Chapter 2: Step out of the Shadows into the Winter Morning
We cut to 11 years later....
It's been years since the five organizations commence operation: Takeover around the world, great cities, countries and states have fallen as the Black Skulls, the Blood Rain Riders, the Plague Dragon Clan, the Sun Scorchers and The Grave Leviathans all split the whole world into 5 powerful and near impenetrable strongholds, fortresses and homes to those who joined their cause. Those who wouldn't join them were either hunted down and imprisoned or killed, some lay low and try to hurt, rob or steal from others to survive in this New World created.
Living in fear with no way out... but who says there's no hope to take on these five dangerous leaders?
Narrator: It was a dark yet winter morning...
We see a large master bedroom which was a rather nice one at that, still a bit dark as it was a very cloudy morning and snowing outside. Within the large bed was a white haired man about 21 years old with an average muscular build, an overbite and was wearing only black sweatpants sleeping in said bed.
He was revealed to be Lincoln Loud all grown.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The clock was beeping as it was 6:30 in the morning, Lincoln slowly awakes from his slumber with a groan.
Lincoln: Morning already?
The white haired man tries to get up but couldn't as he felt something on top of him, he looks down and sighs with a chuckle. There was a 21 year old, fair skinned woman sleeping on top of him, resting her head on Lincoln's chest. The woman was slightly tall but a foot shorter than Lincoln, has loose spiky brown hair and a beautiful figure, especially in the big hips and thighs department with a large rear to match. She was wearing a British Flag T-shirt and black sports shorts.
Lincoln then uses his finger to gently tap her on the shoulder, the woman slowly awakening with a yawn.
Lincoln: C'mon sleepy head, time to get up.
???: (female voice with a British accent) Yaaaawwwwnnn... five more minutes mate... (Goes back to sleep).
Lincoln: Now, now. Don't make me have to move you.
The woman groans before going back to sleep.
Lincoln: (smiles mischievously) Ok, you asked for it.
His hands struck the woman's side and....
The woman was wide awake, bursting with laughter with Lincoln tickling her sides as he managed to get her off him.
Lincoln: Are you awake now?
Lincoln: Okay, Okay.
He stops tickling the woman as she catches her breath, looking up at Lincoln with a playful yet stern glare.
???: (smiles) Huff... huff... I... huff... hate you...
Lincoln: Aww, is the energetic Laine Wolf powerless against these hands?
The woman named Laine Wolf got up and playfully punches the white haired man on the shoulder.
Laine: Oh bug off. (Kisses him on the cheek) Morning Luv.
Lincoln: Morning to you too. I'm gonna go wake the others and get breakfast started, You wanna join in?
Laine: Later, I'mma go freshen up in the shower... (smiles mischievously) unless you wanna join me?
Lincoln turns away with a blush as Laine laughs.
Laine: Priceless, hehehe! See ya in a few minutes linc.
Walking past Lincoln, Laine playfully bumps him in the side with her large rear before walking out of the room.
Lincoln: Haha, Hey!
Laine: Hehehe!
As Laine was gone, Lincoln rolls his eyes with a smile as he turns to the fourth wall.
Lincoln: (to the readers) Oh hey, I didn't see you guys there, it's been years since the whole Operation: Takeover event and the world was shaped into the image of the five deadly organizations. So far, I'm living in a huge house not too far from the Black Skull territory of the countries, laying low of course. I'm not here alone, I've made some friends out in this world over the years I traveled. One of them you saw not so long ago was Laine Wolf, who I met at age 14.
Lincoln walks out of the room.
Lincoln: Laine is a british american rebel & my girlfriend, she's very kind & free spirited, loves music, having fun and loves to tease me but not in a bad way if you know what I'm talking about (Winks). But let's not talk about that, let me introduce you to the rest of my new friends living here.
Lincoln turns away from the audience and heads to a room door far from his room on the right, knocking on the door.
Lincoln: Hey, you up in there?
He hears an energetic male voice on the other side of the door.
???: C'mon in man.
Lincoln opens the door to a room which had a punk like design full of Wrestling trophies, posters and title belts, a plasma tv on the dresser with an advanced game system with a piles of games scattered on the bed. In the center of the room was a slightly pale skinned man a foot taller than Lincoln, has an average muscular physique, spiky red hair and golden yellow eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black cargo shorts as the man in question was doing pushups with one hand while the other was tied behind his back.
Lincoln: Yo Cole, you're already up, huh?
The man named Cole smirks as he did a front flip to face the white haired man.
Cole: Correction brah, I never slept. I've been training for the next wrestling event in the Black Skull Wrestle Pit.
Lincoln: Again Cole?
Cole: What? It's fun and I kept gaining on the title gold there. Can't stop the Pyro Powerhouse man, you should get in on the action too.
Lincoln: Naw, I'm fine. I actually came here to call you down for breakfast.
Cole: Got it, I'll help you out with the cooking.
Lincoln: Yeeeeeaaah... No.
