Welcome Back Goku!



Azkuz still sloppy at flying, managed to get close to the ship that landed just a few minutes ago, he looked down seeing three figures, mainly some smoke and fire around to single one, he dropped down to the ground hiding near some rocks.

Azkuz: Judging from how alien those two lizards look, I'm betting that they are the one who had that ship, (Turns to the single figure) And oh look at the guy, must have tanked some kind of attack but why are his eyes teal and his hair spiked up and yellow. Is this some kind of human thing?

Trunks: I'm serious, you better hit me with everything you've got, trust me you're going to need to. (Serious) Now let's get this over with.

Mecha Frieza (Angered): No one tells Frieza how to fight. NO ONE!

Mecha Frieza shot another powerful beam at Trunks who stopped the blast with his bare hands being pushed back but because he's pushing the beam apart, they would split off in different directions only stopping when Frieza stopped the blast.

Trunks: Okay then, don't listen I just told you exactly what to do if you want to defeat me. Come on, what about everything you've got did you not understand?

Mecha Frieza: Hmph, you're in such a hurry to meet your doom so be it!

Mecha Frieza floated into the air putting his single finger and a small sun appeared before expanding into a larger sun that was bigger than everyone there combined.

Azkuz: Holy crap!

King Cold: Frieza no, the planet can't handle that.

Mecha Frieza: He said everything, we'll find Goku in space!

Mecha Frieza threw down the Supernova as Trunks just looks at it being fully engulfed in the attack as the evil villain laughed at the sight of what he thinks is the dying Super Saiyan.

King Cold: It'll cut through the core, Frieza to the ship!

Mecha Frieza did as he was told floating to the ship about to leave with his father when the ground shook, the two looked back at the Supernova being lifted into the air like it was nothing.

Mecha Frieza: What in the?

Holding the Supernova with ONE hand was Trunks glaring at Frieza as he did so.

Mecha Frieza: How?

Trunks began walking out of the crater as Frieza jumped down back onto the sandy ground.

Mecha Frieza: Will you just die?

Trunks: What's wrong, is that all you've got?

Mecha Frieza had enough pointed his finger out shooting a small blue ball at the Supernova making it unstable and explode on Trunks making the crater even bigger. Mecha Frieza let out a little laugh as his father jumped down beside him.

King Cold; Excellent Work my son, that yammering fool was all bark and no bite.

Mecha Frieza: Hah, it was a nice challenge before the Real Super Saiyan arrived.

Azkuz (Thoughts) Super Saiyan, so, Trunks is one of those things the old geezer hated?

Azkuz had to endure the king's terrible laughing but was curious about what happened to Trunks, until he looked up seeing him standing on some Rocky piler, he put his hands out moving them at all angles charging some kind of attack.

Trunks: Hey Frieza!

The tyrant's eyes widened, turning around to see Trunks above him and his father as Trunks launched a ball of energy at them, but they jumped into the air dodging it.

Mecha Frieza: Fool! You missed by a mile.

Mecha Frieza turned back to Trunks who was in the air above him holding the handle to his sword bringing it down onto the racist slicing his body in half, taking another look at the Saiyan's eyes. Again, he was stopped by the Super Saiyan of legend right in front of his father who gasped at his son's defeat

Below them, the Z-Fighters, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Bulma and Puar.

Vegeta: What in the?

Gohan (Points up): Hey Krillin looks up there!

Everyone looked above them seeing Trunks begin to slice Frieza into multiple pieces of tech and flesh, he put his hand out being pulled back and thrusted under his arm and blasted Frieza with a powerful blast that destroyed the main villain of the last arc with no problem. Shocking the Z-Fighters and even Azkuz who had stars in his eyes, that might be the Saiyan DNA in him getting excited from seeing such a strong person.

Azkuz (Shocked): So, Cool.

Vegeta (Disbelief): That was Frieza. He cut him into bits like he was nothing.

Krillin: Right, like in no time flat. He wasn't even trying.

Bulma: How can you even tell what's going on up there? I must need glasses or something. Anyhow it sounds like Goku managed to get back here in time huh? I guess all training off in space really paid off too. Yep, I told you he'd save us.

Yamcha: Whoever that is up there is not Goku, but he's definitely a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta was pissed off, not only did Goku or Kakarot become a Super Saiyan but so did this Stranger he couldn't stand by and began to fly closer to the scene with Piccolo following after him.

Krillin: Come on!

Krillin, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu flew off too.

Yamcha: Right, on my way.

Bulma: Oh no you don't (Grabs onto him) I'm not getting ditched twice in one day mister. (Yamcha just sighs and begins to fly after the other) Whew this beats the heck out of walking, Whee!

Meanwhile, Azkuz watched them fly back down to the ground just staring at each other, but they began to talk.

Azkuz: Oh, the king must be hella desperate if he wants the guy who just killed his son to join him. Not loyal at all.

