Chapter 11: Let the Riot begin

Lincoln, Laine, Reby and the now cured Luna were getting ready to head out but with the RV damaged during the chase/fight with Doug and his soldiers, Priscilla offered them a new armored futuristic looking jet for the way back. Lincoln dons his Omen scorpion gear as the four were clear for take off in the next hidden passageway to take to the blizzard skies.

Luna: Good golly Miss Molly, this jet is kickin' into overdrive, Bro!

Onen Scorpion: Well Lady Priscilla has a creative for these sort of things. That and she knows a guy or two to help her make these transportations. You're not getting sick again, are you?

Luna: Hell no, I'm actually enjoyin' the flight. Since the cure fixed me right up, I'm amped up and ready to go dude!

Laine: I can say for sure Linc was right about you being the free spirited sister of the bunch.

Luna: (smirks) Well bro ain't wrong on that one, brah.

Reby: (smirks too) If there's one thing we know about the boss, she's quite a party animal, even after taking out those who were hunting for us.

Laine: Ah, sounds like my cup of tea.

Luna: Oh where are my manners, brah. We haven't been well acquainted in the introduction department. Let's rewind & start over, name's Luna Loud, one of linc's sibs, rocker of the loud family & leader of the Skull Packs, Moon Rioter.

Laine: A pleasure to meet ya mate. I'm Laine Wolf, a party animal and rocker in my own right and Linc's girlfriend, big fan of your work.

Luna's eyes widened in shock with a gasp. Omen sighs as he knew what was going to happen next, he pressed the auto pilot button & unbuckle his seat to stand up.

Omen Scorpion: (in his mind) 3. 2. 1.

Luna let out a loud, joyful squeal, startling Laine & Reby, before pulling a deadpanned looking Omen Scorpion into a big, very strong monster hug. Despite being a colossal monster, Omen was used to being hugged by one or all of his sisters, Luna being one of them so it doesn't really phase him due to his own superhuman physiology.

Luna: (smiles proudly) Lincoln, why didn't ya tell me you had a girlfriend?!

Omen Scorpion: (deadpan) Well for one, you were sick and near death, we were trying to get you to Priscilla, got you the cure but died in seconds before coming so no time for introductions.

Luna: I thought you and Ronnie Anne would get hitched dude.

Omen Scorpion groans, he was tired of hearing that. Even Ronnie Anne herself was tired too. They share one kiss and all of a sudden it's fate to be together, they both decided to just be friends.

Omen Scorpion: Ignoring that but yes, Laine Wolf is my girlfriend. She's quite a fan of your music.

Luna released her brother and turns to Laine.

Luna: So you heard of my music?

Laine: Of course, I've heard your Play it Loud song along with other forms of your work going viral! It's quite a blooming spark of a amp storm, it is! Truly a magnificent work of passion mate!

Luna had a big smile.

Luna: Well it's nice to meet to a fan, especially one with an eye for rock and a bloody British accent there.

Laine raised an eyebrow.

Omen Scorpion: Luna, Laine's not actually speaking in a faux british accent, that's exactly how she sounds.

Luna frowned, feeling like she just offended an actual british girl.

Luna: Oh man, I'm very sorry dude.

Laine: Eh, no worries there mate. Your accent ain't that bad, not in a mocking way as some blokes try to sound like Brits to be cool or insult our speech, it's rubbish I say.

Luna: Well you nothing to fear from me, brah. I actually love your British accent.

Laine: Thanks luv. And I know how protective & brutal you & your sisters can be when someone's messing with each of ya and/or Linc back when you were younger, he told me himself. So I can tell ya I won't hurt your brother in any way, he's made me happy over the years despite being in an apocalyptic age & I wouldn't turn on him like that.

The colossal riot rocker looks at Laine for a moment before speaking.

Luna: Okay mate, since ya know the whole sitch, you have my Ok.

Laine smiles.

Reby: Hate to interrupt but we're entering our destination!

Omen Scorpion: Alright, weapons and gear ready? Auto pilot is already set, time to jump off the jet.

Laine: Let's go to f**king war!

Luna: Heh. I'm liking her moxie already, bro.

Omen Scorpion: Well, she doesn't disappoint.


At the Skull Pack's hideout....

Sonya: AAAAGGHH!!! F**K!!!

Sonya was sent crashing into the snowy ground with her right shoulder dislocated as the colossal monster inferno goddess also known as Sam Sharp was stomping her way towards the giant bruiser of the Skull Pack. Sonya turns to the brute and fired a left swing to Sam's face but Sam retaliated with a couple of solid, strong haymakers to Sonya, earning pained grunts. She goes to a fist to the face but Sonya blocked it with her head, making Sam stumble back from the impact as Sonya delivering headbutt to the colossal enforcer's head, knocking her down a peg.

