Chapter 5: Paths Intertwine

Chapter 5: Paths Intertwine

Nia entered the border of a small village. She took off her mask to get more air. She then couldn't tell which village it was that she was in nor did she really care. All she wanted to know was if she could get a place to rest in as it was already nighttime and was exhausted from her almost non-stop journey.

"Excuse me." Nia tapped a brown-haired man's shoulder.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Do you know if there is a place that I can stay in for the night?"

"Tch, yeah right." The man scoffed as he gave the girl an offending look.

Nia got confused.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"A hideous looking girl like you shouldn't even be in this village. There's no way anyone will let you stay the night here. Only beautiful women are allowed. Not E.T's or animals."

This comment shattered the kunoichi's heart. It was unexpected and rude.

"Huh? What are you-"

"Hey guys!" The male ninja gestures for the other villagers to come over, "Come look at this chick, she looks like a monster!"

Other members of the village gathered around in a circle. Snickers were heard and fingers were being pointed at the teen.

"Ew! Do you even care about what you look like to others? You're killing our eyes with your grotesque features!" A woman with red hair hissed.

"Children and the elderly shouldn't be around you. You're too ugly to be in a place like this! You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady." An older woman with specks of grey in her hair insulted the teen.

Nia felt the pain of being called ugly. She was used to being called that in her village but she never thought of hearing others say that to her outside of it.

"And just look at her body!" This time, a teenaged boy laughed, "She's fatter than most kunoichi!"

At this remark, everyone laughed along with the young man.

Nia lowered her head. Her bangs made a dark shade over her eyes. She bit her lip and felt her fist tense up.

"Yeah! You're right, Kid!" The villagers continue with their laughter.

"Even all the summoning animals look better than her!"

"Go get toned, fatty!" A teen girl yelled, "It's hard to look at you. Don't you need to be in shape to protect your own village?!"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Nia loses her temper while her eyes made contact with everyone else's, "I hate my village! I couldn't care less what happens to it and you know what? I HATE YOU SHALLOW, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING DOUCHEBAGS TOO! I HOPE ONE OF THE FIVE GREAT NATIONS EXTERMINATE YOU PEOPLE!"

Everyone stayed quiet for a short moment. After about five seconds, they began throwing numerous, more insensitive comments and remarks.

No one seemed to notice the long-haired man approaching the crowd. He had just got done spending time in a hot spring doing "research" and was now in the mood for dinner.

"What do I feel like eating today...? Hmm..." Jiraiya pondered.

"You know what, Rat? We're gonna drive you out of this village with violence. You had your chance to leave peacefully but you lost that shot with your idiotic insult." The same brown-haired man prepared to start a mob.

This did not go unheard by the great sennin. He watched as the crowd began to take steps toward a young female with glasses in the center of the circle. He knew right away that something was wrong.

"Hey now!" The tall man stepped in, "What are you people trying to do with this girl?!"

"We want her out! No beast is allowed in this village!" A majority of villagers rage.

Beast? Jiraiya thought in his mind.

Without looking towards the man who attempted to make peace, Nia kicked herself off the ground and out the circle of ninja then hopped onto the roofs of homes until she left the small vicious village.

Her heart was filled with sadness once more. She placed the mask back on and continued fleeing.

Meanwhile, the arguable leader of Team Seven had just finished doing some training in the forest out of the village. With the moon only being his light in the darkness, Naruto decided to reunite with his master.

He grabbed his bag and jumped up into the trees.

'I better stop sneaking off behind Pervy Sage's back. I never know how long the old man will be here. He could leave me behind.' He thought.

Naruto leaped off a few more branches. In the distance, he could see someone approaching ahead. He took caution just in case, and went into hiding.

'Who could it be?'

Nia's eyes were dripping with tears. Her mask was covering them but eventually she broke into sobs and needed it off to breathe properly. With each hop she made, Naruto could see that the person who was approaching was a female after peeking his head out from behind a tree.

He could hear the heartbreak in her cries with each breath she took. They were loud moans and the blonde couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with the girl.