But now, Trunks took out his sword handing it to King Cold who examined the sword in front of Trunks, but Azkuz saw something like words appeared in his eyes.

System: Intention to swing the Sword and kill stranger.

Azkuz blinked a few times before holding his eye and looking back at the king, his eyes turned wild red again and his body rushed at King Cold who almost brought his sword down on Trunks, but Azkuz blocked it with his hand.

King Cold: Who are?

Azkuz: Ah, ah, ah, you know it's rude to try and strike someone like that.

Azkuz pushed the sword back and punched King Cold in the chest hard enough for him to drop the sword and be launched into the same ship he came on.

Azkuz: Aw yeah! Take that you overgrown dumbass!

He snickered before realizing that he came out of his hiding place turning to see Trunks look at him confused about him and his sudden appearance even the tail he had swaying back to forth.

Trunks (Confused): A Saiyan? He was here the whole time, and I didn't even sense him? Was his ki that low enough for me not to notice?

Azkuz: Oh, sorry. You see he was about to swing on you, and I was like oh I don't think he'll dodge so I acted on instinct and boom punched him in the chest.

Before he could keep talking, the two heard King Cold getting back up glaring at the stranger, Azkuz kicked Trunk's sword into the air and kicked it to Trunks grabbing his weapon.

Azkuz: You handled the short one already. Let me finish off the King for your hardwork. Unless you want to wash this dork.

Trunks looked at the stranger, before transforming back to base form and put his sword back on its handle.

Trunks: Hurry up, I have to meet someone.

Azkuz: heh, don't worry I got something for this doofus.

Trunks nodded flying over to another rock sitting there while at the same time, the Z-Fighters all looked down at this.

Vegeta: How many Strangers are going to keep popping up?

Gohan: M-maybe he's friends with the Super Saiyan. (Takes a good look seeing Azkuz's Saiyan tail) I mean he is a Saiyan.

Krillin: But I thought Goku, Vegeta, You and that Stranger were like the only ones?

Piccolo: We can ask questions later Krillin. Right now, it looks like he's about to take on that tall figure.

King Cold looks up at Azkuz who jumped down from the piler staring at the king.

Azkuz (Thoughts): Okay, you're in too deep now, I guess the bright side could be that I'm at least getting a chance to see my new body works. It's making me a little excited, maybe the extra genes, I guess.

King Cold: Do. You know. Who I am?

Azkuz: Hmm, Mister Freeze, hmm maybe Snow Cone. Yeah, Snow Cone sounds right.

King Cold: NO! I would expect a monkey like you would know who it was who had my son enslave your race, but I guess I can give you a reminder!

Azkuz just smirked at him, putting his tail in front of him, flicking it back and forth.

Azkuz: Come at me then (Glaces to the side) We have some spectators so let's give them a show.

King Cold ran at Azkuz being in front of him before teleporting behind Azkuz but he wrapped his tail around the fist stopping it, Azkuz flipped over and kicked King Cold on the chin, staying in the air kicking King Cold in the face multiple times before spinning to the other side and throwing him into a wall making it all fall on him.

Azkuz: Haha! Come on "King Cold" I thought you were supposed to be strong? Boo!

King Cold bursted through the rubble and flew at Azkuz faster than he could predict, getting punched in the face, grabbed by his tail, being jabbed in the face three times until he was thrown into the air and stopping himself.

Azkuz: That's what I get for being cocky.

System: Above, going for a tail slam.

Azkuz looked up to see King Cold, grabbing the young Saiyan by tightly charging a purple beam

King Cold: Now, *Pants* This should serve as a reminder that while you landed some lucky blows. My race is far above your kin-.

Azkuz opens his mouth and bites into King Cold's hand making him pull back and hold his hand, looking up to see Azkuz punch him down but stopped himself from falling to far down.

Azkuz: Sorry, but that seemed like the only way to shut you the hell up.

King Cold (Pissed off): You dare bite a king!? 

King Cold thrusts his tail at Azkuz but he dodged to the side generating another Ki blade slicing it in half.

King Cold: AHHH!

Azkuz grabbed the tail and smacked King Cold down in the air, Azkuz retracted the blade and flew at King Cold punching him rapidly in the chest before flipping over and axe kicked King Cold into the ground.

The others watched in amazement, being closer to the fight, but Vegeta looked at him with a glare rather than being impressed while Piccolo had a cautious look on his face.

King Cold managed to get out of the crater seeing Azkuz staring at him, his piercing red eyes looking into the king, he dropped his tail right next to the King as he looked scared for once

Azkuz: Geez, you are so underwhelming, guess all that height is just for show huh?

King Cold: S-Silence you damned Monkey! I'm not even close to being defeated.

Azkuz: Monkey this Monkey that lord. It's like that's all you're good at. You suck at fighting, so you try to trash talk to compensate huh? Kinda sad.

