(XXIII) Shopping with the Sis
Felix had never seen so much expensive clothing in his entire life.
Despite having been in the mall several times in the past, he'd never actually gone to any of the clothing stores. He'd always stuck where he knew; the cafe, and the piano area.
Now seeing the pricing, he understood why.
"Eighty dollars for a pair of leggings?!" Felix quietly exclaimed, holding the tag in his hand. Hazel shrugged.
"Pretty good, for that brand," she peered over from the clothing in her hand. "I wouldn't buy it, but you might like it."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you have the tiniest waist I've ever seen."
Felix glanced down at his hips, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "They're not that tiny."
Hazel snorted. "And I have red hair."
Felix glared, looking at the leggings with a small sense of disdain. He let go of the tag, glancing around the aisle at the other clothing.
"Listen, having a tiny waist isn't that bad," she assured him. "Shane has one too. It's the perks of being a skinny man."
"Shane isn't skinny though," Felix pointed out. "I have no muscle mass, I'm skinny. He's—"
Heat rose to Felix's face. He stared at Hazel's raised eyebrow, which was daring him to speak. If he contradicted her, he'd have to explain why. If he agreed, he would be admitting to something he wasn't sure he was ready to. So he did what he'd learned to do at his job: he stayed silent.
Felix turned to the next rack of clothes, suddenly intrigued in them. He heard Hazel make a small huh, her searching continuing. They shopped in silence for a few minutes before Hazel held up a brilliant red shirt to her body, frowning at it.
"Do you think I could pull this off, or is it too cartoony of a color?" she asked, glancing up at Felix. He shrugged.
"It'd work with some high-rise shorts," Felix offered. "But they'd have to be a good color."
Hazel hummed, nodding as she put it into the growing pile on her arm. "Good advice."
"What about this?" She held up a blouse.
"That'd look good with some jeans. Not ripped, but darker jeans."
"And this?" A white crop top.
"Some denim shorts, probably."
Hazel nodded her head, putting the items back. "Alright."
Felix raised an eyebrow. "Are you not getting them?"
Before Felix could question her, she wandered to another section of the store, skimming the rack's contents. Felix took one last glance at his section before following close behind her. The two of them wandered into the men's section, where Hazel grabbed a polo shirt and thrust it at Felix.
"This is a good color for you," she said, nodding at the fitting room. "Go try it on."
Felix stared blankly at the shirt in front of him. "What?"
Hazel shook it gently. "Go try this on."
Slowly, his brain failing to process at normal speeds, he took the light blue polo shirt, his feet absentmindedly bringing him towards the fitting room. He closed the door behind himself, glancing around at the sterile room. A few shirts from previous shoppers hung on the hooks, left behind by their buyers.
Unsurely, Felix slowly took his shirt off, looking around for a place to hide it. Spotting a small spot underneath the wooden bench in the corner, Felix tucked his shirt underneath, completely out of view. He then hurriedly put on the polo, scurrying out to find Hazel.
She was deep in the men's section, her arms full of clothing items. Sweaters, shorts, every item known to the fashion world was contained in her embrace. As Felix approached she spotted him, her eyes lighting up.
"I told you it'd look good!" she exclaimed, grinning. "You know how it could be better?"
"How?" Felix wasn't confident it was good to begin with, but he hadn't seen how he looked in it.
"Matching it with other clothes."
From the mass of clothes in her arms, Hazel managed to pull out a gray, crew-cut sweater, pale pink pants, and a shoebox. She not-so-gracefully handed them to Felix, who struggled to catch them before they hit the ground. He juggled the items in his arms, staring down at them.
"How did you get all of this so fast?" He asked in amazement. She smiled.
"I knew what I was looking for," she managed to free a hand, using it to shoo at Felix. "Now go try it on."
Felix hurried back to the dressing room, dumping the clothing onto the wooden bench. Staring at each item with hesitancy, Felix slowly began to strip and put on the items Hazel had recommended. He had difficulty putting the shoes on, but managed to hop into them. Once it was all on, he glanced in the small mirror.