Sonya holds her right dislocated shoulder and runs to the steel wall of the hideout, ramming it into said wall.

Sonya: AGH!!!

A crack sound was heard as Sonya grips her shoulder which was now back in place, she noticed Sam getting get up, glaring coldly at her.

Sonya: Round 2, b***h.

The two giant women then charged at each other in a massive brawl. Meanwhile, Julia was breathing heavily holding her hook swords as she was surrounded by a couple of dead corpses of Black Skulls soldiers lying by her feet but more of them led by Michelle still stood before the Skull Pack's psycho.

Michelle: What's the matter? Getting tired, you face painted freak? I told you that it's over for you and your pack. Once Sam and I are done with you two, we'll surely find your co-leader and Luna herself to finish the job. The Black Skulls leader will be so pleased with our success.

Julia: (giggles insanely) Hehehehe. Don't be so certain, puppet. If there's one thing you ignorant oafs don't get is that we skull packs are too stubborn to die... I'm sure lunes is the same as us... Once she's back at full health, the real riot begins.

Michelle: (laughs smugly) Clinging to false hope, you Skull Packs really are gullible. Doug and his team have already caught your friends. Don't you realized it yet, you've already lost!

The Black Skulls soldiers shot at Julia who deflected/sliced up the bullets with her hook swords. She lunged at them, slicing at their throats and driving the hook part of the swords through their chests, turning whip like and throws them aside to get to Michelle, who pulls out an extended double bladed staff to block Julia's swords strikes by twirled the bladed staff quickly. Michelle would break the clash and strikes Julia who dodged but the blade gashed her left side.

Julia: Ngh!

Michelle grins, spinning her bladed staff to fire sharp blows at Julia, who would intercept with her hook swords. The two would trade strikes, some countered while receiving cuts from the other.

Michelle: Don't give up already! You can't win!

Julia glares at her but spotted something falling from the wintery skies, closer and closer to the hideout. Getting a full look, a creepy, wide grin spreads across Julia's face as she erupted in a giggling frenzy, much to Michelle's confusion and annoyance.

Michelle: What is so funny? If you haven't lost your mind before, you certainly have now.

Julia: Oh... The riot has begun with a big bang.

Michelle raised an eyebrow, thinking that Julia is sprouting incoherent nonsense or something to stall for her inevitable defeat. Before she could do anything, Michelle and Julia heard the booming voice of Luna from above.

Luna: BOMB'S AWAY!!!

Out of the snowy sky came falling mini bombs from Omen Scorpion's arsenal.

Michelle: DODGE!!!

Michelle and most of her soldiers ran for it as the bombs hit, causing a stream of blue lit explosions. Julia flips to a higher ground while some of the black skulls soldiers were caught in the blast. Sonya and Sam, who were still fighting, noticed the explosions and immediately got out of the way. Michelle and the large remaining soldiers saw the flames of the explosions, spotting four silhouettes walking out of the fires.

Michelle: ....?!

Out of the fires appeared Luna followed by Laine, Reby and Omen.

Reby: (smirks) We're back, B***hes!!

Julia: (grins) Lunes...

Sonya: (slight smiles) Well I'll be... You made it on time.

Michelle was in disbelief. Doug failed? And how is Luna not ill anymore, she thought? She was on the verge of death and Michelle and the Black Skulls were the only ones with the stabilized cure! They couldn't have cured her illness in time!

Luna: (fanged smile) Honey(s)... I'm hooooooome~!

Julia leaps from the higher ground, landing next to Reby. Sonya sucker punches Sam off her and joins the group.

Julia: What took ya?

Reby: Oh a little detours here and there but hey, the boss is back and badder than ever.

Sonya: How you feeling, Luna?

Luna: Like good as new, Sonya. Thanks to you guys, bro, his girl and the first Omen Scorpion.

Michelle: What?!

Everyone looks at Michelle who was getting agitated.

Michelle: Impossible, you couldn't have been cured or made it on time! Where's Doug?!

Omen Scorpion: Check the bottom of the frozen ocean.

Michelle grits her teeth, getting angrier by the second.

Luna: Now that we're all up to speed, (glares) I think it's time you get what's coming to ya...

Luna rolled up her right studded armband, revealing a silver & glowing purple bracelet, pressing a button and extending her hand out. Michelle and the soldiers were confused about what was going on until a loud, revving sound was heard followed by something flying out of the front entrance of the hideout into Luna's awaiting hand, catching it. In her hand was her large, chainsaw blade she used against her brother during her berserk PTSD moment. She grins frighteningly as Reby, Sonya, Julia, Laine and Omen readied their weapons.

Luna: Let the riot began...

Michelle: (yells) Kill her!!!