What was this, he was never this cocky and cold before, is this more of those Saiyan cells. He glanced back up at the King seeing him thrust a fist at the side of his stomach making his eyes widen, he backflipped under an elbow but was kicked in the stomach sliding back, seeing a purple light looking up at Cold who was charging an energy blast, but Azkuz smirked and somehow, a memory of Raditz came to him.

Azkuz: Double Sunday!

Putting both hands out, a purple beam was fired at King Cold engulfing both his blast and his body.

Vegeta and Piccolo both widened their eyes, Gohan noticed this looking up at his mentor.

Gohan: Mr. Piccolo, what's wrong?

Piccolo: That move he just did, was one of Raditz's moves.

Vegeta: No doubt about it, but it looked different and packed a stronger punch

Krillin: You mean Goku's brother? That is weird though never saw him when he showed up.

The Z-Fighters grew even more curious; first, he was a Saiyan, able to handle King Cold with little problem and knew a move from a past Saiyan. Just who was he?

King Cold's body was scorched, his armor broken, his cape burnt and his body trying to move but it couldn't.

King Cold: G-Grr!

Azkuz put his hand down looking at his hands with sparkles.

Azkuz: So cool! I mean (Cough) Heh, a little blast like that hurt you ya big baby?

Azkuz walked over to King Cold squatting in front of him, his tail moved to him and wrapped around his neck making him choke desperately grabbing his tail, but he tightened the grip before he moved and dropped his hands.

King Cold (Near Death): Who, are you?

Azkuz: The guy who beat you, (Whispers in his ear) Azkuz.

Azkuz performed the final squeeze killing King Cold snapping his neck, Azkuz stood up as his once red eyes stopped glowing calming down. He looked back up at Trunks giving him a thumbs up as he just felt weird giving him one back, even then this Aura he feels from him is familiar to him. Though he would deal with him later, he glanced over at the others smiling.

Trunks: Hey! I'm going over to where Goku's going to land in a little bit, you guys can come if you want to.

Gohan (Confused): Where he'll land? How come this guy knows about my dad?

Trunks (Points to the left) it's this way, Yeah, I can pretty much show you exactly where he's going to touch down.

Piccolo (Thoughts): What game is this kid playing.

Vegeta (Thoughts): This welp calls himself a Super Saiyan, preposterous. (Looks at Azkuz who notices his look flinching a bit before nervously waving) And that brat, if any other Saiyan's did exist Frieza would have found them but here stands one, much stronger than me. Ridiculous! I, Myself and Kakarot's son are all that remain.

Trunks: So anyways, Goku will be here about three hours from now. Let's get a move on.

Before he flew away, he looked down at Azkuz, he jumped down at him as he took one step back.

Azkuz: Oh, hey man.

Trunks: I don't know who you are or why you may be here, but you helped me out with King Cold. So, I don't believe that you are an enemy. You can come with us but don't slip up. Or (Grips his sword).

Azkuz: L-Loud and clear dude, I get it cool guy come down and saves you, but you don't know them. Like the basic plot of a movie heh.

Trunks: Just follow me along with the others.

Azkuz: Got it uh sword man.

Trunks smiled at him before turning around and flying into the air where he knew Goku would be, Azkuz quickly followed after him as the Z-Fighters and Bulma floated there.

Gohan: If that guy knows where my dad's showing up then I'm going with him.

Krillin: Easy Gohan, look we don't even know the first thing about those two.

Tien: Count me in, they both just saved us from Frieza and his dad, right? Now he's offering to take us to Goku seems like a decent enough kid to me besides I am curious.

Yamcha; He doesn't really know where Goku's going to be right?

Bulma: Don't you wonder where they met each other.

Vegeta: I'll go as well only to unmask them as frauds!

The Z-Fighters fly after the duo to the location of Goku, Trunks took a look at his watch showing him how far the destination was.

Trunks: Okay 573 18220. (Looks down) So, right around here.

Trunks drops to the ground with everyone else following him, the Z-Fighters give this look that spelled caution while Azkuz was more relaxed having his arms behind his back. Trunks reaches into his pocket and takes out two capsules tossing to the ground and from it was a fridge and a bag full of food, Trunks opened up the fridge taking out some Hetap.

Trunks: Goku won't be here for a little while yet so we might as well relax while we wait. I've brought plenty, help yourselves if you're thirsty.

Bulma (Thankful): Well then, I'll have something.

Gohan: Me too.

Krillin: Hey wait, Gohan.

Bulma and Gohan looked through the fridge looking around for something to drink

Gohan: Thanks Mister let's see which sounds the best.

Bulma; Huh, that's weird. I've never seen these brands before.

Gohan took a Hetap can drinking it up before having a goofy smile.

Gohan: Wow, that's great.

Bulma (Takes a sip of beer): Yeah, you're right.

Azkuz nervously walked to the fridge and took out a can of Hetap opening it up and taking a small sip. His eyes widened and he began to drink the whole fast.