Cole: Aww what? Why?
Lincoln: Last time I let you help with the cooking, you burnt the bacon, omelette and almost the entire kitchen for the fun of it.
Cole: It was the fire man, the fire persuade me. I know how I am when the fire is burning bright, it controls me brah!
The two stared at each other for a while in silence before bursting with laughter.
Lincoln: Hahaha, still crazier than ever man.
Cole: Hahaha, Yep. I'll be right down dude.
Lincoln nodded as he left the room, turning the audience.
Lincoln: That man right there is Cole Jackson. He comes from a family of wrestlers and brawlers, he's been doing this at age 15 and has won a lot of wrestling title gold, he's like a hyped up brother to me. Cole's kinda a pyro maniac and likes to burn things for the fun of it but hey at least he's on our side.
Lincoln then heads to the next room, knocking on the door but no answer.
Lincoln: Hello? Time to get up for breakfast!
There were no answer, lincoln was about to knock again but heard a bold female voice behind him.
???: No need, I'm already awake.
Lincoln turns around to see a slightly tall, dark skinned woman with long black hair in a mohawk/braided ponytail combo with both sides shaved, purple eyes and has a slight female bodybuilder physique. She was wearing a black top and dark blue sweatpants.
Lincoln: Morning Donna, how are you?
The woman named Donna had a slight smile.
Donna: I'm doing fine, preparing an omelette for myself. How about you?
Lincoln: I'm alright. I'm heading downstairs to make some breakfast for everyone. Laine's in the showers and Cole is getting ready, I just gotta wake the other two.
Donna: Alright then. See ya downstairs.
Donna took her leave as Lincoln turns to the audience.
Lincoln: The woman that just left name is Donna Stone. She has a slight big family with five siblings but got separated from them during the Operation: Takeover event. Donna is quite an excellent MMA fighter as she started that career at age 16 & has been doing great so far. Donna's a stoic and cool person but get her mad... game over man, game over.
Lincoln then heads over to the next room door on the far left and knocks on the door. He hears a calm female voice on the other side of the door.
???: You may enter.
Lincoln opens the door and enters a room full of computers and tv monitors, a large bed, a dresser full of folded clothes and a large closet full of... guns, a lot of guns. Lincoln then sees the woman typing in codes on a flat screen computer.
Lincoln: Morning Beth.
The woman named Beth turns around to face Lincoln with a stoic expression. She was a fair skin, slightly short woman with short brown hair and has a chubby figure. She was wearing a black shirt with an alien logo and dark green sweatpants.
Beth: Morning Lincoln Loud.
Lincoln: How are you doing today?
Beth: I'm good, just adding new upgrades to our home. Tightening our security so no intruders would invade our dwelling due to the world's "changes".
Lincoln: I can't argue with that logic. Anyways, I'm starting breakfast for everyone. I thought I'd let you know too.
Beth: Excellent. Thanks for notifying me, I'll be out in a minute.
Lincoln: Ok.
Lincoln leaves her room as he turns to the audience.
Lincoln: This woman is known as Beth Young, she's the braniac of the group. She loves technology and to make them, A wiz at computer hacking, upgrading & science. Beth also comes from a family of scientists/gunsmiths as Beth knows her own choice of guns, given the ones in her closet, she reminds me of a lot of my sister Lisa in the prodigy department.
Lincoln then bumps into someone on his way out of Beth's room. It was a tall, pale skin man with messy long black hair, pale blue eyes and has a slight slender yet muscular physique. He was wearing a black shirt and dark gray pants.
Lincoln: Sorry about that man.
A male voice spoke in calm, monotone manner.
???: No need, it's fine.
Lincoln: Ok. I was actually on my way to see you, letting you know that I'm cooking breakfast for everyone Chad.
The man named Chad had a slight smile.
Chad: Splendid, I'll be there shortly. Would you look at the time.
Lincoln: (Looks at the clock hanging on the wall) Well it's now 6:58 so-
He turns to Chad only to find him have vanished.
Lincoln: Ooooook... (turns to the audience) And that was Chad Hyde, the mysterious gothic man of the group, has a small family with two siblings but like the rest of us, he was separated from his family during Operation: Takeover. He loves gothic novels, literature and arts as well as an artist in gothic designs. Chad is also an experienced martial artist and swordsman, he also reminds me of my other sister Lucy as Chad tends to disappear and reappear out of nowhere, a real spook and stealth artist... well I'm gonna go freshen up before breakfast, thank goodness we have more than one bathroom.
He leaves.
Narrator: A few moments later...
Soon, Lincoln and Laine come downstairs all freshen up and in their own casual attires. Lincoln was wearing a black leather jacket with a black shirt underneath it, a pair of dark gray pants with a black belt and black, orange and white shoes.
And Laine Wolf herself was wearing a black jacket with a blue shirt underneath it, dark gray pants with a white belt buckle and white and blue shoes.
The two walk into the living room as Laine looks outside.
Laine: Blimey, look at the weather out there, it's a full blown blizzard today.