He barely recognized himself. His outfit from before made him look like a typical guy; randomly dressed without much regard. Now, there was something different. Every color matched perfectly with one another. Their bright colors contrasted with Felix's hair and eyes, bringing out the lighter hints in them. Even the shoes managed to look better, making him appear like he was dressed by a stylist.
Felix spent several minutes staring in the mirror at himself, unable to process the change. Eventually, he managed to rip himself away from his reflection, pushing through the fitting room door. He glanced around unsurely as he searched for Hazel, wanting to shrink away as he spotted her putting back the final item she had with her.
"I think it looks pretty good," Felix offered as he approached her. She turned and gasped when she saw him, her eyes wide.
"Think?" she exclaimed. "You THINK it looks good?"
Felix glanced down at himself, suddenly more unsure than before. "Yeah?"
"Sir, there is no thinking that's good," she breathed. "You work that outfit perfectly."
Before Felix could stop her, Hazel whipped out her phone and snapped a picture. Then, in the blink of an eye, she was typing, grinning at her phone.
"What are you doing?" Felix asked, peering over at her phone. She shut it off, putting it in her pocket with a grin.
"Sending it to Shane."
Heat rose to Felix's face. "Why?"
"Because I think he'll appreciate it," she said, her eyes intensifying as she watched Felix. His face got redder as he began to squirm underneath her gaze.
"Cool," he said, his brain starting to short-circuit. "I'm going to change into my other clothes now."
"No!" she exclaimed. She put a hand to her mouth, glancing apologetically at the store owner before shaking her head at Felix. "You stay in it. I'll go get your clothes."
Before Felix could argue, she disappeared towards the fitting rooms. Feeling awkward, Felix desperately avoided eye contact with the store clerk, whom he was certain was giving him the stink eye. It felt like years before Hazel finally returned, Felix's clothes in hand.
"Alright, let's buy your clothes," she said, not stopping to wait for him. Felix quickly matched pace.
"But I'm wearing them."
"How are they gonna be scanned?"
Hazel smirked. "I could call Shane over to help you find the tags."
"I'm more worried about the clerk being subjected to that." Felix's face was quickly flushing redder than it had ever been before.
Hazel waved her hand dismissively. "They have a hand scanner, I'll do it."
They approached the counter, where the clerk continued to eye Felix suspiciously. Felix shot the clerk an embarrassed smile as Hazel set Felix's clothes off to the side.
"He's wearing what he's buying," she said politely. "Would it be possible for me to scan him?"
The clerk glanced between Felix and Hazel, glare intensifying. "I ain't gonna be a part of no kinky stuff like that."
Felix had never wanted to turn invisible more in his life.
But Hazel remained calm, laughing. "That's why I'm the one doing it. Could I please see the scanner?"
The clerk stared at her as the gears visibly turned in his head. Slowly and unsurely, the clerk reached for the handheld scanner, giving it to Hazel. She shot him a smile before turning to Felix, beginning her search for the tags.
"You shouldn't be wearing the clothes you're buying," the clerk said about halfway through. "Makes it easier to steal stuff."
"Good thing we aren't stealing, now are we?"
Felix shook his head. Hazel shot him an amused smile, scanning the last tag. She handed the scanner back to the clerk, who set it off to the side. He tapped a few buttons, then motioned towards the payment pad. Felix moved closer to it, his heart sinking as he saw the price.
"I can't pay for that," he muttered to Hazel. "Give me my clothes, I'm going to go change."
"Don't worry about it, I'm paying for it," she responded casually, pulling out a credit card and tapping it to the machine. It dinged, and a receipt began to print out.
"Here you are, have a good day," the clerk said, his voice dead as he handed the receipt to Hazel. She smiled, grabbed Felix's clothes, and briskly left the store, leaving Felix to follow. Once they were a safe distance from the store, he gently grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Why did you pay for me?" He whispered fiercely, glancing around. "I don't want people getting things for me, I can function on my own."
Hazel looked genuinely surprised. "They look good on you. You deserve them."
"Deserve them or not, please don't do that again," Felix begged. "I don't want to be in debt to people."
