Day 6
Hailee Steinfeld, 20 - Oxygen. Wanted for illegal gun smuggling and posing as a prostitute to steal from the rich. "The Gun"
I knooow it's been so long but now I'm officially back and dedicating myself to writing fanfics as well as normal fiction :) hope everyone is okay! here is chapter 8! Let me know what you think :)
Happy reading ! :)
Previously on chapter 7:
Day 5 – 107 hours into the heist (Monday, 24th, 10:34pm)
As it turns out, people all over England do actually agree with the girl on the news, because The Chemist calls them to let them know that they're trending on every social media platform and that they're receiving support from all over the country.
Eleanor also informs them that the tunnel should be done by tomorrow or by the day after tomorrow the latest.
While Liam and Nick start their night shifts, Louis and the rest of his guys retreat back to his 'office' to get some sleep.
Niall, Max, Jake and Sean are still in the bathroom by the time Louis walks into the room and closes the door. Harry's the only one there, trying to get comfortable on the couch.
"How's your day been so far?" Louis asks, trying to make conversation.
Harry fidgets on the couch, watching Louis sit down behind the desk. The fact that Louis could fall asleep in a chair (that is, if he actually slept) was mesmerizing to Harry.
"Alright. Feels weird carrying a machine rifle though." Harry answers, trying to lighten the mood.
Louis doesn't really react, so Harry continues. "How do you think this is going to end?"
Harry shrugs. "I don't know, the heist? Or what do you call it? Your mission?"
Louis rolls his eyes. "I think we're going to get out of here with a lot of money and travel to a place far away where we can spend it."
"Aren't you scared by the idea of looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life?"
Louis cocks his head. "Not really. I've been doing that for a long time now, I've gotten used to it."
When he realizes that he's probably said too much, he shuts himself up and waits for Harry's reaction.
"If you say so." Is all Harry says, surprising Louis.
"Aren't you going to ask what I did?"
Harry shakes his head. "Would you even tell me?"
It's Louis' turn to shake his head.
"That's what I thought."
Harry pulls the blanket over him, all the way up to his chin and closes his eyes. Louis turns off the big lights and sits back down, the only light coming from the small lamp on the desk.
"Oh, and Louis?"
Louis' head snaps up at him. "Don't say my name."
Harry's smile fades a little. He closes his eyes and turns away from Louis, facing the couch . "I just wanted to say happy birthday."
Louis enters into a state of shock, going over the words one by one, making sure he's heard correctly. By the time he actually registers the words and thousands of questions enter his mind, the door opens and the rest of the guys come in.
Day 6 – 121 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 12:56pm)
Louis doesn't really get how Harry figured out his birthday of all things, and he hasn't had the chance to ask him about it since last night, because the boys entering the room interrupted at the worst possible moment.
Which left Louis with nothing but a clogged throat and a weird feeling in his stomach like time is passing by quickly and he cannot scratch an itch in his brain which demands answers. He took over Nick's shift watching Cowell in the morning, who promised he'd leave Harry alone if Louis makes sure Cowell doesn't pull something.
So now he's been in this tiny room with no windows for god knows how long since he woke up, watching Simon Cowell look down at his hands. It was boring at first because Simon had fallen asleep before Louis got to the room, but now he's awake and it's still boring. The room isn't big, it doesn't have any windows, and there's a mattress pushed up against the corner where two walls meet, where Simon is tied by his hands to the wall, with no way of standing up.
"What's your name?" Simon asks, five minutes after staring at Louis without saying anything.
"Stop staring at me or I'll blow your head off."
Simon doesn't look phased by the reply.
"You look familiar."
And there's Louis' gut feeling again. That feeling that he might throw up or scream if it doesn't go away, but he doesn't know what's causing it.
"How so?" he asks, rolling his eyes and deciding to play along to get out of his own head.
"Your eyes. Your face. I've seen it before, for sure."
"You might be going insane, but it's understandable, I guess." Louis says, cocking his head. He wants to see if Simon gets riled up easily.
"What's your name?" Simon insists.
"Hydrogen." Louis leans back in the chair.
"Your real name."
Louis laughs at that. "Do you actually think I'd ever tell you my real name?"
