Day 5, Part 2
Gigi Hadid, 19 - Silver. Wanted for posing as a prostitute just to steal from rich men and for counterfeiting money. "The Money Maker."
Here is the seventh chapter, which took a lot longer to write than I had expected. Still, thaaaank youuu for your patience and hope you enjoy it :D
Happy reading ! :)
Day 5 – 100 hours into the heist (Monday, 24th, 4:04pm)
Thirty minutes later, the Chemist doesn't call like she said she would. And she always calls on the dot.
"Do you think something's wrong?" Gigi asks in the break room. There are more people there now. Besides the heist men and Harry, Hailee's and Zayn's team all are in the room with them now, chatting as if they were in a café, not in a bank heist. Nick is also there, because Liam has replaced him in the basement, along with his and Louis' team.
"I don't know. Maybe something came up." Louis reasons. "I tried calling, no answer."
"I think we should be worried." Nick butts in. "If she doesn't call in four hours, we need to put plan Chernobyl into action."
Plan Chernobyl is the worst-case scenario; if the police try to come in with massive weapons and all the lot, they have to abandon everything a make a run for it through the back entrance. Which is basically suicide.
"Let's not get carried away. I know she's going to call." Louis says, rolling his eyes. Nick always has to be dramatic as if they were in a movie.
"Four hours, then I'm pulling the plug on this." Nick warns, before turning around and leaving the room.
Everyone is looking at Louis now. When did people start looking at him for answers? Nick was supposed to be the appointed leader and take of everyone's worries while Louis was one of the men who kept people in place. Somehow, he's doing both his and Nick's job.
Hailee has chosen Mrs. Jackson, a forty-five-year-old woman to be her right hand and Zayn has chosen her husband, Mr. Jackson, as his. Gigi presents Layla as hers, telling them that she's been doing a great job downstairs printing and counting money efficiently.
"It's been my job for twenty years; I know how to do it." she says, genuinely smiling.
Eleanor tells them that both Mr. Evans and Josh are hers, because she's been working with them on the escape route in the vault, and they didn't want to join the other men in rioting when they proposed it one night.
When Louis tells them that Harry offered to be his "associate", his colleagues raise their eyebrows. Nobody expected for Harry to even be on the right-side room of the lobby, except for Louis.
"From now on, I want team Oxygen to take care of the food and well-being of everyone inside this bank. I want more meals for the hostages and us as well, better organized in terms of timing and quantity. I also want the hostages to be able to talk to each other, feel comfortable for the time remaining, because they're not caged animals. Then I want Zinc's team to go and help with the money packing downstairs. And my team" he looks at Harry "should get the message along to Mercury. Put a TV in the basement. Read them a book, I don't care. Just let them relax."
The phone suddenly rings. The room goes silent.
Gigi picks it up.
She listens for a moment, then points the phone in Louis' direction. "It's for us. Everybody, out."
Everyone but the people Louis entered the bank with leaves to do what Louis just told them. He presses the speaker button.
"You're on speaker, hello." Louis says.
"I know I missed the call deadline. I had some things to take care of." The Chemist says, sounding out of breath.
"You okay?"
"Yes. Listen, they're raided the house in Brentwood. Might get prints, maybe not by the time you leave the bank. But our plans are in there, everything. They're going to know some stuff."
"Important stuff?" Zayn asks.
"Not necessarily. I'm going to go up there and see."
"How can you even go up there? They're going to-"
"I...uh. I managed to get acquainted with Thomas Matthews."
"The detective?"
"Yes. That way he won't suspect me. I made sure of that."
Louis and Zayn exchange looks. Hailee smirks.
"Okay, so what's the plan here? We have over forty people who want to go free. And they'll start to get impatient if we promised them freedom and won't deliver."
"I took care of that too. In two hours, a journalist and a cameraman from BBC will enter the bank. We have to get the public on our side; that will shrink police power. I want Nick and Zayn in front of the cameras, since their identities are already known. They need to be liked by the public, remember that. They need to be relatable, compassionate. And then announce that you'll be releasing more than half of the hostages."
"Got it."
"I'll call you afterwards."
The line goes dead and everybody stares at each other. Then they get to work.
Day 5 – 103 hours into the heist (Monday, 24th, 6:40pm)
The interview goes by smoothly. Well, almost. Nick puts on a victim façade and lets the whole world know that he demands that the allegations made against him be supported by actual proof, and that his name doesn't deserve to get dragged through the mud for show.
The hostages who wanted to leave are released outside, and just before the doors of the bank close, Simon Cowell runs back inside, doors closing a few seconds later.
