Chapter 10: Hang onto Life
Lincoln & The Skull Pack were aiming to get the gravely ill Luna to Priscilla in order to finish the cure to stabilize & save Luna's life but their problems got worse, with Black Skulls soldiers being accompanied by Doug and Michelle, ex music producers and judges of America's Next Hit Maker but are now members of the Black Skulls.
Luna: (low growls) Doug... Michelle...
Doug: It is so good to see you again with some new friends I see...
Reby: Lunes, you know this pansy?
Doug: Who're you calling pansy?!
Luna: Doug and Michelle are these Music Producers I once worked with to be the next big thing in music... (Coughs roughly) but they showed their nature of power abuse & corruption in trying to convince me to change outlook on my music & style... I nearly went with it but I stood up to them & played my own rock music instead to be myself.
Michelle: (angry glare) Not to mention that you got us fired, our careers were over thanks to you! If you'd just follow our instructions and accepted the changes, you'd could've been rich & famous but you chose "being yourself" over that!!!
Luna: (coughs roughly before glaring angrily at Michelle) I'd rather be myself than a fake!! Being a bubblegum, k-pop music star who lip syncs, trying to ruin my reputation in rock made me sick!!
Doug: Rock was overrated! No one likes it!
Luna: Tch! That's not what I heard from the audience, they actually loved my music. Just because you hate rock doesn't mean everyone in the world agrees with you two narcissistic idiots!
Michelle: You...!
Lincoln: (cold glare) You two deserve what you've gotten for trying to change my sister. I've heard about your downfall, you have no respect for other's talents. You didn't just try to do the same thing with Luna, you did it with every guy & girl who appeared on your show to bring them down & satisfy your egos.
Sonya: Talk about arrogant & manipulative types who can't get their heads out of their asses.
Doug and Michelle were fuming mad.
Doug: I wouldn't talk so tough if I were you.
Michelle: Yeah, we know about you and what you went through Luna, losing everyone you knew, your family & friends, your girlfriend, your boyfriend... your baby daughter... (Grins)
Luna let out a loud snarl.
Reby: How did you know that? You bozos been stalking us?
Doug: The Black Skulls put us in charge of handling the Moon Rioter situation after many have failed to capture or kill her.
Michelle: By the way (smirks) who do you think order the attack on you & your husband months after you had your kid...? Must hurt being a childless widow, huh?
Luna was seeing red as she almost went ballistic again but Sonya stopped her from charging at Michelle.
Sonya: Lunes, easy! Now's not the time!
Luna slowly calmed down but gave Doug & Michelle a glare of pure hatred.
Michelle: Now we've got your attention Luna. I know everything of what you've been doing in this ruined world, including your illness.
Doug: We got you right where we want you. You're a high class criminal wanted dead or alive but... You're still valuable in a way to the Black Skulls, the first to survive the Project-C formula experiment but you're not quite stabled, are you...?
Luna: Grrrr...!
Lincoln: Let me guess, revenge.
Doug: (grins) Something like that...
Michelle: But... We want to offer you a deal.
Reby: Whatever it is, take it and shove it up your asses!
Michelle: I was talking to Luna, not you peons.
The skull pack glared at her.
Michelle: Now Luna, this is an opportunity to save your life. We have a cure for your illness, all you have to do is kneel before us, re-enter our good grace and swear your allegiance to us & the Black Skulls.
Luna: ....
Michelle: You can live to fight another day and be our personal guard and serve us.
Luna: You expect me to agree to something like that...?
Michelle: I'd figured you'd say that... (Shouts) Colossal Soldier!
Hearing giant footsteps, Lincoln, the Skull Pack, and Luna see someone appeared out of the fire. A large figure stomps towards the Black Skulls soldiers, Doug and Michelle to join their side, it was a colossal monster woman up to Luna's height, green eyes and strange black marks on her face, longer blonde hair with a teal streak, like Luna, this woman possesses a very huge body in-between large muscles & thick curvy proportions, overly huge breasts, strong beefy arms, wider hips and a huge rear end.