Simon looks at him for a second, before he purses his lips. "What have you done?"
Louis doesn't really know how to reply to that.
"To get here, I mean." Simon clarifies. "That Malik guy obviously hacked the government, Grimshaw killed his girlfriend...I guess the ranking in your heist hierarchy goes from least bad to the worst huh. And you look like you're their leader."
Louis doesn't give Simon the pleasure of showing that his theory got to him, instead, he places his gun in his lap and leans forwards, trying to intimidate Simon.
"Why do you think I'm their leader?"
"You're the quietest. Scariest."
Louis laughs at that. "I scare you? That's cute. A minute ago you weren't threatened by me saying I'll blow your head off, and now I'm scary."
"I know you can't kill us unless you actually have a really good reason, so the only way we could get you on homicide would be suicide." Louis raises his eyebrows. "So, the guns aren't scaring me."
"Then what scares you?"
"The fact that you're the only one who isn't scared."
Louis pulls his head back, surprised. "I'm not scared?"
"Look around you. Everyone is shitting themselves. Even your...colleagues. They have their guns, they know what to do, but they've got this look in their eye, like they wouldn't know what to do if something...unexpected should happen."
Louis squints at him, pulling his chair closer to the mattress. "Are you trying to hint at something?"
"No, I'm just stating observations. I thought you'd be flattered."
"Why would I be flattered? Is this what you're trying to do? Flatter me? Jesus, get a grip, you're a fifty-year-old man. The fact that you are the head of this institution is mind boggling to me. You're a little rat."
Simon's face tightens, and Louis shakes his head, standing up. "You're boring me. There's no need for someone to watch you or whatever, you're not worth our time. We'll get you when it's time to go." He says, grabbing his gun and slinging it over his shoulder.
He doesn't say anything as he slams the door behind him and makes sure to lock it, just in case.
Day 6 – 125 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 4:12pm)
It's after lunch, and since no one needs to watch over Simon anymore (Louis made sure to get that information out to the rest of the crew, and even though Nick protested at first, Louis asked him whether he wants to waste hours watching someone who can't even move or whether he'd like to help make more money and dig more tunnel, and it just resolved itself), they have 3 of Louis' boys down helping with the tunnel and Nick with Gigi, printing more money.
Harry and Niall are with him in the break room, which somehow coincided with Oxygen's break. The TV is white noise in the background, playing the same news repeatedly about the heist and the BOE 7.
"How much are you getting out of this?" Niall blurts out, trying to fill the silence.
She looks away from the TV. "Excuse me?"
Niall looks at Harry for help.
"I mean, we get it. We're partners now, right?"
Oxygen cocks her head. "We're not that close." She takes the gun from the table where it's been tossed as soon as she sat down and points it at them. "See? I can still do this."
Harry looks between her and Niall, because even though he was the last one to speak, she is still looking at Niall. The fact that she seemed to have forgotten that she was supposed to be watching them meant that she trusted them enough to not be on guard nonstop.
"And yet you haven't picked up the gun once for the past hour." Niall retorts and Harry is a bit shocked. And judging by Oxygen's face, she's also definitely surprised by the reply.
She doesn't miss a beat though, to her usual emotionless face. "My arm hurts. Not my reflexes. So watch it."
Harry raises his eyebrows. He could swear he just felt the slightest sexual tension.
And as if that wasn't enough, the door opens and Louis walks in, and the atmosphere completely shifts (or at least in Harry's head).
Louis closes the door behind him, eyes immediately falling on Harry. Then to Hailee, who's pointing the gun at Niall.
"Why are you pointing a gun at them?" he sighs and drops down on the chair next to her, facing Harry.
"They think they're funny."
Louis unzips his hoodie and takes his arms out. They sit in silence and now Harry is the one who feels like he needs to fill the silence.
"So...the news huh?"
Niall looks mortified and Hailee bites her lip, trying not to laugh. Louis throws her a look.
"Well, we have to go and check on Simon now, get up." She tells Niall and he does as he's told, before grabbing a gun and following her out of the room.
"There's something there." Harry says and Louis leans over, elbows on the table.
The power dynamic shifts as Harry leans back, carefully watching him.
