2: Day 1

Louis Tomlinson, 21 - Hydrogen. Has been on the run since he was 16, because he's framed for his family's murder in Doncaster. "The missing piece."

So this is the second chapter, let me know what you think in the comments :)

Chapter warnings: non-graphic description of gun violence and violence in general, mention of panic attacks

p.s. I also want to mention once again that I am completely against guns, but it's fiction and it's a heist AU.

I read all of your comments so keep them coming, they motivate me :)

Also, if any of you would like to make a collage or something for the book, I'd be happy to see them and post them !

Happy reading! :)


Day 1 - 2 hours into the heist (Thursday, 20th , 2pm)

19-year-old boy has heart attack because of the blue in a robber's eyes

Louis (Harry's 99.99% sure that's his name now) blinks at him and lowers his gun in a moment of weakness. Now, if Harry were in a spy movie and would have the guts to do it, he'd take the gun away from him and save the day.

But it's not a spy movie and Harry's not a bad guy, therefore he doesn't even bother to take the gun away. Maybe later. Or never.

"Get moving, hostage." Louis growls and hoists his gun back up, motioning towards the direction they were going.

Harry doesn't object. Mainly because he has a gun pointed at him (lowkey because he likes the deep voice Louis' making right now, in contrast to his usually, slightly high-pitched voice-not that the voice isn't beautiful and-okay, he's getting carried away from the situation at hand; the guy's a robber for God's sake).

The situation hasn't changed downstairs; the two girls (Oxygen -aka Niall's weird crush- and Silver - aka the one who could be a model but chose a more dangerous profession) are writing down names and taking personal information such as disabilities, mental health problems (and health problems in general) and allergies. Everyone's in a red suit by now, which is clever, so there's no doubt in Harry's mind that everything's been meticulously planned.

"Harry Styles, do you have any allergies or health problems?" Oxygen asks after Harry's sat down in his previous place. He shakes his head. Why do they know his name? Did they actually remember it when he wrote it down when he gave them his phone? He doesn't ask.

"Okay, so we got two vegetarians and one diabetic." Silver informs Louis, who nods and takes the lists. "Also, that one over there is six months pregnant."

Louis looks over to where she's pointing. "Try not to point any guns at her, okay? She's already stressed, we don't need to induce any more."

"Where are we going to sleep? What are we going to eat? Can't you just let us go?" one man asks and Mercury turns to look at him, before he slowly starts walking in his direction.

Stupid stupid stupid, Harry thinks, shaking his head. The last thing everyone needs is someone provoking these guys holding guns.

"Stand up." Mercury tells the man, who does as he's told, clearly shitting himself. "Do you have something to say?"

"N-no...it's just..."

"You want to get out? Be my guest." Mercury continues, holding the gun up to his head. "Steal my gun, c'mon. I dare you."

Harry bites his lip. He hates this guy. He hates them all. Who does this? Why do people do this?

Harry never really understood why there's evil in the world.

"Mercury, drop it." Louis tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Stop harassing hostages."

So Louis is trying to win everyone over into thinking he's the good guy. Not a bad strategy, Harry thinks.

"I'm going to bring them some water." Silver says and then jogs over to the stairs.

"Does anyone need to go to the bathroom?" Oxygen asks and two girls hold up their hands, so she motions for them to stand up and walk in front of her towards the bathrooms on the first floor.

"Harry." he hears Simon whispering from behind him, so Harry turns his head slightly to signal him that he's listening.

"I have a phone in my office. In the top desk drawer." Simon whispers and Harry's eyes move over to where Louis and Mercury are still arguing.

"I can't get to it." Harry whispers back. "They'll kill me if they catch me."

"No, Harry, you have to. Otherwise they'll kill us. They've seen our faces and-"

"Silence over there!" Mercury yells and startles them, sending a new adrenaline rush through Harry's body.

He shakes his head and looks up towards the sky, looking for some kind of answers as to why everything is happening. He doesn't get one.


