~Chapter Twenty~
"Let's see who can stay on the longest!!! HTRAE EKAUQ!" Chelsea Said and the cliff began to shake. You all were having trouble standing on your feet and you fell backwards accidentally making Jay fall. "COLE!! DO SOMETHING!!!" Jay yells to him and Cole tries to get back up. "You want an earthquake I'll give you something better!!!" Cole says and he blasts Chelsea with his earth powers. Chelsea puts up a shield and protects herself from Cole's attack. Once she stopped the earthquakes Cole stopped too.
She removed her shield and glares at all of you. "Ugh! I am sick and tired of you guys winning!! RIA ECROF!" She says and this time she blew wind to you all, trying to blow you all off the cliff. You started to lose your grip on Jay and started to fly away from him! You screamed as you edged closer and closer to the cliff's edge and you could hear Chelsea do an evil laugh to you. Eventually you almost fall off the edge and your hands are tightly gripped to the ledge.
Chelsea stops blowing wind and walks over to you. "Careful Marcy! Don't want to fall now do you? Hahahahaha!!!" She says then levitates herself up in the air. You were absolutely terrified of heights and you were starting to lose your grip. Chelsea makes big tall rocks rise from the ground and blocks anyone's way if they tried to get to you. Just then one of your hands slips and your only support was your one hand. "AHHHHHH!!! JAY!!!!" You yelled for help. "MARCY!!!" You heard Jay from the other side. "Go ahead Jay! Try to save her!! One rule! No powers!!" You heard Chelsea tell him.
"Who needs powers!!" You heard Jay said. Tears started coming down your face due to your strong fear of falling. "HURRY JAY!! I CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONG-AHHHHH!!!!" You say then scream as your hand let's go of the ledge and you begin to fall. But then! Jay quickly grabs your hand and pulls you up. Tears we're coming down your face faster and you were shaking. "J-jay!" You say still in shock and embrace him tight. Jay shushes you and rubs your back. "Shhh! It's fine I got you!" He says.
You heard some fighting sounds from behind the rock barrier. "W-what A-about C-Chelsea??" You ask him. "It's okay! You'll get back in there when you're ready. Right now you're not, just try to relax your muscles okay?" He says and you nod and breathe in and out. Eventually you were calmer and your tears stopped flowing. "Better?" He asks you and you nod your head. "I'm ready." You say getting pumped back up. "Okay hold up, COLE! BREAK DOWN THE WALLS!" Jay yells and you felt shaking and the rock wall collapsed.
You two met back up with the rest and got in fighting stance. "Well well! Look who came back! Anyone up for another location?!" Chelsea says and you all get engulfed in red and purple smoke. You all cough again but then the smoke started to clear around you all and the new location you all were in was familiar and real. "Ninjago City?! Are you mad!?" Kai says and Chelsea laughs. "No I actually feel pretty good! Now! Let's set the mood, it's too sunny!" She says and begins to make big rain clouds appear in the sky, making Ninjago city darker.
"Much better don't you think? But not really the feel I was getting." Just then Chelsea makes lightning bolts strike down in different places in the city and you could hear the screams and panic from the citizens around you all. "Nya! Help me protect the people! The rest of you stay here!" Sensei instructs, and as Nya's samurai x mech arrives, she climbs in and goes off leaving you and the ninja. "Hey!!! You can't do lightning!! That's my thing!!" Jay says and tries to stop the lightning bolts from striking again. "Fine! How about some water!!! RETAW SEVAW!" Chelsea says then blasts you all with strong blasts of water.
"Zane!! Use your ice!!" Cole instructs as Zane gets in front of you all and freezes the water that Chelsea shoots at you all. She growls and stops with the water. "Fine! Two can play it that game! ECI EZEERF!" She says and shoots ice at you.
You all dodge her attacks but Jay gets hit and his leg freezes up! "Quick! Kai! Use your fire!!" Cole says and you could imagine Kai smirking right now. "Anyone feeling cold?! Let's see if I can fix that!" He says and uses his fire to met the ice on jay's leg and shoots fire balls at the ice Chelsea shoots at you all.