"How did you know it was my birthday?" Louis asks, not overthinking it.
Harry doesn't look like he was expecting the question.
"I figured it out."
"They showed mock-ups of how you could look today on the news. And the last seen picture of you. So, if everyone here has an unbelievable past, that's probably yours. And they said you would be turning 21 today. Was I wrong?"
Louis doesn't say anything for a moment. He just looks at Harry's face, then his hands, and then back at his face.
"No, you weren't." he sighs, and there's a weird, burning feeling in his stomach, like he's afraid of telling anyone of who he really is. Louis hasn't told anyone his name or his story, not in the past five years, anyway. The only one who knows is The Chemist, who somehow knew of this before recruiting him. Sure, there are people who thought they recognized him or told him he looks like the police sketches, to which Louis would usually reply with a nervous laugh and a nod, before leaving the city that same day.
After he comes back to reality, he realizes that neither of them have spoken a word in a while. Harry has a weird face on, like he's uncomfortable. Or curious. Or both.
"What?" Louis asks.
"I didn't say anything."
"You look like you want to say something."
Harry shrugs.
"Are you scared of me now?" Louis half-jokes, remembering the conversation he had with Simon.
Harry looks surprised. "Scared?" he smiles. "Not really. I mean, I haven't been scared of you for a while now, that hasn't changed."
This is weird for Louis. Weird because Harry doesn't look like he wants to know whether Louis did it or not, or maybe he already assumes he did it.
"Do you think I did it?" he asks, unable to stop himself.
"Do I think you killed your whole family when you were sixteen? No. Unless, did you?" he tilts his head, looking dead serious.
"I didn't."
"So, you've been on the run for five years. That's insane." Harry says, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on the table. Louis nods.
"Where did you stay?"
Louis opens his mouth but then closes it, remembering that Harry is literally the son of the attorney general, and could be interested in these details for his father.
"Why do you want to know? So you can tell your father everything when you get out?"
Harry looks disappointed. Either because he did in fact want to tell his father or because he expected Louis to just tell him.
"No." he frowns. "I just wanted to know."
Why though? Louis wants to ask but doesn't.
"Maybe I'll tell you another time."
They look at each other in silence, and then Hailee walks in with Niall and Liam behind her.
"What happened?" Louis asks, standing up.
"Nick is going crazy downstairs. You need to come."
Just as they're getting ready to leave, the phone rings.
"Go with them." He tells Harry. "I'll be right there."
They leave the room and Louis stares at the phone for a moment too long before picking it up.
"Hydrogen, it's me." The Chemist says and Louis straightens his back.
"I was watching the feed with you and Styles. What's going on?"
"What do you mean?"
"Tell me."
Louis sighs. "He figured out who I am. He saw the mockups."
There's a silence at the other end.
"This is bad. Who else has he told?"
"I don't know. I don't think he's told anyone yet."
"You have to isolate him from everyone else until it's time to go."
"What? Why?"
"Nobody can know who you are. If someone finds out and it gets out that you're in here, nobody is going to care about the hostage situation. Everyone is looking for you. They will send the army in. It's a matter of national security, and they will come in."
"Where should I isolate him?" Louis sighs.
"Keep him with Cowell for now."
"I don't know about that. I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"He's tried to convince others about rioting and taking guns away from us before. I don't trust that he won't try and convince Harry to do something similar."
"Styles agreed to become a partner, hasn't he?"
"Yes, he has."
"Don't you trust him?"
Louis looks down at the courtyard through the window. "I don't-I don't not trust him. I don't trust Cowell. He could threaten him or try and take his gun away."
"Then send him in without a gun. Just-just put them in the same room together-"
"What if he tells Cowell about me?" Louis asks, and there's silence on the other end. He doesn't really believe Harry would ever tell Simon, mainly because he's figured out that he's a huge asshole who should have never been assigned to lead a bank in the first place.
"We don't have enough people to watch over them. And the vaults are starting to get filled up with gold and money. If he tells him, the rest of the world won't find out anyway until they're back outside, and you'll be long gone by then."
Louis knows she's right, and insisting to keep them separate would only make her suspicious, and Louis doesn't know how to explain to her that he thinks Simon could pressure Harry into doing something he wouldn't do.