Finally, she passed by him. Nia had her finger up to her right eye in a attempt to keep it from releasing more tears then did the same with her left. However, after not more than a second, a few tears did escape and hit Naruto right on his left cheek. He then wiped the tears off his face and looked at his finger.

"That girl came from the direction of the village back there..." He comes out of hiding, "Did something bad happen?"

Again, Naruto continued his way to the village he was supposed to be in.

"I better get a move on and see if Pervy Sage is alright."

It took a few minutes but Naruto made it back to the town of ninja. He spotted Jiraiya surrounded by a group of three lovely-looking women. Each were under his arms and sharing a drink with him as he laughed in amusement while clearly being drunk.

"Who wants to give a smooch to Jiraiya first?" The man brought the women closer to him as they all giggle.

Naruto grunted with a annoyed look.

"Pervy Sage!" He called.

Jiraiya spotted his student and gestured for the boy to come over, "There you are, Naruto. Look what I've got here! A trio of hot women."


"What's with that look you're giving me?!" Jiraiya raises the saki he's holding in the air in a angry fashion, "You're jealous aren't you?!"

Naruto gave no expression, "No... I just... well..."

"Spit it out already! You what?!"

"Well... Just a few minutes ago, I saw some girl with glasses heading away from this village. She looked really upset. Did you see her here?"

Suddenly, the three woman chuckled. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

A blonde woman with brown eyes told Naruto, "That girl was not suitable to be in a village like this."

"Yeah, she looks like a monster while we all look like angels." A red-haired woman with yellow eyes spoked next.

"No one who looks like her shouldn't even think about being around here." A green-haired woman finished.

Naruto appeared shocked about what each woman had to say.

"Monster...?" He repeated.

"That's right." The red-haired woman smirked, "The type of face that would frighten anyone. It was hard to look at that girl."

The green-haired woman laughed, "Yeah! And what was up with her eyebrow?"

"They were all curled up and horrible." The blonde woman cringed.

Jiraiya, although not liking how the woman were cruelly making fun of the child that he tried to save earlier, he didn't want the woman to walk away from him and pretended to laugh with them. The rest of the villagers still around had overheard the conversation and laughed along with the four others.

Naruto gave Jiraiya a disapproving look. He stared downwards as he thought back to the girl he saw in the forest sobbing. His fists curled into a ball.

I see... That's why she was crying...

The blonde looked all around him. Though this situation was different than the one he dealt with, the truth of the matter was, someone was being looked down upon on for being seemingly of less worth and value. It was some form of teasing. Something Naruto has gone through for most of his life.

"And so what if that girl looked different from you guys! That doesn't give you the right to go calling someone a monster just cause of the way they look!" Naruto scolded then placed his fist over his heart, "It's not the face that makes someone a monster! It's the choices they make with their life! Don't you people have any respect or kindness in you?! How could you just say that to someone and watch them take off with tears running down their cheeks?!"

The villagers became eerily quiet. So quiet all that was being heard was the wind blowing. Jiraiya sighed and went over to his student.

"Naruto... When will you learn to keep quiet?" He tells the sixteen-year-old.

The sannin faced the crowd, "Uh, forgive this kid, everyone. He's been in a bad mood all day. He doesn't know what he's saying. I hope you all understand."

"Whatever..." A man replied, "Just take the boy out of our sight. He's a nuisance."

"What'd you say!" A vein showed on Naruto's temple.

"Alright, let's get going, Naruto." Jiraiya pushed the younger male forward after turning him around by the shoulders.

Naruto angrily raised his fists in the air while looking back at the man who called him a nuisance, "I dare you to call me that one more time! I'll teach you not to call me a nuisance!"

"Ugh..." Jiraiya rolled his eyes.

He can be such a kid sometimes...


The night had passed to afternoon . Nia had fallen asleep high on a tree branch during that time. The chilly wind and her emotions kept her awake till almost dawn.

Below her, Naruto and Jiraiya had already resumed their journey. The village had given them food and water so that the two would stay alive and healthy. Again, Naruto was having a hard time carrying the extra weight of his bag.