Lincoln: True, we've been getting crazy weather all day.
The two entered the dining room as they see Donna, Cole, Beth and Chad sitting at the table in their casual attires. Cole Jackson was wearing a black leather jacket with a red shirt underneath it, light brown cargo pants and red & black sneakers.
Donna Stone was wearing a black, short sleeved T-shirt, a blue hoodie jacket wrapped around her waist, dark gray pants and blue & white shoes.
Beth Young was wearing a black zip up jacket with light green side stripes on the sleeves & a light green alien logo on the left side of the chest area, green glasses, gray jean shorts, black & green side striped leggings and green boots.
And Chad Hyde was wearing a black trench coat with a zip up black long sleeved shirt underneath it, black pants and black boots.
Lincoln: The gang's all here. I'll start making breakfast for everyone.
Cole: Hold on Dude, the gang's not all here linc. Where's that Priscilla woman?
Lincoln: Mother Priscilla is downstairs, meditating. She'll be waiting for us once we're done with breakfast (heads to the kitchen).
Laine sits at the dining table in an empty seat next to Beth.
Cole: I'm so excited for this training exercise, it's going to be on fire! (Drinks a hot sauce bottle with flaming skulls on it outta nowhere).
Laine: (raised an eyebrow) Where'd you get that hot sauce and why are you drinking it?
Cole stops drinking the bottle of hot sauce.
Cole: Wooo! That is strong! (Drinks some more hot sauce).
Laine and Beth gave him awkward looks while Donna was eating her omelette and Chad was in silence.
Moments later, Lincoln comes back with plates of scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns and pancakes as he set them down on the table for Laine, Beth, Cole, Donna and Chad before sitting at the table next to Laine with his own plate as they all dig in.
Laine: Thanks luv.
Donna: I already have an omelette but thanks.
Beth: Thank you.
Chad: You have my thanks as well.
Cole was putting hot sauce on his breakfast and wolfing it down, giving a thumbs up to Lincoln.
Lincoln: it's no problem, we all have to get our energy for today.
Beth: Agreed.
Laine: Wouldn't want to begin today's exercise on an empty stomach mates.
Cole: (mouth full) you said it!
Beth: Cole, please don't talk with your mouth full.
Cole shrugs as he chows down on his food. Lincoln only chuckled as he and the others enjoy their breakfast.
Once they were done with their breakfast, Lincoln, Laine, Cole, Beth, Chad and Donna head downstairs to the basement which was a large space with a washing machine and dryer to the far left, a long book case full of books on the right, boxes piled up, crates and more.
Lincoln: Alright. Better get started here.
Lincoln heads towards the book case and pulls on a green and blue book as a click sound was heard. The book case slides to the left, revealing an elevator door.
The group of six entered the elevator as Laine presses a button, causing the door to slide shut and the elevator went straight down at fast speed. Cole was yelling in excitement, Beth was screaming while holding on to a silent Chad, Donna was holding on as well with a calm expression and Laine was holding on to Lincoln, who simply chuckled as the elevator continues to go down so quickly until it came to screeching halt.
Lincoln: We're here.
Cole: Oh yeah! That was awesome!
Beth: Huff... huff... eleven years and I'm still not used to this...
Cole: Well it's not an ordinary elevator.
Beth rolls her eyes.
The door opens to reveal a dark hall illuminated by eerie blue torches. The group then walks through the dim lighted hall as the path went straight further down like an abyss. Soon, the group came to a stop, seeing a large door with her white scorpion emblem on it.
Lincoln: You guys ready for this?
Laine: Uh-huh.
Cole: Hell yeah!
Chad nodded.
Donna: Of course.
Beth: Yes.
Lincoln then placed his hand on the door as the scorpion emblem glowed, causing the door to open. The group walks inside to see a very enormous dojo like area with a white scorpion emblem in the center of the floor, the area was equipped with various weapons hanged on the walls, rows of ancient armor, nine doors leading to different rooms and more. Lincoln and the group see someone meditating in the center of the room.
It was a tall, pale skin woman with long black hair, black eyeshadow, earrings and has a strong, curvaceous figure. She was wearing a long black, split legged robe with a white scorpion emblem on the center of the chest, slim black pants and boots.
She was known as Priscilla.
Lincoln: Greetings, Mother Priscilla.
Priscilla opens her eyes.
Priscilla: (Mature female voice) Greetings Lincoln Loud, Laine Wolf, Cole Jackson, Beth Young, Chad Hyde and Donna Stone. Shall we begin your test within the Scorpion's Den?
The group nodded.
Priscilla: Splendid.
To be continued...
(Chapter 2 of the Lincoln: The Omen Scorpion Reboot is finished! I've added my colored sketches of Lincoln and my OCs Laine Wolf, Cole Jackson, Beth Young, Chad Hyde, Donna Stone and Priscilla from my old version of the story, which I deleted, into the reboot. Let me know what you think of it so far. This is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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