"Fucking hell, what the fuck?" Nick yells and goes over to grab Simon by the throat.
"Hey, easy!" Liam intervenes and pulls Nick back.
"He came back to start shit, he's not supposed-"
Louis grabs Nick's arm to silence him and looks at Simon. "If anything, he just gave the police another reason not to come in."
They place Simon in a room guarded by Liam until Louis can figure out what to do with him.
"He's going to try and pull some shit." Nick tells them. "You know that. He's the one who told the kid to go hide, and who instigated the riot which lead to the escape. And now he wants to play the hero by running back inside to save the rest."
"You really need to calm down." Louis warns. "And let's figure out a way to deal with this. Until then, he's on twenty-four-hour supervision."
Nick slams his hand against the table, startling everyone. "Goddamn it, Hydrogen! Everything is going to shit! We need to speed up the digging process otherwise it won't be ready in five days, we need to print more money more efficiently, and we need to also keep everyone in check, so we won't get killed. Because let me tell you, Cowell will find a way to get to a gun. And you know how he's going to get it? By asking that kid that you chose as your right hand to give him his fucking gun! We need to get Styles under supervision too, why else would he have stayed behind? I'm going to go-"
Louis raises his gun to his face and points it at Nick. "You're going fucking nowhere man. You're losing it. Calm down. You don't touch one hair on Harry Styles' head, nor Simon Cowell's. If you want, you can watch Cowell all day long, I don't give a shit. But don't you try and do something to Styles."
Nick cocks his head. "Got a little crush there, huh?"
Louis steps closer, gun pointing to Nick's head now. "Watch it."
"What are you going to do, shoot me?"
"Alright that's enough." Gigi says and gets between them, pressing her palm against Louis' gun until he lets it drop to his side. "Mercury, you go watch Simon Cowell. But don't even try to hurt him. Hydrogen, you tell us what the next steps are, because you're in charge."
Nick huffs but walks out of the room, and then Gigi starts talking again. "I need more people for the gold melting machines you told me about. And Neon also needs three more people to dig faster, otherwise we won't get out on time."
Louis nods. "Take Zinc's team to Neon and pick whoever you want from the others."
Gigi eventually chooses the three girls who came in together to come help down where they were printing money and melting gold.
"Turn the TV up." Zayn says and soon enough, they see that the news headline is "New DNA evidence from BOE 7."
"Police have been searching this house in Brentwood for the past two days. It looks like the B.O.E. Seven might have taken refuge here whilst planning the heist. Police have found traces of explosives, blueprints of the Bank of England, and a living room which looks like it was recently inhabited."
"Shit, we didn't clean up before we left." Hailee says, not to anyone in particular.
"Police have found DNA in one of the rooms, as well as some fingerprints on one of the cups in the living room. In the meantime, please take a look at what our reporters have discovered inside the bank earlier today."
"Do you think they've got one of us?" Hailee asks, fearful.
"They might." Louis says, not really worried. They don't have his prints on file, but DNA they do have. "I need a smoke." He finally concludes and sits down at the table, sighing. He just wants to relax for a while, that's all he wants.
Zayn and Hailee join him, so they're left alone in the room.
"Do you think the tunnel will be done in time?" Zayn asks him, again, like he's supposed to have all the answers.
"I don't know." Louis says.
"It has to be done by tomorrow."
Louis is getting irritated. "Then it will be done by tomorrow."
"But how do-"
"Because there are more people working there now, that's how I know."
He gets up from the table, puts his half-smoked cigarette out and leaves the room. He goes to his room, the one he's staying in with the guys, and drops on the chair behind the desk. He's exhausted and he doesn't want to do this anymore. He just wants to sleep for ten days and wake up on an island and drink coconut cocktails like the bad guys do in the movies when they get away with it. He just wants to...not run anymore.
He lights up another cigarette and uses the ashtray he finds on one of the shelves in the room. He needs to calm down, get back to work. In five days, it'll all be over. Only in this place, one day feels like a whole week.
The door opens, startling him, but his shoulders relax when he sees it's Harry.
"Max took over, I came in here to...I don't know. Sit?"
Harry walks over to the desk, places his gun on it, and then half-sits on it.
"Sit on the desk?" Louis asks, blowing out smoke. Harry shrugs, following Louis with his eyes as he stands up and goes over to the window to open it. It's safe, since the window opens into the interior garden and not on the outside, where police could be watching.
"You okay?" Harry asks.
Louis turns to him, still not moving away from the window.
"Why do you ask?"
"You seem weird."
Louis shrugs. "I'm just tired."
"What happened?"