Day 1 - 5 hours into the heist (Thursday, 20th, 5pm)

"Harry Styles, stand up." Iron tells him.

For some weird reason, Harry's actually relieved to be standing up, because his ass has already gone numb from all the sitting he's done. Why they're always picking him out of the crowd (okay, it's the second time but whatever), Harry has no idea. He's got so many questions and theories, he's going crazy.

"You six." Harry hears Mercury say as he walks up the stairs, extremely aware of Iron a meter behind him. "Follow me, we're going to bring some food."

They're back inside the main office, and Zink is at the desk, typing something on his laptop.

"You're going to call the police again and you're going to tell them that the doors will be opened in two hours and you're going to step out to give a statement. And if anyone engages, we're going to kill hostages." Iron says and takes Harry's phone from the table, turning it back on.

Harry dials 999 and does exactly as Iron tells him to. This time, he's instantly redirected to the police chief, who isn't even listening to what he's got to say, asking him all sorts of questions.

"Stay on the line for one more minute and point the camera at them. We're hacking into your phone." The police chief says and Harry continues telling them what he's been told to, heart beating faster as he tries to make the call last as long as possible. "Exit the call and open your camera."

The door to the main office opens and slams against the wall.

"Iron, we need you downstairs. There's a problem." Oxygen breathes (the irony) and Iron looks over at Zink, telling him to keep an eye on Harry, before he runs after her.

Zink sighs and grabs the handgun he's got next to him on the table. Harry exits the call and presses on the screen, praying that he knows his screen well enough to have pressed the camera app, not removing the phone from his ear. He doesn't say anything.

"Great, Harry, you're doing great. Do a 360 around the room and point it to anyone you see." The police chief tells him and Harry does as asked.

"Hey! Hang up right now!" Zink yells at him and walks over, ripping the phone out of his hands, ending the call.

Harry's heart is beating out of his chest.

"Fuck, man." Zink mumbles and turns off the phone, before he places it back with the rest of them.

"I didn't do anything, I swear." Harry says, holding his hands up in defense.

"Shut up and sit down until someone comes back to get you."


Day 1 - 5:30 hours into the heist (Thursday, 20th, 5:30pm)

Liam and Hailee managed to bring the guy who was having a panic attack into another room and calm him down, so Louis and Nick are left to supervise the hostages while Gigi goes to the bathroom with a group of four girls. He hands Harry his portion of food and watches him as he eats, just in case he decides to keep the fork or something.

He keeps thinking about the guy who had a panic attack and there's a pang in his chest. When he signed up for this, he clearly didn't think about the effect it would have on the hostages as much as he should have.

Not to mention that Harry Styles knows his name. He doesn't know his last name, but if his first name is being released to the police, it won't be long until they figure out who he is. The plan has already gone to shit and it's barely day one.

"FUCKING HELL!" someone yells from upstairs so him and Liam rush upstairs to the main office, where Zayn's yelling.

The TV is on and there's a 'Breaking News' coverage on BBC.

"One of the heist men has been identified as Zayn Javadd Malik." The news anchor says and two pictures of Zayn are being displayed, one of them being of the one time he was arrested. "At just 21 years of age, he's been running from the police for two years for hacking into important databases."

Liam stares at Zayn and Louis tries to act as if it's the first time he learns Zayn's name.

"How the fuck did this happen?" Liam growls and turns to look at Zayn, who's completely losing it.

"What's going on?" Nick asks as he enters the room and his eyes fall on the TV. "Shit."

Zayn is cursing and screaming, and it's the first time Louis' seen him like this.

Nick swears and then leaves the room, loading his gun. Louis runs after him and stops at the bottom of the stairs.

"Who did it?" Nick yells at the hostages. "Who sent a photo of one of our men to the police? Who has a fucking phone?"

The hostages are scared and a few people are crying as Nick walks among them. He picks one of them out and orders them to strip down.

"Mercury, hold on." Louis says, but Nick isn't listening.