"You're not in debt," she said slowly. "I bought that out of my own free will. It just so happens you were wearing the clothes I bought, and I thought they looked better on you."
"Still, please don't do it again."
"I won't."
In silence, the two of them continued to walk around the mall, glancing at stores as they both decided to keep walking. Felix couldn't help but continue to look down at his outfit, admiring how correct Hazel was; the outfit DID look good.
"Thank you for the clothes," he murmured, knowing he owed her some sort of gratitude—or apology. She smiled at him.
"Didn't buy them for you," she said with a wink. Felix smiled, then she added, "I bought them for you to wear for Shane."
Felix's face contorted into confusion. "What?"
"What?" Hazel said innocently.
"What do you mean, you bought them for me to wear for Shane?"
"I think he'll like what you look like with them."
Felix stopped in his tracks, regarding her suspiciously as he tried to ignore the heat rising to his face.. "Why do you keep mentioning Shane? Every time we've done something today, you've made some off-hand comment about him."
Hazel stopped as well, spinning to face Felix. "Why do you think?"
Felix shrugged. Hazel sighed, shaking her head.
"I know I look like some bitchy hot-shot girl who depends on the money her brother makes," she went on, shrugging. "And I kind of am, not gonna to lie. But I'm also observant when it comes to people, especially my brother. I know when someone starts to fall for him."
Felix raised his eyebrow. "And?"
"I see the hearts in your eyes every time you look at my brother, Felix, I'm not blind."
Felix's heart began to beat faster. He wanted to refuse what she said. To tell her that she was wrong, and that she was making a gross assumption off of his sexuality. But not even the small, petty part of him could manage that. Because on every level, she was right.
"So what?" He whispered quietly, his voice small. "It's not like he'd like me back."
Hazel shook her head, laughing. "Do you really believe that?"
"He has access to anyone he could possibly want," Felix pointed out. "Any girl, from anywhere."
"But he doesn't care about that. Don't you think he would have already exploited that if he wanted?"
Felix remained quiet. Hazel sighed.
"Do I really need to show you every piece of evidence I have?" Hazel asked, crossing her arms. "Do I really need to explain to you every change I've seen in Shane since you came along? The way I've watched him leap for his phone when you text, or the way he smiles at every message you send? Am I going to have to explain the way he looks at you, even when you aren't watching?"
Felix remained in a stunned silence, his face burning with heat as his fingers absentmindedly rubbed the hem of the sweater. Hazel stared at him, waiting for a response. Waiting for him to deny everything she'd said. But he didn't. He didn't want to deny it, even though a large part of him refused to believe what she said. Someone like Shane couldn't fall for someone like Felix.
"You don't need to explain," Felix said softly, his gaze falling to the ground. There was a moment of silence before Hazel sighed.
"Shane was going to invite Marc and Luther over for the night," she spoke up. "They refuse to call it a sleepover, but it basically is. I'm sure he'd love for you to join them."
Felix fidgeted with the hem of his sweater. "I'm sure he'd like to just hang out with his friends."
"We'll just have to ask him then."
Felix's eyes went wide as Hazel began to move back towards Solar Cafe. "No, he'll feel forced to."
Hazel waved dismissively. "My brother doesn't do things he doesn't want to."
Not waiting for him, Hazel continued her brisk walk towards the Cafe. Deciding he didn't want to be left behind, he hurriedly caught up to her, matching her pace. They walked in silence until they pushed through the Cafe doors, the bell chiming above.
Shane looked like a hostage. He was smiling politely at Sharon and nodding along with whatever she was saying, but the moment he saw Felix and Hazel, his eyes pleaded for them to save him. Sharon was unnecessarily close, only crawling closer as she continued to talk.
"Hey guys!" He said loudly, interrupting Sharon. "How did—"
He stopped as his eyes landed on Felix, his eyes growing slightly wider. His jaw dropped ever so slightly, an expression of mild shock going over his face. Felix's face grew red as Shane continually looked Felix over, taking in the outfit.
