this run down town, you'll be rewarded. You'll be taken to the higher levels of the Black Skulls, a better house, food, water and whatever your little hearts desire when you join us!

The civilians of the town had thoughts about this.

Masked man: And I wouldn't try to hide her or fight us either because if you try to be a Hero....

The masked man snaps his fingers as a female soldier pulls out a knife and throws it at a random guy's head, piercing it as he fell dead, his blood flowing in the snow, much to the civilian's horror.

Masked man: So... you guys wanna play hero and get killed or do you wanna live to see another day in luxury if you tell us what we want to know? Clock's ticking....

The civilians of the town thought about this but why would any of them want to side with one of the five organizations who ruined their lives and put them in the position they're in with their Takeover? They all thought the Black Skull soldiers would kill them anyway even if they talk. So neither of them were going to talk... except for one.

???: I know where she is!

The Civilians turn to a familiar fat man with less hair and a bushy mustache.

Masked man: Is that so? And who are you?

???: The name's Flip and if I tell you, I'll get anything I want to get out of this dump?

Man: What are you doing?

Woman: Are you insane?

Flips ignored the protests.

Masked man: That's correct... if you know where she is. And if you lie....

The masked man snaps his fingers as a male soldier aims his gun and shot up two random guys and a woman, killing them. The civilians had fearful looks while flip was nervous too but he kept his confident grin.

Flip: Of course, would I lie to ya? No. Follow me & I'll take you right to her.

Flip turns to walk away, ignoring the disgusted looks and glares from the civilians by his greedy behavior while the masked man and his soldiers follow him. Once they were gone, the civilians went back into their home as one of them noticed a shadowy blur running over the rooftops towards the path flip and the Soldiers of Black Skulls disappeared to.

Woman: It's him...


We cut back to Flip leading the masked soldier & his group down the upper hills of the run down town while talking about certain riches he might get for this.

Flip: (grins) I can't wait to get my reward, hehehe. (To the Soldiers) So will I get a million dollars? A billion dollars? A solid gold mansion? Maybe a diamond mansion?

Female Soldier: (British voice) You'll get a bullet in your head if you bloody don't stop talking!

Masked man: Get moving!

Flip: (nervous) Y-Yes sir, sorry sir.

Flip kept walking in silent, still thinking about his reward as he leads the Black Skull soldiers up the snow hill where an old, massive house surrounded by a rusty steel fence was up ahead. The gate was slightly open as they walked through and entering the yard with Flip stomping up the front porch with a grin.

Flip: I'll handle this guys.

Flip proceeds to knock on the door.

Flip: Heeeeeeeey!! You home?!

No answer.

Flip: I know you're in there, I saw the lights go out in the windows!

No answer.

Flip: Don't pretend you're not home! Open the door, I got some guys to meet ya!

Flip kept knocking on the door repeatedly for a moment until the door opened but Flip kept knocking, his fist hitting something very big & soft as the former store owner finally noticed that, looking at a 23 year old woman with his fist on her massive bust.

Flip quickly stopped, pulling his fist away from the frowning woman.

Flip: (nervous smile) Hehehehe, sorry there Maggie.

The woman named Maggie was a tall woman with pale skin, freckles, has a curvaceous figure but was very chest heavy, long black hair and black eyeshadow. She was wearing a black business suit with a pale blue shirt underneath as it showed off her overly large chest, dark gray pants and black boots.

The emo woman gave flip a dark glare, reaching for a katana linked to a chain on the coat hanger.

Maggie: I'm restraining myself from cutting you up for that. Now get off my property, I don't want any of your cheap heaters.

Flip: (grins smugly) No. I don't think I will cause I got some visitors for you.

Flips points to the Black Skull soldiers behind him as Maggie narrowed her eyes, recognizing the masked man.

Maggie: (hint of venom in her voice) You....



During the takeover event, 13 year old Maggie ran to her house which was in flames and the car destroyed. She went in there to find her parents, the inside of the house was worse with fire almost every where but what horrified her was... her father laying on the ground dead with a bullet wound in his head.

Maggie: D-Dad...?

Maggie then heard a scream as she ran to the kitchen and sees her mother sitting against the wall, blood leaking from her forehead & holding her bleeding shoulder as a masked man in black and green soldier attire with armor & the Black Skulls symbol on his gear was pointing the gun at her.