She wore two ear piercings, a black/blue/white skeletal gas mask, a blue & silver studded choker, a black, blue, red and dark gray studded, punk style leotard suit with a flame trim design, a chest window with a quadruple X strap, right sleeve with a white flaming skull/studded flame pattern armband, a trim corset with a white flaming skull, a left black/gold/silver shoulder armor/gauntlets with a black glove/spiked knuckle, fishnet leggings, studded kneepads and boots with flame patterns.
She also possesses some scars on the exposed part of her left arm of her gauntlet, a tattoo of a carved sun/words "Sun" on her right knuckle and a tattoo of a Frightening, blue eyed, silver/black/blue flaming skull with the word "Sam" below it & on her left thigh.
Luna's eyes widened.
Luna: S-Sam...?!
Doug: That's right. Meet the Inferno Goddess of our division or your old flame, Sam Sharp.
The woman revealed to be Sam Sharp gave the five a cold stare.
Michelle: Sam's been such an obedient soldier to us. Unlike you, the Black Skulls found the answer to stabilize Sam who somewhat survived the operation after her supposed 'death'.
Luna: ...!!
Doug: She did have some... disagreement so we had to 're-educate' her until she saw things our way.
Luna started to cough roughly, placing her hand over her mouth as she spewed out green blood.
Julia: Luna!
Sonya: Crap, we don't have time for this.
Michelle: Hehehehe, seems like you're getting worse and worse by the minute, you're outnumbered and you can't take on a berserker like Sam in your condition, Luna. So why don't you just do the right thing, join us and become our loyal soldier.
Doug: It's simple. Don't do anything stupid, just do the right thing... Join us or die slowly, your choice.
Luna and the skull pack glared angrily at the two grinning former music producers now soldiers of the Black Skulls. An eerie chuckle was heard as everyone turned to Lincoln himself.
Lincoln: Ya know, there's always a third option.
Lincoln holds up three glowing white and silver looking orbs.
Lincoln: I would love to end each of your lives right now but as everyone knows, time is not on our side so allow me to give an alternative intervention.
He throws the orbs at the group.
Michelle: You think those grenades will save you?! Sam, take them-
Lincoln: (to Luna and the skull pack) Shut your eyes!
Luna and the skull pack immediately did as the orbs detonated but instead of an explosion, it was a huge flash of light. Doug, Michelle and the soldiers were blinded by the immense light.
Doug: Dammit! AHHH!!!
Reby: Let's get Luna outta here!
Sonya, Julia and Reby carried Luna & ran to the left direction with Lincoln following as he spotted some sort of tricked out & heavily armored blue, silver and black RV, that might be the ride Sonya was talking about. However, he spotted someone quickly heading passed him and towards Reby and Julia carrying Luna.
It was Sam, who wasn't blinded by the light and was making a beeline for Luna to drive her fist through the back but Sonya saw this and quickly managed to catch Sam's fist and hold her back.
Sonya: You guys go on and get Luna outta here, I got this b***h!
Reby: But Sonya, you have the keys!
Sonya: I have a spare key in there, now go! Luna doesn't have much time and these bastards won't stay blinded by the light grenade for long!
Reby wanted to argue but Sonya was right, every second they remain here is wasting time to get Luna to Priscilla to finish the cure. Reby opens the side door as she, Lincoln and Julia bring Luna inside, placing her on a nearby bed. Reby heads to the driver's seat with the spare key in the ignition, Julia walks away from them.
Reby: Where are you going?
Julia: I'm going to assist Sonya, she'll need all the help she can get not just with the blonde goliath. Get Luna to Priscilla and don't stop for anything, you help her too snowball.
Lincoln: (ignoring the nickname) I got it.
Julia exits the armored RV as Reby started the vehicle, the thrusters engaging and begins to drive forward and through the steel barbed wired fence out of the area. The light grenade faded as Michelle, Doug and the soldiers were regaining their sight, seeing Sam send flying only for the colossal woman to land on her feet as Sonya and Julia were the only ones here.
Doug: No, they got away with Luna!
Michelle: (smacks Doug upside the head) Well don't just stand there, take some soldiers and go after them! Under no circumstances does Luna not escape!
Doug: Okay, okay!
Doug ordered some soldiers and follow him back to the vehicles while Michelle, Sam and some soldiers stayed behind to deal with Sonya and Julia of the skull pack.