At this, Louis laughs. "We're theoretically robbing the Bank of England, that's what's happened."
A silence follows. Then, Harry speaks. "Theoretically?"
"Well, we're not taking any money from the bank. When they're going to check, they're going to see that nothing was taken."
"So you're printing the money and melting the gold."
Louis raises a brow. "How did you get to this conclusion?"
"I mean, I know what the Bank of England can do, and I'm pretty sure you know too, and that's why it's taking you so long to leave."
"Trying to be smart, I see." Louis smirks, coming back to the desk to put his cigarette out. He leans over, brushing against Harry's shoulder as he does so.
"I'm not trying to be smart." Harry tells him, then smiles. "I am smart."
Louis pulls away. "Ha ha. Are you going to tell the police everything once you're out then?"
"What would I even tell them?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
Harry crosses his arms over his chest. "I mean, the first thing they're going to ask is to describe the robbers. Oh, sorry. Theoretical robbers."
There's a glint in Harry's eyes that lets Louis know he's trying to be funny, and it makes him feel at ease.
"And what are you going to say about me?"
Harry cocks his head. "I don't know. I'll have to think about that. Maybe...not really tall, a LOT of tattoos, blue eyes..."
Louis rolls his eyes. "Excuse me, but 'not really tall' is rude and frankly, inaccurate."
"Is it?" Harry stands up so they're only a few centimeters away from each other, and then makes a show of looking down at Louis. "I don't think it is."
Louis flips him off, taking a step backwards. "Why did you want to be my right hand? Why did you even decide to stay?"
Harry thinks about it. "I don't know, to be honest. I just...I just didn't want to go back out there just yet. I didn't want to face my father, or the police, I didn't want to go back to my old life. I know this sounds wrong, but this thing happening now is by far the most interesting thing that's happened in my life. And I'm getting money out of it too, which means I won't be dependent on my father ever again. At least, I hope we're getting the money."
"Oh, you will." Louis reassures him. "But don't you think it's wrong to say that this is the most interesting thing that's happened to you? I'm quite sure most people would say it's the most traumatic, or shocking, or-"
"Yes, I get that. But I don't danger. I know you won't hurt us because you didn't come here to rob the bank. The guns and threats are just for show so people will be afraid and stay quiet. You're not really stealing money, you're just...stealing time, I guess. And even though robbery won't be one of the charges, kidnapping, holding hostages, unlawful use of guns and the lot will get you life in prison anyway."
Louis' face falls.
"If you get caught." Harry adds.
"Do you think we're bad people?"
Harry looks surprised by the question. "No. I mean, not you at least. You're not here to hurt anyone, you're just here to make money. Literally. The hostages and guns are probably leverage so police won't come bulldozing in."
"Have you seen the news?"
"About Zayn Malik and Nicholas Grimshaw? Yes."
"What do you think of that?"
Harry shrugs. "I guess all seven of you are wanted by the police."
Louis raises an eyebrow. "What do you think I'm wanted for?"
Harry's eyes fall to the floor, but Louis doesn't interpret it in any way, so he waits for an answer.
"I don't know...for being so good looking?"
An unexpected laugh bursts out of Louis' mouth. "Jesus Christ Styles, stop kissing my ass for a minute and be serious."
"But what if I want to?" Harry asks and Louis sees that look of mischief in his eyes that he always gets when he says something bold that would either get him killed or kissed.
"Want to what?"
Harry purses his lips as if to show he's thinking about his answer, then takes a step towards Louis and kisses him. Louis doesn't expect it but he welcomes it by pushing back into it, until Harry's back hits the desk. Even though it's gotten colder in the room because the window is open, Louis feels hot all over.
Their tongues brush against each other, slow and sensual, like Louis' never been kissed before, and before he knows it, Harry's fingers play with the zipper of his jumpsuit. He wants to say something, anything, because he knows that even though the Chemist never mentioned it, hooking up with hostages is definitely a no-no.
"I don't think we're allowed to uh..." Louis breathes, lips wet as he pulls his head back. "...uh..." Harry's lips on his cheek are distracting him. "...mess around with hostages."
Harry doesn't react, just keeps kissing his neck while his hands rest on Louis' hips. Louis is biting his lip in order to not show that he's extremely turned on and they've only fucking kissed.
"Well, theoretically" Harry starts, which makes Louis bite down his ear "theoretically, I'm not a hostage anymore. I'm your business partner. Isn't that what you told us?"
Louis sighs/moans, and Harry turns them around abruptly. He lifts Louis up and sits him down on the desk, before stepping between his legs and taking his face into his hands, kissing him.