Masked man: So you refuse to join us, eh? Well then you can just die like your husband!

Maggie: Mom!

The masked man and the woman turn to Maggie.

Maggie's mother: Maggie, get out of here! Run!

Maggie: B-But... But...!

Maggie's mother: No buts! Just go and find a safe place, I lost your father & I'm not gonna lose you too. (Tears started to fall) Maggie, I love you & I don't want my daughter's life to end so young when you have whole your life ahead of you despite your dark behavior at times, I still love you my daughter... Please live on.

Masked man: Awww... I feel sorry to do this, hehehe, not.

The masked man aimed and fired, Maggie's mother closed her eyes with a peaceful smile as she fell dead. Maggie felt her world freeze around her as tears rolled down her face as emotions ran through her mind...  sadness, despair, sorrow and finally.... anger.

Masked man: Now kid, I'm gonna give a one way ticket to see your folks... in the grave. (Points the gun at her)

Maggie then let out a loud yell and before the masked man could react, Maggie tackles him to the floor, punching him in the face. The masked man then threw the Emo girl off of him.

Masked man: Little Brat!!

Maggie groans as she saw a knife nearby and grabs it before getting on the masked man's back, stabbing him on the right shoulder.

Masked man: Agghh!! F**k!

Maggie starts to stab him in the back and slashes in the right eye, making him yell in pain. The masked man grits his teeth with a growl as he got Maggie and throws her off his back, getting his gun off the ground & turn his furious gaze towards Maggie, who was getting up to run away as he shot at her, managing to get her shoulder.

Maggie bit her lip at the pain as she started to run away with the masked man giving chase. The masked man soon got out of the burning house as she sees Maggie quickly bolting from the neighborhood, the Emo girl hearing the masked man's roar.


Flashback over....


We cut back to 23 year old Maggie, glaring at the masked man with hate in her eyes. The man who took her parents from her.

Flip: Hellooooooo, Are you going to stand there or are you going to tell my friends here what they want-

Maggie slapped Flip across the face & makes a beeline for the masked man. The black skull soldiers got in her path as Maggie punches one of the face, knee one in the gut and hits the katana on the side of another soldier's cheek but as she fought and fought, the Black Skull soldiers overwhelmed her with their assault as a large, muscular soldier held Maggie down as she struggled with the soldier's beefy left arm around her neck & the right hand gripping her right breast as Maggie gnashed her teeth with a hiss.

The masked man approached her while flip recovered from the slap.

Masked man: A feisty one you are with a nice body, I like women who can put up a fight.

Maggie growled.

Masked man: (Looks at Maggie) You look so familiar to me for some reason.... (thinks about it until he got it) Ah, that's it! You're that emo brat from years back when Operation: Takeover began. I'd figure you'd die from the carnage but here you are... good, I still owe you for the scars you gave me.

Maggie: Let me go! I'm gonna make you suffer for what you did....!

Masked man: Heh. Ya got spunk but I did say I would kill you if I ever see you again but... here isn't the place. I hear this thief is in your house, a little friend of yours...?

Maggie's eyes widened as the man grins under his mask.

Masked man: Oh... she is. Well it's time another person you care about dies.

Maggie: Guuh... No!

Masked man: Once we're done with her, I'm not gonna kill you... yet. I'm gonna make you my b****, I'm gonna break you harder than you have ever been broken before, physically, mentally and emotionally until you scream my name... Frank Blitz... and you'll be begging for me to put you out of your misery which I will until you'll fully broken.

Maggie tries to get loose but the large soldier had a good grip on her.

Frank Blitz: You stay here with the geezer (Flip) and keep the Emo woman locked up tight. The rest of you follow me, we have a property of ours to take back & a thief to put to sleep permanently.

The masked man known as Frank Blitz and his troops entered the house while the large soldier holding Maggie and flip wait outside. But none of them were aware of the shadowy figure on the roof, entering the house within the window.


Frank Blitz and his group of men and women soldiers look around the inside the house; it was dark, had some gothic like furniture and the place had a lot of cob webs and ancient spooky relics.

Frank: The thief is in here somewhere, I'm taking five of you upstairs with me to search while the rest of you search down here. If you see her, bring her to me & don't kill her yet cause she might have hid the item we're looking for, got it?

Men and women soldiers: Yes sir!