Michelle: You skull pack runts have been one of the major pains in the Black Skulls asses, specifically mine! You just don't know when to die, do you?!
Julia: Eh, not the first time we've heard this. We've survived worse and worse through this ruined world, if you have a problem with us existing...
Julia pulls out her high tech hook swords while licking her lips with a large scary grin.
Julia: Try to do something about it... Try to do what others before you have failed to do...
Michelle: Oh I will... Today's the day you skull brats die and nothing will stop me from having Luna, whether Doug catches her or Luna succumbs to her illness, either way I'll have my revenge!
Sonya: You must be idiotic if you think we're gonna let that happen. You used my boss, my own sister in arms and I'm gonna give you solid beating for lunes here.
Michelle: Tch! Sam, deal with the blonde brute! The rest of you soldiers, you're with me on handling this face painted freak!
Sam charged at Sonya while Michelle and her soldiers surrounded Julia, who grins evilly.
Julia: Oh this is gonna be fun...
We see Reby driving the armored RV through the wintery roads, the blizzard picking up more. Lincoln set up the GPS coordinates of Priscilla's home to the cyber woman of the skull pack's system, the pathway was quite long but it wasn't stopping the cyber woman who was pushing the vehicle to top speed.
Lincoln went to the back to check on Luna. The giant rocker/rioter was getting even paler with a cold sweat, her breathing ragged & green veins were becoming more visible. The white haired man knew that his older sister is on burrowed time and the clock is ticking fast, he didn't like seeing his sister suffering like this nor any of his sisters in any sort of danger.
The RV shook as Lincoln held Luna down as she started to spazz out while reby grunts, still driving.
Reby: The hell?!
Reby: Agh! Who's firing on us?!
Lincoln takes a look in the back window, seeing a couple of black skull soldiers on snowmobiles followed by a large armored truck with snow tires, in the driver's seat was Doug, who was leading the charge as shots from their weapons were fired at Reby's vehicle.
Doug's voice was heard on the intercom.
Doug: You're not getting away from us, peons! We have you on the ropes but if you give up and give us Luna then I'll probably let you live to see tomorrow!
Reby yelled back via intercom.
Reby: It ain't happening, big nosed bastard!
Doug: Well boys... You know what to do but Luna must be left alive!
Reby grunts as the armored RV shook from the shots it was receiving.
Reby: Hey snowball, you might wanna hold on to something and keep lunes from falling over!
Reby steps on the ignition and punched it, the armored RV increasing it's speed to escape Doug and his crew but the ex music producer wasn't going to give up so easily, he fired up his ignition and went after them with his soldiers following to shoot the vehicle down. The chase was going through the ruined areas of the cities, from quick and sharp turns around every corner, block after block and crazy U turns. Reby activated the RV's weapons mechanism as parts of the vehicle open up to reveal built-in lazer cannons, gatling gun and missile launchers to begin firing back at Doug and his crew.
While some soldiers were killed, the rest of them including Doug stayed on Reby in their driving arsenal. Reby made a quick left turn with the enemy giving chase, two soldiers in vehicles tried to ram Reby but she rammed them back hard, crashing them into a nearby truck or spun outta control, both exploding. Reby grunts with another crash was heard.
Reby: Well, good news is that we past the midway point of the coordinates you set up Snowball but those bastards are still on our tail! How's Luna?!
Lincoln turns to the rocker.
Luna: (delirious) The whole world is spiiiiiiinniiiiiinnnnng like a rockin' craaaaaaaaazy rollercoaster ride... Stop this ride, I wanna get offfffffff....
Lincoln: She's getting worse.
Reby: (to Lincoln) Well keep her from falling over, I'll keep driving to lose ol' big nose and his cronies-
Reby turns to look at the road and yelped upon seeing Laine on a snowmobile coming from the right path in the road, the skull pack cyber woman catching her attention.
Reby: What the-
Laine: -bloody f**k!
The armored RV kept going forward but there was nothing left of the snowmobile in it's path but as for Laine well... She jumped out of the way but was hanging on the side of the armored RV where she kicks open to the side window, jumping in to attack Reby, who was holding on to the wheel.
Reby: Ah! F**k off, I'm driving here!
Reby kicked Laine in the passenger seat and aimed a pulsar gun at her while Laine pointed her sais at Reby.