Louis turns towards the top of the stairs, where Zayn is standing. "I know what happened."

Nick stops to look at him, before he tells the guy to dress back up and then walks over to Zayn. "Do tell."

"It was the kid. I didn't pay attention to him for a few seconds and the police must've told him to go onto his camera so they could hack his phone and get photos. Then they ran the photo through a face recognition tool and..." Zayn trails off.

"You think we're allowed to have moments of weakness in here?" Nick yells at him, and then grabs him by his collar. "Hydrogen, grab the kid and take him to Cowell's office. I'll be there in a second. I just have to take care of something first."

Louis turns to look at Harry, who's obviously scared shitless. He walks over there and Harry stands up immediately. Louis presses the gun against his side and then follows him to Cowell's office on the first floor.

Harry awkwardly stops by Simon's desk, hands hanging by his side.

"I would ask you why you did it, but it's a stupid question." Louis tells him, gun still pointed at him. "I wouldn't have though you'd be the reckless type."

"You don't know me." Harry says and his eyes widen. He obviously forgot to activate his brain-to-mouth filter.

"I know enough to know you're the goody-two-shoes type."

Harry hangs his head and stares at the floor. Louis chews on his top lip, getting impatient. He turns towards the door and opens it.

"Mercury, what the fuck are you doing?!"

He sees Nick leaving the main office to jog over to him. Harry's leaning against the desk when Nick enters the room and Louis doesn't like the expression on his face.

"You sure have some balls." Nick tells Harry and gets closer to him, grabbing him by the curls.

"Mercury." Louis warns.

"Do you need to be taught a lesson?" Nick pushes.

"N-no, I'm sorry."

"I think you do, because you won't behave until-"

"Mercury." Louis repeats, raising his voice. "Don't hurt him."

Nick turns to look at him, then looks back at Harry. "This is your first warning Styles."

"I'm sorry." Harry says.

"That means shit to me." Nick places his gun against Harry's chest. "Next time you pull something like this, I'll press the trigger and then it's bye bye hedge fund."

Louis rolls his eyes and hears Liam yelling in the main office, so he groans and takes one more look towards Nick and Harry, before he's out of the room.

He finds Liam gripping into Zayn's chin in the main office. Zayn's got a bloody lip and a black eye.

"I'll fucking kill him." Liam huffs, looking at Louis. "I'll fucking kill him!"

"Iron." Zayn says, gently wrapping his fingers around Liam's and pulling his hand away from his face.

Louis raises his eyebrows at the gesture. Something's going on between them. Zayn catches Louis' eye and takes a step back from Liam, for good measure.

Liam picks up the landline phone, chest puffing, to get in touch with the Chemist.

"Listen." He says into the phone, but looks up at the camera in the corner of the room, which he knows the Chemist looks at on her computer. "I don't give a fuck if we have a rule of no violence, I'll break Mercury's legs, I swear to God. Tell him to stop harassing Zayn or I'll shoot him in the head and walk out right now. He's on some fucking adrenaline high-"

Nick snatches the phone out of Liam's hand and points the gun towards him. Liam points his own gun at Nick and Louis does the same. This guy's fucking crazy.

"I think Iron and Zayn also broke one of the rules." Nick says into the phone. "You know, the strict rule about not getting emotionally involved with each other and keeping it professional?"

Zayn looks down at his hands and Louis' heart hurts for him. People don't get to choose who they fall for and under which circumstances.

"Drop the gun, Mercury." Louis hears the Chemist say through his Bluetooth. Nick hesitates. "I said, drop the fucking gun Mercury." She's serious and Nick finally puts his hand down. The tension in the room shifts to a lighter tone.

"Now get on with the plan." Is the last thing she says before Nick's line goes dead and the sound in Louis' earpiece disappears.

"I'll go check on Neon." Nick says and leaves the room, leaving the three of them alone.