The first large, brute soldier charged at Luna first, aiming to bash her with a spiked mace but Luna side steps, uses her chainsaw broadsword to press down and slice his right arm, the brute screaming in agony as the rocker hit a reverse elbow strike to the face, knocking out some teeth, a boot to the knee to break it as he kneeled forcefully and finally lifting the chainsaw blade over her head, she splits the brute in two, blood staining the snow with the halves falling.

Luna raises her blood soaked chainsaw blade towards Michelle and her group, the frightening grin not leaving her lips.

Luna: Who's next...?

Michelle growls as her group stepped forward.

Michelle: ATTACK!!!

Luna: CHARGE!!!

Both sides lunged at each other, sparking a riot of a battle. Reby was running and dodging the bullets fired at her while delivering a couple of street fighting combos to each soldier in her way, she whistled loudly while some bullets managed to hit her.

Reby: F**k!

She then spots her glider flying in.

Reby: Oh yeah...

Reby managed to jump on the glider.

Reby: Seems like I have the high ground now!

She activated glider's missiles to fire at the Black Skulls soldiers, some got caught in the missile's path to explode while others pulled out RPG bazookas to fire their own missiles at her.

Reby: Whoa! (Dodges) Watch where you point those things, ya damn apes!

She flies towards the soldiers firing missiles at her, she tries her best to avoid them as Reby forms her disintegrator cannon via cybernetic arm and fires to shoot holes in the head and chest of the firing at her, falling dead.

Reby: (grins) The fun is only starting boys and girls, hahaha!

As Reby continues her onslaught, Julia was dealing with her share of the Black Skulls soldiers, who started to shoot at her while some run at her with blades and knives of their own to strike at the face painted goth, who sports some cuts and bruised but she ignores it and with her red pupils glowing, she giggles insanely & started to go on a hook sword slashing frenzy to either decapitate, slice in two down the middle or cut into several pieces out of the Black Skulls soldiers while using the whip extend of her hook swords to reel in, yank or swing them around to collide with objects or send them flying.

Julia: (smiles crazily) C'mon c'mon c'mon, I want more! Let me feel it!

She charges at the remaining soldiers who charge at her in a vicious blade massacre. Sonya on her end, was taking the fight to the larger, muscle bound brute soldiers up to her size, armed with advanced power gauntlets. Sonya was taking rough swings at anything that moves but the force of punches from those power gauntlets hurt like hell to Sonya.

Sonya: Ngh! Grrr!!

Brute Soldier: (taunts) What's the matter, big lady? Gonna cry like a pansy ass?! Even with those muscles, you can't match the strength of the big men here!

He goes for another punch but Sonya caught the power gauntlet fist, ignoring the force possibly injuring her hand. She glared at the man.

Sonya: (icy, angry tone) Ain't the first time I heard that one & it sure as hell ain't gonna be the last but hey... I always end up proving you ignorant asses wrong of what's happens when you underestimate me or any women strong out there!

Using her other hand, she grabs the brute's arm, forcing him to grunt as she twists and the arm in the wrong direction, releasing the screaming brute, who holds his arm & turn his back to Sonya which was a big mistake.

Brute Soldier: Gah!!! My f**king arm! You b***h! I'll kill you! I'll kill you slowly and painfully-

He turns to make due on his promise but felt beefy arms around his neck and with a strong twist, a loud snap was heard as the brute fell dead with his head clean around. Readjusting her injured hand back in place, Sonya removed the power gauntlets from the dead brute & puts them on, activating them & glaring at the other brutes with a savage smile.

Sonya: (cracks her knuckles) Groovy...

She yells and started to tackle the brutes in a rough and solid giant fist fight. Meanwhile, Laine and Omen Scorpion were surrounded by their own share of Black Skulls soldiers but the numbers game didn't scare the couple, Laine spun her sais around in twirl while Omen readied his chained blade, gesturing them to bring it on. The soldiers obliged them and charged with weapons in hand as the two would back to back take out the approaching soldiers, taking & dodging hand to hand or weapon strikes with their own. Laine blocks a few blade strikes, low sweep kicks a soldier down and jumps stomp on the neck with a crunching snap. She rolls out the way of a double hammer shot, high double dropkicks them in the back of their heads to hit the ground, driving her sais to the back of their heads. One large female soldier got her from behind in a tight bearhug to crush her, Laine grunts and rams the back of her head into her face, breaking her nose as she let go with Laine twirling her sais to backwards jab them repeatedly to the chest before hitting a roundhouse kick to the dying soldier for good measure.