"You know! Is anyone getting the same feeling that she can do all of our elements!?" You ask them. "I told ya I can do up to 200 spells!! Mother would be so proud of me right now! CIGAM TSALB!" She says and blasts a purple beam at you all. "You're up Lloyd!" Cole says and Lloyd shoots his energy beam and tries to push back her blasts. Successfully Lloyd was strong and the magic beam backfires on Chelsea and she falls to the ground.
Just then you swore you saw some tears come down her face as she gritted her teeth at you all in a glare. "I.CANNOT.FAIL!!" She yells and gets back up and blasts you all with her powers again making you all hit your backs against a building wall. "Chelsea! You don't have to do this!" You tell her and slowly get back up. She marches over to you all with purple magic in her hands.
You all prepare your powers in case she attacks again. "No! I do have to do this!! You all must be destroyed!!" She says and then all of a sudden she says an extra long spell and a portal opens up above you all. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! OPENING UP THE CURSED REALM??" Lloyd yells as the wind starts blowing them but you all stand your ground.
"Chelsea I know deep inside you, you don't want to do this! And you don't have to!" You say and you see more tears come down her face but she stays strong through them. "You don't understand Marcy! You all don't understand!! I have to do this! S-she'll K-kill me if I-I don't." Chelsea says and that's when you stop.
"TIME OUT EVERYONE! TIME OUT! JUST STOP!" You yell and everyone holds back their powers and Chelsea closes the portal. You walk up to her but Jay touches your shoulder and stops you. "It's a trick! Don't do it Marcy!" He says but you take off your hood and smile at him. "I know what I'm doing." You say and walk up to her.
"H-he's right, what if I was just tricking you! W-why would you still T-trust me?" She asks you and you smile at her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Because I know deep inside that's not you. I trust you, despite everything you've done. Now tell me, your mother, will kill you if you don't destroy the ninja?" You ask her and she nods and bursts out crying.
You hug her and she hugs you back and cries harder. "Yes! S-she'll kill me! That's why I was alway jealous of you because you had a loving family with a great mom and didn't have to go through reminders A-and rants about making people suffer and revenge!!!" She says and you pat her back.
"Chelsea look at me." You say and she lets go and looks at you and you see her makeup washing away. "You have your own choice in life, everyone does! You have the chance to live your own life, you don't have to be evil if your mother says so! It's your choice Chelsea and I know you want to choose good, but deep inside you just can't. But you can. You know another power that you have, that we all have? Choices. I just know you'll choose the right one." You tell her with a smile. "B-but my mother!" "That's what your mind says Chelsea! Try listening to your heart for once, I know it's not black, there's good in there. Listen to it, make your decision." You said.
Chelsea wipes her tears and sniffs. "You know Marcy, I really can't hate you. The more I try the more I just can't. You are so nice! No one's ever cared about me! And...I guess if I can't hate even the brightest person, I guess my heart really isn't black. Maybe there is some good in me, maybe...maybe I can choose good for once! Maybe I don't have to listen to my mother! I'll uh move out!" She says and you smile widely. "Chelsea, you can move in with me. You need someone to teach you and show you what family and caring is really all about, that's what happens at my house." "R-really? But what about your friend Mikaela? And your brother Tyler?"
"They'll understand in time, but I'm sure they'll be there for you too. You don't have to be treated in life differently. And just because you can control dark magic, doesn't mean you have to use it for bad." You say and she gives you a small smile. "I-i choose good Marcy. I want to be a chill, kind, generous, sweet, fun, and amazing person like you. So I choose good, and I would have never chosen it if you hadn't helped me so thank you, so much Marcy. I died inside, everyday, it was horrible. And with your help, I'd like to fix everything I've ruined in life." She says and pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to you.
"It's a spell! For turning all your magic back to normal." You say and she nods. "I-i wrote it down from the spell book, in case one day, I could fix everything. Every spell I do is meant for evil but maybe with a little practice, I can change all that. That that's my decision, not my mother's." She said and you smile.
"Together?" "Yeah, together. Esrever eht esruc." Chelsea starts. "odnu eht slleps." You continue. "esaeler stahw deppart." She says "nruter stahw nekat." You both say at the same time and then in all of ninjago there was a bright light everywhere and you all covered your eyes at the brightness but when it disappeared you all uncovered your eyes and Ninjago city was back to normal.