"Tell Neon I need an update on the advances in the tunnel. I'm having a call with the detective later today and I need to know how to play it."
The line goes dead, and Louis just stands there for a moment before grabbing his gun and exiting the room.
By the time he gets to the lobby, Nick is restrained by Liam and Hailee while Gigi is holding his gun, and Eleanor looking a bit disheveled.
"What happened?"
"He started yelling at the people working with Neon for being too slow and then hit a man in the face. This is getting out of hand." Gigi pleads, looking at Louis.
"Why are you all looking at him? Have you forgotten who the first assigned leader was?!"
"Tie him up to a chair and put him in the closet in the office, I'll deal with him later." Louis says, looking at Liam. "Then find Harry and bring him in the room Cowell's in."
"Why? He's watching my people." Eleanor states.
"The Chemist said so."
Iron and Hailee drag a screaming and cursing Nick away, and Eleanor follows them. Gigi stays behind, and once the footsteps fade away; she turns to face Louis.
"Why do we need to isolate Harry? We know he's okay."
"The Chemist says so. I think she has a plan."
"Do you think it's wise to put him in with Cowell?"
Louis shakes his head. "I told her, but she insisted. You can watch them if you want."
Day 6 – 125 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 5:32pm)
When Iron took his arm and lead him into the same room Simon was in, Harry thought he had to watch him. When he was asked to sit down and hand over the gun by Gigi, he thought they were joking. But that was a lot of time ago and he's been sitting in the corner of the windowless room for so long his ass is numb beyond repair.
He's asked to see Louis about four times now but Silver isn't budging and Simon isn't helping with his insufferable questions.
"So what's your plan huh? Are you going to steal all the money and hope you get away with it? You know that's not going to work."
Silver doesn't even seem phased by Simon's show, but Harry is close to losing it because it's starting to feel like someone is scratching at his brain cells. He's very close to telling Simon to just shut the fuck up, when someone knocks at the door and Silver points the gun at Simon.
"Shut the fuck up."
Harry smiles.
"Behave." She adds, before she opens the door and slips outside.
Harry is grateful that Simon finally stopped talking, but on the other hand, now he's alone with him.
"Listen to me. The next time you can get access to a gun, do it."
"What? No!" Harry frowns. "What's that going to solve?"
"They're not going to hurt you. You're their token."
"What do you mean?"
"You're probably the reason they still haven't brought the army in. They wanted to check on you first, before anyone else, to make sure you're alive. They know that, which is also probably why they chose today out of all days. They're not going to hurt you. If you point a gun at them, or at yourself, they're not going to do anything."
Harry shakes his head. "I don't want to do that."
"They're criminals, Harry. That one guy killed his girlfriend, the other one hacked into the national database and did God knows what else. They're probably ranked based on how dangerous they could potentially be, so that Hydrogen lad and the brunette with the gun are probably worse."
Harry looks down at his hands. He knows that Louis is Louis Tomlinson, who used to be all over the news years ago for killing his family and being on the run. They never proved it with evidence though, other than the fact that he's the only one who wasn't in the house. Harry believed it at first, before they studied the case at Uni and the teacher mentioned that Louis was a skinny, medium-tall boy at the time and couldn't have had the strength to move his parents and his sisters in that position.
"How do you know?"
"Oh, don't be so fucking naïve, Harry!" Simon exclaims, once again showing his asshole side. It's all very well planned out, and that bitch who came in at one point has something to do with it. I know you noticed it too. They won't hurt you. Just become a distraction so I can leave this room and go find a phone. I think there's one in the basement, for emergencies. Behind the vaults."
"They just started to trust me-"
"That's exactly why you can get your hands on a gun and occupy them long enough for me to find a way out."
"I don't know about this-"
The door opens but nobody comes in yet, because people are still talking outside.
"Harry. This all depends on you. Trust me on this."
Was Simon Cowell the type of person Harry could trust? No. Was Louis Tomlinson a person Harry could trust? He didn't know.
Day 6 – 130 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 10:04pm)
Harry feels like he's going to rot in this room with Simon for life, right under Oxygen's eyes.
