(XIX) Ultimate Sister Scare

Felix had no clue what he wanted to do.

There were plenty of things to do. There was the pool where they could hang out, they had equipment to make a silly video, or anything else that Felix could possibly want. Everything Felix thought of to do was appealing, but at the same point, he didn't want to force his preferences onto Shane.

"Whatever you want to do," Felix said with a shrug. Shane let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head.

"I want to do what you want to do," he said. "What would you like to do?"

Felix knew of plenty of afternoon activities to do. The issue was voicing them. Despite Shane's confirmation that he wanted to do whatever Felix was up for, the words refused to leave Felix's throat. Instead, all he could manage was a half shrug.

"What is there to do?" he asked, too embarrassed to admit his inability to say anything.

"We could always annoy Hazel if you want," Shane offered, a lopsided smirk forming on his face. Felix smiled, chuckling.

"Sounds fun, but I don't want her to hate me."

"She won't hate you, she'll blame it on me," Shane assured him. "It'll just look like you're tagging along."

Felix eyed Shane reluctantly, slowly nodding his head. "Okay."

Shane grinned. "Follow me."

Shane jogged around the pool, headed for the house. Felix followed closely behind, curious as to what Shane had planned. When Shane reached the door, he put his finger to his lips, smiling. Before Felix could ask for an explanation, Shane silently slid the door open, stepping inside.

Cool air blasted Felix as he followed Shane into the house. Shane crept slowly across the hallway, tiptoeing as he glanced around. Felix tried to mimic him, but ended up making more noise by trying to sneak around. After a few moments of loudly making noise, Shane finally turned around, a smirk on his lips.

"How are you so loud?" he whispered, amusement evident in his voice. Felix's face grew red.

"I don't know," he whispered back. "I'm not sneaky, okay?"

Shane shook his head, chuckling. "I can see that. Just follow me."

Shane continued his silent movement, taking a right down another hallway. Felix followed behind him, trying harder than ever to be quiet. He succeeded only slightly, his footsteps still loudly heard but less so. He cursed his leaden feet, wishing in that moment that Laurel had signed him up for something like karate or dancing.

The thought of Laurel distracted Felix just long enough for him to not notice the small indent in the floor. His foot caught on the edge of it, his leg suddenly lagging behind. The disturbance in his movement sent Felix tumbling forwards, arms flailing awkwardly in an attempt to stop him.

He pitched forwards, the ground growing close as he fell. But instead of smacking into the floor, a pair of arms grabbed under him, stopping his descent. Now, instead of going down, his momentum carried him forwards, slamming him face first into the warm object in front of him.

The smell of clean laundry with a slight musky hint shot into Felix's nose, as well as a stab of pain. Getting his feet back underneath him, Felix slowly stood up, rubbing his aching nose. He glanced at the object that caught him, coming face to face with a concerned Shane.

Felix hopped back as if he had been touched by acid. His left foot, unprepared for the motion, slipped from underneath him. He started to fall backwards, but Shane lunged forwards, grabbing his arms. He pulled Felix to a steady position, his eyes flicking over Felix as if to make sure he was okay.

"S-sorry," Felix stuttered, his breathing fast and face beet-reed. "Didn-n't se-see th-the floor."

Shane smiled warmly. "It's okay."

Felix had never stuttered before. No matter how bad a situation got, no matter how close to an anxiety attack he was, or even if he was in one, Felix never stuttered. Yet in that moment, his tongue felt numb, unable to form even the simplest of words as he mulled over the fact that he fell into Shane. And was caught by him.

Felix became suddenly aware that Shane had not removed his hands from Felix's arms. They gripped his shirt tightly, like they were making sure Felix wouldn't fall again. Felix's eyes trailed down to Shane's hands, staring at them for a moment before looking back up to Shane's bright green gaze. Shane opened his mouth to say something when there was a sudden noise.

"Shane?" Hazel asked, the sound of a door slamming following her words. "Where are you?"

Shane and Felix locked eyes, the moment forgotten as they hurried for the stairs. Thankfully for Felix, the stairs were padded, and refused to creak beneath Felix's weight. He ascended them silently behind Shane, following him through a couple hallways.

