Chapter 3: Training in the Scorpion's Den

Within the Scorpion's Den, Lincoln, Cole, Laine, Chad, Donna and Beth all respectfully bowed as Priscilla stands up and walks towards them.

Priscilla: Greetings everyone and welcome to the Scorpion's Den. Before we begin, I shall tell you what you are in for.

Five monitors appeared with five different symbols of the five deadly organizations. A menacing Skull with a curved blade through its elongated teeth for the Black Skulls. A single crescent moon with raining blood in swift motion for the Blood Rain Riders. A rotting & skeletal dragon symbol for the Plague Dragon Clan. A red and yellow scorching sun symbol for the Sun Scorchers. And finally, a tombstone with an ancient dragon's head carved into it for the Grave Leviathans.

Priscilla: The Black Skulls, The Blood Rain Riders, The Plague Dragon Clan, The Sun Scorchers and The Grave Leviathans.... you all know the destruction they've caused upon the entire world, splitting the earth into 5 grand territories and near impenetrable strongholds.

Lincoln, Laine, Cole, Donna, Beth and Chad nodded in agreement, remembering the chaotic events that separated them from their families.

Priscilla: These aren't any petty gangs and thugs that we're dealing with here, these five organizations are the most deadliest clans there is in their own ways, despite the chaos happening they will do everything in their power to make sure that their Order, Justice & Authority is law by any means necessary. Those who were against them & tried to stand up to them perished in the process....

Cole: But that changes until we kicked their asses.

Donna and Beth: Don't interupt her.

Cole: Yeah, Yeah whatever.

Priscilla: Anyways, I have history with the five organizations, I know how they work and what they'll do to insure that their goals are finished. Do not underestimate what attributes these clans have, you even lose focus or lower your guard for a second.... you die by their hands, understand?

Lincoln nodded.

Cole: Yeah.

Laine: Got it.

Donna: Of course.

Beth: Yes.

Chad nodded.

Priscilla: Now the five of you will go through trials that'll decide that if you're worthy of my training & my 'gift'. For you see, Lincoln has already accepted my gift.

The five looked at Lincoln, who looks back at them... his eyes glowed blue for a moment until they returned to normal.

Laine: Whoa...

Priscilla: I took Lincoln in and offered him the training and transfusion with my blood, now he is more than human... able to do things no normal human can do like myself of course but even he, like all of you have much to learn.

Beth: So basically Lincoln has become like a Superhuman?

Priscilla: Precisely, he was given a special serum made from my blood. I was born more than just a human from my mother's side but that's a story for another time. Let us begin.


Priscilla brings the group to a wide room as the walls hold numerous weaponry and armor rather ancient, modern, advanced or high tech. Everyone except Lincoln were in shock and awe of the weapons and armor.

Priscilla: Welcome to my armory & weapons vault. Choose your weapons for battle.

Lincoln stayed at Priscilla's side while Cole, Donna, Chad, Laine and Beth look around the vault for a weapon of their choosing. Soon, everyone had their weapon or weapons of choice; Cole had two machete swords and a flamethrower gun. Laine chose twin sais, a holster of shurikens and a short sword. Chad has chosen two katana blades. Beth picked up two high tech bladed guns and a sniper rifle. And Donna takes a chained sycthe and high tech gauntlets with spiked knuckles.

Cole: Now that's what I'm talking about, Hahahahahaha!

Beth: Don't even think about activating that flamethrower in here.

Cole: Well you're no fun.

Chad: We have chosen our weapons, what's next?

Priscilla: You five will go through three trials, pass them all and you'll earn my gift and the right to train under me.

Beth: And if we fail...?

Priscilla: (icy stare) I'll have to kill you & dispose of your corpses into the cold unknown.

Cole, Beth and Laine: WHAT?!?!?!

Chad and Donna's eyes widened a bit.

Priscilla: (Deadpan) It was a bit of humor.

Cole, Beth and Laine: Oooooh right./Sheesh you nearly gave me a heart attack./ Bloody hell, that's cold woman!

Chad and Donna sighed.

Lincoln chuckles.


We cut to another room where there's a huge path of hot coal covering the entire floor except two docks, one on the other side of the room with five unlit candles present and the other where Priscilla, Lincoln and the group were standing but Laine, Cole, Donna, Chad and Beth were carrying a torch and were barefooted.