"What time is it?" he asks her.
"Four past ten." She answers as she checks the watch on her wrist.
"Can I talk to Hydrogen?" he asks her, for the first time since her shift started. He knows her better than he knows Silver anyway. She might want to help him.
"What for?"
"I just want to know why I'm here. Did I do anything? Do you know?"
Oxygen shakes her head, and she seems genuine.
"Can I talk to him please?"
Simon starts looking at him weirdly, so Harry tries to not pay attention to him.
"Sure. I'll call him."
Harry thanks her and watches her leave, locking the door behind her.
"So, tonight. If you get out of here."
"Yes?" Harry sighs, bracing himself.
"Make sure you get your hands on a gun. They won't see it coming. Just create a distraction long enough for me to escape and go into the basement."
"I don't want to do that. I just want to sleep." Harry whines.
Simon grabs his arm. "Listen to me, Harry Styles. If your father were here, he would not hesitate to get up, grab a gun, and try to get out of here. Survive."
Harry tries to pull his arm away. "Maybe surviving means shutting the hell up and following distractions so it'll all be over quicker." He hisses, but Simon doesn't let go of him.
"I know you know these people are criminals, and I know you were taught better than to cooperate and help out the same people who held us at gunpoint and are causing one of the biggest hostage situations in history!" he yells, then lets go of him. "You decide what you do. Do you want to be a hero, or do you want to be a heist man? You decide."
The key turns in the lock, and Harry's stomach feels weird.
"I'll know when it's my time to get out when the person watching me runs out of the room. It's happened before, but this time I'm prepared."
Nick ended up also being gagged, because he kept getting on Louis' nerves while he waited for The Chemist's call in the office.
"How was the talk?" he asks as soon as the phone rings, smushing it against his ear.
"They're getting impatient, threatening to come in soon if you don't release all hostages. They could also come in through the roof."
"How long until the tunnel is done?"
"It's faster than expected. We had the 30th of December planned but it's going to happen two days early."
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yes. We have more money and gold than we planned, the tunnel is nearly ready and the police are getting real impatient. They had to work during Christmas day, which would annoy anyone."
Louis isn't sure whether she's trying to make a joke.
"By this time tomorrow, we're going to start transferring the cash and the gold through the tunnel. I need you to start getting ready to leave."
"How's Harry?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen him yet. Iron and Silver took care of him. He's in a room with Cowell."
"Is everything alright?"
"I'm going to go check on them after this."
The Chemist agrees with him before she tells him to be careful and then hangs up. Louis sets the phone down and turns around, only to find Hailee in the doorway, looking at him.
"Harry asked to see you. I think he wants to know why he's locked up."
Louis nods. "Bring him here." Then he remembers that Nick is in the closet. "No, wait. I'll come with you."
He locks the closet door while to Nick's muffled screams, just to make sure he doesn't try to get out. He'll have to deal with him later. Then he follows Hailee out of the room, thinking about how he's going to explain to Harry that he's been put there because he's way too smart for his own good.
He ends up leaving Hailee with Simon, so he can walk with Harry up to one of the rooms they slept in before, where no one would hear them or bother them. It's already dark outside because it's nearly 11pm so Louis turns on the light before inviting Harry to sit down on the couch while he goes over to the desk.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me?" he asks, watching Harry sit upright on the couch by the door.
"Yes. Why am I locked up in the room with Simon?"
"Because you know who I am. And that's a liability." Louis explains, getting straight to the point.
"I wouldn't tell anyone though." Harry says, looking offended.
"Why wouldn't you?"
"How would that benefit me in any-" he stops, eyes going big, like he just realized something. "Oh. I get it now. As soon as I told you that I knew who you were, you disappeared and then locked me in the same room as Simon, who is obviously the biggest threat to your plan, because you can't kill him, but you also don't want him in your way. So you put him on pause."
Louis rolls his eyes. "And?"
"And you did the same thing to me." His eyes travel to the window, which is also facing the courtyard. "They made a big deal about your case even though it happened years ago, mentioning that you're still a national threat and the number one priority for police." Harry looks back at Louis. "Which means, if it got out that you're one of the heist men, they wouldn't hesitate to bring in the army by any means necessary."