Azkuz (Relived): Oh, I haven't had anything good like that in years.

The Hybrid ran to the food taking some kebobs and eating them at the same time, eating, a joy he rarely got with the old man.

Piccolo (Thoughts): Years? Either Saiyan's don't starve like humans do or something is up with him.

Krillin: So, I guess you got any grapes?

Trunks shook his head no before looking back at Bulma who notices his stare smiling at him.

Bulma; Hey kid, have we met somewhere before?

Trunks: No, I doubt it.

Gohan: Hey, so where do you know my dad from anyways?

Trunks: I've never had the honor of meeting him face to face I only know him by reputation.

Krillin: So how did you plan this? How do you know he's going to be here in three hours?

Trunks: Well, uh, sorry guys. Can't tell ya.

Vegeta: Oh, you can't well I demand answers. Starting with who you are and you (Points at Azkuz)

Azkuz was eating a burger turning to Vegeta with his mouth stuffed.

Azkuz (Muffed): What did I do?

Vegeta; Besides, Myself, Kakarot, and his spawn. We are the last of the Saiyan's, so where did you come from and how were you able to defeat King Cold with an attack only seen from another warrior long dead?!

Azkuz: W-well (Swallows Food) For the Saiyan part its more complicated than that to be honest. I'd rather not talk about it right now. It's not pleasant.

Vegeta: WHAT?! You secretive-.

Piccolo: Enough! He'll explain everything to us when it's less traumatic. Your yelling isn't going to help!

Vegeta gritted his teeth backing down from the conversation, after that the group was scattered around, Vegeta, Trunks and Bulma sitting on rocks, Tien, Gohan and Yamcha standing while Piccolo was near a cliff. Azkuz was alone on a rock, feeling a look from Gohan?

Azkuz (Nervously waving): Y-yo.

Gohan walked to him and just examined him. First was the brown tail, a bit longer than the one he had before swung back and forth the eyes he had shining red, not as bright and violent as before but more calm and cheerful.

Gohan: Sorry about Vegeta, he's pretty aggressive at times.

Azkuz (Playful Sarcastic): Oh yeah, the prince of foreheads surely liked me earlier.

Gohan: Pfft, Foreheads.

Azkuz: Looks like you the Mcdonalds logo if you look hard enough.

Azkuz and Gohan shared a laugh at the little joke, this felt different for Azkuz having someone to talk to after these years and have a good time with as Vegeta heard what was being said scoffing at it, noticing Trunks looking at him but he quickly turned away

Vegeta: You keep staring, am I so fascinating to you. If you're the Saiyan you claim to be. Certainly, you've seen one of our kind before?

Trunks: Well, I haven't

Tien: I suppose you might have heard of Goku out from space and decided to come meet him here. Think that's much of a stretch?

Chiaotzu,: I don't know Tien, he looks like he belongs here on earth.

Trunks checked his watch standing up from the rock.

Trunks: Okay it's been three hours everyone. Goku's ship should be touching down any minute now.

Bulma (Shocked): Really?

Chiaotzu: Yeah, he's right.

Tien: I sense a huge power coming this way.

Yamcha; It's heading right towards us.

Bulma; It seems like Mystery boy was right on the money when he told us when Goku would be coming back.

Azkuz: So, I'm finally going to meet Goku

Krillin: Yeah, have you heard about Goku too?

Azkuz (Nervous Chuckle): You could say that yeah.

Gohan: That's my dad, that's his energy I know it!

The Saiyan pod raced over them into a part of the rocky area, the Z-Fighters and the mysterious boy followed where the crater was.

Bulma: Boys! These shoes weren't made for running!

Azkuz: Oh, I can help with that.

Azkuz picked up Bulma as she wrapped her arms around him flying after everyone to the crater, seeing a Ginyu force pod in the middle, the door eventually opens up and a hand grabs onto the outside of the ship and Goku finally appeared, looking in front of him seeing most of his friends cheering for him.

Goku (Confused): What the?

Bulma (Excited): Your back, your back, welcome back!

Goku: What are you all doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Seriously guys how'd you know where I'd be it's not like I called ahead.

Bulma (Points at Trunks): It was all thanks to him and he knew when you were going to arrive right down to the minute.

Gohan: Yeah dad, he's a friend of yours, isn't he?

Goku (Confused): Uh who are you?

Bulma: Wait a second, you don't know who this guy is?

Goku: Sorry never met the kid

Bulma: Then if he's not your friend then how did he figure out where and when you'd be back.

Goku: I don't know, come to think of it Frieza's ship locked onto my position, so I bet they had a pretty good idea about when I was going to be coming down. Speaking of Frieza who put him in his place anyway I felt some crazy energy (Turns to Piccolo) You Piccolo? Or was it you Vegeta?