"He's going to kill someone, I'm telling you." Liam tells no one in particular before he walks over to Zayn. Louis decides it's time to leave them alone and get on with his part of the plan.

"Harry Styles." He says when he's back downstairs. "And you three." He points to the three people standing next to him. "Get up and put these masks on."

Hailee hands them Anonymous masks and Gigi gives them guns.

"They're not loaded, just in case you're trying to pull something stupid." she tells them.

"Fuckin' hell, I never thought I'd hold a gun in my life." A guy with an Irish accent tells Harry, who agrees.

"No talking." Hailee warns.

"Yes m'am."

"What's your name?" she asks him.

"Niall. And yours? Wait, shit, I'm not supposed to ask that. Forget I asked anything." Niall stutters and Hailee shakes her head, trying to suppress a smile.

"Just put your mask on, Niall." She tells him, but pulls the mask over his head for him.

"You're going to read this while speaking into a megaphone." Gigi instructs Harry. "If you go off script, you die. Simple as that."

Harry nods and Louis tells Zayn to open the front doors. The windows stay barricaded as the door opens and sunlight enters the hallway. When the doors stop moving, open just enough for the six of them to go though, there's rumbling coming from outside and Louis pulls Harry's mask over his face, before he does the same for himself.

"Move." Hailee urges from behind Harry and they step towards the open doors. Once the outside world comes into view, Harry is shocked. The gun is heavy in his arms as he keeps walking until he's a few steps down, facing the policemen hiding behind their cars and the SWAT team sprawled all over the lawn in front of them. The area is sealed off and there's a giant police tent in the corer, where the orders are probably coming from, right next to three News trucks.

The Chemist connects them to the police radio so Louis can hear everything they say through his earpiece.

"Hold your fire."

"Take off your mask." Louis instructs and Harry does so, before Louis holds the megaphone in front of his face.

Harry looks down at the list and begins reading. "My name is Harry Styles. My father is Her Majesty's attorney general for England and Wales. Please do not shoot. There are sixty-seven hostages, all unharmed and doing well." Ha. "We're all dressed up in red suits and have masks on, so you cannot tell us apart."

"Sir, the one next to Mr. Styles is definitely a heist man."

Louis grits his teeth as Harry continues reading.

"Sir, do we shoot him?"

Louis' heart starts beating faster as Harry reads the last two lines of the script, before they slowly retreat backwards, their faces to the police.

"Sir, do we shoot him? Sir, they're going back inside."

Just two more steps and they're inside.

"Hold your fire. Do not shoot." comes the answer and Louis exhales as he watches the doors slowly close in front of him.

"I think I just pissed meself." He hears Niall say as he takes off his mask and he chuckles, before he composes himself and tells the hostages to get back to their places after they give back their guns.

Another round of girls go to the bathroom with Gigi, and a man in the second row of the hostages has had enough, because he stands up, making everybody gasp. He looks at Louis, whose mask is perched on top of his head.

"You're all liars. I do not believe that any of the guns are loaded. You're trying to scare us. But there are sixty more of us." The man says and Louis opens his mouth to say something, but a gunshot echoes through the giant hall and everybody screams.

"You think we're liars?" Louis hears Nick's voice from the top of the stairs. The man is absolutely terrified. "Do you need me to prove you wrong?" Nick starts walking down the stairs, holding his gun up towards the ceiling.

"No Sir." The man apologizes and sits back down.

"I think we're losing their respect." Nick tells Louis.

"Respect? They don't have any respect for us. They fear us."

Nick smiles. "Fear is much more powerful than respect, Hydrogen."

"Stop talking like you're the Godfather." Louis mumbles, and it earns him some chuckles from the hostages.

"Does anyone find the situation funny?" Nick asks, turning to them, shutting them up instantly. Then he turns to Louis. "Go get Iron and take the men to the bathrooms once the last group of women comes back."


Day 1 - 7 hours into the heist (Thursday, 20th, 7pm)

"Did everyone go to the bathroom?" Liam asks, looking around.

