Chapter 4

"Welcome to paradise!" Shock announced as he waved his arm around. Light thought it wasn't much of anything let alone paradise, but it was far better than nothing. They had opened a hidden door that led through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, it opened up into a large room. In the center was a splintered, worn down table with two chairs that matched it. Along the walls were wires that hooked up electric were a couple of crates on the far right and three cots on the left. Light wondered at the three cots, but figured she'd find out soon enough.

"It's great. Thanks for letting me crash here for a while," She smiled, truly grateful to him. She just couldn't wait to begin training with him.

"I know it's not much, you're probably used to some great place, but, you know. I figured it's better than the streets," Shock shrugged.

Light offered a smile, "Thanks. So, when can we begin training?"

Shock smirked and walked toward the far wall. He pounded on it thrice and it slid open. Light was impressed. He had a fancy security system down here. It made her wonder if she was hanging with a criminal, but she couldn't afford to worry about that now. She followed him into the other tunnel, noting the lights in here were much more dim. It was much colder in here, which confused her. They weren't any lower than in the other room.

After a walking a few yards, they came to a smaller opening with nothing in it. Shock stood in the center and spread his arms wide, "This is the dueling room. It's not very big and pretty frickin' cold, but it works. I'm sure you'll warm up after I'm done with you," Shock grinned. He stepped back with one foot, leaning his weight on that foot and His body was suddenly sparking all over!

"Wow!" Light said as she walked closer, "I'm impressed. Although, I would prefer a little more light. Oh! Just a moment," She placed a hand on her hips and felt the familiar power spread throughout her and outside of her. The whole room was now very bright. Shock shielded his eyes quickly.

"Woah! I mean, that's probably the best self defense power ever! It doesn't hurt anyone but you can get away! Umm, Light? an you dim it down a bit?"

Light laughed and released her power. The room looked much darker now that their eyes had adjusted to the brightness. Light took a couple steps closer to Shock and crossed her arms, "That's not all I can do either, so don't be getting any ideas of not being able to train me. In fact, I think you're probably the most capable for me."

Shock had been rubbing his eyes, but he stopped when she said this, "Oh yeah? And why's that?"

Light smirked, "You might want to take a step back."

Shock backed up a little, not taking any chances. Light folded her arms, feeling another, warmer power build up. She knew she needed a technique to perform this much better, but that's where Shock comes in. She took a step back and opened her arms quickly.

The room lit up again, but this time, it was as if a lightning storm had suddenly appeared. It came in a flash, but only lasted a moment before it disappeared. Shock's eyes were like saucers as the flashing lights danced on his crystal- blue eyes. Light found the image beautiful.

Wait. What?

Light shook her head as if to clear it, "So, what do you think?"

Shock didn't speak for a long moment, then he suddenly jumped, "That was amazing! This is your power at its lowest! With training, technique, and practice you can become so much cooler than Sonic! Or even his rival Shadow!"

For some reason, even though she knew he didn't know about her dads' relationship, this statement angered Light, "They aren't rivals. They are very close."

Shock waved it off, "Not the point. The point is, you can help us!"

Light held her hands up, "Wait, wait wait wait wait. First, who's 'us' and second, what am I helping you with!"

"Dude, who is that?"

Light spun around, ready to fry the intruder to a crisp. In front of her, was a blue bird with a wide, friendly grin, and a not so friendly fox.

Shock walked in front of Light and introduced them, "The 'us' is us," He gestured to the three of them, "This is Twig," He pointed to the bird, who bowed, "He's out little genius."

"Hacking, calculating and building," Twig puffed up proudly. He had a somewhat squeaky voice that would take some getting used to.

The fox rolled her eyes.

Shock continued, "Whatever man. This is Rachael. She's our spy."

Rachael didn't even blink. She only leaned against the wall with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Her long hair hung nearly to her waist and her bangs curled around her right ear. Her body was long and slender. She wore a black, leather jacket and black boots, which added to her distrusting look.