"Ugh, my back is killing me!" He whined.

"Oh brother." Jiraiya groaned, "Not this again."

"Ah..." Naruto passed out on the ground, "I can't... No more."

"What do you mean you can't? Aren't you the guy who always brags about not giving up?"

"Yeah, but I'm not that guy right now."

Jiraiya face-palmed himself, "What am I ever gonna do with you, Naruto?"

"Pervy Sage, lend me a hand would ya?"

"Nope. I'm leaving without you, Bud." Jiraiya waved as he moved forward.

"Hey!" Naruto squirmed around, "You can't just leave me here!"

"Later Narutooo!" Jiraiya responded.

"No, Pervy Sage! Waiiiiit!"

Naruto struggled to get on his feet. He grunted as he took wide steps forward. He wore determination on his face. Jiraiya was still walking ahead with no problems.

"Pervy SAAAGE!" Naruto called.

"I'm not waiting to get some research done at the next village we stop in, Naruto. Either you move quickly or stay behind and get no training from me!"

"Come on! You can wai- GUAHHH!"


Someone had fallen right onto Naruto's back and squashed him to the ground. Jiraiya heard the ruckus and turned around to see that the same female he saw fled away from the village had landed on his student.

"Look what we have here..."

Nia had turned in her sleep and incidentally threw herself off the tree branch. Naruto was just unlucky to be standing right below her at that moment.

"Naruto, you alright down there?" Jiraiya asked, not bothering to lift Nia off the blonde.

"JUST GET THIS THING OFF ME, WILL YA?!" Naruto yelled in the dirt.

Jiraiya sighed heavily, "This "thing" is a human being you know. Actually, it's that girl you were defending back in the village. Remember, the one everyone was insulting?"

Hmm? Her?!

As if using his kyuubi chakra, Naruto lifted himself out the ground and held onto the sleepy girl next to him.

"Huh? It is her." He said as he remembered what she looked like when she passed by him in the forest.

Naruto spotted Nia's glasses on the ground and grabbed it. He also saw a mask and examined it.

"Is she part of an ANBU?" Jiraiya noticed the painted mask as well.

"I don't think so." Naruto answered, "Look, this mask is completely different from the ones we've ever seen. I think it's just some random mask."

"I think you're right... This one is different from the others." Jiraiya nodded.

Naruto stared at the girl in his arms. She looked very familiar to him but he just couldn't think of anyone in particular that he knew.

"Pervy Sage, what are we gonna do? Should we wake her?"

"I don't see the harm in trying."

Naruto nodded then shaked the teen girl, "Hey! Hey, wake up!"

Nia's eyes stayed shut.

"Hey!" Naruto patted Nia's cheeks, "Hello! It's afternoon, you know! This isn't the time to be sleeping in a forest!"

Nia wouldn't budge. She was in a deep sleep.

Naruto sweat dropped, "Ughhh..."

"Here's an idea: Why don't you take that girl back to the village we were just in? They'll take care of her till she wakes up." Jiraiya lifted his index finger, "That way we can move forward to our destination!"

"Whaaaa? Are you crazy?!" Naruto glared at the older man, "We can't bring her back over there! They'll probably harm her!"

"Oh..." Jiraiya remembered the predicament back last nigh, "Right. They'll definitely have a mob after the poor girl."

Jiraiya then noticed something fall out of the bag Nia carried on her back. It was a book.

"Hmm, what's this?" Jiraiya picked it up.

He gasped when he read the title, "No way... What's this doing in this girl's bag."

"What are you talking about?" Naruto looked at the white-haired man.

Jiraiya opened the book and saw pages covered with underlining, circles, and hearts on certain sentences and words. One thing that caught Jiraiya's eye was where each heart was placed around each time. It was around a certain name.

"Naruto." He read quietly.

Does this girl admire the protagonist of my book...?

"Eh? Did you say something, Pervy Sage?"

"It's nothing, Naruto."

Nia's ears perked. She stirred slightly. Naruto and Jiraiya noticed this.

"Hey, I think she's waking up."