Harry holds his hand up. "We didn't." he says and points to the five guys, including Simon and Niall, next to him.

"I'll take them." Louis says and the five men stand up.

The men's bathroom has five cubicles and four sinks, so Harry waits by the wall as the others undress all the way to their underwear and start washing themselves with soap and water above the sink.

"We're treated like rats." One of them (Max, Harry thinks) says.

"Shut up." Louis instructs from where he's standing next to the door.

Harry watches Louis, wondering if his plan of revealing his real name to the other robbers would be a good idea. Definitely not.

Simon goes into one of the cubicles, not before he throws Harry a knowing look, so Harry chooses the one next to him and locks the door. They wait for someone to turn the water on before they get down on their knees and bend down so they're looking at each other under the cubicle walls.

"I have the phone." Harry whispers.

"Where is it? Give it to me."

"It's in my under-"

There's banging against Simon's door and Harry's heart drops, so he shuffles up onto his feet and flushes the toilet. He waits five more seconds and then exits the bathroom.

"Do not to go the toilet next to each other." Louis warns them as Simon zips his suit back up. "Styles, go wash yourself."

Harry unzips his suit until it reaches the elastic band of his briefs, before he grabs the soap and turns on the faucet. As he washes himself, he looks in the mirror just to make eye contact with Louis, who's obviously staring. Harry turns the water off and turns around to dry himself with the towel. Louis is still staring at his open birdcage tattoo on his ribs. Then his eyes roam over the ship on his upper arm, before he realizes Harry caught on to his staring, so he coughs and orders him to dress up already.

Harry pulls the tank top he's been given over his head before he zips up his suit. Then they follow Louis back downstairs.


Day 1 - 10 hours into the heist (Thursday, 20th, 10:45pm)

They've been given sandwiches for dinner before they've been split four groups of nine and one group of eight, before they were taken either upstairs or in the offices on the ground floor to sleep. Harry, thank God, got to stick with Niall, as the eight of them were being taken to one of the offices upstairs, right next to the main office. Harry hasn't seen the warehouse workers or the people who got taken away by Neon earlier this morning to go to the 'money factory'.

The office has a desk with two chairs, a coffee table and two couches.

Oxygen is watching them from one of the chairs by desk as they each take pillows from the couches and find a comfortable (what a joke) place to sleep in.

"We're being treated like rats." Max huffs as he lays down on the floor by the barricaded window and fluffs his pillow.

"Shut up." Oxygen tells him, but doesn't bother to grab her gun that's resting on the desk.

Two older men take the two couches, another guy goes next to Max, and two guys take the rug, which leaves Harry and Niall to lean against the back of one of the couches.

"I can't believe I'm in the same room with one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen but she has a gun and my life is in danger." Niall whispers to Harry as he tries to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. He can't sleep on his stomach because he's scared of breaking the phone in his briefs.

"Yeah, well, I can't believe this is happening, period." Harry whispers back.

"Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I can't hear you." Oxygen's voice sounds through the room and Niall's eyes widen.

"Yeah lads, we'd all like to sleep right now to get away from everything if that's possible." He hears one of the guys say and Niall snorts.

Leave it up to Niall to still be able to smile about the situation they're in.

The door opens an hour later and because Harry's unable to sleep, he peaks his head around the corner of the couch to see Louis walking in with a flashlight.

"You can go sleep now. My shift starts now." he tells Oxygen, who thanks him and grabs her gun before exiting the room.

Louis sits down at the desk and props his feet up on the table. He unzips his suit and takes the upper part of it off because it's quite warm in the room and the tank top underneath is keeping him warm enough. Even though it's dark in the room and the flashlight is pointed to the opposite wall, Harry's suspicions, that Louis is heavily tattooed, are officially confirmed.

"Go to sleep."

Louis' voice startles him and he feels his cheeks burning up, so he shuffles back next to Niall, away from Louis' gaze, and closes his eyes.