Omen Scorpion was seen delivering strong jabs, spin kicks and bladed shots to each soldier gunning for him. He deflected the blades strikes with his own chained blade, ten soldiers cornering him in a stalemate for a moment before Omen broke it to send them stumbling back, he took the opportunity to spin around while holding the chain part as the blade swiftly connected with the throats of the ten soldiers, slitting them as they fell in a blood choking frenzy before going limp. A brute soldier with power gauntlets attempted to charge at Omen to deliver some solid fists to pulverize the assassin, but Omen effortlessly dodged the attacks, delivering well timed punches to the midsection & sides while steering clear of the brute's massive swings, Omen hits a bladed knuckle to the right knee, making the large man fall to one knee with a cursed yell before Omen nails him with a bladed fist to the face all the way through to crack through the skull, killing him. Omen took the chained blade out but got kicked away, backing up and glaring at a soldier who was in a foot hopping martial arts stance trying to be a liu kang or a bruce lee wannabe. Omen Scorpion narrows his eyes and got in his own fighting stance, the two then began exchanging strikes, combo attacks and counters to one another while the soldier was making sounds like well... bruce lee, which annoyed Omen. He went for a roundhouse kick but Omen Scorpion caught it, spun him around to throw the soldier across the area but he lands on his feet, taking out a pair of advanced, plasma energy powered nunchucks, spinning and twirling them around while making ridiculous kung fu noises.

Omen Scorpion: (deadpan stare) ....

He grips his chained blade as the soldier lunged at him with his glowing nunchucks.

Kung Fu Black Skulls Soldier: (battle cry) WATAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Omen Scorpion stood there as the soldier leaps up and with a battle cry in an attempt to land a fatal hit but Omen ducks to make the soldier to miss while the chain around his neck, earning a choked grunt as Omen yanks and pulls to break the kung fu soldier's neck with a sickening crack, killing him. He sees more soldiers approaching him & heard Laine's voice and turns to see her running towards him with more soldiers on her trail.

Laine: Luv, hand!

Omen catch the running Laine's hand and spun her around while holding on for her to hit repeated bicycle kicks to the approaching men & women soldiers face first to knock them into the snowy ground, Omen drops a couple of special grenades by the downed soldiers followed by a detonator to press it, activating an immediate explosion of blue fire while he ripcords/pulls Laine into an embrace.

Laine: (smiles flirtatiously) What a blazing performance there, Omen, trying to impress me mate?

Omen Scorpion: Can't take all the credit, can I, my special partner?

Laine: Heh, put on a banger to show a girl a good time~.

The two shared a kiss as one male & one female soldier were running in to attack Omen and Laine with their backs turned to them. But, still kissing & without looking at the running assailants, Omen pulls out a two daggers and Laine pulls out a shuriken and both throw it, with the daggers hitting the male soldier in the crotch as he screamed before the other dagger hit the throat while the shuriken hit the female soldier's head, both falling lifeless as Omen and Laine broke the kiss, the assassin giving a cold stare in Laine's unaffected yet mischievous stare with the brit woman purring.

Omen Scorpion: We'll finish this later.

Laine: (smirks) To be continued in our wolf den then, luv.

The two went back to their battles. Meanwhile, Luna was fighting her share of Black Skulls soldiers and was having a thrill ride. After coming back from seconds of dying, Luna felt like her old self again, fully energized and ready to rock, roll n' riot! So far, she was hacking and slashing every Black Skulls soldier left and right with her chainsaw broadsword, severed bodies scattered. Some soldiers who kept their distance, uses their advanced guns to shoot at Luna, only for her to take the damage yes but shrugs it off, her chin opened with her altered jaw spreading wide unhinged again with her long venom like tongue and sharp fangs dripping with green toxic acid, roars and shoots said acid at the soldiers shooting at her, some getting hit as they spiraled and rolled in the snow in panic as the acid was eating at them, melting the armor and later their skin until they were bone.

Luna's jaw retracted and she lunged at the one brute soldiers, grabbing him by the face and slammed him to the ground with a big thud but she doesn't let go, running while dragging the brute through the snow before throwing the brute across the barbed wire fence, face first. Two quick & agile soldiers attacked Luna in targeting her legs to bring her down to size to deliver more effective strikes to the colossal rocker. It worked for a brief while until Luna used her free hand to knock the first soldier with a monstrous hook while cutting the second soldiers horizontally across the chest, the upper half falling with the lower half following shortly after.

Luna: I think Luan would've put it best in liking my cake well "sliced." Ugh, It sounds odd when I make jokes Luan aims for.

The other soldier who Luna delivered a left hook recovered and begins to shoot at the Moon Rioter, getting her attention as she stomps towards him, her altered jaw opening again with a beastly snarl. The soldier yells defiantly and shot rapid bullets at Luna's mouth continuously before he ran out to reload. Luna slowly turns to the soldier, mouth closed and a glare that said "really dude?"

Black Skulls Soldier: Uuuhhh...

Luna reopened her altered jaw and shot out an acid beam mixed with bullets at the soldier, who screamed as his own bullets went through with the acid melting his body.

Luna: Who's next?! C'mon, somebody ya bloody f**ks!