"Thank God you're smart." Louis sarcastically says.
"But they would have to think twice, right?"
"Oh you're not done."
"Since I'm in here. So whoever that woman is who planned this whole thing, she definitely knew you are the actual liability and I am the leverage."
Louis doesn't even react. He sits there, taking in everything Harry just said. The worst part of the whole thing is that he's right. The best part is that he kind of knew that already, on a subconscious level at least.
"So, you realized the only reason you're in this mess is because of me?" Louis concludes, fingers tracing the arms of the chair nervously, which he wouldn't otherwise allow himself to do if it weren't for the fact that Harry can't see under the desk.
Harry frowns. "No. I just figured it out now actually."
Louis is impressed. This person in front of him figured out more about the plan in six days than Louis has in a few months.
"What do you think would happen if it got out that I am in here?" he asks.
Harry shrugs. "They would have an emergency meeting with the Prime Minister and their Military, decide what their best plan is and...I don't know, probably come in through every possible crack this place has."
"You don't think they would try to keep you alive?"
"Of course, they would. They wouldn't shoot unless they were shot at. But they would come in regardless, make sure that I am safe and their thing, I guess. But maybe I'm wrong."
So...everything Louis learned just now is that in case the actual army comes in, Harry would be their priority, then they'd get killed. Great. He needs to call The Chemist.
"Come with me. Actually, no. Go downstairs with Neon and wait for me." Louis says, standing up from the chair.
"Can't I sleep in here tonight?"
"What? Why?"
"I don't want to sleep in there with Simon. He's driving me insane, and my ass is going numb."
Louis smirks. "Oh really?"
"Oh, shut up." Harry says, in a way that makes it seem like the last 24 hours didn't even happen.
Day 7 – 132 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 12:12am)
After eating, Louis makes sure Nick is still breathing before closing the door on him and walking over to the phone. He feels mentally and physically exhausted, like he could sleep a whole day through. But in this place, you don't get to sleep more than five hours if you're lucky.
"Yes, Hydrogen."
Louis shuts up for a moment. Thinks about the first time he interacted with The Chemist, and how he was told that nobody here has anything to lose and how they were only printing money. The best of the best, that's how she described the team. Without actually warning them about the fact that the army could come in. Not until today. Louis isn't even sure if he's mad at her, or if he's just anxious, but he asks her anyway.
"Who's the liability in this whole plan?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, am I the reason Harry Styles is in here?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You knew that if it got out that I'm in here, the army would come in. From the beginning, right? And then you scheduled the whole plan on the day we could use him as leverage, just in case it all went to shit."
"No, that's not even-"
"And you-"
Louis feels a rush of adrenaline through his body at the sound of his own name.
"Do you really think I would ever plan a heist that had a flaw?" Pause. "Harry is the leverage, yes. But you're not a liability. I know I can trust you, and I would have never picked you if I didn't know you'd be the one leading the team."
Louis rolls his eyes, even though she can't see.
"I know you read everyone's files. I saw you on the cameras the next day. But you never once made a mistake, you didn't call anyone their real names, or revealed anything. I knew you'd do great a week after we started."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't think I needed to. Now go, get some rest, and we'll talk during the morning briefing."
"Okay." Louis says and then hangs up. He needs to find Harry, get him back to the room they talked in, and then get some sleep.
He presses the button on his walkie takie. "Neon, please send Harry back to his room."
Harry comes into the room a few minutes later, when Louis is already half undressed, leaning back in the office chair.
"Don't you want to sleep on the couch? Like a normal person?" Harry asks.
"No, thank you. I can sleep just fine like this."
"I think the couch is a pull-out. So it's even more space, and more comfortable." Harry says, already starting to remove the pillows so he can pull out the couch.
"And what do you propose?" Louis asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "That we sleep together?"
"I could take the chair. Or, yeah, I mean, if you don't mind."
"Why would you want me to get better sleep than you?"
Harry shakes his head. "You have circles under your eyes and you clearly look exhausted. My ass may be numb but I haven't moved all day."
Louis squints at him. "Fine."
He goes over to the couch and drops down on it. It's just now that he gets to rest his whole body, he feels how warm his legs feel and how numb his arms are from holding guns and stressing all day.