Reby: I don't have time to deal with you, take another step and you'll collect all the ribs out of the hole in your chest!
Laine: (glares) Shut it, now where's Lincoln you blooming git or I'll drive my sais in your sockets!
Lincoln: Laine?!
Laine looks away from Reby to see Lincoln tending to the gravely ill Luna.
Laine: Luv, what are you doing here?! And what this cyber bird?!
Lincoln: Long story short. Got abducted, tortured barely, fought & found one of my sisters who hasn't have much time to live, driving to Priscilla's to finish her cure before she expires.
Reby: And we have Black Skulls chasing our hides!
Laine looks at the Ill rocker.
Laine: This colossal lady is one of your sisters?
Lincoln: Yeah, Luna. The musical one.
Laine: Really? I've seen her play it loud music going viral since I was young, I can't still believe you're related to her-
Reby: Agh! Persistent f**kers!
Lincoln: I'll take care of them.
Laine stops him.
Laine: No, mate. Your sis needs ya right now. I'll go.
Lincoln: Are you sure?
Laine: Linc, I can handle myself and I went through those trials Priscilla had us do to earn the training and power needed. I got these buggers here.
Laine kissed him and immediately went to the side door, opening it and climbing on the rooftop of the armored RV. She sees two Black Skulls soldiers climbing up to meet her with weapons in hand. The first soldier ran at Laine with electric botans as the woman readied her sais, the two exchanged punches, kicks and shots from weapons before Laine caught the next strike, drives a sai through the soldier's midsection three times before throwing him off the roof.
The second Black Skulls soldier appeared and begins shooting at Laine but she would quickly avoid the enhanced bullets and got close enough to hit a couple of sai jabs to the chest of the soldier before kicking him off the vehicle and falling into the wintery road. Laine sees about five soldiers on snowmobiles left and Doug in his armored truck, she jumped off the RV at the nearest two on snowmobiles, wrapping her arms around a male soldier's neck while using her legs to ensnaring a female soldier's neck with her thighs, applying pressure to both holds, earning a pained grunt & groans from the male & female Black Skulls soldiers before...
At the same time, Laine snapped the male soldier's neck while crushing/twisting the female soldier's neck with her mighty thighs, releasing her grip and knocking the dead male soldier off to commender the snowmobile while the female soldier now dead, fell off hers which crashed into a nearby drug store, resulting in an explosion.
Two more soldiers drove by and fired at Laine, who kept up with the armored RV while avoiding the shots. Both soldiers sped up on their snowmobiles and were in neck and neck with Laine, both aiming to shoot her head off. Laine quickly got out a couple of shurikens from the holster in her jacket, the two soldiers then fired as Laine leaned back down and throws the shurikens which got one of the soldier in the neck and head which made him spew up blood and lose control of the high tech gun to rapid shoot at the other soldier which the shurikens got him in the chest and shoulder, putting holes through him, Laine drove forward while the two spiraled into each other to crash & burn.
Laine sees one soldier left ahead of her using a Lazer bladed gun to cut open the side door of the armored RV to get in.
Laine: Oh hell no!
Laine drove over, the soldier managed to cut the door open which fell off it's edges and jumped inside, spotting Reby driving and Lincoln & Luna.
Reby: Sh*t. Preoccupied at the moment, can you deal with him snowball?!
The soldier was about shoot Reby in the head but his hands were ensnared by chains.
Lincoln: Get over here!!
The soldier was pulled towards Lincoln, who hits a solid fist to the face, shattering the glass on his helmet, Laine came in as the soldier stumbled back with the woman hitting an rolling forearm to back of the neck. Lincoln and Laine send the soldier stumbling back & forth with sheer combo moves to inflict bone breaking damage before finishing the soldier at the same time with Lincoln's chained blade through the head while Laine drives her short sword in the back through the heart.
Laine: Game set & match.
They throw the dead soldier out.
Lincoln: Nice work.
Laine: Thanks, heard the MK scorpion line ya did there, mate.
Lincoln: Couldn't resist.
The two hung on as Reby made another turn down a straight path through a bridge with Doug on their tail, firing at the vehicle.
Doug: You fools may have killed my soldiers but you won't lose me so easily, one way or another, I will get Luna!