Then one male and one female brute soldiers began to tackle Luna, double teaming on her with a barrage of large strong haymakers before landing a double straight punch to the face, sending Luna stumbling back but didn't fall down. The Moon Rioter slowly recovers from the daze and moves her arm to wipe her mouth, seeing her green blood. Staring at the arm stained with her blood and looking at the male & female brute, Luna's eyes narrowed with a vicious smile.

Luna: Okay...

Luna puts her blade deep in the snowy dirt, cracks her knuckles and neck before lunging at the two brutes. The Moon Rioter started to unload on the two muscular soldiers, going back and forth in hitting a couple of her own strong and solid punches and haymakers as the two brutes fired back, both taking hits with neither one wanting to back down. The female brute then ducked underneath Luna's right swing & caught her in a full nelson hold.

Female Brute Soldier: Full Nelson ya Moon B***h!

The male brute approached Luna, cracking his knuckles.

Male Brute Soldier: That was fun but now it's over. Ashame that you got better because I'm putting you back on the fatally injured to death list.

He then begins to deliver punch after punch to Luna's face and gut, grunts coming from the colossal rocker followed by slight laughter.

Male Brute Soldier: What's so funny?

Luna: (smiles maniacally) C'mon... C'mon... C'mon! Hit me harder than that, dude!

Female Brute Soldier: (snickers) I think you knocked some brain cells from her head. Apparently, the moon b***h wants some more.

Male Brute Soldier: (smirks) Well you asked for it!

He moves closer to deliver another punch to Luna's face and gut but harder, delivering 10 fists and counting with the female brute still holding her in the full nelson. He readies the colossal rocker for another knuckle sandwich but Luna grins & kips up to wrap her strong legs around the male brute's waist, making the brute yell in pain from Luna squeezing his waist between her wider, heavy thighs.

Male Brute Soldier: AAAAAAAAAGH!!

Female Brute Soldier: What the f**k are you doing?!

Luna: Oh just squeezing his waist with my heavy thighs, ya better start tightening that full nelson hold of yours to break me cuz I ain't letting go until I hear a snap.

She further applies more to her thighs around the brute's waist with her legs wrapped around him like a boa constrictor, earning another pained scream from him. The Female Brute Soldier applied more pressure to the full nelson hold on Luna's arms, making her grunt in pain but the rocker wouldn't release her comrade. 

Female Brute Soldier: Release him, Now!

Luna: (smiles casually yet fiercely) Nope, either you let me loose or you're gonna have to break my arms before I break your friend's lower spin. Ya know brah, I've heard this whole "thick thighs save lives" phrase before, pretty sure you & everyone heard that trend often before the world went to sh*t.

Female Brute Soldier: What are you getting at?!

Luna: Well... Let's just say thick thighs can also END lives & I proved that theory during my time as a Rioter before I became ill. And funny story hehehe... some goons that came after me & my crew would eye me wanting to have some fun if you know what I'm talking about~.

Female Brute Soldier: (blushes) S-Stop trying to make this weird, we're trying to kill you-


Male Brute Soldier: AAAGHH!!! GET THIS MOON B***H OFF ME!!

Luna: (acts innocent) Oops, looks like you're close to snapping in two dude.  Anyways none of them got to that base with me, only a death by thigh crush via neck or waist to literally snap 'em in half. Oh it was one of my favorite ways to kill an assassin, Merc, psycho, man or woman, etc to squeeze them like a snake ensnaring their prey until they break.

The Female Brute continues to increase the pressure of the full nelson on Luna while the male brute attempted to punch the Moon Rioter in order to get out of her huge thighs/strong legged grip but the colossal rocker despite feeling both painful attacks wasn't letting go.



Luna: (teasingly evil smile) What was that? Did I hear you said... harder Moon Mama~?


Craaaaack! SNAP!!!


The female brute watched Luna released the male brute who fell to the ground with his upper body laying awkwardly on his right, motionless.

Luna: Well... He's shattered from the waist down. Talk about spineless, Hehehe. (Sighs) Dang I missed Luan...

Female Brute Soldier: (angry) Now you're gonna be broken!

She was adding more pressure to the full nelson hold and shaking Luna around like a rag doll. The colossal rocker slowly got to her feet, clutching her fists to fight the hold to full stand for a kip up to get out of the hold, flips over behind her to ensnare the female brute's head under her arm into an inverted face lock hold.

Luna: Night night!

With the female brute in the inverted face lock, Luna hits a standing monstrous elbow drop to her chest, the impact destroying the sternum and causing cardiac arrest of heart stoppage, killing the female brute as she hit the ground. Luna then stomps away from the corpse and picks up her chainsaw broadsword, hearing a battle cry from above followed by a shadow above.

Luna: ...?!