He can't fall asleep though, so he stares at the dark ceiling for what seems like hours. Three of the nine people in the room are snoring, which makes it even harder for Harry to fall asleep. He peers over to Louis, whose head is back against the seat, feet still propped up on the table as he sleeps.

A wild idea goes through Harry's head. A stupid idea. But it might work.

He slowly stands up and toes off his Converse, before he tiptoes over to the desk. His heart is beating out of his chest as he extends his arm to grab the gun. Five more centimeters. Four.


He's going to be sick.

Two. Shit, almost there.


The gun feels cold under his fingers.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Harry's breath stops. Louis is staring at him now, but his arms are still crossed over his chest and his biceps are still bulging out and he hasn't moved. He thinks Harry won't act upon it. So he grabs the gun and holds it in Louis' direction. He tries to find the trigger as he stares at Louis, who sits up straight and removes his feet from the table.

Nobody moves and the snores still fill up the room.

"Well?" Louis asks, standing up from the chair and walking around the desk so he's a meter away from Harry.

"Well what?"

"Are you going to shoot me or do you just like holding guns?"

The-he can't be serious.

"Give me the gun."


Louis cocks his head and extends his hand. "Give me the gun, for fuck's sake."

"You'll tell Mercury."

"All I have to do is press the button on my earpiece and tell them to come here." Louis tells him and leans against the table. Harry adjusts his grip on the gun, fingertip on the trigger.

"Not if I'll shoot you."

"To quote you, you won't shoot me." Louis says and runs a hand through his hair.

"Maybe I will."

Louis huffs. "So do it."

Then he pushes himself off the table and takes two more steps until his chest is pressed up against the barrel of the gun. He smells incredible, like cigarettes and cologne, not at all like Harry had imagined. Not that he's thought about it.

"Getting bored over here." Louis whispers and his hand comes up to touch Harry's, before he suddenly grabs the gun out of his arms and places it on the desk behind him.

Harry's too shocked to react.

"Now go back to sleep." Louis tells him.

"Wait. If Mercury had been here, he would've killed me. Why are you...nice?"

"Neither I nor you want to kill anyone, right? What you're doing right now is what I would've done if I were in your shoes. And I think you're smart enough to figure out that killing anyone would mean a looong time in prison. You know, since you study law and all that."

Harry looks down at the ground for a second. "Why do all of you know so much about me? Am I your scapegoat or something?"


"I am, aren't I? Because of my father. I'm your leverage. So you won't kill me."

"I definitely wouldn't. But N-Mercury on the other hand, would." Louis says, eyes widening at what could've been a slip-off. But Harry caught it, because he's always been a good listener.

"You know their real names." Harry states. It's a shot in the dark, but then again, he's read a lot of psychology books to know that Louis' expression means he's right.

"And you make it really hard for me not to kill you." Louis tells him.


"Because you've tried pulling several stunts on me already, you know my real name and you know I know everyone's names."

Harry licks his lips. "Maybe I'll tell them."

"You won't." Louis retorts and steps closer.

"I will."

"They'll kill me."

Harry raises an eyebrow. "So?"

"So, you couldn't live with yourself if they did. You're good kid."

"I'm nineteen."

"I know."

"I'm not a kid."

"Does it really matter?"

"Yeah. You're patronizing me just because you've got the gun."

"I'm sorry."

Harry nods, putting his right foot over his left.

"Now go to sleep. And don't pull anything like that again, okay?"

"What will you do if I do?" Harry asks as he walks back to his place and sits down, still looking at Louis.

"Well, it's been said that I'm crazy."

"Are you though?"

Louis shrugs and goes to sit down in his chair.

"I don't think you want to find out."


Thank you so much for reading :)

Let me know what you thought of this chapter and whether I should continue the story in the comments :D If you have any ideas or scenes you'd like me to put in the story, feel free to share :D

p.s. Next chapter should be up either Sunday or Monday :) I'll let you know

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Twitter,Instagram,Snapchat: ronniebennett94



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