Priscilla: Your first trial... carry your torches through the hot coal pit and get to the finishing point to light the candles of fortune.

Beth: .....?!

Laine: You're kidding, right? We have to walk through that (points to the hot coal pit) to light the candles?!

Priscilla: You can also run through it.

Donna: Our feet will be heavily burned but I'm not backing down.

Chad nodded.

Cole: Same here. But how come Linc's not joining us?

Priscilla: Lincoln has already passed the three trials to earn my gift and the right to train under me.

Laine: He did? (Looks at Lincoln) You did?

Lincoln: Yep.

Priscilla: I'll have you know that Lincoln completely the three trials at age 13.


Lincoln: True. These trials are no joke, I almost died multiple times during trying them.

Laine: Well then luv, if ya managed to get these trials done, I'm gonna do it too. I'm going first!

Priscilla: Very well, I should warn you though the coal pit is unbelievably hot. But I do have first aid, just a heads up.

Laine nodded as she reached the end of the docks, looking at the hot coal pit with nervousness creeping in her mind but she pushed the feeling away. She places one foot in the hot coal and her eyes widened as she screamed, hopping on one foot while holding her other foot which she felt it burning but kept the torch in one hand.

Laine: Blimey, that's f**king hot like a volcano!!

Priscilla: You may begin when ready? If not, you may quit.

Laine stops hopping as she looks at the hot coal pit. She breathes in and out, getting into a running position and gripping her torch as she then makes a run for it through the hot coal pit.

Cole: And there she goes!

Beth: This is insane, she's going to scorch her foot or worse.

Laine was running with all her speed, tripping a couple of times but not falling and suppressing her screams of pain from the hot coal burning her feet as Laine kept on running. Soon, Laine finally reached the finishing point, getting up to the docks, breathing heavily and wincing in pain on walking towards one of the candles and using the torch to light the flame.

Priscilla: Congratulations Laine, you passed the first trial.

Laine let out a massive scream as she fell on her back with a loud thud, the sight of her scorched foot made Cole and Beth wince a bit. Priscilla and Lincoln jumped & ran through the hot coal pit within seconds until they were on the other side where Laine was.

Priscilla: Tend to her foot injuries with this (Pulls out a bottle of glowing violet liquid) it'll heal Laine in no time.

Lincoln: (Takes the bottle) Got it.

Priscilla: (Looks at Cole, Chad, Donna and Beth who were on the other side of the pit) Fill free to cross the hot coal pit and light the flame anytime you wish or quit.

Lincoln opens the bottle and pours some violet liquid on his hands and rubs laine's burnt foot, the British rocker let out a pained groan but soon she started to sigh in relief as she felt the pain vanishing.

Laine: Aaaaaah.... that feel good~. (Looks at her feet) They're all good as new, what is that ya rubbed on my feet, Linc?

Lincoln: Just a special remedy Priscilla made.

Laine: Thank you.

Priscilla watches along with Lincoln and Laine as the other four begin to run the hot coal pit. Cole was running like there's no tomorrow and laughing at the pain as he made it to the finishing point. Donna was feeling immense pain but tries to block it out while she was running until she reached the finishing point as well. Beth was sprinting through the hot coal pit but kept tripping over and gets more than her foot burnt through the hot coal but she eventually managed to make it to the finishing point. And finally, Chad was... walking through the hot coal pit and holding the torch in hand, to everyone expect Priscilla's surprise he was showing no emotions, no signs of pain at all and a through a long walk, Chad reached the finishing point.

The four each lit the flame on the candles of fortune.

Priscilla: Congratulations, you passed the first trial.

Cole: Yeah! I kick ass!

Cole then falls to the ground due to his burning feet.

Cole: I'm Ok!

Laine uses the remedy Lincoln gave her to assist with healing Cole & Beth's wounds while Lincoln gives some medicine to Chad and Donna.

Cole: Oh that felt good there.

Chad: An intriguing remedy.

Beth: Ah... thanks for the medical remedy. I never wanna do that again.

Donna: Well then, what's the next trial?

Priscilla: Already raring to go, hmm? Very well, follow me.

Laine, Cole, Chad, Beth and Donna got to their feet and followed Priscilla and Lincoln through another hidden door.