Reby: Crap, the RV is taking too much hits already and the weapon systems are cooling down from overheat! We almost there but I think we're f**ked!
A groan was heard, Lincoln and Laine turned to see Luna slowly getting up, her eyes half lit sickly, the giant rocker holding her stomach & looks at the three feeling more sick but the same time was getting an idea.
Luna: Reby...
Reby: Lunes? You know you're in no condition to fight, don't even think of doing what you're about to do!
Luna: Open. The. Back. Window. Now.
Reby: But-
Luna: Look (coughs roughly) I'm feeling something coming up but I also have an idea to shake Doug off but if I let it out in here... The RV will be melted butter...
Lincoln: Luna.
Luna: Reby...!
Reby understood what Luna meant and pressed a button as the large back window opened, Luna slowly walks towards it and poke her head out, seeing the vehicle with Doug in it. Doug sees Luna and smirks, thinking she was going to jump for him to easily catch her.
Doug: That's it Luna, come to Papa!
Luna narrowed her eyes, she feels the build up inside her stomach coming up. Her chin splits open and her jaw stretched and grew unhinged with her sharp fangs and long tongue.
Doug: What is she doing...?
Luna inhaled deeply and with a large, gutteral roar, hurled up a massive wave of acid aimed at the bridge road which started to dissolve and eat away at the road behind her, Doug saw the bridge ahead being eaten away by Luna's acid and screamed.
He hits the brakes to keep from driving further into the acid which created a hole within the bridge road but it was too late as his wheels came in contact and the vehicle started spinning outta control, Doug tries to man the controls but they weren't responding with the acid eating away at the wheels, he was headed off the edge of the melted bridge.
He along with the vehicle went over the melted bridge and fell into the frozen ocean below. Luna doesn't see Doug anymore, meaning he perished in the fall as she went back inside.
Luna: It's... All... Good... Dudes...
Luna collapsed with a large thud.
Lincoln: Luna!
Laine: Oh man, that must've took a lot outta her.
Reby: I'm giving the RV all she's got! Hold on! Just a few miles!
Lincoln and Laine helped Luna get back on the bed as Reby further stepped on the ignition and keeps on driving, stopping for nothing or nobody.
A few minutes later...
After a long drive, Reby drove through the passageway tunnels Lincoln showed her which led them back to the Scorpion's Den. There, Priscilla was waiting for them as Reby got out with Lincoln and Laine carrying the sick Luna out. Priscilla tells Lincoln and Laine to get Luna to the medical lab level of the den, she then turn to Reby.
Priscilla: The cure.
Reby pulls out a vial with the cure.
Reby: Right here. Let's hurry it up.
Priscilla nods and led Reby to the lab. Luna was placed on a medical table, hooked up with tubes in her arms, a monitor for her heart rate which is in the low right now and an oxygen mask. Reby gave Priscilla the cure with the first omen scorpion grabbing a vial of her blood to pour it within the unfinished cure, scanning & tinkering with it before putting it in the centrifuge and waited for a moment before it was done, time was short.
Lincoln and Laine was by Luna's side as the rocker's breathing was faint and the rate on the heart monitor was getting lower & lower by the minute.
???: What's going on?
Laine was spooked.
Laine: Blimey!
It was Lucy.
Lincoln: Oh hey Lucy.
Lucy: Training was halted for now, Maggie went upstairs while I stayed down here for awhile. Who's this woman? She looks like she's on her death bed.
Lincoln: It's Luna.
Lucy: Gasp.
Lincoln: She's not exactly well right now. Hopefully, the cure will stabilize her sickness or she'll expire.
The goth woman look at the giant rocker/rioter, Lucy winced at the grave sight and grim condition Luna was in. Lucy grasp the rocker's hand and prayed to the spirits she'll live through this. Priscilla and Reby later came back with the finished cure in hand.
Reby: Clear some room for her, move it!
Lucy: And who is she?
Lincoln: An ally of my sister.
Priscilla approached Luna, removing the oxygen mask from her and held her head carefully to make her sit up a bit but not to get up as the first omen scorpion have Luna drink the cure, the liquid going down the rocker's throat with Priscilla laying her back down.
Laine: Is it working well?