Piccolo: He was defeated (Looks at Trunks) By this stranger faster than you can blink, and he transforms into a Super Saiyan just like you. Not only that but (Looks at Azkuz) His father was killed by that Saiyan over there. He knew how to use your brother's move as well.

Goku: Huh, a brand new Saiyan and a Super Saiyan. You don't say. Wow, way to go kids. Congratulations on that.

Azkuz: Thanks (Thoughts) This is Goku? The guy Gero wanted dead. He's so different that what he described him as.

Goku: Gotta admit I was surprised. Vegeta said there weren't any Saiyan's lefts

Vegeta: Fool, what part of our planet exploding don't you understand.

Goku: Well, I guess it doesn't really matter either way.

Bulma; Yes, it does matter mister. I guess you don't take anything seriously, do you?

Goku: I don't?

Trunks: Goku, I need to have a word with you (Goku: Okay) But just the two of us.

The others gasped at Trunks request while Goku suddenly grew serious looking at the young warrior.

Goku: Okay then.

Yamcha: You just met the kid and now you guys are keeping secrets.

Goku: Don't worry Yamcha I'll be right back.

Yamcha: But.

The two Saiyan's flew away from the others, but Azkuz's systems noticed that look in Trunk's eye.

System: Goal, scale Goku's power and tell them about killer androids

Azkuz: Don't worry dude, I'm sure he's just trying to tell Goku about some things he might have gone through.

Tien: And how do you know that?

Azkuz: Gut feeling.

The two Saiyan's landed on the other side of the crater walking a decent distance.

Trunks: Here should be good.

Goku: Oh, forgot to say it back there. But thanks a lot for taking care of Frieza for me. Once I'm done here, I'll have to thank red for helping me too. Guess I let him off too easily huh?

Trunks: You were supposed to be the one to defeat Frieza and his father, but events didn't seem to be going as planned so I stepped in and guess he did too. You know just to pick up the slack.

Goku; Yeah, Frieza must have made some really good time in his spaceship I didn't think he'd beat me back (Looks at his hand angrily) He didn't learn his lesson after planet namek but I would have taught him not to mess with earth.

Trunks: He landed three hours before you, there may not have been an earth by the time you got back.

Goku: That's what you think, but I had a little something up my sleeve. It's called Instant Transmission

Trunks: Like teleporting?

Goku (Nods): I picked it up from natives on this planet called Yardrat. I was about to zip down here and mop up the floor with Frieza but you beat me to the punch.

Trunks: I had no idea; I didn't know you had those kinds of skills at your disposal Goku. I thought you were too far away to stop him. (Whispers) Which means I needlessly changed the course of history. I've muddied the timeline even more by encountering all the others when all I had to do was find you.

Goku: Timeline? What's going on?

Trunks: I'll explain but first I have a question. Tell me Goku how well can you control your Saiyan abilities, are you able to transform at will?

Goku: Oh, at first, I had to be really worked up to change but now I can really do it whenever.

Trunks: Please show me. It would be considered an honor. I have to know.

Goku (Serious): Alright then.

Goku gathered enough energy letting out a powerful yell. His energy expanding and being detectable by everyone in the area, and there it was. Goku's hair spiked up and golden, paired with his teal green eyes surrounded in a golden aura.

Gohan: He just turned Super Saiyan like it was nothing.

Piccolo was impressed by this sudden transformation, Vegeta was pissed off, yes Goku defeated Frieza on Namek with that form but still the thought of Goku, low class scum as the first Super Saiyan of legend makes his blood boil. Though Azkuz was the most impressed of them all, he looked at his Saiyan tail then back at Goku.

Azkuz (Thoughts): That form. The old bastard never mentioned or even knew about this form. It's amazing to even see. (Suddenly Excited) I want to turn into one as well!

Goku (Curious): Well, is this what you had in mind?

Trunks: Yes, thanks for humoring me. This is incredible, you look exactly like I do when I go Super Saiyan.

Goku: So, what do we do now?

Trunks: I guess I should return the favor.

Trunks himself transformed getting everyone to react again and Vegeta to ball his fist in anger

Vegeta (Thoughts): Impossible!

Goku: We really do look alike huh?

Trunks: Sorry Goku.

Goku was about to question him but before he could Trunks took out his sword lunging at Goku bringing his sword down but stopped it near Goku's face not even phased by the weapon in front of him.

Trunks: Why didn't you dodge my attack?

Goku: I don't sense any evil intentions. I knew you weren't going to hurt me.

Trunks (Pulls Sword back): Oh, I see, but this time Goku I'm following through.

Goku: Go right ahead.

This man Goku puts his finger out and it's enhanced with his aura as the aura covers the finger with Goku waiting for Trunks to move first, the warrior gripped his sword and ran at Goku unleashing a flurry of sword swings at Goku but with his Ki enhanced finger blocked each strike keeping a neutral face until he blocked the last swing, the two stared at each other before Trunks backed away returning to base form and tossing his sword into the air.