She looks up to see Michelle, who took time to climb up the destroyed gates and wait for the right moment to jump up into the air & down like a missile, aiming her bladed staff down to pierce Luna's skull only for the colossal rocker to bring her chainsaw broadsword up for a slash, Michelle immediately got out of the way but her weapon was sliced in two. She landed with a roll in the snow, Michelle throwing the weapon aside & taking out twin plasma knives to charge at Luna, who would swing her weapon at her. Michelle would dodge the strikes and deliver a couple of knife slashes to Luna, drawing a few bleeding cuts to the colossal rocker's skin. Luna growls and caught the next knife shot & would go for a straight revved up stab to Michelle who would aim her other plasma knife in a weak point of the chainsaw broadsword, making it spark and make destructive noises.

Luna groans and throws the damaged weapon aside, lifting Michelle up by her one arm.

Luna: Weapon or not, I will tear you to shreds.

Before Luna could make due on her promise, Michelle pulls out a couple of mini pepper smoke pellets and throws them at Luna, eye first. Luna yelled out loud, dropping Michelle as she tries to rub her now burning eyes. Taking advantage of the colossal rocker's temporary blindness, Michelle would pull out an extended steel advanced staff and whacks Luna with a hard shot to the back of the knee, making Luna fall to one knee. Michelle activates the staff's electric setting as part of it glowed blue, she then begins delivering shock induce swings to Luna repeatedly, earning grunts from her in each electrocuting hit.

Michelle: (attacking) You could've have everything! Fame, wealth, recognition, everything you listened to us & stop listening to yourself & the so called fans who follow you like sheep! You ruined everything for me & Doug! No deals! No talents to reel in! No high status & wealth to reap the benefits! We ALL could've gotten what we wanted but you SCREWED UP EVERYTHING!!!

She continues her violent assault on the colossal monster.

Michelle: (attacking) That unstable affect of the project-C procedure should've killed you or at least given you some senses to look for us, for a way out of your suffering to land in our good grace! To be our servant, our enforcer, everything would've be yours under our watch, everything could've been better than wasting away & fighting for scraps out in this plagued world outside the true authority of the Five Organizations! You either summit to us to have salvation or fight us & PERISH!!!


Michelle's eyes widened as Luna caught the next strike with her teeth, a low growl escaping her lips and broke the staff with her fangs, her green eyes completely recovered and glaring furiously at her, grabbing Michelle by the neck.


Luna slammed Michelle deep into the snowy ground, forming a large crater with the former music producer spitting some blood.


Luna throws Michelle into the steel wall, knocking the wind out of her as the colossal rocker stomps towards her, delivering a couple of vicious punches to her enemy.


Luna hits another fist to Michelle's gut, making her spew out blood and saliva. The colossal rocker then flips her over to land on the ground while she leaps up high in the air to aim her right foot to cave in Michelle's chest but the former music producer rolled out of the way barely to avoid Luna's stomp which made a large crater with a loud thud. Luna sees Michelle crawling away and stomps towards her, grabbing her from behind, pulling her into a massive bearhug, cracks sounds were heard with Michelle screaming.

Michelle: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Luna: And I thought my problems with you were over but still... You & Doug through petty actions wanted to make my life hell than it already is on this ruined rock. You cost me my husband's life, you cost me my baby daughter's life, you're working with the very people hunting my lil bro & you turned my old girlfriend into a slave... and for what? Because I wouldn't be a good little puppet for you & Doug?! You think you've broken me? You wanna see me at my worst thinking you've won, you haven't seen WORSE yet!!

She squeezed Michelle even tighter, making her scream even louder.


The remaining black skull soldiers see Michelle in trouble and went to help her but The Skull Pack, Laine and Omen Scorpion attacked them.

Omen Scorpion: I don't think so.

Reby: Your fights with us, F**kers!

While they hold off the remaining black skull soldiers, Luna was squeezing the life out of Michelle who felt her midsection slowly started to crack, her soldiers were getting slaughtered. She saw something familiar slowly getting up from the icy rubble and immediately called out.

Michelle: SAM!!!!!!!!

The icy rubble crumbled loudly as quick but heavy footsteps were heard running in with Luna feeling a massive shoulder tackle to knock her away, releasing Michelle as the colossal rocker hit the ground. Groaning and growling, Luna slowly got up to see Sam standing a couple of feet from her, the Colossal soldier by Michelle's side.

Michelle: (to Sam, hurt but orders angrily) Ngh...! Sam, tear... Luna apart. I don't care how... you do it, just kill her!

Sam narrowed her green eyes, obeying orders and stomps towards Luna.

Luna: Sam...

Sam begins running towards her. Luna sighs and runs to her old flame as the two begin to grapple each other in a large stalemate, trying to overwhelm the other with their monstrous strength. Sam broke out and hits 5 punches to Luna, who hits 5 punches to Sam's gut followed by a right hook to the face. Sam would take Luna's next shot, trapping her arms under her own and repeatedly headbutts the colossal at least 11 times before letting Luna go & nail an uppercut to sent her flying and hitting the wall, landing on her feet.