Shane stopped short of a door, Felix quickly stopping behind him. Shane put a finger to his lips, slowly pushing open the door. He slowly stepped inside, motioning for Felix to follow.

The walls of the room were a light, baby blue color. A large, queen-sized bed was pressed against the wall, accompanied by a dark wood wardrobe and a soft fur rug. Photos adorned every wall, all framed with thick, fancy frames. Felix glanced around in wonder, his eyes flicking over each photo. Most of them were of Hazel herself, all beautifully photographed. But there were a couple of her and Shane, making faces at one another or shoving the other in some manner.

"Felix," Shane whispered, pulling Felix's attention from the photos. "I'm gonna hide in the closet."

"Okay, where should I hide?"

Shane glanced around in thought before his eyes lit up, a grin spreading on his face. "You should go find Hazel and convince her to come up here into her room."

The corners of Felix's lips quirked up to form a bemused smile. "Why?"

"Because that way she'll be caught totally off guard."

"If you say so," Felix started to leave, but stopped, turning to Shane. "Anything in particular I should say?"

"Whatever you think is best," Shane said with a grin, before diving into the closet. Felix rolled his eyes as the doors slowly shut, and Shane reached out a shaky hand before retracting it into the wall of clothing.

Felix stepped out of the room, slowly traversing down the hallway. There were a few hallways he could go down, and after choosing one to follow, he quickly found himself lost. The house may not have been huge, but Felix was directionally challenged enough to quickly forget where he came from.

"Hazel?" he called, his voice echoing down the hallway. "Hazel!"

"Felix?" she called back, confused. Felix quickly started moving towards the sound of her voice.

"Hazel, where are you?"

"Stay where you are, I'll find you!"

Felix stopped in place, glancing around. After a few moments, Hazel's head popped around the corner, her green eyes peering down the hallway. She shook her head upon spotting Felix, placing her hands on her hips.

"How did you get lost?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Felix shrugged sheepishly.

"I was following Shane, and then I stopped for a second, and when I turned back he was gone," he lied. Hazel nodded slowly, rolling her eyes.

"Doesn't surprise me," she said, laughing. "He just kinda goes, and forgets people don't know our house like he does."

"It's certainly a maze," Felix agreed.

"C'mon, let's go down to the pool and wait for him there."

Felix walked to Hazel, who was beckoning for him. She began to briskly walk down the hallways, slow enough for Felix to follow but fast enough to keep him hurrying. While he followed, he rampantly searched his brain for something to say to lead her back up to her room.

"You have any cool photos of you and Shane?" he blurted, remembering the photos in her room. Hazel slowed down, glancing back at Felix with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do you ask?" she asked with a smirk. Heat rose to Felix's face.

"You and Shane seem close, I was just wondering if there were cute twin pictures of you," Felix cringed at his reasoning, realizing it made him sound worse. Hazel stopped completely, a surprised smile taking over her face.

"Yeah, I do have some good ones," she patted her pockets, frowning. "Huh, I must've left my phone somewhere.

"In your room maybe?" Felix offered, then quickly added, "That's where I typically find mine if I've lost it."

Hazel nodded. "Yeah, probably. If you want, you can wait for me by the pool."

"I can just go with you," Felix said, waving dismissively. Hazel shrugged.

"Okay, try not to get lost."

This time, Hazel did not hold back, quickly walking back through the hallways she had just guided Felix out of. Felix was out of breath within seconds, struggling to keep up with Hazel's speed. He almost lost her at one point, but managed to catch back up as she waited by her bedroom door.

"I half expected you to get lost," she said, a hint of amazement in her voice.

"Well, you didn't exactly wait," Felix said, breathing slightly heavily. She shrugged.

"Well, you kept up, so good on you."


Hazel stepped into the room, stepping aside of Felix. He slowly walked in, waiting for Shane to jump out at any moment. Hazel switched on her lights, despite the sun coming in through the windows, which brightened her room plenty.

"I know it wastes energy," she said, as if reading Felix's thoughts. "But the sunlight doesn't always-"

"Hazel!" Shane screamed, throwing open her closet doors. Felix jumped, startled by it despite his expectations. Hazel, however, screamed loudly, shoving Felix towards Shane.