Trunks: Awesome, people told me you were amazing. But you're even better than that.

Goku also turned back to normal going from glaring to his usual goofy smile, Trunks slightly moved his body down so his sword could slide into its holder.

Trunks: The sword you parred sliced through Frieza like he was butter.

Goku: Well, I'm guessing you weren't really trying your hardest against me.

Trunks; But now I know I can trust you Goku. It's time for me to come clean.

Before the two could talk, everyone else was just in awe, jealousy or pure joy.

Tien: Did you see that?

Yamcha: Just barely those guys are off the charts.

Azkuz: Right, it's so cool like two superheroes fighting or something.

Trunks: The stuff I'm about to tell you is personal, all of this has to stay strictly between us.

Goku: Far enough, what you say won't go any further. I can keep a secret with the best of them.

Trunks sighed and he began to talk to Goku about his timeline where he's from 20 years in the future on the 12th of May, two androids built by Dr. Gero an old enemy of Goku will appear and take over the world not even the Z-Fighters could beat them, Once Piccolo and Vegeta fell first it was a slaughter for the humans and with no dragon balls that meant no bringing back other fighters. Trunks who thought he could beat them as Super Saiyan was just played with until his defeat Future Gohan (Honestly Favorite Gohan) was the last of them to survive along with a few others.

Goku: Hold on, what about me or that stranger? Why are we not helping you out, did the Androids get to us too?

Trunks: For the Stranger, I've never met that boy before in my life. I'm guessing he just doesn't exist in my time. But you Goku they don't you never battle. Not long after the present Goku, you'll come down with an illness. It'll be the death of you. It is a virus that attacks your heart. A microscopic foam that even a Saiyan can't overpower.

Goku (Shocked): A heart virus, not even a Senzu Bean can't do anything to make it better (Grits his teeth) I mean it's just not fair why do I have to miss the fight?

Trunks: The part that upsets you the most is that you don't get to fight the androids? So, you mean you aren't afraid of them at all?

Goku: Well sure, they sound like monsters, but it would be a great chance to see what I'm made of and I'm going to miss out.

Trunks: You truly are the caliber of warrior I was hoping you would be. Gohan and my mom weren't exaggerating about you in the least. (Reaches into his jacket sleeve taking out a capsule) When the symptoms appear use this vile.

Goku: What is it?

Trunks: The medicine you'll need, the virus you'll come down with is incurable now but in 20 years we pretty much have it licked. Use that vile like I told you and you'll be fine.

Goku: Aw, that's great news. Aw thanks Trunks. I just wished you saved me the suspense from the start.

Trunks: Well, honestly, I shouldn't be messing around with history actively trying to change the future like I am but with the future as it is. Now I'm sure, you'll keep everything from going so wrong Goku. Mom knows it too; she keeps telling me. If she didn't believe in, you, she wouldn't work so hard on the time machine.

Goku: Whoa hold on a second. So, your mom's the one who builds the time machine. So that must mean she must be a genius like.

Trunks: Right (Points at Bulma) She's, my mom.

Goku flat out fell down from the info falling onto the ground twitching.

Goku: (Pure shock) So, Vegeta and Bulma!?

Piccolo twitched hearing this while Vegeta scoffed.

Vegeta; How long are they going to keep us waiting? I don't like being in the dark here.

Azkuz: Give them time Mickey D's, think they are wrapping up the confo soon.

Bulma: I can't believe the way Goku fell, he's usually more graceful than that.

Goku stood back up looking at Trunks getting his emotions together.

Goku: Out of all your future news that takes the cake, I always figured Bulma and Yamcha would settle down one of these days but Bulma and Vegeta. I can't even wrap my head around that one.

Trunks: Well, she got tired of Yamcha playing the field I think she called it, so she finally kicked him out on his ear.

Yamcha suddenly sneezes without even covering his mouth.

Bulma: Ew, cover your mouth.

Trunks: Anyhow they broke up and there was Vegeta. She told me how he looked so lonesome, it was kind of spur of the moment, and they never did get married, you know how she can be.

Goku: Still, the two of them I never would have guessed. Though it does sound like something Bulma would do now that you explained it.

Trunks: I was just a baby when my father died, so I don't remember anything about him. Meeting him today was pretty interesting at least.

Yamcha: I wonder what's doing staring around here?

Puar: I don't know but he's smiling pretty big.

Trunks (Worried): Please, don't say anything about any of this stuff I told you but especially that! If you mention it and things start getting weird between the two of them, I might blip out of existence because they, won't you know.

Goku: Okay, it's our secret.

Trunks (Calm and Collected): Well, that about covers it, I guess I should be getting back to the future and tell my mom I finally got to meet the one and only Goku.

Goku: Right and tell her thanks for the medicine too. This ought to shake things up a bit.

Trunks: Yeah, with you in the game this time around. We might have a chance at winning this fight. But just to be sure Goku. Keep an eye on that other stranger.