"But still" kiss "we're at work" kiss "theoretically."
Harry rolls his eyes before he starts kissing down Louis' neck again while slowly pulling his zipper down.
"Then let's worry about it when HR finds out and writes us up to the boss." Harry sarcastically says. "Now stop with the dumb rules and let me undress you."
Louis closes his legs around Harry's waist and pulls him closer until their crotches are aligned. Great, at least he's not the only one popping a boner.
"Mmm." Harry smiles against Louis' lips. "Nice."
"Loser." Louis retorts, but Harry can feel him smiling even with his eyes closed.
Harry pushes Louis' jumpsuit down his shoulders and all the way to his waist. Louis isn't wearing a tank top underneath because he tends to get too warm, so Harry takes a moment to stare at his tattooed upper body before kissing him again.
"Can I?" Harry asks and grabs the zipper again.
Louis doesn't even think about it before he nods.
"Fuck." Is all he says.
He lifts his ass up so Harry can slide the jumpsuit completely off his body before they're kissing again. Louis doesn't know the last time he got so turned on by just kissing.
Harry's hands move up Louis' legs, which are also tattooed, and when he reaches the hem of Louis' briefs, his hand disappears, leaving him cold. Then it resurfaces on the back of his neck, pulling him in for more kissing.
"Let me suck you off." Harry says against his mouth and Louis' whole body feels numb, all the blood rushing to his cock.
"Shit, if you want to."
That's all Harry needs to hear, because he drops to his knees and pulls Louis off the desk so he's just leaning against it now.
Louis doesn't really comprehend what's happening until his cock springs free from his briefs and almost hits Harry in the face with it. And fuck, Harry looks so amazed by it that Louis almost comes right there just from his expression.
"What, never done this before?" Louis awkwardly asks, trying to ease the tension. It doesn't help, because they're both so eager for it that Louis isn't listening to himself and neither is Harry.
"I have, but it's been-I don't even know."
So, Harry is listening to him.
Louis doesn't know how to react but then Harry grabs his cock by the base and takes him into his mouth just like that, no warning, nothing.
If he's being honest, he himself doesn't remember the last time he's had a sexual encounter with anybody. Maybe a year ago, when he met that random guy in a pub and went over to his place.
Harry sucks the tip more forcefully than needed, which sends shivers down Louis' spine, all the blood in his body rushing right to his dick.
He places his hand on the back of Harry's neck and starts guiding him while trying to keep his own eyes open. Harry's tongue swirls around his tip once more before he goes down again, almost taking Louis until he hits the back of his throat. He gags a bit, pulls back, then goes back.
Louis bites his lip and tries to hold himself upright against the table which has become uncomfortable against his back but the only thing he can feel at this point is Harry's hot mouth on him.
When Harry pulls away with a pop and looks up at him, Louis feels the urge to kiss him, so he does, before Harry gets back to it.
They didn't close the window, so Louis' entire body feels cold except for where Harry's mouth is. He tangles his fingers in Harry's hair and holds him still so he can thrust his hips forward and fuck his mouth. Harry seems to love it, which makes it even more enjoyable for Louis, who doesn't stop once Harry motions for him to go faster.
"Shit, I'm gonna come." Louis warns and lets go of Harry's hair, but Harry doesn't pull away and keeps sucking, until Louis finally moans and feels the orgasm building in his core.
It's like his whole body catches on fire and Louis has to bite down on his lip as he comes into Harry's mouth, a bit embarrassed that he didn't last longer than five minutes, maybe.
His body jolts when Harry takes him into his mouth one more time, making his sensible cock twitch, before he pulls his head back, leaving him cold.
Harry stands up and wipes his lips with a smirk. "So, any rules about letting hostages blow you?"
Louis tries to stifle his grin as he zips himself up and looks down at Harry's semi.
"You want?" he asks, without even thinking about it.
Harry looks down at himself too. Before he can answer though, the door opens and Hailee comes in, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees the two of them. Louis can't even imagine what she must be thinking, seeing him half naked and Harry popping a semi.
"You have to see this." Is all she says before she turns around, knowing that Louis and Harry will quickly follow her to the main office.
BBC news is on, and everyone is there, including Niall and Max.
"Earlier today we have discovered DNA in one of the rooms of the house in Brentwood and a set of fingerprints which may or may not belong to the same person. Unfortunately, police have not been able to match the DNA nor the fingerprints to anyone in the database as of yet, but the search continues."
Gigi looks at Hailee. "It can't be us nor Neon then."
"Me neither." Liam says and looks at Louis, who's standing in the corner of the room, not saying much.