Michelle grins in seeing her colossal soldier handling the fight with Luna for her. She hopes that Sam won't stop until Luna is dead. Luna shook off the pain and growls and ran at the inferno goddess, who went for a left swing but Luna, despite her giant size, effortlessly rolls underneath to evade it & got behind Sam to catch her in a strong chokehold, Sam struggled and attempted to hit Luna with an elbow to her gut in order to get out of the hold, Luna grunts from the elbow shots but wouldn't let go as she lifts Sam up with a chokehold slam. Luna then walks away from Sam, climbs atop the destroyed gates & jumps off to hit a stage dive style frog splash to Sam, earning a pained grunt from her. Luna got off of Sam & went to pick her up but Sam grabs her and headbutts her, dazing Luna with Sam delivering a straight chop to the throat, a chop to the chest and finally a spinning back leg lariat knock Luna down.

Michelle: Yes! Show her no mercy! Hahahahaha-ow. It hurts to laugh... curse luna for almost breaking my rips.

Sam then hammers away at Luna, punch after punch after punch until she picks Luna up over her shoulder and spins her around a couple of times before throwing her across the area into the destroyed part of the gate. Sam didn't stop as she runs at Luna to ram her through the gate, adding another dent. Luna growls and slams her fist against the cold steel with a loud metal clang, firing back at the inferno goddess with large and heavy strikes before knocking Sam into the ground with an elbow shot to the head.

Luna: Sam, I know you're in there! Snap out of it, please!

Sam quickly kips up & punches Luna in the face, Luna would return the punch as the two rockers and current colossal monsters going at it in trading fierce and massive fists to each other, not even close to being tired or conceding. One trying to tear the other apart on behalf of Michelle while the other is fighting to not just get payback on Michelle but to free her old flame out from her control. Luna's next punch knocked the mouth mask off Sam's face, the inferno goddess looks at the moon rioter with a menacing snarl, having an surgically altered jaw like Luna's opening up with jagged sharp fangs & venom like tongue dripping with green toxic acid, roars furiously.

Sam grabbed Luna and begins to run, pushing the colossal rocker forward against the wall, trying to bite her head off while Luna kept her trying, holding her back.

Luna: S-Sam...

Sam: Grrrrrrrrr...!!

Luna: You gotta fight it, just stop-AAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!

Sam broke through and bit down on Luna's left shoulder, the fangs dug into the meat and bone with toxic acid going her shoulder. Luna winced as the acid wasn't killing her due to her procedure but it still hurts like hell as she was trying to get Sam off with the inferno goddess clinging to her shoulder like a pitbull not letting go. While the two colossal monsters were holding each other in another stalemate, Luna noticed something; with Sam's longer hair brushed to the side, something was on the back of her neck, it looked like a mini circular silver, glowing green & orange microchip.

Luna: (thinking) That's what must be controlling her.

Luna's right hand was free as she called out to the nearest person fighting.

Luna: BRO!!

Omen Scorpion, who decapitates another soldier, turns to Luna who was pinned by Sam.

Luna: Got anything for a shock, dude?!?! Quick!!!

Omen Scorpion pulls out a black glove with a metallic white skull fingers and a glowing blue note on the palm. He activated it & throws it to Luna who caught it with her teeth by the fingers. She sinks her right hand into the glove, fully fitted as electricity circled around it.

Luna: Sorry about this Sam.

Luna places her right hand on the back of Sam's neck, the glove spreading electricity to heavily shocked the Colossal soldier and the microchip. She released Luna, throwing her head back with a loud yell.


The shock was causing the microchip to flash and short circuit with mini breaks and explosives, breaking apart until it was completely destroyed!

Michelle: NO!!!

Luna removes the shock glove as Sam stumbled back, falling to the snowy ground with a large thud. Ignoring the wound on her left shoulder & her shoulder pad melted by the acid, Luna kneels down to turn Sam over, to her relief, she was still breathing as a groan escaped her lips. The Skull Pack, Laine and Omen approached her.

Julia: Seems you've won the battle of the monsters, lunes.

Sonya: You good, boss?

Luna: I'm fine. The wound will heal, I managed to get that microchip fried off Sam's neck. (To Omen Scorpion) Thanks for the shock glove dude.

Omen Scorpion: Always gotta enter battle prepared. Oh and one second...

He spins his chained blade around and launched towards Michelle, who tried to escape only to be ensnared, falling.

Michelle: Agh!

Omen drags her over to the group, who glared down at the former music producer.

Reby: Well here is our little Christmas tree gift all wrapped up.

Laine: So what do we do with the rock hating bugger?

Luna: (cold tone) She's mine.

Luna lifts up the chained Michelle.

Michelle: W-Wait, It's still not too late for you join me! I can give you anything you desired!