You smile and Chelsea and she gives you a hug. "Thank you so much." She says and you break from the hug and smile. "No, thank you. Now! I believe we have a couple of apologizing to do!" You say and walk her to the ninja who were looking around the city confused. "You two, lifted all spells??" Jay asks and you nod and smile. "Guys...I'm, I'm really sorry...for everything I've done. I never wanted any of this! My mother made me do it all. I'm so sorry. But I hope we could, start over? Maybe?" Chelsea says.
At first the ninja look to each other then look at Chelsea and smile at her. "We have decided to accept your apology." Zane says and Chelsea smiles. "Yup! Just don't use our powers against us again, that was just really awkward." Cole says and you all laugh. "I'm only using my magic for good this time! Promise." She says "Well can you use the power of hugging because I feel a group hug coming on!!" Jay says and you all laugh again and embrace each other in a group hug. "JAYY!!! Why do you always call the group hugs!!!" Lloyd complains and again, you all laugh.
Later on to the evening. "Chelsea I still can't believe you were an elemental master all this time! And then you were evil but now you're good. And you've moved in with Marcy? Wow, tough day for you huh?" Mikaela says as she applies makeup on Chelsea's face.
"Haha yeah it's been a rough day but I feel free ya know." Chelsea says and you smile at the two, seeing that they are getting along. "And I also can't believe I was right about your hair being fake, but after seeing your hair Un-Spellifyed, why'd you go get it dyed blonde again and this time got it cut shorter?" You ask her as you apply your own makeup.
"Well I just wanted something new, something more...me! Long hair was never my thing. And black hair runs in my family but I don't want to be reminded of them anymore so I dyed it, and this time a bit more...darker? But I love what the stylists did with both of you guy's hair." She says and you smile at her and run a hair through your curls that you got done again. "Thanks Chelsea in fact it totally works with this makeup that I've just about finished putting on you! Oh and your reddish, purplish, dress!" Mikaela says.
"Thanks! But why haven't you guys put on your dresses yet?" Chelsea asks you two. "We put on our makeup and fix our hair first before putting on the dress, not sure, but it's a thing we always happen to do." You explain and smile in the mirror once you've finished applying makeup.
"Are you two serious! These are the dresses you both are wearing to the dance?! No no no, I gotta do something about this!" Chelsea says and when Mikaela finished with her face, Chelsea got up and handed you both your dresses. "Change into them real quick and I'll explain what I'm gonna do." She says and you and Mikaela slip into your dresses.
"Mikaela, how would your dream dress be like? For the perfect date to see. Oh and close your eyes." Chelsea says and Mikaela smiles and closer her eyes. "My perfect dress would be floor length and mint green! With silver like sparkles on it! Strapless but cute! And of course silver sandals heels to go with it! And my date tonight Is my perfect date!!" Mikaela says as she twirls in her old dress but as she describes her dress and spins, Chelsea uses her magic and makes the exact outfit Mikaela was describing. "So, this dress?" Chelsea asks with a smile and Mikaela opened her eyes and gasped at the sight.
"Chelsea you just bumped yourself up to Mega Bestie!! Thank you so much it's beautiful!!!!" She says as hugs Chelsea. "Ya know I'd never imagine you two hugging each other. Haha my turn!!" You say and Chelsea chuckles. "Close your eyes and describe your dress!" She says and you close your eyes and spin around.
"My dress would be big! And it flows! It'd be the colors blue and purple and strapless! And with a purple sash just above the stomach with a silver little like crest on it! I'd wear blue satin platform heels with it! And no date would be more perfect then my date tonight." You said and felt the dress you were wearing expand In size and change.
"How's this?" Chelsea asks you and you open your eyes and gasp at the beauty and sway side to side in it. "Thanks Chelsea! It's beautiful!! But what about your dress?" You said and looked at her short dress. She chuckles and smile at you, "Don't you think it's time that I take a big break from being a diva and wearing those fancy smancy dresses! I want to be comfortable ya know!" She says and you chuckle. "I can't wait for the dance Tonight guys! Moonlight waltz is the theme and it couldn't be any more perfect then that!" Mikaela says and you smile.