"And to answer the second question, we have the same goal as you. Robotnick destroyed our families and nook us hostage. We busted out a long time ago, and we're trying to help the rest of them. He's trying to make some sort of weapon by taking the power from us and using against the world. I see now why he wants you, and he's had a beef with your dad for a long time. You could help us a lot!"

Twig looked confused, "Who's her dad?"

Shock grinned and looked as Light, "Go on! Tell 'em!"

Light crossed her arms, matching Rachael, "I have two. The one you know of, Sonic, was experimented on as well. He was given the ability to carry his child."

Everyone, even Rachael, looked at he with Shock.

"So he's more of the mom. My dad, is the last person you'd expect. Considering you keep thinking them rivals."

Shock looked like he was ready to feint, "You mean... You're parents... are Sonic and Shadow? The greatest hero of all time and the Ultimate Life Form?"

Light nodded.

Rachael stepped forward and glared into Light's eyes, "How do we know you're not lying?"

Light rolled her eyes, deciding she didn't like Rachael, "Why else would Robotnick need me so badly? I don't know how to prove it to you. But today, I just saw my house get bombed, my family attached by robots and some bald man with a stupid mustache attack me. I don't know if or when I'll get home again, or even if my family's still alive!" By now, her arms were at her sides, her fists clenched, "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Rachael smiled, something about it reminded Light of Rouge, which almost saddened her, "One more thing. How close are you to your dad's friend Knuckles?"

Twig and Shock laughed nervously. Light relaxed and smiled as Rachael patted her shoulder.

"Sorry, doll, can't be to careful around here."

Light nodded in understanding/ She suddenly felt very tired, "Tails is like my uncle in a way, and so is Silver and Knuckles."

Rachael led Light out of the room towards the main area, her bushy tail swinging gracefully. Even the way she walked reminded Light of Rouge. It was odd. They all sat in the main room on the cots, talking about Light's family. Every one of them seemed interested in everyone in her family. She learned a lot about them.

"You mean, you never knew Knuckles was a guardian of the Master Emerald?" Twig asked in surprise.

Light shook her head, "They never mentioned their previous lives. It was all a big secret to me. It wasn't until I met Shock that I found out who my dads were. You wouldn't believe this, but Shadow's a real softie. He was the most over protective and caring. Sonic was more... emotional I guess. I saw how they used to be today, and it was scary."

"What do you mean?" Shock asked quietly. Every one of them was completely engrossed in her story.

"Like, I saw Dad... Shadow's bitter side. I now have no doubts he was once a secret agent, and an enemy. Sonic was real... cocky."

Rachael nodded, "He was famous for it. He had this signature thumbs up and wink move everyone loved so much. I preferred Knuckles. He seemed to keep his cool better."

"Well I love Tails! We're so much alike!" Twig threw in quickly. Rachael rolled her eyes again, this time with a smile.

Light shook her head, laughing, "Actually, you may be smart like him, but your personality isn't the same at all."

Shock jumped in, "What about Silver? I always thought it was so cool how he came from the future and all!"

Light froze when he said this, "What?"

Shock smacked himself in the head, "Sorry, I keep forgetting you don't know this stuff. Maybe we can get you some old reports to read or something."

Rachael hopped up, "Well, I used to think Sonic still had feelings for Princess Elise. They weren't supposed to remember their encounter because they changed the past, but something happened. Silver stayed here and still lost his old girlfriend, everyone remembers what happened, but Iblis is gone. Not that it matters. Well, it's late. Why don't you bunk with me tonight Light? We can get you a cot in the morning."

Light nodded reluctantly. She was learning so much about her family that she didn't want to stop. However, she knew she'd probably have a long day tomorrow, and needed the sleep.

Everyone said their good nights and soon drifted to sleep. It took Light a lot longer, but her dreams overtook her eventually.

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