Chapter 4

Man, I love Hunter x Hunter WAYYYYYY to much. What's your favorite anime? 

(Mine is a 3-way tie between-Hunter x Hunter, Danganronpa, and My Hero Academia)

Also, so sorry for the late chapter. A lot has been going on.

Anyways, on with the chapter,

Happy Reading!



? Pov

"Well, I didn't expect her to let her guard down so easily." The gruff voice murmured through the darkness, indicating that the voice belonged to a man.

"Oh well, less work for us!" A more feminine voice whispered as she tapped her hand on a metal object, then moved her glasses up her nose and said, "We should get going, the boss wouldn't like it very much if we got caught"

"Ah to hell with it, it's pretty boring here anyways" The gruff male voice retorted crossing his arms as he and his female companion stalk back to where they came from.

(Props if you can guess who im describing in that part)

(Y/N)'s Pov

I opened my eyes and took in the world around me. I was seemingly floating around in a void of some kind. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" I called, not really expecting an answer.

"Well I sure hope that your father isn't just "anyone" to you" A mighty voice boomed over the void before the void itself evaporated into a field filled with (F/F) (Favorite flower)

"Like im going to believe that, where are you anyway?" I questioned, glancing from side to side, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person responsible for the familiar voice.

"Im behind you dear daughter, you know how much I loved messing with you." The man stated a smile clearly on his face, even if I couldn't see it. I twisted my head around and saw (F/N) standing there with a close-eyed smile. I felt my eyes tear up as I ran to his arms.

"Dad! I know this isn't real, but why? Why did you leave me?" I sobbed into his chest, my eyes already sore.

"This is real, believe it or not, you are talking to me. Or my soul at least" (F/N) exclaimed patting my head and smoothing my hair.

"That makes no sense, what do you mean your soul?" I asked still not believing what he said.

"You can speak t-!" (F/N) Was cut off by the void returning and dragging him back into it.

"FATHER!" I screamed waving my arms trying to grab him. All I could see was his mouth moving, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Then my world went black.

"FATHER DONT GO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, then the light returned and I saw Sora and Haru shaking me awake. I shoved them away as I held my head in my hands. "What the heck even happened?" I murmur not comprehending what I just saw.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sora yelled, yanking me back to my senses. "We heard you screaming and when we got here you were thrashing uncontrollably"

"What happened?" Haru questioned, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I guess it was a dream, don't worry about it." I retorted, shrugging off the blankets and getting up.

"Are you sure?" Sora asked, a worried expression crossing over his chiseled features.

"Positive. What time is it anyway?" I murmur, not entirely awake or even caring for that matter.

"Its about lunchtime, that's why we came to wake you, it was requested that you have lunch with the prince to "Get to know him better" or something like that," Haru replied with his ever-cheerful face as he moved some of my (H/C) hair out of my view. You might think it's weird that im this close to my guards, but we have known each other since I was a baby, so I feel no shame in calling them my best friends.

"It's that late?!" I yelped, finally snapping out of my sleepy funk. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. Once I got there I realized that I had no idea what I was doing. Haruhi usually dressed me and I just went along with it. After about ten minutes of me just standing there, I finally admitted that I had no clue what I was doing. "Any ideas?" I asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Actually, yes!" Haru started walking into my closet, a minute later coming out with a (favorite outfit, I didn't know what to do for that part)

"Huh, he's actually good at something..." Sora murmured just loud enough to hear. The look on Haru's face was priceless.

"That was so uncalled for man!" Haru yelled, his face exploding into a blush.

"Stop flirting and let me get dressed." I retorted as I sulked to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

"We weren't flirting!" Sora and Haru yelled in sync. Clearly upset by my comment. Of course, behind that door, I didn't see the look that the pair gave each other. A look of pure love and admiration. (More on that later...)

Time Skip...

After getting dressed in the bathroom, I made my way to Killuas room. Only to find a Note to meet in the dining room. Wow, that would have been nice to know beforehand. When I finally got to the dining room, I saw Killua sitting down with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. I didn't want to startle him so I knocked on the door frame. The soft knocking awoke the sleeping prince, It was really hard to hate him when he looked so hot.

"About time," Killua retorted as he crossed his arms even further. (I know im making him act like Bakugou, but he hates the idea of marriage and all that, so he's really just being a sour puss)

"You wanted to speak to me?" I said as respectfully as I could muster. He answered as I took my seat.

"Alluka arranged this so we could get along, she always was good at reading people" He retorted, uncrossing his arms and resting them on the table. "So why don't you tell me how you really view me?"

"If you insist" I state, taking a seat in my chair. "I think you're a prick who needs to learn that other people have problems and that the world isn't about you,"

"Finally, we're getting somewhere" Killua smirked as he set his steely Saphire gaze on me. "Now here's what I think about you. All I have to say is that you're annoying. Simple as that"

"Huh, that actually made me feel a bit better," I whispered, squeezing the fork in my hand.

"Told you, I know we started out rough but let's get to know each other. We only have the rest of our lives" Killua joked, I see why Alluka looks up to him so much. When you get to know him, besides being arrogant he isn't bad at all.

~Time Skip~

After lunch, Killua and I walked around the palace grounds. He showed me all different kinds of passageways and told me a little bit about himself along the way. And im actually having fun with him. Before long, I've known everything there is to know about the lightning prince.

"Im having the best day, well except for when I crashed into Illumi and he stared at me with his cold dead deer eyes," I said sticking my tongue out whilst Killua chuckled.

"Well you might have to get used to that," Killua replied still smiling.

"Young master, miss, your presence is required in the great hall" Gotoh stated in his dead voice, it still sent a shiver up my spine. We simply nodded and followed silently.

"Well that ruined the mood," I murmured in Killuas ear. He snickered in response.
" I see you two have become thick as thieves," Gotoh said as he lead us down another corridor.

"I guess you could say that," Killua murmured to himself, averting his eyes.

"Here you are young master," Gotoh said as he opened the door to the briefing room. ( I just realized that im making him sound like Sebastian.......)

"Good afternoon Kill! It took you quite a while to get here!" Kikyo Zoldyck screeched in her usual voice.

Killua rolled his eyes and took a seat. "You summoned us, father?"
Now I had never seen the king of the Azure Lightning clan, but the rumors about his intimidating presence were 100% accurate.

"Yes Killua, now you must be (Y/N), a pleasure to meet you," Silva said, giving me a reassuring smile. "Now that the formalities are done I say we get straight to the point,"

"And that point is?" Killua pondered, crossing his arms tightly.

"Well," Silva considered before giving his answer, "I think its time to wage a war..."

Again im very sorry about all of this. Ive been very busy this summer. Thank you to all of those who still read this stroy.


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