Just then, "MARCY! MIKAELA! CHELSEA! TWO BOYS ARE HERE TO SEE YOU!!!" You heard your mother call from downstairs. You three squeal in excitement and grab your clutches and heard downstairs. When you three arrived at the door you three hugged your mother goodbye and your mother gave Chelsea an even longer hug and you all met up with Lloyd, as himself, and Jay, not dressed up as Jayden, as you told the two to be themselves tonight. They both gasped at the sight of all three of you all.
"Wow! Check you three out! Right Lloyd?!" Jay says and Lloyd blushes a bit a nods. "You three can head down to the limo, I've got a couple things to uh say to Marcy before we go." Jay said and Lloyd, Mikaela and Chelsea headed to the limo. You smiled and peck Jay on his lips.
"You look absolutely stunning but how the heck are you gonna fit that dress in the limo!?" He asks and you chuckle. "I'll figure it out! Haha and Jay! Look at you!! A blue tux! Very handsome if I do say so myself!" You say and he smiles back. "Thanks! Oh and before we go spend this special night, I want you to have this. It's just a little something I thought would look pretty on ya." Jay says and hands you a small box.
You take the box and open it up and gasp when you see a pair of silver earring in the shape of a lightning bolt. "Haha aww Jay! Lightning!?" You say and he chuckles. "Ya know me!" He says and winks as you put on the pair. "I'll wear them everyday! Thank you!" You say and hug him. "C'MON GUYS! THE DANCE DOESN'T LAST ALL NIGHT!!!" Mikaela yells and you and Jay laugh and head into the limo.
Eventually you all arrive at the dance hall where the moonlight dance was being held and it was packed with almost everyone from your school. But as soon as you five walk in everyone stops and stares. A couple people fangirl but nobody mobbed you all.
Once that DJ hit a catchy song everyone went back to dancing or talking. "Ooh!!! I love this song!!! C'mon Lloyd let's dance!!!" Mikaela says and drags Lloyd to the dance floor with him mouthing, 'I'll get you for this Jay!' Jay shrugged at him and you chuckled and looked at Chelsea as she stood awkwardly.
"Hey! Go have fun! I know you don't own the school like you used to but hey, this could be a great chance to start over! Make tonight the most of it!" You tell her and she smiles. "I will, thank you." She says then walks off. "Ya know, I've never been to a dance before." Jay tells you and you smile. "Well you'll have fun! C'mon! Let's check out what the snack table has!" You tell him and he chuckles as you bring Jay to the table.
As you two eat some chocolate covered strawberries you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around ad get surprised when you see your brother. "Marcy?" He asks and you nod. "I-i just wanna say that I'm sorry. You know I just over react when I'm mad. But I'm sorry, those words I said on that night, I didn't mean it. You still my sister to me and also, still my inspiration. And you right, family is somethin' we gotta keep close to us because it won't be with us forever. So I'm decidin' not to move out! I'll stay, if you stay. I just hope you can forgive me." Tyler says to you.
You look at him and smile. "I forgive you. And hey! Brother and sister fight right? But they always make up for it. And Tyler, your my inspiration too. Love you bro." You say and hug him. "Love you too sis. By the way, you look beautiful." He says and hugs you back.
"Thanks Ty! You look good too!" You say then You both let go and he says a goodbye before heading off into the crowd. As the night progressed one of the drama department teachers stepped onto the stage to make an announcement. "Who's ready to hear who the moonlight dance King and Queen is?!" He asks you all and everyone cheers.
You and Jay met up with Mikaela, Lloyd and Chelsea. The teacher opens the envelope, "Our Queen is....Marcy Jones!!" He says and you gasp in surprise and your friends hug, "Oh I forgot to mention, I was gonna win the crown but let's just say I rigged the votes a little this time." Chelsea says with a wink. You smile at her and then Jay pecks you on your cheek.