Frank Blitz took five soldiers upstairs while the rest remained downstairs to search the place for the thief. Upstairs, Frank & his five soldiers split up to look in the three bedrooms, bathroom and open attic, one soldier climb the ladder leading to the attic take a look but was grabbed and pulled into the darkness before he could yell.

Two black skull female soldiers were searching one of the bedrooms, holding their guns to keep a look out for the thief, they heard a sound and turned their UV lights/guns to find... a cat crawling on the table, knocking over some glass cups.

Cat: Meow. (Leaps off the table & leaves the room)

Female Soldier: (Russian accent) Tch! Just little, white & black striped cat.

Female Soldier 2: (British accent) Nearly startled to blooming daylights out of me there.

Then something came rolling in the center of the room as the two female soldiers look down to see a black & neon blue orb which released a cloud of black & dark blue smoke.

Female Soldiers: Cough, Cough! Not feeling so good...!/Cough, Cough, p-poison cloud ughhhh...

The two female soldiers collapsed and fell to the ground as they drew breath no more. Meanwhile, one soldier was checking the bathroom as he noticed the shower curtains rustling, he moves closer and closer to place his hand on the curtains & opens it to reveal... a skeleton model?

Male Soldier: (male voice in a slang) Ha! A skeleton in the shower? There's a joke to this but I can't-

Then the black skull soldier was cut off by a pair of chains wrapped around his neck as he was getting choked from behind. The soldier struggled and tries to reach for the figure behind him but his neck was snapped as he went limp, falling to the ground lifeless.

Within the next room, another soldier was checking the place for any signs of the thief, nothing under the bed and nobody in the closet, so he went to the slide door, opening it as he went to check the balcony, unaware of the figure lurking around behind him.

Male Soldier: (Australian accent) Where is that damn thief? (Calls out) Come out, come out wherever you are, mate! If ya come out of hidin', I promise ya the pain ain't gonna hurt... much, hehe.

The soldier heard chains rattling which made him turn around to shoot.

Male Soldier: No one sneaks up on me without gettin' their guts full of led!

The soldier stopped firing when he found nothing but the body of the soldier, whose neck was snapped but he didn't know that as he mistakenly thought he killed his own teammate.

Male Soldier: Oh sh*t. I killed one of me teammates... meh. His fault for sneaking up on me-agh!

He felt something sharp pierce his back as he was reeled up to the roof while screaming, the sharp object was yanked out of his back as the soldier fell two stories down from the house down the hill, landing on a large pile of rocks, breaking his skull, neck and spine, killing him. The figure looks down at the deed done as the person went back into the mansion.


Frank Blitz was checking in the last of the rooms for any signs of the thief and the item she stole from their base.

Frank Blitz: Damn woman, stealing from the likes of us. When I find you, I'm going to make an example of you in front of the whole run down town what happens when you have the gal to take from us.

While Frank was checking the room, someone was watching from the utility closet, hoping for the black skull soldier to leave. Frank searched almost everywhere except the utility closet while the figure quickly hid as Frank opens the utility closet, seeing nothing there, much to his frustration.

Frank cursed over his breath as he leaves the room to search elsewhere. When he was gone, the figure jumps down from the top in the utility closet, revealing a woman with black and white hair, who quietly walks towards the bed, reaching between the mattresses and pulls out a folded blue piece of paper.

But before she can get something else from the mattress, the woman was grabbed from behind and a bag placed over her head by Frank Blitz.

Frank Blitz: Hehehe, You really thought I gone, huh? I'm not usually a man of patience but sometimes it's good to lie and wait for the prey to reveal itself with their guard lowered.

Frank grabs the paper while holding the woman as he leads her out of the room, calling for his five soldiers that he found the thief but none of them came out, he calls them again but still nothing.

Frank Blitz: Ugh, probably went downstairs to join the others.

Frank drags the thief downstairs as he regroup with his soldiers but the five that were with him weren't amongst them.

Frank Blitz: I have the thief but apparently the five soldiers that were searching upstairs have gone up and vanished on me.

Female Soldier: (Monotone voice) Vanished? So this place is haunted.

Frank Blitz: Don't be ridiculous, there's no such things as ghosts haunting this place.

Female Soldier: (Monotone voice) Then explain the five soldier's disappearance.

Frank Blitz: (glares) Ok smartass, then you go upstairs and see if there's a 'ghost' up there.