Goku was confused looking back at Azkuz flinching from the stare as he just nervously smiles at him.

Goku: Why? Didn't he help you and the others? Killing Frieza's of all people.

Trunks; I know, but he isn't supposed to be here, along with energy I can barely track. He's an anomaly and I trust you to watch or at least keep an eye on him.

Goku nodded at Trunks as the future warrior as he smiled walking away from the Goku who began to walk to the others but was met by them already near him.

Krillin: Well, come on spill it what did you talk about?

Goku (Nervous): Uh you know, I don't wanna bore you guys with it.

Everyone looked surprised at Goku but something in Azkuz's systems scanned his face. He was lying.

Azkuz: Bullcrap Goku, your body language and voice are stuff and high pitched and the way you were talking sounded like he said deep stuff. Some come on out with it dude.

Goku (More Nervous): N-No, he just told me-.

Piccolo: Out damn it. The news affects all of our futures, not just you.

Goku (Shocked); Piccolo? So, you heard all of it.

Piccolo: Of course, I did, a namekiens ears are far more sensitive than a humans.

Bulma; In that case what's so important.

Krillin: Yeah, tell us Goku.

Goku began to stutter not being the best at this kind of stuff before Piccolo stepped up.

Piccolo: If you're not feeling up to the task, I'll fill them in myself.

Goku: But if you, tell about Trunks then-.

Piccolo: Calm down already I won't say anything that will threaten his existence but the rest of us shouldn't have to die a horrible death because we didn't know to commit to our training.

Piccolo turned around and explained the Androids to the fighters leaving out as much as Trunks as he could everyone took it differently while Azkuz looked the most pale unfolding his arms taking the news hardest.

Azkuz (Thoughts): C-could I be one of those Androids, was what that old fuck wanted out of me? N-no, if I was then Trunks could have cut me down but still.

Yamcha (Playing it off) You're kidding right, come on he's kidding right?

Bulma (Ignoring Yamcha): Time machine huh?

Piccolo: You're welcome to believe whatever you want, but I plan on training harder than I've ever before and if you want to perish then go ahead.

While everyone took the news differently, Yamcha looked past Goku flinching.

Yamcha: What in the?

Everyone curiously looked up while Goku and Piccolo just turned around seeing Trunks in his time machine looking down at everyone but mainly his parents.

Trunks: Father, you're just like mom described. Powerful, full of pride, but so distant and so alone than you may ever know. Please survive what's coming. Mother, good luck to you be strong.

Trunks smiles before waving to the Fighters and Azkuz as the time machine flies into the air before eventually vanishing out of sight.

Tien: You know, I think I'd better train as well.

Krillin: Oh yeah me too guys.

Vegeta (Thoughts): If he thinks I'm going to roll over and die in three years, he knows nothing about Saiyan pride.

Azkuz (Thoughts): Then I might as well train too but, who would I even go with or where would I even go.

Everyone stood in silence before Vegeta turned to Goku raising a brow.

Vegeta: Tell me something Kakarot, how did you manage to survive the explosion on namek?

Yamcha; Yeah, now that you mention it, Frieza's ship was too damaged to fly right? I mean King Kai said it was the only way for you to get off the planet.

Goku (Serious): Yeah, it was a close one, really close.

We return to the dying planet namek where Goku, battle damaged and in his SSJ state screamed out in anger.

Goku (Background): I nearly died out there.

Goku slams his fist on the controls infuriated with it and himself.


Goku looked up and saw a falling space pod similar to the ones that Vegeta, Nappa, and the Ginyu force used, he rushed out of the main ship lunging at the space pod.

Goku (Background): I managed to find those round space pod things close by.

Vegeta: Of course, the five Ginyu force ships I forgot about them, but they were still there.

Azkuz: The what force?

Gohan: Oh, just a bunch of weridos that popped up during our adventure there.

Azkuz: Huh, sounds like bootleg power ranger.

Goku: Anyway, I jumped into one then I just started mashing every button I could find.

In the pod, Goku just pressed everything in that pod and before the planet could blow up, the pod raced out of orbit and through space, who knows how long it was before Goku's pod flew to another planet and crashed into a building, the pod opened up dropping him out as he was back in base form. Footsteps come close to him. He opens his eyes seeing two pink-skinned aliens with big heads and the same clothes he was wearing back on earth looking right at him.

Goku (Tired): Oh look, a welcoming party. May not be earth but it's better than being dead.

Goku passed out as the other aliens began to talk over each other about what to do with Goku.

Vegeta: The Ginyu force must have been planning on attacking the planet yardrat. That would make sense, it's why the spaceship was programmed to go there. Of course, it doesn't explain the absurd outfit.

Goku: Right, my clothes were torn and ripped up, so they gave me these. They're actually pretty friendly once you get to know them, just not the most stylish.