Luna: I don't want nor need ANYTHING from you expect one thing; Your Death.

Michelle: (begs) P-Please spare me! Don't take my life, I'll give you anything even your daughter!

Luna's eyes widened for a moment before narrowing her eyes with a hateful glare.

Luna: (growls) Now ain't a good time or idea to lie to me, Michelle, especially for the position you're in right now, brah...

Michelle: I'm not j-joking or trying to trick you, your little girl's alive! A-After the attack on you in trying to find you, we only found your husband's corpse and with a clothed, crying baby g-guarded in his lifeless arms, I took her & had Sam watch her as a means to use her to get to you one day! She's six years old now and-

Luna: Sonya!

Sonya nodded and handed Luna a dagger, Michelle started to panic.

Michelle: It's the truth, I swear! Let me live!!! Please, mercy!!!

Luna: (dark expression) Mercy.... Never heard of that word...

Michelle screamed as she was about to plunge the dagger into her chest when the colossal rocker felt someone caught her right arm to prevent that. Luna turns to see her arm held by a now awake Sam, who was breathing heavily. Both colossal monsters stared at each other in silence until the now freed Sam spoke.

Sam: (spoke in a bold, female voice) Luna... She's... She's not lying...

Luna: Sam...?

Michelle: ....

Sam: When they controlled me... I couldn't do anything but I could still see or hear even though my will was enslaved. She did bring a baby to base, it was yours. It shocked me you had a kid and... Doug & Michelle had a plan to use her... against you but she still had ways to go so... They ordered me to watch over her, to make sure nothing happened to her so they wouldn't lose their precious pawn as they put it for revenge on you...

Luna: ....?!

Omen Scorpion glares coldly at Michelle.

Sam: It was just get you on their side, cure you, have you brainwashed like me and finally, after they have no more use for you... They would have your daughter as a weapon to kill you.

Luna was in a state of shock, disbelief and anger.

Michelle: That's not true! If using her to get you on our side but the weapon thing, Nonono! I would never!

Reby: Anyone else smell the bullsh*t she's cooking?

Laine: Yep. How can ya be so cruel to a child no less, it's completely insane!

Luna glares at Michelle and then to Sam as her glare softens. Is it really true? Is her daughter really alive? Sam was free from the microchip controlling her, why would she lie about that?

Luna: .... Where is she now?

Michelle: (lies) I don't know.

Luna: (threateningly snarls) No more lies & games, Michelle! Tell me where she is or else you won't live to see tomorrow!

Sam: (cold stare) I'd do what she says if I were you...

Michelle: Okay! Okay! In case Luna wouldn't come willingly or brute force wasn't going to work, I would use this as a last ditch effort to reel her in! She's located on top of a bridge which is in that point that direction.

They look to the direction she pointed.

Reby: That's the direction we took to get you to Priscilla, which means... we passed the bridge...

Sonya: The kid was on there?!

Laine: And ya acid blasted the bridge and that Doug bloke went down under! Oh don't tell me she fell off during the chase?!

Omen Scorpion: It could still be intact, just not the road. If she's on one of the pillars of the bridge, then we must head there now.

Michelle: Yes, you do that. I told you everything now let me go!

Luna: Fine...

Luna released Michelle but the Colossal Rocker snapped her fingers as Reby and Julia held her down.

Michelle: Hey! Unhand me! What are you doing?! You told you about your daughter & I did! You were supposed to let me go!

Luna: Yeah... I agreed to not kill you in exchange for my kid's whereabouts (smirks) but I didn't say anything about my skull pack letting you go...

Michelle sees the frightening grins/smirks of Reby, Julia & Sonya, horrified that she was tricked.

Luna: What? Ya thought you were going to leave here so ya can come up with another plan to f**k with me & my family? Not a chance. But ya surprisingly put me in somewhat of a good mood so I don't have to kill you anymore since I put a lot of fear in you but my girls will happily get their own pound of flesh.

Omen Scorpion calls for the jet, which lands near as the cockpit opens up.

Luna: You three do whatever you want with her, as long as I never see her face again.

Reby: Will do, boss.

Julia: Hehehehe~.

Michelle: Wait! No! Stop, you don't do this, Luna! This isn't over! You hear me, Luna! You all are marked for death! You'll never be safe!!!

The Skull Pack take the screaming Michelle in their hideout while Omen, Laine, Luna and Sam got in the jet. Getting in the pilot's seat, Omen fires up the engines and flew the jet off into the direction they once went to get the cure for Luna completed to find the rocker's daughter.

To be continued...

(Chapter 11 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Luna is back & better than ever as she, Omen, Laine and the skull pack give Michelle and her soldiers a banger of a riot! Luna squares off against a brainwashed Sam & Michelle reveals a shocking news of Luna's daughter being alive. Can they get in her in time or will it be too late? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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