"You look," he swallowed thickly, a large smile taking over his face as he locked eyes with Felix. "Very good in that."
"Thanks," Felix cleared his throat, motioning to Hazel. "She picked it out for me."
Shane looked at Hazel, and the two locked eyes. Felix watched as the two of them had a silent conversation, their expressions unreadable. He and Sharon shared their own silent confusion, glancing at the stone-faced twins. Suddenly, they broke eye contact, their conversation over.
"Shane, would it be alright if Felix join you guys tonight for your 'sleepover?'" Hazel asked, tilting her head slightly. Shane's eyes seemed to brighten, but he simply shrugged.
"It's not really a sleepover, but yeah, of course," he looked at Felix, smiling warmly. "If you want to, of course you can."
Felix smiled timidly. "Cool, I will."
Sharon cleared her throat, somehow managing to lean forwards further. "Would it be okay for me to join? I know I don't know you that well, but that just means I can get to know you better."
Just like before, a flash of discomfort and tension went through Shane, his jaw tightening. It was gone in an instant, but was there long enough for Felix to notice. Either Hazel saw it as well, or knew how he felt, because she quickly jumped in.
"It's a guys only sleepover," she replied apologetically. "I'm only there because I live at the house."
Sharon nodded, seemingly understanding, but Felix could see the disappointment in her eyes. Then, she locked eyes with Felix, and it almost seemed like there was jealousy in her eyes. But before he could confirm it, she was looking away, staring longingly at Shane.
"We should probably get going for that," Shane said, nodding at the door. "It's getting pretty late in the afternoon."
"Sure you can't stay for a little longer?" Sharon said hopefully. Hazel shook her head.
"Nope, we have to get going," Hazel motioned at Shane. "C'mon, we don't have time to spare."
Shane stood up from his chair, smiling at Sharon. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you as well," Sharon said, smiling sweetly. She stood up and moved to hug Shane, but he quickly and politely evaded her, moving past his sister. Felix took out a twenty dollar bill from his pocket, handing it to Sharon.
"Good to see you today," Felix said, smiling at Sharon. She nodded, taking the money with a half-smile.
"Good to see you too."
Felix followed Shane and Hazel out of the cafe and towards the parking lot, lagging behind as the twins argued pettily about something. He glanced around the mall, making eye contact with a few people as he left. Most people barely looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before looking away, but a couple seemed to linger, their eyebrows furrowing as if they were trying to figure out who he was. One person's eyes lit up and they opened their mouth, waving over Felix. Before he could process it, he was pulled into the twin's conversation.
"Felix, please tell Shane about the dangers of unpasteurized milk," she said, exasperated. Shane glared at her.
"I'm not saying it's not dangerous," he argued. "I'm just wondering if it would taste any different!"
"Yeah, the bacteria would sure make it taste different!"
"Maybe it's better, you don't know!"
"I do know that you're going to get several bacterial diseases."
"Unpasteurized milk is full of bacteria," Felix agreed. Shane frowned at him.
"I thought you were gonna side with me," Shane whined. Hazel rolled her eyes, lightly shoving his shoulder.
"He sided with logic, not bacteria milk," she stopped at the doors of the mall, motioning outside. "Go start the car and bring it here."
"What? Why me?" Shane asked incredulously. "You're perfectly capable."
"Because I'm a passenger princess who would like to remain in AC," she shooed him. "Now go."
Shane glared at his sister before turning to Felix with a hopeful smile. "See you at the house?"
"See you at the house," Felix replied, flashing him two thumbs up. Shane grinned, sending back two thumbs up before pushing through the mall doors, disappearing into the parking lot. Felix waited for a moment before turning to Hazel. "I have to go start my car as well."
Hazel shrugged. "Alright, see you at the house then. You gonna get stuff from your own house first?"
Felix nodded. "Yeah probably. I'll be there within the hour."
Felix moved to leave, passing Hazel. As he put his hands on the door to exit, Hazel spoke up.
He stopped, turning around. "Yeah?"
"However hard you've fallen for my brother," she said, smiling. "I guarantee you, he's fallen twice as hard for you."
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