Vegeta; Don't hold out on me. What did you learn from them, you were among them all that time. They're weak and rely on strange techniques to survive. You mastered them, didn't you?

Goku: Right again!

Krillin: I get it you were training. So, that's why you didn't come home earlier.

Bulma; Awesome, show us a move I wanna see.

Goku: I didn't have much time, but it was really hard to learn, but I finally got it down. One Yardratians technique, in one year I learned the instant transmission.

Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan and Krillin (Shocked): You learned what?

Tien: Amazing, can you demonstrate it?

Goku: Hmm, sure. You have to concentrate hard not on a person but on a place then you lock onto their energy. After that you immediately go to wherever they are. Now where do I want to go first? (Locks onto the person) Oh yeah.

Goku puts his fingers on his head as his body began to vanish.

Goku: 1, 2, 3 bye.

Goku teleports away shocking some of them.

Azkuz: So, it's just an instant travel thing? I kinda wanna learn that.

System: Worthless move compared to others; besides instant travel doesn't suit us.

Azkuz rolled his eyes to his system now while it wasn't a complete companion. He already knew how annoying it'll be dealing with such a smartass. Then Goku suddenly came back.

Goku: I'm back.

Vegeta: Nice, you perfected a parlor trick just high-speed smoke and mirrors.

Goku: oh yeah, (Mentions his new shades) Recognize these.

Krillin: Oh, those are Roshi's glasses.

Bulma; It can't be.

Yamcha: But Roshi's place must be at least nearly several thousand miles away maybe more a round trip.

Goku: I know isn't is awesome. (Hands Krillin the sunglasses) Give these back to him for me, okay?

Krillin: Sure thing.

Bulma: I guess there's nothing you can't do.

After that, the group began to talk about meeting on the island on the day these Androids would arrive, it took some time, mainly stopping Piccolo and Vegeta from fighting but they managed to calm down and in three years would meet again to take on these androids that take over the future. One by one everyone leaves to begin training, eventually Gohan and Goku begin to fly into the sky to go home to Chi-Chi, but Gohan looks back at Azkuz who is sitting down on a rock in a thinking pose. Goku notices this and looks at his son.

Goku: Why is he just sitting there?

Gohan: I-I don't think he has anywhere to go dad, when we tried to bring up his past before you got here. He seemed traumatized. Maybe something happened to him.

In his lab, Gero sneezed so suddenly that has confused him as he wiped his nose.

Back at the mountains, Goku looked at the lost 22yr and flew down to him as Gohan just floated in the sky

With Azkuz, his eyes were closed groaning mentally.

Azkuz (Thoughts): Ugh, this bites. First day out of that hell and now I've got two more droids to fight. On top of that, I ain't got nowhere to go, Bulma will probably figure me out in no time flat, Vegeta will use me as a training dummy, Piccolo seemed too distant, Tien and his little clown friend creep me out and Yamcha.. Well, he seems decent, but I don't know about his cat girl thing. Hmm, who do I go with?

Goku: Hey, it's me!

Azkuz opened his eyes seeing Goku standing in front of him flinching a bit.

Azkuz: AH, dude where'd you come from? I thought you bounced already.

Goku: Well, we were about to when Gohan noticed how alone you were. You don't have a home to go back to.

Azkuz: Psh, I doubt it, after four years I don't think they'll be around this place any time soon.

Goku looked at the 22yr and put his fists on his hips smirking.

Goku: Then you'll be coming with Gohan and I then.

Azkuz (Confused): H-huh? Are you sure man, I don't know-.

Goku: I mean, you have nowhere to go and seem pretty gloomy so why not come with us. Gohan and I can train you to be strong enough for the years to come. Heck, I think Piccolo can help out too. Oh, and my wife has the best food in the world, that rice is just so flavorful.

Azkuz: Hmm, food does sound nice.

Azkuz looked at Goku so surprised that he's this caring of a complete stranger, nothing like Gero said he was well, besides being a little goofy but that's about it. The hybrid smiled standing up on the rock.

Azkuz: Lead the way.

Goku smiled as he flew into the sky with Azkuz following after him, they met with Gohan surprised to see Azkuz coming with them.

Gohan: Oh, dad, are you sure you want him to come with us? What about mom?

Goku: Don't you worry about your mother, I can talk her right out of it.

Goku flew past the two back to his house as the two young Saiyan's followed after him.

Azkuz: I-is your mom like a violent person or something?

Gohan: Oh no, she isn't but she hasn't been a big fan of Saiyan's, b-but dad might talk you into staying!

Azkuz: Yeah, that would sound like a blast.

The two caught up to Goku and they flew to Chi-Chi's house with news about the Androids and Azkuz being a new member of the family in a way of course as the screen turned black and the outro played.


Kay, hope you liked the chapter, next one is going to be a bit of training and Azkuz living with the family then we'll get into the three-year timeskip and my goal is to make sure Azkuz isn't straight up overpowered, still able to fight well in the future fights. 

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