"Don't get too comfortable with the king..." He whispers to you and you chuckle an head up to the stage and get crowned. "Alright!! And now! The King of the Moonlight Dance is....Jayden Parker?? Wait he's not enrolled here." He says and you laugh. "Mr. Craig! It's pronounced, Jay Walker." You tell him and he nods in realization. "Oh um, Correction! Jay Walker." He says into the mic and everyone cheers as Jay jogs up the stage and gets crowned.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! The King and Queen of the Moonlight Dance!!" He says and you and Jay bow to the crowd and wave to a couple people here and there. "And now! If you would please make room in the center of the floor, the king and queen will now start us off with a slow dance!" Mr Craig says and you blush and walk with Jay off the stage to the center of the ballroom. "Uh Marcy?" Jay asks you. "Yes Jay?" "I've never slowed danced before and Now would not be a great time to learn how." He says and you chuckle. "I thought you said I couldn't get too comfortable with the king."
"Well I didn't expect to get voted on! Seriously though! Everyones looking! What do I do?!" Jay whispers/panics to you. As the music plays you begin to know the tune and smile at Jay. (A/N: You can play the song now :D and the dance moves are the same as the video :D)
"Take my hand, take a breath. Pull me close and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine, And let the music be your guide." You sing along and you hold his hand and he puts his other hand on your shoulder while your other hand on his side and you dance step to step with him.
"Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next." You both sing as Jay gets familiar with the dance. "It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) Can I have this dance." You both sing the chorus.
"Take my hand, I'll take the lead. And every turn will be safe with me. Don't be afraid, afraid to fall. You know I'll catch you threw it all." Jay sings and holds you close. Then you both sing the pre chorus. "And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart) 'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are."
"It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance (can I have this dance). Can I have this dance?" You both sing the chorus and Jay lifts you up then puts you back down.
"Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide. 'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop. Let it rain, let it pour. What we have is worth fighting for. You know I believe, that we were meant to be." You sing to each other. "It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding, someone like you (like you). It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do). And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance (can I have this dance). Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance, Can I have this dance." You both finish dancing and both faces are just inches away from each other.
You two ignore the sounds of everyone cheering for you two and joining you all to the dance floor to dance the next slow song. You and Jay just sway to the slow song and just stare into each other's eyes. "So, now that I know how to slow dance, think I can go on So You Think You Can Dance?" Jay asks you and you chuckle and put your hand on his cheek. "Probably not but with some practice, ya might just be able to." You tell him and he smiles and you connect your lips to his in a soft kiss. It had been 3 days since your last kiss with Jay and you had really missed moments like this.
You both then let go and you smile and rest your head on his shoulder. "You know something else?" Jay says. "What?" "I'm glad you got voted queen. It makes sense anyways." "Why is that?" ".....Because you're my queen." Jay tells you and you blush. "And you're my king." You tell him with a smile and adjust the crooked crown on his head.
He chuckles and kisses you again. "King?" "Yes my queen?" "We had a little family meeting earlier and...my dad said he's gonna release my single starting next week." You tell him and Jay smiles widely. "That's great! I'll be the first to buy it!!" "Haha thanks but this means I'll get more popular and more busy...and a month after I finish my album he's gonna put out for preorder and then...I have to go on tour with my mom." You tell him and then begin to cry.
Jay gives you a small smile and wipes your tears with his thumb. "Why so sad? You wanted this! No matter how far apart we'll be, nothing will ever change between you and me. Put that single out, put that album out, go on tour, do it. It's your dream, go live it while you can." He tells you and you smile and lean your head on his shoulder again.
"I promise to never forget you Jay. I just don't want to lose you again." "You won't lose me again. My heart will be where you are." "I love you Jay." You tell him and look up at him. "I love you too Marcy." He says and you both stop swaying to the music and connect your lips with his in another kiss.
A/N: Alrighty let's get some stuff out of the way before I go in and on haha. Pic a top explains all and Marcy's dress was helped chosen by my internet friend LloydBearGarmadon and a little sneak peak!
She'll be the BFF of the girl of the Energy Book ;)
video at the top is, Can I Have This Dance from High School Musical 3 (yes I went there hahaha)
And the spells were attacks! :D
Magic blast
Cigam tsalb
Fire flames
Erif semalf
Air Force
Ria ecrof
Water waves
Retaw sevaw
Earth quake
Htrae ekauq
Ice freeze
Eci ezeerf
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