Once more, Nia went back to the way she was. She didn't move.

"What? Why did she fall back asleep?" Naruto wondered aloud.

"Beats me, Naruto." Jiraiya shrugged.

Again, Nia stirred. However, she smiled this time.

Naruto blinked, "What the- Why is she smiling?"

Jiraiya crossed his arms.

Every time I speak, she moves. Hmm... Hold on. Does she react that way because I keep saying Naruto?

"Hey, let's make a bet." Jiraiya slapped Naruto's back.

"What bet? Can't you put that on hold for later."

"No sorry." Jiraiya responded, making what he said sound like "Nursery."

"Fine, what's the bet?"

Jiraiya giggled as a perverted thought entered his mind, "If this girl wakes up to me saying your name, you got to show me your sexy jutsu at its best."

"And if she doesn't?" Naruto looked annoyed.

"Well I'll serve you all the Ichiraku ramen you desire."

"You will?!" Naruto's eyes sparkled.

"I sure will!"

"All right! You're on, Pervy Sage!"

What you don't know Naruto is that I have an advantage on this bet... Heh...

"Naruto!" Jiraiya yelled.

Nia kept her smile but didn't open her eyes.

Naruto smiled and looked back, "Do you smell that, Pervy Sage?! It's the smell of great cooked ramen awaiting me to devour it!"

"This isn't over yet! Naruto! Naruto! Naruto! Naruto!"

"Hey! You can't do that!" Naruto yelled, "You already said my name once."

"And? I never said that I was going to say it just once."



Both Jiraiya and Naruto quit bickering then watched as Nia twitched and fluttered her eyes open.

"Huh?" She awoke to a pair of sapphire blue innocent eyes looking down at her.

"Heh!" Naruto smiled widely, "Hey sleepyhead, it's afternoon, you know..."



Suddenly, Nia got enough of her sense back to realize that a young man was holding her upright in his arms. Blood rushed quickly to her face then steam poured out of it.

"Eh?" Naruto witnessed this and lightens his hold.

Why is a boy here? And why is he holding me like this?!!! Nia freaked out in her thoughts.

"Waaaaa!" Nia squirmed out of Naruto's grasp and backed up, "Why are you touching me?!"

Naruto was about to speak but Jiraiya interrupted.

"You know, sleeping up on that tree all night isn't something you should do when it's a very chilly night." He said.

Nia looked up. Her eyes immediately sparkled upon seeing the man she's dreamed of meeting since a long while ago.

"Jiraiya-sensei! Is that really you?!"

"The one and only!" The old man straightened himself up and placed his knuckles on each side of his hip then laughed obnoxiously.

Oh my gosh! This can't be happening!

Nia cupped her hands around her mouth and nose. Her excitement over finding her desired future master was beginning to take over her.

"If you know Pervy Sage over there, you must know who I am too." Naruto stood up and walked towards the girl his age, "The name's Na-"

"Jiraiya-sensei!" Nia ran then shoved Naruto back to the ground and out of her way. She next jumped and hugged Jiraiya around his neck while kicking her legs behind her, "I can't believe I finally get to meet you! This is the greatest day of my life!"

"Woah there." Jiraiya watched the under aged girl squirm about, "Why don't you try calming down a bit and telling me a little about yourself?"

"Oh right!" Nia listened and released Jiraiya, "My name is Nia Umino! I came searching for you so that you may take me to be your student!"

The girl then bowed politely.

Behind her, Naruto recovered and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder. Nia looked at him.

"What was that all about?!" He pouted while pointing at his cheek, "You totally rammed your elbow into my face!"

"Oh uh... Sorry."

"Hmph!" Naruto acted immature and crossed his arms, "Sure doesn't sound like it!"

Nia didn't exactly like being in the presence of Naruto. She immediately assumed that he was judging her in his mind and calling her all sorts of names already. She stayed silent towards him.

Jiraiya went over to the blonde and patted him on the head, "Don't mind, Naruto. He's actually nice once you get to know him."

Nia's heart skipped a beat and her face flushed, "D-Did you say Naruto?"