The next room was slightly dark which was lighted up by blue flamed candles.

Chad: Quite a room.

Priscilla: The Second trial, find your opponent without using your eyes. The candles will go out, making your sight useless in the dark as I attack you.... use your other senses to find me. If you manage to lay a hand on me, the candles will reignite, meaning that you pass the second trial.

The candles instantly go out, making the room go completely dark.

Priscilla's voice: And one thing... only one of you must pass this trial. The shadows can be your ally and/or enemy.....

The voice faded away as Laine, Cole, Donna, Beth and Chad look around, seeing nothing but pure darkness.

Laine: Oi. This is gonna be difficult.

Beth: You're telling me, I'm now as blind as a bat.

Cole: (grabs something) Hey! I think I got her!

Laine: Eeep! Watch who's bum ya grabbing mate!


Cole: Ouch! Sorry!

Something made Beth fall to the ground in the form of a low sweep kick.

Beth: Agh!

Donna: What's wrong?

Beth: Something struck the back of my leg and tripped me.

Cole then felt swift punches to the abdomen before getting a palm strike to the face, making him stumble back.

Cole: (growls) Oh that's it.

Cole tries to attacking with his own wild hits but so far in the dark, he's only punching air. Someone grabs Laine from behind in a sleeper hold as she was being choked out, Laine does a flip to escape the hold and does a couple of spin kicks which the figure dodged and struck Laine.

Laine: Gah!

Cole: (still punching air) What's going on?! Is she over there?!

Donna felt someone attacking her as she fought back, countering the best she could but was overwhelmed and knocked against the wall.

Donna: Agghhh!

Laine: Where are you?!

Beth: She's using the shadows as cover, this is the second trial. Find her and catch her without using our sight which we're barely fairing against her.

Everyone tried to keep on their guard and attack Priscilla the moment she attacks but they couldn't match up to her quick strikes or end up attacking each other the moment she disappeared in the dark.

Donna: She's too fast.

Cole: Man, she's mopping the floor with us and we're basically beating each other's asses! Any ideas Chad? Chad?

Laine: Uhhh mate?

Chad was standing in the middle of the darkness, not saying a word as he took in Priscilla's words.

Chad: (in his mind) Rely on your senses other than your sight... (closes his eyes) the shadows can be your ally and/or your enemy.... advance past your sight, wait for the right moment.

Chad's eyes remained closed, blocking out any inside and outside distractions, focusing on the target which is approaching fast which he felt. Chad counters the swift strikes and dodges the incoming combo attacks.

Chad: (in his mind) Now.

Chad ducks under the next strike, avoid a spinning back kick and lands a palm upon the figure.

???: Hmm.

The dark room was instantly lit up by the candles igniting, revealing Cole punching the air, Laine and Beth on the ground... fighting each other and Donna kicking a large board in half.

Laine, Beth, Cole and Donna: ....?!

The four then turns to see Chad, who had a palm upon Priscilla's forehead, meaning that he caught her.

Priscilla: Congratulations Chad, you passed the second trial. I'm impressed.

Chad: Thank you, I'm well in touch with the dark. (Removes his hand from Priscilla's forehead)

Priscilla turns to the four.

Priscilla: You're stealth performance needs work but you get points for effort.

Cole: Meh, better than nothing.

Lincoln: Let's head to the third trial and I should warn you it's a real showstopper.

Collecting themselves, Laine, Beth, Cole, Donna and Chad followed Lincoln and Priscilla out of the room.


Priscilla: Now within the final trial, you must fight one another within the Scorpion's Cage.

The room was like a dojo and a dungeon in more ways than one and in the middle of it a gargantuan cage but it was a bit too dark to see what was in it.

Laine: Scorpion's Cage?

Cole: Oh yeah, nothing like wrestling in a cage match!

Lincoln: No Cole, it's not a wrestling match. You guys need to fight against one another while avoiding... these creatures.

Priscilla snaps her fingers as the lights shine on the cage, revealing the 'things' within it. Laine screamed as she jumps into Lincoln's arms, Donna and Chad's eyes widened in shock, Beth went pale as a ghost and Cole... had the biggest grin on his face.

Inside the cage was 6 scorpions.... which were past the size of a bus!!!

Laine: What the bloody hell?!?!?!

Priscilla: Meet my pets.

