Chapter 2

I hope that those who are reading this story are enjoying it so far, Thank you for your support!

Happy Reading!


I awoke only to see the happy brown eyes of Haru staring at me.
"You're finally awake!" Haru yelped pulling the covers off my shivering form.

"Ugh, Haru, It's too early" I moan, pulling the blanket back from him. "How did you get in here anyway?"

"Umm, I broke down the door." Haru sheepishly admitted, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"Ugh, Why does such a skinny person have so much strength." I groaned rolling out of bed to inspect the damage that my dorky guard had done. "Damn, you sure did a number on this door,"

"I'll get it fixed right away princesses," Haru exclaimed as he bowed his head almost touching the ground.

"When will you learn, I said it was fine to call me (Y/N)," I replied, staring at his 90-degree angle bow.

"Yes, princes-I mean (Y/N)" Haru quickly corrected himself.

"So, why did you wake me up today?" I asked, honestly forgetting the entire purpose of the broken door in the first place. Haru's face deadpanned.

"Today is when you are to meet Prince Killua" He retorted, honestly a little pissed that I forgot something so important. "I can't believe you forgot that"

"Oh shit!" I yelled, scrambling to find my things. "You should have woken me up earlier!"

"I did, its 5 am" Haru replied shaking his head, "I knew you would take a long time to get dressed, so I woke you up early, to give you more time"

"Man, you suck sometimes," I muttered grabbing my jewelry box and stashing it away. "Can you send Haruhi in? I need her advise on clothing."

"I'll go find her now, Make sure to dress nice! We don't want to give them another reason to hate us." Haru said, dragging his feet to the door before breaking into a sprint.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." I murmur as I flopped down on my bed. I started thinking about what Alluka said yesterday. "Are they really assassins?" I think to myself. "If so then I better not piss any of them off"

"(YN)!" a voice yells out breaking my train of thought. "Come on, let's get you all prettied up to meet prince charming!" Haruhi yelped as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. There we quickly stripped down my clothes and almost drowned me in warm soapy water. For being a rushed bath, it felt very nice and calming. After I was brought out, Haruhi examined my clothes. We decided on a red kimono with small black fire patterns on it. Sora walked in while I was changing and Haruhi shoved him out of the door with such great force it put the entire army to shame. Next was my hair. We decided on a simple (H/S) with a necklace fastened with a red diamond.

"You look pretty great (Y/N)" Sora said in his usual monotone voice, thanking Haruhi for her work.

"Ya! Now let's go, your stuff is all packed." Haru replied as they escorted me to the private jet waiting for us. I only got to bring Sora and Haru with me, but Ill call everyone else every day.

"I'll call you when I land mother" I yelled out the window, waving goodbye to my mothers fading figure.

~Time Skip~

As we were landing, the pressure finally hit me. It left like a bus was trying to run me over. I think Sora noticed my shuddering and put an arm around me and gave it a squeeze.

"Don't worry about it. If they try anything were right here." Sora whispered in my ear as we skidded firmly to a stop. And all I could do was nod. Once we got off we realized we were right in the heart of the continent. I glanced around for the face of my black haired friend. But it seems she found me first because she came up and gave me a hug as soon as we got off.

"Im so glad you're here (Y/N)! It's very lonely here without you!" Alluka happily exclaimed calling the other guards to take my stuff to "My Room". "And if you ever need anything, you can always ask me!"
"Well how about giving me a tour so I don't wind up lost," I requested, as I remembered what I brought for her. "Oh, I almost forgot, here," I said as I handed her the small pot with a luminescent flower from our gardens growing inside it. Her eyes grew with wonder.

"Thank you so much! It's so beautiful!" Alluka exclaimed with such pure excitement it was hard not to smile. "Now let's get the tour started!" As she leads me through the castle she suddenly stopped. "Tell me, what are your favorite things?"

"I love to read, oh and I love to draw and paint too!" I happily stated (If you don't like this stuff just pretend you do) finally talking about something that interested me.

"Then you're going to love this!" Alluka exclaimed leading me down a hallway and opening these huge double doors. I almost started to drool. This was the most beautiful library I had ever seen!