The female soldier was hesitant but obeyed as she went upstairs to check.

Frank Blitz: Any other smart comments?

The rest of the soldiers shook their heads no. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream as the female soldier came running down the stairs in fright.

Frank Blitz: What's going on?! Find any "ghost" nonsense?

Female Soldier: No ghost! Something Worse! Much Worse! I'm outta here!

She bolts out the door.

Frank Blitz: Hey! Get back here!

Frank and the soldiers heard chains rattling as they saw someone standing in the center of the upstairs floor, staring down at them with an icy, death glare. It was a man with messy white hair, soulless white eyes & pupils, donning black & dark gray menacing war paint on his face. He was wearing a black trench coat with shoulder spikes, a black bodysuit with white & silver light but very strong durable armor, gloves, armored kneepads and boots. He was also carrying a curved blade attached to a very long chain.

Frank Blitz: Damn it, like we have enough problems.

Female Soldier: (squeaky female voice) W-Well... it ain't a ghost...

Male Soldier: (Brazilian accent) It's the Omen Scorpion...

(A/N: I redrawn & redesigned my sketch of Omen Scorpion Lincoln)

The Omen Scorpion slowly walks down the step, carrying the chained blade in hand.

Omen Scorpion: (dark voice) So many soldiers & so many vital spots to strike... so little time....

Frank growled while holding onto the woman.

Frank Blitz: What are you idiots standing around for?! Shoot him!

The soldier aimed their guns at Omen, who leaps at them while taking the bullets, driving his blade one of the soldier's neck as he fell with a thud. Omen scorpion then pulls out three knives and threw them at three male soldiers heads, killing them. One female soldier ran at him as they started landing strikes to one another but Omen caught the next punch, grabbing the female soldier by the neck & chokeslamming her through a glass coffee as Omen Scorpion jumps and plants his boot on her neck with a sickening crack as the foe went limp.

Two male soldiers double team him as they punch and kick at him but Omen sent them flying, using his chain blade to decapitate one soldier and using the chains linked to the blade to shoot it like a missile through the other soldier's chest, reeling him in and delivering a strong punch to sent him through a window.

A female soldier came running at Omen Scorpion from behind with a sword but without looking, Omen hits her with a backfist. She yelped as her nose was broken but whimpered as Omen stares down at her with cold eyes, the female soldier quickly got up & ran out the door in retreat.

More soldiers attempt to gang up on Omen with the numbers game to beat on him but Omen fought back against them with strong punches, swift kicks, blades strikes and chain attacks upon pulverizing and killing each black skull soldier in his path.

Frank Blitz was growling in anger as his entire squad was decimated.

Omen Scorpion: Now it's your turn.

Omen walks towards Frank, who points the gun at the bag headed woman's head.

Frank Blitz: You take one more step and I blow her head off!

Omen Scorpion: Go ahead.

Frank Blitz: What?

Omen Scorpion: Did I stutter? Go ahead. Whether you do and not, you won't get out unscathed.

Frank Blitz was feeling chills down his spine as Omen walks closer to him, the woman moves her hand to the right, feeling the blue paper in Frank's right pocket, grabbing it. Before Frank could pull the trigger, she proceeds to give him a backwards low blow to the crotch, making Frank howl in pain as he released her.

Frank: Ack! You cheap piece of crap!

Omen Scorpion moves in to attack but Frank barely managed to dodge the blade which struck the shoulder. Frank grunts as he shoots at Omen but the bullets weren't doing much to him, Frank decided to charge at him, trading blows with the assailant. Frank pulls out a knife to counter Omen's chain blade as the sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the room, Frank strucked Omen Scorpion in the neck with his knife, smirking. However, the smirk vanished as Omen showed no reaction nor did he feel pain.

Frank let out a loud yell of agony as Omen Scorpion cut off his right arm followed by slashing him across the chest, drawing blood as Frank Blitz stumbled back but managed to stay strong & pulls out a grenade.

Frank Blitz: Huff... huff... I know when I'm beat in battle but it's only one battle of many. Myself nor our boss ain't conceding the war to you, there's more one of us and you may be a major pain in the ass but sooner or later... you'll die!

Frank slams the grenade down, activating it but instead of an explosion, it was a cloud of smoke that engulfed the area. Once the smoke clears, Frank Blitz was gone but Omen didn't care as he would finish him another time.