Jiraiya saw the young woman's expression.

Thought so... She's in love with the protagonist of Tales Of a Gutsy Ninja... Hehe, a little unexpected and strange but the guy is a hero after all and chicks dig that.

"Er... Don't get all flustered over the fact that Naruto shares the same name of the protagonist in my novel. He's the complete opposite of the guy." Jiraiya laughed.

"Ah! No, I wasn't fluste- wait, how did you know that I've read your book before if I've never told you?" Nia became embarrassed.

Jiraiya swung her book in his hand, "This fell out your bag."

No way! Nia thought as she looked over her back to see her bag opened.

She looked down with rosy cheeks.

Ohhh... That's embarrassing! Now he knows I have a crush on a nonexistent character I bet...

"Hey, why are you all timid? We're not gonna hurt you or anything." Naruto spoked.

Both him and Nia then exchanged glances. At the same time, they pointed at one another.

"Hold on! I've seen you before!" They say in unison.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow, "You two met before?"

"Yeah." Nia nodded while Naruto placed his thumb and index finger to his chin.

"I can't remember exactly who you are though. But I know I've seen you somewhere." Naruto said.

"Those blue eyes and weird facial markings give you out immediately! It's a dead giveaway. You're that kid I played with a few times as a kid back in the Hidden Leaf!" Nia finally refreshed her memory.

Naruto was still having a difficult time remembering where he seen the girl. There was no denying that he's seen her but trying to remember her name was making his brain exhausted.

"Ugh..." Naruto slumped his arms and dropped his head down, "I got nothing."

Nia sweat-dropped, "Well, it has been years."

Naruto looked back up and saw something very recognizable. Nia's left eyebrow was curled upwards at the center of it. A light bulb appeared at the top of his head.

"Curly Brow!" He pointed at her, "Now I remember you!"

"Curly Brow?" Nia repeated almost sadly.

"Yeah! I thought they were kinda weird when I first saw them. I've never seen anyone with an eyebrow like yours." Naruto nodded quickly while staring at it, "Yep! That's definitely out of the norm."

Jiraiya punched Naruto on the head right after, "You idiot! Show a little more respect, would you? Your stupid nicknames can hurt people's feelings! Besides, those whiskers on your cheeks aren't exactly normal either!"

"Ow!" Naruto squatted and held his hands over the spot that ached, "Her eyebrow is the only thing I remember about her! I called her that because I don't know her name at all."

"My name is Nia Umino." The girl repeated herself.

"Were you not listening when she told us her name the first time, Naruto?" Jiraiya asked.

"Sorry that I couldn't hear with my face in the dirt." Naruto reminded his master that Nia pushed him to the ground when she introduced herself the first time.

Jiraiya chuckled while Naruto got offended by it. Nia blankly stared at the blonde as he yelled at Jiraiya.

This boy is immature... I can tell he's definitely not like the protagonist in the book I'm reading. Besides, I always imagined Naruto to be a tall guy with black hair and eyes but this boy has blonde hair and blue eyes. Not to mention, I look a bit taller than him. He's the complete opposite of the Naruto in the novel.

Nia sighed in disappointment.

The other guy I saw the other day looked more like the dear Naruto I heart so much! He was at least the same height as me and he was very handsome too!

Nia stared at Naruto.

This guy is ehh. Maybe he's that way to me because I'm not very interested in blondes...?

"So, Nia..." Jiraiya catched the girl's attention. He appeared serious, "Tell me why you're not in your village. I highly doubt you're on a mission right now."


A/N- Finally I'm done! This chapter felt long for me to write geesh! I was planning on updating this yesterday but things obviously didn't go out as planned. I hope you all liked this chapter though! We finally got Nia to meet her hero and... Naruto... Lol. Gotta love him and Jiraiya though! Those two are hilarious!

Anyway, this chapter was fun to write. Please excuse Nia's language when she yelled at the villagers. I just wanted to show how deeply their insults affected her emotions. I don't mean to make that scene super dramatic or anything. Please share your thoughts and leave a vote! They help to make updates faster. Thx for reading!

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