Cole: These Giant Scorpions are your pets?! Awesome!

Beth: Impossible, scorpions aren't supposed to be this level of size...

Priscilla: I've had them since I was young and as for their growth, my grandfather happened to accidentally spilled his growth formula and caused my pets to grow in size... they would've rampaged through town if I haven't calm them down and tamed them.

Chad: I see.

Beth: So your grandfather was a scientist?

Priscilla: In a way, yes.

Priscilla pulls out a large bag as something seems to be moving inside it.

Laine: What's in the bag...?

Priscilla: Other types of insects, my scorpions needs to eat.

Laine turned a sicky green as Priscilla opens the cage, throwing the bag of insects in. The 6 scorpions saw the large bag and immediately ravaged it.

Donna: I have no comment for this...

Priscilla: Now on with the final trial, fight one another within the Scorpion's Cage, you get stung by them... you're out.

Cole: I'll do it!

Beth: But a normal Scorpion's stinger is poisonous, I hate to imagine was a genetically modified Scorpion's venom would do...

Priscilla: Oh it's very deadly, you get stung by them and you're out but don't worry. I have the antidote for the poison.

The five turned to Lincoln.

Lincoln: I fought Priscilla in that cage during my trial and boy was it crazy when I saw the scorpions. I got stung by them 30 times during the test and you don't want to know what their venom did to me.

Priscilla: So... who's going in?

Beth: I apologize but I'm gonna set this one out.

Laine: (Clings to her boyfriend) Same, I'm no damsel in distress but giant scorpions... I'm not ready for those yet.

Lincoln chuckles as he pat Laine on the back, whom the latter gives the white haired man an annoyed pout.

Cole: Well I'm going in.

Donna: I'll do it.

Chad: I'll participate as well.

Priscilla: Alright then.

Priscilla whispers a strange tune as the 6 giant scorpions within the cage moved aside for space, Chad, Cole and Donna entered the Scorpion's Cage with Priscilla closing & locking the door.

Priscilla: Begin.

Cole, Donna and Chad got into their fighting stance while eyeing the 6 giant scorpions circling them with a menacing stare. Cole then decided to strike first, making a beeline for Chad, landing some heavy punches until Chad pushes him aside which causes Cole to almost stumble towards one of the giant scorpions, who hissed at Cole as the red haired man dodged the pincers.

He goes back into the fight, attacking both Chad and Donna at the same time as the two countered Cole, Donna nails a couple of jabs to cole before hitting a back elbow to him. Chad leaps up and hits Donna with an axe kick followed by a spinning kick which sends her near one of the giant scorpions, who hissed at her as Donna saw the stinger coming down.

She moved out of the way of getting stung and kips up to her feet as Cole flies in with a flying clothesline to Donna, punches her 4 times until Donna ducks under the next one and grabs Cole's arm, flips him to the ground with a grunt as she punches his face in.

Cole caught the next punch and headbutts Donna off of him, he gets up and avoids a punch from Chad as the two trade blows. Cole ducks the next attack and caught Chad, putting him over his shoulder and hits him with an attitude adjustment.

Cole: (waves a hand in front of his face like John Cena) You can't see me-

He was kneed in the face by Donna, making him back away as Donna struck him with MMA style strikes before landing a knee strike to his jaw before Cole bounced back with some boxing jabs. Two giant scorpions hissed near Donna and Cole, aiming their stringers towards them, Donna managed to evade them but Cole wasn't so lucky as he was stung in the back and left arm.

Cole: Agghhh! I'm hit! Agh!

Cole fell to the ground as veins started to appear on his body, glowing green as he started to spasm uncontrollably, yelling out in pain. One of the giant scorpions grabbed Cole and carried him to the cage entrance with Priscilla opening the entrance & dragging Cole out, closing the entrance.

Priscilla: You're out.

Priscilla pulls out the antidote and treats Cole's poisoned wounds. Back to the cage, it was down to Donna and Chad as the 6 giant scorpions were circling them. Donna made the first move, firing strong punches and kicks to Chad, who evades and counters with his own attacks, stepping out of the way of Donna's next punch as she nearly trips in front of the giant scorpions, who hissed at her. Donna regained her balance and dodged the pincers and stingers, backflipping to hit Chad with a kick but Chad caught her ankle and flipped her to the ground.

Donna: Agh!