Reby: It should be?
Then Luna suddenly begins to twitch and shake uncontrollably with sharp gasps escaping her lips, the heart monitor scan growing fanatic.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Lucy: Gasp! She's spasming outta control.
Lincoln: ....!
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.......~!
Luna then collapsed on the table, unmoving.
Reby: Nonono!
Laine: Where we too late...?
Lincoln: Oh no...
Lucy: Luna...?
Lucy felt the grip on her sister's hand fell motionlessly, she checked for a pulse. There was none. The goth woman lowered her head in sullen and sadness, Priscilla calmly closed her eyes, Reby fell to one knee and slammed her cybernetic fist into the ground leaving a crack as she yelled in anguish, Laine went to her boyfriend with her head on his chest, sobs coming from her. Lincoln stared at the motionless body of his older sister, while the white haired man had a calm expression on his face, his eyes spelled complete despair at the failure to save his sister.
Lincoln: (in his mind) We were too late... I'm sorry Luna, at least your suffering is over. Goodbye.
There was silence besides the light sobs from Laine and Lucy at the loss.
Luna loud is dead-
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep... Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep! Beep!
Priscilla opened her eyes and turned to the heart monitor, the readings were going up at a steady pace.
Priscilla: Heart rate is back up to a steady pace...
Lincoln, Laine, Lucy and Reby look at Priscilla.
Priscilla: It's-
She was interrupted by a loud gasp, followed by seeing Luna sit up with a shocked look & slight rapid breathing!
Luna: (trying to catch her breath) I just... saw Great Grandma Harriet at the end of the lit up tunnel...!
She looks around the area, spotting Priscilla, Lincoln, Laine, Reby and Lucy.
Luna: What? Where-
Luna was tackled by Lucy hugging her or as she tried to hug the giant rocker/rioter with her face buried in Luna's chest.
Luna: Huh?
Lucy looks up at Luna with tears.
Lucy: Luna, you're alive. Oh thank the spirits.
Luna: ... Luce?
Lucy: Yes. It's me big sister. You're back from the dead.
Luna: (eyes widened) Oh man, I was dead?!
Reby: For a few seconds, yeah. You had me scared there & I thought we gave you the cure too late.
Laine: Same. Had me believing that you were gonna kick the bucket.
Lincoln: How do you feel now-?
Luna grabbed Lincoln and pulled into a big, strong hug with Lucy, smiling.
Luna: I feel so much better, more so even! I feel absolutely incredible! Thanks a million dudes!
The two siblings returned the hug, happy that Luna is alive and well.
Priscilla: Readings are stable now, cure was a success.
Reby receives a transmission from her intercom.
Reby: Damn it, Sonya and Julia are in a bit of a jam with Michelle and a blonde berserker of your ex flame. I gotta go help them.
Lincoln: I'll give you back-up.
Laine: Count me in, cyber bird.
Luna: Hold on, you dudes ain't leaving without me.
Lucy: Luna?
Reby: But you just got better, you should rest.
Luna: I've done a lot of resting when I was sick. Plus, I don't feel tired at all, I feel even stronger now. Sonya and Julia need my help too, same with Sam (narrowed her glowing green eyes) and I owe Michelle big time for her actions then up to now.
Reby: Fine, you're the boss within the skull pack after all.
Lucy: I wish I could accompany you guys but my training isn't completed yet. Be safe.
Lincoln: Right.
Luna: Ya got it. (Smirks) Now let's cause some Chaos.
To be continued...
(Chapter 10 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Also, here's what I drew back of Sam Sharp in the Omen scorpion reboot!)
1. Sam Sharp (Grown up/Inferno Goddess/Colossal Monster)
(Let me know what you think of my sketch of Sam. Back on topic, Doug and Michelle have returned & knew of Luna's life in the apocalypse as well as her illness, planning to use that to get her under their thumb. And what was worse, they have Sam Sharp, who Luna thought was dead, was alive but she's a colossal monster like her & under the ex music producers control. After a wild chase scene, Lincoln & the crew managed to get Luna to Priscilla and cure her of her grave illness. Now Luna is ready to unleash chaos upon her enemy, can she & the others save Sonya and Julia from Michelle and a brainwashed Sam or is it too late? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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