"Oh, it's just you Alluka, is this the Princess?" A new voice rang out. When I glanced over to the source of the voice and saw a man with rather long hair for a male. His smile brightened up his face and his blond hair swayed slightly. He uncrossed his hands and let his hands fall to his side before he bowed. But I noticed there were some chains around his right hand. "It's very nice to make your acquaintance your highness. My name is Kurapika."("Kurapika-Senpai!" *Reader-Chan drags Author-chan away*)
"Kurapika here is very smart, and since you love reading I felt like you would like to meet another person with similar interests," Alluka says gaining your attention once again.

"That's very thoughtful of you Alluka, and it's very nice to meet you too Kurapika. And feel free to call me (Y/N)" I replied, he's probably the most polite person here.

"Of course, well if I may, could I recommend you a book? It might help pass the time." Kurapika requests fiddling with the end of his blue and yellow robe-thing.

"Of course, Im always looking for a new book." ("Having a little nerd heart-to-heart?" "Shut up Author-Chan!") I exclaim, Thinking a book will pass the time nicely.

"Well I strongly recommend Delerium, the series is very well put together and the protagonists are very relatable" He exclaimed fidgeting with the chains on his hand. (Note to self: Ask him about the chains later)

"I'll make sure to read it, thank you for the suggestion Kurapika," I replied, glad that I can relate to someone here.

"Well (Y/N) we can come back here after the tour is over, let's keep moving" Alluka called out, waving me over.

"I'll see you later Kurapika," I say to my new blond friend as I walk out the large oak doors.

"I'll be waiting here" He replied heading back to whatever book he was in before.

"Ok next up is the infirmary, just in case you get hurt" Alluka joked as she opened the door and waved over the middle ages man.

"Oh hello, My name is Leorio, and Im the main doctor around here." Leorio pridefully stated.
"I have to ask, but how old are you?" I question the new man.

"Im 25!" He happily exclaimed moving his glasses back up his nose.

"Really? I thought you were at least 40..." I trailed off, rather embarrassed that I got his age wrong.

"Well, Me, Gon, and Kurapika are Killuas best friends and that would be rather weird If I was 40" Leorio grumbled, annoyed that ANOTHER person thought he was a middle-aged man.

"Oh, I see." I murmured. "Im sorry"

"Nah it's fine, I suggest you go see Gon next. Im, sure he'll be very excited to meet you," Leorio stated as he showed us out of his office, heading back to work I guess.

"Let's go see Gon now!" Alluka yelled dragging me again through the hallways. I guess this will be a thing now, Alluka dragging me everywhere. After a few more turns we ran into a very, well fat man.
"Watch it!" This man said before continuing on his original path.

"Who is that jerk?" I ask Alluka, my calm deminer cracking.

"That's Milluki, just stay clear from him." Alluka murmured in my ear before pointing to a door at the end of the hallway. "Gon should be in his room" We give a gentle knock on his door. In record time a boy with amber eyes and spiky black-green hair opened up.

"Hello! You must be (Y/N), my name is Gon!" The hyper boy said before he opened the door wider to let us in. "I heard that your eyes glow red when you use your magic, could you show me?" Gon excitedly asked, pure and untamed wonder in his eyes.

I replied with a simple "sure," before closing my eyes and slowing my breathing. Then my eyes flew open and the fire started to dance around me. The flames warming and caressing my body. Alluka and Gon looked at me with their eyes wide. I had always been told that my eyes looked even better when they glowed a bright red. I extinguished the flames with a small swish of my arm. My eyes turned back to their original (E/C).

"Your eyes look like Kurapika's when you do that," Gon stated in aww still looking at the small embers still present.

"I don't understand" I retort, confused as to why another would have the same red eyes as me.

"He's the last remaining member of the Kurta clan, and he has the Scarlet Eyes," Gon explained.

"Ah, then I'll keep away from that conversation," I replied, blowing the last embers out of my sight.

"(Y/N) we should go meet brother now, he may get angry if we dilly-dally too much," Alluka says bringing my attention back to the entire reason im even here.

"Can I come too? I want to talk to Killua anyways" Gon questioned and Allukas answer was a simple nod. We walked the rest of the way in silence. Before we stopped at a large golden door.

"This is it," I thought. Feeling slightly scarred for what was about to come. "Here goes nothing," I murmur as I slowly push the door open.

How am I doing so far?

Please give me any feedback you can.


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