Immediately, Felix regretted the actions that led him up to being thrown at Shane by Hazel. Time seemed to slow as he stumbled forwards, colliding with Shane. The two of them fumbled into the wall of clothes, falling to the ground as articles of clothing fell on top of them.

The smell of clean laundry washed over Felix again as he landed on top of Shane, his face once again slamming into Shane's chest. He groaned as pain shot through his nose, his arms struggling to push himself off of Shane. The clothes that had fallen on top of him felt like a hundred pounds as he struggled against gravity and his dazed state.

"Jesus christ, Shane!" Hazel yelled, the sound of her footsteps rushing to the closet. The weight on top of Felix slowly lessened as Hazel tossed clothes off of the pile.

Once the weight was bearable, Felix rolled off of Shane, the clothes cushioning his back. He stared up at the dark, obscured ceiling, slowly trying to catch his breath. Clothes shuffled beside him as Shane sat up, groaning. Felix glanced over to see Hazel standing at the closet entrance, her hands clenched at her sides.

"What the hell were you thinking, Shane?" Hazel hissed. "I thought you were a fucking stalker!"

"Oh please," Shane said, smirking. "Who wants to stalk you?"

He was answered with a dress to the face, knocking him back slightly. Felix grinned, a chuckle escaping his lips. Hazel turned to him, murder lit in her eyes. Felix's laughter quickly died as he stared into what would likely be his death.

"Did you know he was in there?" Hazel demanded. Felix shrunk back, trying to blend in with the clothes.

"Maybe," he said weakly. Hazel let out a breathy, dangerous laugh.

"Even if he did," Shane jumped in, peeling the dress off his face. "You kinda sacrificed him at the first sign of danger."

"Well apparently he deserved it," Hazel shot back.

"You didn't know that at the time that you shoved him in the face of danger, now did you?"

"Doesn't matter, and you're not considered a danger," Hazel pointed aggressively at her door. "Out. Both of you."

Shane climbed to his feet quickly, brushing himself off. Felix, on the other hand, struggled to stand up, slipping on the silky dresses he was likely ruining. Shane offered his hand, which Felix took. In a quick, effortless motion, Shane pulled Felix to his feet.

"Thanks," Felix murmured, his gaze aimed downwards.

"You're wel-"

"Out!" Hazel yelled. Shane rolled his eyes, briskly exiting the room. Felix followed slowly behind him, guilt starting to settle in his stomach. He stopped just outside the doorway, turning to face Hazel.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I didn't think you would react like this, otherwise I wouldn't have-"

"It's fine," Hazel interrupted, sighing. "I know it was my idiot brother's idea."

Felix stared at the ground, his eyes flicking up anxiously. "I did actually want to see those photos."

Hazel regarded him with some surprise, but it hid it beneath her current, apathetic look. "I'll show you next time you come over. For right now, my brother wants to drag you into more trouble."

Without another word, Hazel shut the door in Felix's face. He stayed still for a moment, guilt swarming his chest like a hive of bees. When he turned around, Shane was standing a few feet away, an equally guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd blame you too," he said, taking a step forward. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I thought she'd react this violently."

"It's okay," Felix said, smiling faintly. "It's just a joke gone wrong, no harm in it."

"Still, I don't want you to feel like she hates you, because I guarantee she doesn't."

"That's good."

An awkward silence fell over Shane and Felix. Felix stared at the ground, his gaze locked on the wooden floors. He tried to blur out the growing feelings of guilt and discomfort, but as the silence stretched on, it grew harder and harder to keep still.

Eventually, Shane broke the silence. "You wanna go into the pool?"

Felix glanced up, shrugging. "If you want."

"As long as you're okay with it," Shane said with a small smile. "Are your clothes good to go in the pool?"

Felix glanced down at his clothes, pulling at the fabric. "Probably not."

"Do you want to wear some of my clothes?"

"Sure," Felix's brain short circuited as he processed what he'd just agreed to. "If they fit."

"I'm sure they'll fit," Shane assured him with a lopsided grin. "C'mon, let's head up to my room."

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