He then walks towards the woman with the bag over her head & on the floor, noticed the blue paper in her hand. He grabs the paper, unfolding it as he looks at it.

Omen Scorpion: Blueprints, hmm?

The woman groans as she slowly got up, getting the bag off her head, looking around and seeing the dead bodies of Black Skull soldiers and Omen Scorpion taking a look at the blueprints. Walking up to Omen, the woman taps on his shoulder which made Omen turn and grip his chained blade near her neck.

???: Gasp!

Omen looked at the woman for a moment in dead silence. She was a pale skinned woman with a beautiful, hourglass figure but was more bottom heavy. She was wearing a dark gray shirt with a Batman symbol, black sweatpants and black boots. She also has slightly long black hair styled in a bob with the bangs covering her eyes while having the left side of the hair having a huge streak of white.

The woman also got a good look at Omen and immediately gasped.

???: It's you... it's really you.

Omen Scorpion said nothing.

???: Big Brother... It's me, Lucy...

The assassin moves the blade away from her throat, getting a better look at the woman revealed to be his younger sister Lucy Loud, all grown up. The goth tackles Omen Scorpion in a hug with tears falling.

Lucy: (sobs) Sniff... Big Brother. I missed you...

Omen was silent but rubs the goth's head for comfort. While he was showing no emotions right now, on the inside he was glad to see one of his sisters alive and well.

Lucy broke the hug to look at her brother with a slight smile.

Lucy: Sigh... I'm ecstatic to see you again. Thank the spirits that you survived the outcome the world has went through.

Omen Scorpion: Same for you, spooky. Now if you'll excuse me...

Omen walks out the door with Lucy following, seeing Flip waiting outside with the large soldier holding Maggie.

Flip: What's taking them so long? I want my freakin' reward!

Large Soldier: I heard some gun shots in there, must've found the thief- (sees omen scorpion) What the?! Why are you here?!

Maggie spots Omen and Lucy walking out of the house.

Flip: The hell?

Large Soldier: What happened to the others?!

Omen Scorpion: Dead. And your leader abandoned you.

Flip: No!! My reward!!!

Large Soldier: You Bastard!

The Large Soldier throws Maggie aside and runs at Omen, who pushes Lucy back in the house while dodging a giant fist. The Large Soldier was swinging wildly at Omen Scorpion, who continue to evade the attacks while leaping up to slash his left shoulder with the chained blade, making the large soldier yell out in pain as Omen struck his chest.

Large Soldier: Aaaagh!!

Omen Scorpion then flips away from the large soldier and shot out his chained blade like a missile through the large soldier's chest.

Large Soldier: Ack!

Omen Scorpion: Goodbye.

Omen Scorpion grips the chain and with great strength begins to spin the large soldier around repeatedly, drawing blood from him as Omen released the chained blade from his chest, sending the large soldier flying across the run down town, hitting the bell tower.




Lucy: Gasp....!

Maggie: .....?!

Omen Scorpion then turns to Flip with a deadly glare.

Flip: (nervous) Uhhhh... I-I just remembered t-that I have somewhere to be, B-Bye!

Flip ran off down the hill the way he came. Omen retracted his chained blade in his sleeve as he activated his earpiece communicator.

Omen Scorpion: Priscilla.

Priscilla: (through communicator) Yes, Omen? I take it the job is finished?

Omen Scorpion: The soldiers were dealt with, the leader of the squad got away but he left behind the item he was looking for.

Priscilla: I see. And the thief who stole it from them?

Omen Scorpion: Secure. (Looking at Lucy, who was helping Maggie up)

Priscilla: Excellent. Return to base.

Omen Scorpion: Got it.

Priscilla hangs up as Omen Scorpion walks towards the gates. Lucy sees him leaving and runs after him.

Lucy: Wait...!

Omen turns to face his sister.

Lucy: Can you... stay a while? Sigh... I want to at least spend time with you.

Omen thought about this for a moment as he wouldn't in a total big hurry or anything. His job was finished so he guess he could give some time to his sister, who he hasn't seen in years.

Omen Scorpion: Very well.

To be continued....

(Chapter 4 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it as well as my sketches of Lucy and Maggie which were from the old omen scorpion book which I deleted to make the reboot & my redrawn & redesign sketch of Omen Scorpion Lincoln. The job was finished and Omen met one of his ten sisters who he hasn't seen in years, what's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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