"Thanks." He says, although he doesn't even know why. There's no reason he should be thanking Harry. Harry, who's still standing there like he doesn't know where to go.
Louis sighs. "I guess we can share the couch."
Harry smiles then, before getting down on four legs and shuffling on the other side of the couch, closer to the door. They both stare at the desk in front of them for a second, before Louis completely takes off his red suit, leaving him in just his briefs and tank top. His tattoos are on show, more than usual, and he can already feel Harry staring.
Louis looks down at his legs. He can see them, but he can barely feel them anymore.
"Can you turn off the light? I'm way too comfy." Louis whines and pulls the sheet over his body. "Thank you."
Harry goes over, turns off the light, before getting into bed with Louis. The silence should be weird, but it also sort of isn't. Until Harry opens his mouth, of course.
"If you don't trust me to be your business partner, why did you even agree?"
Louis rolls his eyes in the dark and turns to face Harry. "It's not that I don't trust you Harry, it's what The Chemist said. I told her you knew who I was and she decided it was best to isolate you. You were right."
"Do you though?"
"Do I what?"
"Trust me."
"Why do you even care?" Louis snorts.
"Because I don't want to... I don't know, I don't want to be locked up in the same room as the guy who tried to start a war like...a hundred times." Harry stutters. He pauses. "Also, I already figured out your name in the first day, and I never slipped once. I don't think you're a bad person. I think you're fair."
Louis closes his eyes. Smiles in the dark. "Yeah, I am. Also stop kissing my ass." He jokes, but feels the heavy sexual joke hanging in the air as soon as he says it.
But what if I want to? He said last time, or something like that.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to answer to that." Harry nervously laughs, before turning to face Louis as well.
"You're meant to shut up."
Harry nods, or at least Louis thinks he does, before he feels soft lips on his, tasting like mint and mouthwash. It's slow, and not really like it's initiating anything, but it's nice either way. It's like for a second, they're kissing, but not kissing in a bank surrounded by hundreds of policemen and reporters; just kissing.
He grabs Harry's face and pushes himself into the kiss, opening his mouth more and more. This is actually not what he expected would happen when he told Harry to sleep in the bed, but he isn't complaining either.
Harry's face is soft under his palms and his lips are so ugh and Louis feels like he wants to sleep but also like he wants to stay up all night doing this.
"I'm-" Louis says, pulling his head back and placing a hand on Harry's chest. He remembers where they are, what they're supposed and not supposed to be doing, and reality hits him like a brick.
"Sorry, I really- I really wanted to do that." Harry says, voice lower than usual.
"It's fine, I liked it. I'm just very tired and would love to get some sleep. Everything is quiet now. I can rest." Louis explains, and feels Harry's fingers curl around his hand.
"Louis, it's okay. I don't mind. Actually, I like sleeping."
Louis laughs at that, because it's just-who even says that?
"Okay, well. See you tomorrow I guess." Louis says, closing his eyes again and licking his lips.
The room is quite cold and the silence is eerie. Also, Louis has a semi and would really love to keep kissing Harry.
"Goodnight, Louis."
Louis focuses on his breathing. He feels like he's sinking into the mattress with every breath he takes, and his limbs are finally able to relax. For the first time in ages, he falls asleep quickly.
Day 7 – 141 hours into the heist (Tuesday, December 25th, 9:31am)
Louis wakes up before the sun, with a bit of drool on the side of his face, which is a sign of a good, comfortable sleep, something he hasn't had in months, maybe even years. He makes a sound when he stretches himself out, all the way from his fingertips to his toes, and then licks his lips before he turns on his back. When he opens his eyes, he faces the end of a Kalashnikov barrel. His body turns cold even though his chest feels like it's got a fire burning inside from the sudden rush of adrenaline.
"Now let all of us go." Harry says, hoisting it up in his arms and making a show of pressing the trigger with his finger. "I mean it."
Let me know what you thought of this chapter :D
If you have any ideas or scenes you'd like me to put in the story, feel free to share ! Let me know what you liked/didn't like and how you would like the story to continue :)
Next chapter should be up in maximum 2 weeks!
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