Chad: Do you yield?

Donna glares at him.

Donna: Not today.

Donna low sweep kicked him off his feet but Chad kips up and aims a palm strike at Donna's midsection, knocking the wind out of her as he kept up the swift onslaught. Donna grunts as she then counters the next strike and hits an assortment of strikes followed by a knee, then a straight jab and finally a reverse backfist.

Chad was stumbling backwards but maintains his balance to hit a spiraling back fist to Donna, he hits palm strikes to the face and gut followed by an uppercut, making Donna nearly fall to her knees. The gothic man was aiming to deliver a final vicious kick to end the match but Donna managed to see it coming and caught the kick and grabs Chad by the neck with a loud war cry, Donna throws Chad into one of the giant scorpions, who saw the target and stung the flying Chad in the back with it's stinger.

Chad: Guuh...!

The scorpion removed the stinger as Chad fell to the ground, experiencing the same excruciating pain Cole had with the venom. The only difference was that Chad wasn't screaming in agony as he looks at Donna.

Chad: I... Lose.

Donna noticed the 6 giant scorpions backing up as the cage entrance opens with Priscilla, Lincoln, Laine, Beth and Cole (who was cured of the poison) enter the cage. Priscilla gives the antidote to Lincoln, who tends to Chad while the mistress turned to Donna.

Priscilla: Congratulations, you're the last one standing within the Scorpion's Cage and now you have earned the right to train under me.

Donna: Thank you.

Priscilla: (turns to Cole, Laine, Beth and Chad, who was cured of the poison) As for the rest of you... I'm afraid that you all failed.

Laine, Cole, Beth and Chad: Awww!/Ya gotta be kidding me man?!/ Isn't there a second chance?/Sigh... I understand.

Priscilla: There are no second chances, you failed to complete the final trial & haven't earned the right to train under me. Now relinquish your weapons and leave my den.

Donna: No.

Priscilla turns to Donna.

Donna: You want me join you and Lincoln in this unit.... then you gotta take them too. I'd be a fool to make demands with an assassin but I'd be a bigger fool to advance and leave my friends behind, you either get all of us or none of us.

Laine, Cole, Beth and Chad were surprised but agreed with Donna on her decision, Lincoln was silent while Priscilla gave Donna an icy glare.

Priscilla: (cold tone) Well then... if that's your final answer...? I only have one way to say.....

Donna kept her sharp glare to match Priscilla's icy stare as the mistress of the Scorpion's Den spoke.

Priscilla: ...... (a slight smile appears on her face) You all pass.

Donna: Huh?

Laine and Beth gasped, Cole's jaw dropped while Chad was silent.

Priscilla: You showed strength, determination, stealth, endurance and importantly teamwork. In Donna's case, she was willing to give her opportunity away while her friends failed, not wanting to advance without her friends. Like a soldier not wanting to leave his or her comrade out in the field of war.

Lincoln: Sort of like a wolf looking out for it's pack as well.

Priscilla: You all will receive my gift.

From her sleeve, five vials of glowing blue liquid appeared in her hand as she hands them to the five.

Cole: Oh hell yeah!

Cole, Laine, Beth, Donna and Chad open their vials and each drunk the serum. Soon, they all except Chad was screaming in pain as they felt their insides breaking apart and reforming themselves followed by a rush of power. Within a few minutes, the pain was gone as Cole, Chad, Donna, Beth and Laine looked normal but their eyes glowed blue for a moment until their eyes went back to their normal color.

Cole: Wow... what a rush, I feel powerful!

Laine: That was... painfully but now I'm okay now, better even.

Beth: I feel my molecular DNA structure has broken down, twisted and reformed in an excruciating manner but thankfully that's past.

Chad: Indeed.

Donna: Yeah.

Lincoln: Welcome to the Unit.

Priscilla: Your training will begin tomorrow as you've been through three trials and you'll need time to get use to the new power you possess.

The five nodded.

Priscilla: Lincoln, lead them back the way they came from and then come back, I have an assignment for you.

Lincoln: Yes Mother Priscilla.

Lincoln leads his friends and girlfriend out of the Scorpion's Den.

To be continued...

(Chapter 3 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. There's more to come in this story, stay tuned for the next chapter of the Lincoln loud: The Omen Scorpion Reboot! This is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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