"I don't think it's me either."
"Do you think it's hers?" Hailee asks Louis, who still doesn't understand why everyone thinks he's got all the answers. He just shrugs.
"More than half of the hostages have been released today, and some of them agreed to give an interview after being questioned by police."
A guy Louis sort of recognizes appears on the screen. "They've got guns. Big guns, like those you see in the movies. I think they shot someone but I'm not sure."
"Were they violent?"
The guy shakes his head. "Just one of them, Nicholas, I think? I don't know, he goes by Mercury."
The shot cuts to a woman who looks familiar. "They named themselves after chemical elements. There's Mercury, Iron, Zinc. Uh...Silver? I think, Oxygen. Hydrogen, also."
"That's only six."
"I know, but there's a woman that I've only seen maybe once or twice. I don't remember her name."
The shot cuts again, to a younger girl. "They weren't violent, except for Mercury."
"Mercury as in this man?"
The interviewer shows her a photo of Nick. The girl nods.
"Yes, that's him. He was rude to everyone, scared all of us. But the rest were pretty okay. I mean...nice to us."
"Who would you say was the leader?"
"I think either Mercury or Hydrogen. People were scared of Mercury and listened to Hydrogen."
"Why do you think that is?"
She shrugs. "I don't know. He was there, didn't say much. But it was clear to me that the rest were always turning to him for guidance."
Louis looks down at his feet.
"Can you tell us any particularities that might help police or the public identify the other five?"
"Uuuh...I think one of the girls might be a model? Or something. I don't know, she was very pretty. Oh, and I don't know if it helps the police, but I've told them anyway...uh, one of them, Hydrogen, yeah. I am almost certain that he is heavily tattooed because I could see some on his neck.. He was kind of cute, too." She smiles.
Everyone turns to look at Louis, who doesn't really know how to react.
"So you're not traumatized after the experience?"
The girl cocks her head. "I don't think I am, no. I think they're planning on taking from a government that robs everyone, everyday. I-" the interview cuts abruptly back to the newsroom.
"And just like that, it's a political thing." Louis says, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Is that bad?' Niall asks.
"It depends." Louis places his hands on his hips. "On whether the people actually agree with her or not."
Day 5 – 107 hours into the heist (Monday, 24th, 10:34pm)
As it turns out, people all over England do actually agree with the girl on the news, because The Chemist calls them to let them know that they're trending on every social media platform and that they're receiving support from all over the country.
Eleanor also informs them that the tunnel should be done by tomorrow or by the day after tomorrow the latest.
While Liam and Nick start their night shifts, Louis and the rest of his guys retreat back to his 'office' to get some sleep.
Niall, Max, Jake and Sean are still in the bathroom by the time Louis walks into the room and closes the door. Harry's the only one there, trying to get comfortable on the couch.
"How's your day been so far?" Louis asks, trying to make conversation.
Harry fidgets on the couch, watching Louis sit down behind the desk. The fact that Louis could fall asleep in a chair (that is, if he actually slept) was mesmerizing to Harry.
"Alright. Feels weird carrying a machine rifle though." Harry answers, trying to lighten the mood.
Louis doesn't really react, so Harry continues. "How do you think this is going to end?"
Harry shrugs. "I don't know, the heist? Or what do you call it? Your mission?"
Louis rolls his eyes. "I think we're going to get out of here with a lot of money and travel to a place far away where we can spend it."
"Aren't you scared by the idea of looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life?"
Louis cocks his head. "Not really. I've been doing that for a long time now, I've gotten used to it."
When he realizes that he's probably said too much, he shuts himself up and waits for Harry's reaction.
"If you say so." Is all Harry says, surprising Louis.
"Aren't you going to ask what I did?"
Harry shakes his head. "Would you even tell me?"
It's Louis' turn to shake his head.
"That's what I thought."
Harry pulls the blanket over him, all the way up to his chin and closes his eyes. Louis turns off the big lights and sits back down, the only light coming from the small lamp on the desk.
"Oh, and Louis?"
Louis' head snaps up at him. "Don't say my name."
Harry's smile fades a little. He closes his eyes and turns away from Louis, facing the couch . "I just wanted to say happy birthday."
Louis enters into a state of shock, going over the words one by one, making sure he's heard correctly. By the time he actually registers the words and thousands of questions enter his mind, the door opens and the rest of the guys come in.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter :D
If you have any ideas or scenes you'd like me to put in the story, feel free to share ! Let me know what you liked/didn't like and how you would like the story to continue :)
Next chapter should be up in maximum 2 weeks!
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